Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?
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Member since 5/05 3775 total posts
Name: Kathleen
Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?
I was induced at 39 weeks for both pregnancies. With my son, it was to ensure we had our high risk doc there, as well as the proper team in place. He had a heart defect so everything had to be planned out accordingly; from delivery to surgery. For my daughter, my blood pressure had been steadily skyrocketing throughout the whole last trimester. At my last visit, my OB just didn't think it was safe to be pregnant anymore. My baby was measuring large as well; they had her at around 8 lbs 16 oz. My inductions were successful and went very smoothly. That being said, I don't think I would opt for an induction unless there was a valid medical concern. We are planning to have one more child, and I hope to be able to let nature take its course.
Posted 2/10/11 2:04 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/06 9730 total posts
Name: K
Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?
I was induced at 39 weeks with my first son. No issues. I had a C section with my second at 38.5 weeks. I had complications with both that dictated that I deliver early.
Posted 2/10/11 2:35 PM |
Now a mommy of 2!!!

Member since 4/06 3164 total posts
Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?
Given your situation I would do it, but I was pretty laid back about the whole birth thing and did not care if I ended up with a c-section. As long as you are OK with the possibility that it may end up in a c-section.
My DD was born at 38 weeks (induced because of high BP, ended in c-section because she was stuck). My DS was born at 39 weeks (scheduled c-section). Both were born completely healthy and with no complications.
Posted 2/10/11 3:10 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 9/09 207 total posts
Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?
I understand your situation- is there anyway you can wait until 40 weeks or are you afraid that you would then just go into labor and maybe DH wouldn't be available?
I was induced at 39weeks 5days b/c i was leaking amniotic fluid. I was ready to go so didn't need cervadil...I feel like that made a difference b/c i had a normal and fast labor- pitocin started at 12:30 and had baby at 6:30 - pushed for about 40 minutes.
Not sure if there is any scientific data behind this but I feel like the girls who have to get cervadil and then wait the night and get the pitocin seem to have longer labors and more issues.
Posted 2/10/11 7:51 PM |
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