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LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/07 540 total posts
Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?
I was induced at 39 weeks, 2 days totally electively. No medical reason. my doctor said I was a good candidate for it, he also did inductions starting at 39 weeks.
I had a wonderful experience. Started pit at like 7:30, broke my water at about 8:45 and my DS was born at 12:47.
Posted 2/9/11 4:12 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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♥ Lucas and Layla

Member since 8/08 2979 total posts
Name: Jenise
Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?
I did. When we found out we could I was all for it so that I'd have DS before Christmas .. I did NOT end up with a c section so I thought it was great! Haha
Posted 2/9/11 4:15 PM |
I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05 20105 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?
No, I would not want to be induced without medical reasoning. I am not really a fan of delivering babies "for scheduling purposes."
Posted 2/9/11 4:17 PM |
My two boys!

Member since 5/05 7279 total posts
Name: Rebecca
Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?
No. I was induced at 42 weeks and DS was only 6 lbs, 3 oz. He would have been so tiny if he was born at 39 weeks. I believe in letting babies come when they are ready.
That being said, I totally understand why for this one I am having a c-section at 39 weeks.
Posted 2/9/11 4:39 PM |
Love my little man

Member since 8/05 16290 total posts
Name: Randi
Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?
Given your situation, I would.
I had an augmented delivery-- water broke, but wasn't in active labor and 5 days late. Did pitocin, etc. and had no issues.
Posted 2/9/11 4:41 PM |
Mom of 3

Member since 11/05 13118 total posts
Name: B
Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?
I was induced at 38 weeks for medical reasons. I would never choose to be induced for scheduling reasons especially before my EDD.
Posted 2/9/11 4:42 PM |
Girl & boy

Member since 6/09 2357 total posts
Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?
if you have absolutely zero progress going on down dilation, no effacement...then I would wait. If you have some progress I'd do it.
Posted 2/9/11 4:58 PM |
Pookie Love

Member since 5/05 20229 total posts
Name: Michal
Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?
Posted by Aries14
no, I wouldn't unless for a true medical reason
Same here.
Posted 2/9/11 5:18 PM |

Member since 1/06 4593 total posts
Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?
No way, unless a dire emergency for Mom or Baby...
All of our DC arrived at 42 weeks on their own...
Posted 2/9/11 5:33 PM |
All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05 20181 total posts
Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?
My 2nd was a 39 week induction born in 20 minutes and 3 pushes LOL I walked into my induction in full blown labor and 6 cm dilated.
Posted 2/9/11 5:37 PM |
<3 <3 <3 <3

Member since 1/06 19197 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?
Both my kids were born at 39 weeks.
I was induced at 39 weeks with DD due to my GD. I had a very quick and easy induction and delivery.
I had a scheduled c-section with DS due to the location of my placenta.
I wouldn't go for an inducement unless it was a medical necessity.
Posted 2/9/11 5:44 PM |

Member since 7/09 9209 total posts
Name: Shana
Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?
I hear you, DH is a physician, and to ensure he would be there for me was soooo stressful. I was very picky about my OB, and to ensure my high profile very busy OB would be there was also sooo stressful.
They both advised that I induce earlier. I stuck it out till 41 weeks, up to the point where my OB told me "either you get induced tomorrow, or you are no longer my patient" I understood her, she understood me, she was at my bedside almost the entire time I was in labor. My husband was too.
I think I got lucky, looking back almost a year later, I would have induced at 39 weeks, like they where advising me I should. It makes a huge difference to have the right doctor at your side. And if your doctor is a busy one, and its really important to you they be the one deliver, I would induce.
Having my doctor by my side meant I was spared a c-section. I was given lowest dose of pitocin for longer period of time, I had 3 of the top nurses in the hospital and was treated like a queen.
Message edited 2/9/2011 5:46:07 PM.
Posted 2/9/11 5:44 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 11/05 805 total posts
Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?
I would never get induced unless it was medically necessary. Scheduling isn't a medical reason.
Posted 2/9/11 5:53 PM |
Member since 9/05 4947 total posts
Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?
I was so tempted to do this but I didn't and ended up letting things happen naturally and I delivered on my due date.
So no, I wouldn't schedule an induction for convenience reasons.
Wishing you an easy delivery!
Posted 2/9/11 5:56 PM |
My 3 little loves <3<3<3

Member since 1/09 7395 total posts
Name: Maureen
Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?
Absolutely not. I am a firm believer that, unless medical intervention is necessary, the baby will come when he/she is ready. When they are forced out before they are "fully cooked," there can be complications, and that is not something I could ever justify as worth the risk.
Posted 2/9/11 6:03 PM |
He's here!
Member since 12/06 9289 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?
I was induced at 39 weeks. I had GD. If I was in your situation to be sure DH was with me, I would definitely schedule an induction.
Posted 2/9/11 6:14 PM |

Member since 5/08 1814 total posts
Name: T
Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?
Posted by mrswask
Posted by Aries14
no, I wouldn't unless for a true medical reason
Same here.
Ditto. Absolutely not.
Posted 2/9/11 9:05 PM |
Little Brother Christopher

Member since 2/07 6815 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?
I would...
Posted 2/9/11 9:13 PM |

Member since 5/07 2509 total posts
Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?
No - I would only induce for medical reasons.
Posted 2/9/11 9:43 PM |
I'm cranky

Member since 7/06 18178 total posts
Name: Mama Cranky
Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?
I was induced (for medical reasons) both pregnancies and I didn't need a c section.
However, with my DD-the induction took Sun-Tues and I had 3 different doctors so, no guarantees anyway.
I don't know that I would opt for an induction unless it was medically required.
Posted 2/9/11 9:53 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 2/09 1217 total posts
Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?
Are you dilated? If so, then induction is more likely to work (or so I've been told). If not, I'd think a c-section is more likely. That being said, I was 4cm dilated for 4 weeks and 1 week overdue...I wanted to wait longer, but was vetoed by the OBGYN! I was induced and had a very straightforward v-birth.
If the baby is on the bigger side, that may also be another good reason to induce. It would make a v-birth easier.
Posted 2/9/11 10:10 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 3/08 4539 total posts
Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?
probably not, but because i wanted the experience of going into labor, and because epis don't work on me and i am therefore terrified of inductions (because contractions can be more intense). Also because if you are not ready, you could end up with a C section, and personally, I really didnt want a c section. But, my dr said there is no benefit to being pregnant beyond 39 weeks. So , I wouldnt be afraid that the baby wasnt mature enough. HTH
Posted 2/9/11 10:16 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 8/06 1464 total posts
Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?
My DH is also a fellow. so i totally get about the coverage. but still, I wouldn't. actually, with my DS, OB wanted ot induce at 39weeks- i was 4cm dilated and 75% effaced from about 36 weeks. DH was adamant that he wanted ot wait, he didn't want to risk even the slightest increase in chance for a c. I was all set up to be induced on due date- OB did not want me going late at all, but I went into labor hte night before. DH was not able to get off the next day, btu it was fine. I had the baby in the hospital where he works, he was able ot come and go when he had a minute.
Posted 2/9/11 10:45 PM |
Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?
I wasn't induced but I scheduled a C at 39 weeks. I don't see any reason not to get induced if your OB will do it unless you don't want to. As long as you are aware that a c/s is always a possibility (and I think it always is when you deal with inductions), I would go for it.
Posted 2/9/11 10:51 PM |
Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07 9764 total posts
Name: Tricia
Re: Did/would you get induced at 39 weeks?
I was induced at 37 weeks because I had pre-e.
But, in your situation NOPE. I wouldn't. My induction lasted 54 hours because I had a very patient midwife and dr. that were willing to wait that long to give me a chance. They tried many different methods that most dr.'s don't even try. So If I was with a regular OB.. I would have been sectioned.
Let nature take it's course. Not everything has to be planned. I am pretty appalled that the dr. is suggesting. Very unprofessional. It's reasons like this that LI has the highest c section in the country. (over 50%!!)
Posted 2/10/11 6:43 AM |
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