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Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

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It's a Good Life

Member since 8/06

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Isn't it obvious?

Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

No way, I would never get induced, unless it was a medical emergency and absolutely necessary.

Posted 2/10/11 7:22 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

I wouldn't.
I've heard too many stories about how inducing just makes for a really long and hard labor.
Besides, and this is just my own crazy brain at work here... I"m not a fan of jumpstarting mother nature.

Good luck with your decision.

Posted 2/10/11 8:00 AM

Welcome 2010!

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Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

I would not, but I was induced at 41 weeks, and it was a very long, hard labor. For me, it was not a good experience.

My labor lasted about 22 hours. I don't remember how long I pushed, at that point I was utterly exhausted. You can't really move around either since you are hooked up to monitors the whole time, so you pretty much need an epidural (don't know if that's a concern or not). My son went into distress twice, which was very scary. Nurses in the delivery room told me this is very common with inductions. A c-section was avoided, but frankly if I had to do it over, I may have done the c-section instead. Or insisted on it after the first episode of distress.

My recovery after labor was long--I really didn't feel well physically or mentally for quite a few weeks. I really think pitocin may have made my hormones even wackier than they would have been otherwise, although I have to say, this is based upon my own beliefs, I have never seen medical documentation proving this. But it makes sense when you think about it--getting pumped full of this must do something to you.

So no, I am not for scheduled inductions. As others have said also, you are rushing mother nature.

Posted 2/10/11 8:11 AM

My family is complete!

Member since 11/08

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Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

I wouldn't. My OB won't induce until 41 weeks unless there's reason. I had pre-eclampsia at 40 weeks and i was induced.

Posted 2/10/11 8:25 AM


Member since 4/07

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Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

See I know of one OB on LI that does this and all the girls that I have known to get induced wound up with NO c/s and an uneventful delivery.

Now personally mine would not do this unless a medical reason. He would not even consider induction until 41 weeks UNLESS medical reason.

I had Pre-eclampsia on the way to full blown eclampsia and was induced at 37 weeks 3 days and wound up with a C/S at 37 weeks 5 days.

So go figure.....I think a lot depends on how you are progressing. Are you effaced? dilated, position of the baby etc.

My OB point blank told me I was going to be a hard induction bc I was not progrossed at all. Plus my DD was very high.

But I had no choice bc I as hypertensive and symptomatic.

ETA: I had a picture perfect C section tho. I recovered sooo fast.

Message edited 2/10/2011 8:46:00 AM.

Posted 2/10/11 8:44 AM

my boys

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Wanda (formerly cw0904 on LIW)

Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

No. I pray that I never have to get induced unless its for a medical emergency. My ob mentioned he does them at 39. I said no way.

Posted 2/10/11 8:51 AM

Just another chapter in life..

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Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

Unless there was a medical reason to induce I would want to avoid that at all costs.

Posted 2/10/11 8:56 AM

my 2 boys

Member since 10/08

4240 total posts


Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

i was induced for mediical reasons at 37weeks 6 days. my high risk allwed me to go an extra day earlier bc he was scheduled to be in the hospital that specific day i was induced.
i winded up delivering 32 hrs later so he wasnt even around even if i needed him.. of course there was another high risk dr on call just in case but not someone i knew well.

for some people who choose induction to have a specific dr deliver -- it doesnt always happen.. ur labor can be quick or it can last hrs and hrs like mine did..

if it wasnt medically necessary - nope i wouldnt induce

Posted 2/10/11 8:59 AM

Two Under Two Mommy

Member since 3/08

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Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

Posted by NYchic

if you have absolutely zero progress going on down dilation, no effacement...then I would wait.
If you have some progress I'd do it.

This sounds like a plan. DS was actually born 1 week early at 39 weeks. I went into labor naturally but eventually needed to get induced anyways because my labor was not progressing fast enough.

I remember I was like 2cm dilated and 50% effaced by 36-37 weeks. If this pregnancy is similar, I'll just schedule an induction.

If I have no progress, I'll just wait.

Posted 2/10/11 10:33 AM

Two Under Two Mommy

Member since 3/08

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Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

Posted by jgl

no, not in your situation. Im surprised your DH would even consider this an option being that inductions have a high failure rate, so if you go through with this you should be prepared to get a c/s.

I was induced at 38 weeks, but for a medical reason. I ended up with a c/s.

ETA: my son came out not breathing. the main reason was because he wasnt really ready to come out and hadnt had the time to get much of the fluid out of him. It was the scariest moment of our lives. He wani the NICU our entire stay.

I don't think DH even knew that the chance of c-section goes up with induction. DH is a very specialized physician. He hasn't studied obgyn stuff since med school (6yrs ago). Obgyn is also the one rotation that he did not honor.

Posted 2/10/11 10:35 AM

Mommy of an angel

Member since 10/09

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Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

Posted by wingsofsong

Absolutely not. I am a firm believer that, unless medical intervention is necessary, the baby will come when he/she is ready. When they are forced out before they are "fully cooked," there can be complications, and that is not something I could ever justify as worth the risk.

I agree 100%!

Posted 2/10/11 10:38 AM

Life is good.

Member since 1/07

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Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

Absolutely not unless there was some medical necessity.

Posted 2/10/11 10:39 AM

BAM 2009
I am who I am!!!

Member since 5/09

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Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

If your OB is fine with it and you are fine with it, then yes....It is totally up to you and you only... Plenty of inductions don't end up with a c-section... Good luck with YOUR choice!

Posted 2/10/11 10:46 AM

Mommy of 2! Ty God

Member since 9/06

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Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

I was induced at 39 weeks (medical reason) but if I have another, Id ask my Dr if I can be induced again, medical or not. The induction was very successful and I only pushed for 10 mins. The whole labor start to finish was about 12 hours.

Posted 2/10/11 11:21 AM

Peanuts are here!

Member since 1/09

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Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

it seems in your case for scheduling that this would be ideal to have your husband available and i would probably schedule it to be safe. even though little one may arrive on his own schedule.

I was induced at 40 weeks b/c my original dr. left the practice at 36 weeks. I was stuck with the head dr. who had a wedding that weekend and would not be on call. and DH was opposed to me laboring at home and just wanted to schedule it and be in a hospital.

at my visit the nite before the due date they scheduled my induction for the next morning (my due date); i went into labor very early that morning anyway, but I was still at the hospital for my scheduled time and put on pitocin.

all was fine, I labored for 14 hours, pushed for 2 and had a normal delivery.

Eta: I was already 100%effaced and 3cm dilated so the baby was a coming at some point.

Maybe schedule it now and see how you progress when it gets closer to the date?

Message edited 2/10/2011 11:30:06 AM.

Posted 2/10/11 11:28 AM

Mommy to 3 Boys :)

Member since 5/05

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Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

I had a c-section at 39 weeks because my son was in an awkward position, I was not even a smidgen dilated or effaced and we had some decreased moverment. I said - let's get him out.

eta - my OB said we could induce but the way DS was positioned he was pretty sure it would wind up being a c-section anyway. So that's what we did.

Message edited 2/10/2011 12:10:04 PM.

Posted 2/10/11 12:09 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/07

1257 total posts


Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

I was induced at 39 weeks because my fluid was low. My obgyn actually wanted me to elect to have a c-section rather than be induced, but that's a whole different story. Anyways, when I said no to that, she gave me the strict guidelines about how I would need to progress to avoid a c-section. I delivered less than 24 hours later, under 2 hours pushing.

That's my story, and it all worked out really well in the end, but I'm not sure whether or not I would elect to be induced without a medical reason. In theory, since next time around it's my second, and if I knew my mom could be there with me instead, I probably wouldn't. But I couldn't have done it without DH the first time.

Posted 2/10/11 12:22 PM


Member since 2/06

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Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

only it it were medically necessary. Otherwise I'd elect to let nature take its course until such time they deem it becomes necessary.

Posted 2/10/11 12:36 PM

My greatest joy is my baby boy

Member since 1/07

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Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

personally, i am against it unles it is absolutely necessary.

Message edited 2/10/2011 1:12:03 PM.

Posted 2/10/11 1:09 PM

So Dam* Lucky

Member since 10/08

6368 total posts


Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

I would... and I did with my DS.

Induced at 39 weeks. Had him within a few hours of induction.

My older DD was born naturally at 39 weeks and my labor was SUPER fast so there was almost no fear at all that I would end up with a c-section.

We did it for scheduling reasons and to ensure that I could get an epi this time around.

There's always going to be someone who doesn't agree with your decision. If you and your doctor are comfortable with it, do it. If not, don't. It's a personal decision.

Posted 2/10/11 1:30 PM

party of five

Member since 9/06

11343 total posts


Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

No no no

My dr tried to have me do this for scheduling reasons and I absolutely refused

my baby was 6 lbs 13 oz when he was 9 days late after my due date....i shudder to think of what would happen if I listened to my ob

Posted 2/10/11 1:44 PM


Member since 6/08

3290 total posts


Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

Not a fan of inductions. Even in the case of a medical reason, C-Section rates are VERY high for inductions.

I was induced for a medical reason with my 1st and ended up having a c-section. Devastating to go through all that labor to end up in the operating room.


Posted 2/10/11 1:49 PM


Member since 5/05

14279 total posts


Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

I had an induction for medical reasons at 39 weeks. I didn't need a c/s. And to be honest, if I had another I'd really think about an induction because we have no family in the area and some degree of planning would have been needed so that someone was nearby to take care of my DD.

Posted 2/10/11 1:55 PM


Member since 4/07

7631 total posts


Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

Posted by CaseyGirl

I had a c-section at 39 weeks because my son was in an awkward position, I was not even a smidgen dilated or effaced and we had some decreased moverment. I said - let's get him out.

eta - my OB said we could induce but the way DS was positioned he was pretty sure it would wind up being a c-section anyway. So that's what we did.

I was very similar. I had 3 round sof cervadil and after the 2nd my OB wasnt happy that I didnt progress AT ALL and at that point he offered the C/S to me but I refused. By round 3 of unsuccessful cervadil I agreed to a section.

He said my DD was in the oddest position....not breech, she stuck somewjhere so all the inducing in the world would have never got her out.

Posted 2/10/11 1:56 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/09

1128 total posts


Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?

If I am lucky enough to avoid it I will NEVER get induced again. My daughter was in serious distress, because the contractions were too strong for her to handle, (I believe* it was because of the pitocin). I didn't realize how much trouble she was in till way after her birth. I only pushed for 15 minutes, thank god I was able to get her out before they had to do an emergency C section.

I was induced @ 41w 6 days.
When contractions kicked it, dd moved up! Chat Icon Chat Icon
Pitocin was started @ 8am, had her at 5pm.

Posted 2/10/11 2:00 PM
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