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LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/05 689 total posts
Name: no
Re: For Those
I guess I would be one of those missing the maternal chip. I don't hate kids. I just don't want any. I knew from the time I was 18 that I would never be a mother. I would be a terrible mother. I have little patience, I like solitude, and my temper can be cruel and quick. Why would I subject a kid to that? So they can find a message board 20 years down the road and write how their mother is this horrible person or have their spouses write how their MIL screwed up their DH/DW? I can remember so clearly when I realized that I would never have children. Don't think it was done lightly. I still sometimes see a baby and my chest gets tight, I feel like a failure. Or better, when my friends all start talking kids and then practically pat me on the head while telling me I wouldn't understand because I don't have any. How about being left out of a co-worker's baby shower because it was assumed I was anti-kid? I've gone off on a tangent, but basically what I'm saying is that I'm not mother material. I've accepted it. I just wish those of us who made this tough choice ( and it is hard) wouldn't get treated as kid-hating, ignorant of all things children based pariahs.
Posted 3/26/09 10:47 PM |
my little monkey<3

Member since 5/08 3303 total posts
Name: Nik
Re: For Those
hmmmm this confuses me....
i can totally 100% understand not wanting to have kids and not being interested in things that have to do with pregnancy or children - i get that...
the thing i dont understand is being grossed out about it its the human body - what is there to be grossed out about? i think pregnancy and birth is a really amazing thing - and to me that has nothing to do with wanting kids or not - its just the body and it was made to do those things and to me its amazing and interesting and beautiful - and not just for humans for all types of life....
i dont see how you could think a pregnant belly or a sonogram picture is gross im being honest, that is kind of weird to me
i can understand not wanting to hear the details about the birth and things like that - but pregnancy is such a natural thing and SO MANY women are pregnant or have been pregnant around you (your mom, grandma, great grandma, etc ) i just dont know why the thought of it makes some people sick?? its kind of weird to me, i dont mean it in a bad way i just dont understand why
i understand not wanting kids but to think that pregnancy is gross or pregnant people are gross is kind of weird to me 
Message edited 3/27/2009 9:43:16 AM.
Posted 3/27/09 9:41 AM |
BOOOO for fall!

Member since 7/06 10082 total posts
Name: Meaning a NON ttcer!
Re: For Those
Posted by Nik211
hmmmm this confuses me....
i can totally 100% understand not wanting to have kids and not being interested in things that have to do with pregnancy or children - i get that...
the thing i dont understand is being grossed out about it its the human body - what is there to be grossed out about? i think pregnancy and birth is a really amazing thing - and to me that has nothing to do with wanting kids or not - its just the body and it was made to do those things and to me its amazing and interesting and beautiful - and not just for humans for all types of life....
i dont see how you could think a pregnant belly or a sonogram picture is gross im being honest, that is kind of weird to me
i can understand not wanting to hear the details about the birth and things like that - but pregnancy is such a natural thing and SO MANY women are pregnant or have been pregnant around you (your mom, grandma, great grandma, etc ) i just dont know why the thought of it makes some people sick?? its kind of weird to me, i dont mean it in a bad way i just dont understand why
i understand not wanting kids but to think that pregnancy is gross or pregnant people are gross is kind of weird to me 
I don't think pregnancy is gross or pregnant people are gross. I just don't feel comfortable touching someone's belly to feel the baby kick or anything like that. I mean I wouldn't touch someone's belly when they weren't pregnant, why all of a sudden is it ok just because there is now a baby in there?
And I also feel that certain things are very intimate- like sonogram pictures of the inside of your uterus etc... and it makes me uncomfortable. If I was pregnant I don't think I would share those things with others. But that is just me- I'm not comfortable with sharing what I feel is a very intimate thing like that with everyone.. .again that is just me and I don't think people who feel differently are gross at all.
Posted 3/27/09 2:13 PM |
my little monkey<3

Member since 5/08 3303 total posts
Name: Nik
Re: For Those
Posted by anonttcer
Posted by Nik211
hmmmm this confuses me....
i can totally 100% understand not wanting to have kids and not being interested in things that have to do with pregnancy or children - i get that...
the thing i dont understand is being grossed out about it its the human body - what is there to be grossed out about? i think pregnancy and birth is a really amazing thing - and to me that has nothing to do with wanting kids or not - its just the body and it was made to do those things and to me its amazing and interesting and beautiful - and not just for humans for all types of life....
i dont see how you could think a pregnant belly or a sonogram picture is gross im being honest, that is kind of weird to me
i can understand not wanting to hear the details about the birth and things like that - but pregnancy is such a natural thing and SO MANY women are pregnant or have been pregnant around you (your mom, grandma, great grandma, etc ) i just dont know why the thought of it makes some people sick?? its kind of weird to me, i dont mean it in a bad way i just dont understand why
i understand not wanting kids but to think that pregnancy is gross or pregnant people are gross is kind of weird to me 
I don't think pregnancy is gross or pregnant people are gross. I just don't feel comfortable touching someone's belly to feel the baby kick or anything like that. I mean I wouldn't touch someone's belly when they weren't pregnant, why all of a sudden is it ok just because there is now a baby in there?
And I also feel that certain things are very intimate- like sonogram pictures of the inside of your uterus etc... and it makes me uncomfortable. If I was pregnant I don't think I would share those things with others. But that is just me- I'm not comfortable with sharing what I feel is a very intimate thing like that with everyone.. .again that is just me and I don't think people who feel differently are gross at all.
that makes sense - i hear what you're saying and i agree - and i totally get the sonogram thing, i never even thought of it like that - i guess some people get so excited that they just want to show everyone?
i do know some ppl IRL that are very immature about pregnancy and i don't get them and i want to say "hellooooo where do u think u came from!?!?!?" 
Posted 3/27/09 6:00 PM |
Member since 1/06 9758 total posts
Re: For Those
For a long time I felt the same way, I never imagined myself having kids. I thought maybe it was because I was an only child. I had no interest. It really ticked me off when people would say oh you will change your mind. Then one day my cousin had a baby and I held her and that was it for me. It made my clock start ticking and now I am pregnant.
Posted 3/27/09 8:02 PM |
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