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For Those

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Mommy to 2 amazing little boys

Member since 5/05

9306 total posts


Re: For Those

Posted by Bxgell2

Wow... it's amazing how quickly the drama brewed!

I just have to say, as a parent myself, ... I'm not in the least bit offended by any of the comments on here, particularly Ophelia's.

To be totally honest, those were all the same fears I had prior to getting pregnant. I always felt I didn't have that maternal gene because the idea of pregnancy never sat well with me - I feared what it would do to my body, I feared what it would to my life, my career, my identity, and to my relationship with my DH.

I didn't take her post as a bash against women who have had children, but more of an honest post laying out her deepest fears about pregnancy and motherhood, that I'm sure many mothers have faced. At least, I know I did. And I only wish that people were more honest with these fears and talked about them, rather than glorify pregnancy and motherhood, and glib it over as something entirely different than what it is.

From my own experience, yup, pregnancy was hard. I was sick as a dog my first pregnancy and gained a ridiculous amount of weight. My body morphed into something I didn't recognize.

But, to all those who fear these things, I want to tell you that your fears are normal and natural, and speaking as a woman who experienced all those things, and who can be honest about how difficult pregnancy and motherhood can be, I can also say, without a doubt, that the struggles I endured to become the mother of the fiesty, spirited, crazy smart little monkey I adore were COMPLETELY worth it. And with a little time, and a little effort, I regained myself, found a completely new, unimaginable love in my DH and my child, and found a new comfort zone for myself and my identity that I wouldn't give up for the world.

I agree with Beth 100%. There was no reason to get offended IMO, she wasnt saying my husband isnt attracted to me, she didnt say YOU lost your identity, etc.

Many of the things she posted and other posted are just the normal thoughts one has both before and immediately after having a child.

And honestly I agree that more people need to lay it out there about motherhood and prenancy. I thought I had to and woudl love pregnancy, honestly I hated every minute, I didnt like the way I felt, I didnt like feeling like my body wasnt my own, I didnt like feeling my DS kick the heck out of me for hours each day. I just thought pregnnacy was the worst. But in the end I would have all those feelings every day of my life just to see my DS's smile!

Motherhood is the most challenging thing I have ever done, some days it breaks me and others I feel like King of the world. But I woudlnt trade my DS -- He has enhanced my identity, he has challenged and streghtened my relationship with DH, he has encouraged me to be a better me.

I personally do feel it was rude of PPs to come on a thread that was specifically about how women felt about being childless and attack their feelings and thought on the subject. Inject your opinion but to attack IMO was unnecessary of the women WITH children to do.

Posted 3/11/09 11:35 PM

Loving life

Member since 7/06

4088 total posts


Re: For Those

I am a parent and I can't believe the drama that this thread has caused.

Before I was pregnant, during pregnancy and sometimes even after pregnancy I worried about being fat, getting stretch marks and losing weight. I am not sure, but I probably posted about it too. Nobody took offense.

I have seen posts on the parenting board about stomache viruses. At times parents have posted a fear that their child might catch the virus and yet that did not insult the parents of the children who already had it. How could being afraid and worried about a stomache virus or about getting fat and having stretch marks be offending? They are all legit fears. I am betting that we could find a post on the pregnancy board about how to keep stretch marks away!

I think it is great that childless couples have a place to discuss those concerns and I think some people might be a little too quick to judge. It would be different if they said, "All mothers are fat and ugly" or something.

Good luck with this board. I hope it works out.

Posted 3/12/09 1:19 AM

she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06

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remember, when Gulliver traveled....

Re: For Those

for those

that understood where I was coming from, I thank you.

that outwardly defended me, thank you.

for those that I inadvertantly upset, I do apologize (especially if I haven't already done so personally through fm).

for those women that have gone through it already, and have shared their stories and in a certain way, validated my have no idea how much it means to me.

you really don't.

and no matter what path your life is on, I wish you all joy, fulfilment, love, and happiness.


for the OP and the other posters on this thread that bared a part of themselves and their feelings, Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon there is no wrong way to feel.

Message edited 3/12/2009 11:08:06 AM.

Posted 3/12/09 11:05 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/08

885 total posts


Re: For Those

I just wanted to comment that I for one, am NOT offended that Ophelia is worried about getting stretch marks!
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Posted 3/13/09 11:10 AM

Cocktail Time!

Member since 10/08

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American mouth

Re: For Those

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I don't think I am missing a female chip per se, I just don't think my baby switch has been flipped yet, KWIM?

We have still have a couple years, in my mind...We'll wait and see what happens!

ETA: I completely agree with the PP. This is a board for childless families (by choice or not.) As harsh as this may sound, I do not think mothers from the other boards should come her and attack our posts. Lurk, whatever, but posting this will lead to endless debates, pitting this childless against the parents and this is WHY this board was created.

I am really sorry, flame away, but like others have said, we don't go on parenting telling you how to raise your child, please don't come her and try to give advice or butt in. Sorry. I am actually quite peeved at those of you who don't seem to GET why this board is here. Already stirring the pot when it doesn't involve you. Boo.

Message edited 3/14/2009 9:49:24 AM.

Posted 3/14/09 9:42 AM

I'll be there soon!

Member since 1/08

6549 total posts


Re: For Those

I honestly don't think Ophelia has anything to apologize for or say she's sorry if people were offended. She wasn't speaking of others, only herself, very clearly.

If you post and say "I" feel this way about "me" and my life, MYOB, they are not talking about you and how they feel about you. Don't assume they feel that way about you.

Disagreeing is fine, even trying to explain the other side and give another perspective, is fine. I just don't understand how someone can be offended about how someone else feels about themselves.
Chat Icon Doesn't make sense to me.

Posted 3/14/09 10:52 PM

I'm a Big Brother

Member since 5/06

8041 total posts


Re: For Those

Posted by Ophelia

for those

that understood where I was coming from, I thank you.

that outwardly defended me, thank you.

for those that I inadvertantly upset, I do apologize (especially if I haven't already done so personally through fm).

for those women that have gone through it already, and have shared their stories and in a certain way, validated my have no idea how much it means to me.

you really don't.

and no matter what path your life is on, I wish you all joy, fulfilment, love, and happiness.


for the OP and the other posters on this thread that bared a part of themselves and their feelings, Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon there is no wrong way to feel.

Everyone is entitled to their feelings and you are absolutely right....there is NO wrong way to feel.

Deciding to have/not have children is a VERY personal decision and for those who didn't have a choice could be the most difficult pill to swallow. But to respect each other and their individual lifestyle is what I thought LIF was all about. I'm glad this board is a safe haven for those of you who need it. I'm a people person and love to gain insight on different opinions and motivations, so I lurk (usually) on all the different boards. I find it helpful in my therapy practice to understand where others are coming from.

fwiw....i had many of the same fears as you Ophelia, but not all pregnancies are like that. Everyone has a different experience. Yes...I got fat and my feet swelled like Fred Flintstone BUT I had no stretch marks, did not get sick once, my skin was incredible and I generally LOVED being pregnant. My DH found me sexyChat Icon

I just wanted you to know you CAN have a positive experience as well.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/16/09 9:28 AM

Bring on the glitter and bows!

Member since 6/08

15158 total posts


Re: For Those

I am ignoring all the drama, and going to just answer the question. Chat Icon to all those who were flamed for no reason!

I am not into having a baby, I don't know if I have no "chip" but I just never thought of myself as a mom. I think that it must be hard to put yourself out there for someone else all the time. I give people credit who do. But it is a choice and I have decided (for now) that is something that I am not doing.

I heard a Mom and daughter (daughter looked to be in her 20-30's) having a discussion about the "identity" issue. The Mom was saying that she "lost herself for the past 20 years". The daughter looked like she was going to cry.. I would never want to feel like either one of them.

DH's mom basically said the same thing to FIL when she divorced him. That she needed to find herself, because the marriage and kids stole her identity.

Posted 3/16/09 7:08 PM

The loves of my life :)

Member since 6/08

4276 total posts


Re: For Those

Posted by kimbalina

I am ignoring all the drama, and going to just answer the question. Chat Icon to all those who were flamed for no reason!

I am not into having a baby, I don't know if I have no "chip" but I just never thought of myself as a mom. I think that it must be hard to put yourself out there for someone else all the time. I give people credit who do. But it is a choice and I have decided (for now) that is something that I am not doing.

I heard a Mom and daughter (daughter looked to be in her 20-30's) having a discussion about the "identity" issue. The Mom was saying that she "lost herself for the past 20 years". The daughter looked like she was going to cry.. I would never want to feel like either one of them.

DH's mom basically said the same thing to FIL when she divorced him. That she needed to find herself, because the marriage and kids stole her identity.

Im only quoting Kim's post b/c it was the most recent one about identity issues.

I honestly dont see how having a child makes you lose your identity? Someone said they dont want to be known only as so-and-so's mom. But what about getting married? Why weren't they scared they'd only be known as so-and-so's wife? And Im really asking this because I cant see it happening and maybe someone can explain their point of view to me more thoroughly.

Posted 3/16/09 7:41 PM

Bring on the glitter and bows!

Member since 6/08

15158 total posts


Re: For Those

Posted by cds58019

Posted by kimbalina

I am ignoring all the drama, and going to just answer the question. Chat Icon to all those who were flamed for no reason!

I am not into having a baby, I don't know if I have no "chip" but I just never thought of myself as a mom. I think that it must be hard to put yourself out there for someone else all the time. I give people credit who do. But it is a choice and I have decided (for now) that is something that I am not doing.

I heard a Mom and daughter (daughter looked to be in her 20-30's) having a discussion about the "identity" issue. The Mom was saying that she "lost herself for the past 20 years". The daughter looked like she was going to cry.. I would never want to feel like either one of them.

DH's mom basically said the same thing to FIL when she divorced him. That she needed to find herself, because the marriage and kids stole her identity.

Im only quoting Kim's post b/c it was the most recent one about identity issues.

I honestly dont see how having a child makes you lose your identity? Someone said they dont want to be known only as so-and-so's mom. But what about getting married? Why weren't they scared they'd only be known as so-and-so's wife? And Im really asking this because I cant see it happening and maybe someone can explain their point of view to me more thoroughly.

I think you have a good point. I know it was hard for me to take DH's name at first. I contemplated just adding his name after my original last name, finally I decided to take his name.

I guess it the loss of identity with a major change. So people go through this with massive weight loss also. They are not sure who they are, or were.

Posted 3/16/09 8:08 PM

2nd verse same as the 1st

Member since 5/05

15287 total posts


Re: For Those

Posted by cds58019
Im only quoting Kim's post b/c it was the most recent one about identity issues.

I honestly dont see how having a child makes you lose your identity? Someone said they dont want to be known only as so-and-so's mom. But what about getting married? Why weren't they scared they'd only be known as so-and-so's wife? And Im really asking this because I cant see it happening and maybe someone can explain their point of view to me more thoroughly.

When I think "lose your indentity" with regards to becoming a mother, I think of women that seem to forget they were their own person with adult interests before they had children. After they have children, they rarely if ever socialize. When they do they only talk about their children. That sort of thing.

Of course this does not apply to all mothers nor does it mean that mothers should never talk about their children.

Posted 3/16/09 8:57 PM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: For Those

Posted by cds58019
I honestly dont see how having a child makes you lose your identity? Someone said they dont want to be known only as so-and-so's mom. But what about getting married? Why weren't they scared they'd only be known as so-and-so's wife? And Im really asking this because I cant see it happening and maybe someone can explain their point of view to me more thoroughly.

I can see how it happens and have seen it happen, thankfully though, none of my friends have gone through it.

Having a baby is really a whole different universe compared to getting married. I know, at least, for me, getting married was really a matter of adjusting to having another partner in my life - an equal partner who shared in many aspects of my life with me. It was an adjustment, but it never consumed my life.

Having a baby is different. First, it completely transforms your body. Some love pregnancy, others go through immense torture for 9 months, and have a really tough time coming to terms with the fact that your body is no longer your own for those months, and for as long as you nurse. It's a hard concept to explain, but when I am pregnant and nursing, I really do feel that my body turns into a vessel whose soul purpose is to sustain another life.

And when that baby comes out -your whole world turns upside down. Most women stay home during maternity leave and generally take on the bulk of the baby responsibilities, which are totally consuming! Your life, which used to be about meeting your girlfriends for lunch, or getting together with co-workers for an important brainstorming session, or making important calls, is now about changing a myriad of diapers, burping, consoling, rocking, nursing, feeding and doing whatever it takes to get that baby to sleep. There are no breaks in the beginning - a good day for me was a day I could squeeze in a shower between the incessant crying and the nursing sessions.

And unfortunately, some women never come out of that. For me, I HAD to - I had to find some normalcy in my life, albeit a new one, that wasn't just about taking care of a baby all day. I had to make some GREAT efforts to regain focus on my marriage instead of solely on my baby, and on my career, but I like to think that, after a year of struggling harder than I ever have in my life, I was able to achieve that balance. And while my daughter does take up an enormous chunk of my time and attention, I do have other outlets that are for myself solely and for my husband solely.

I think it's really about the choices you make. I can see how women can easily lose their identity if they don't strive to find that balance for themselves, but I can also speak from my own experience, that if you make the effort, it can be done, and quite happily.

Posted 3/17/09 7:48 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/08

582 total posts


Re: For Those

bxgell - thank you for all of you honesty, it is really "real" and makes me feel like less of a freak. I though because I had these feelings I was not cut out for motherhood, but maybe that is not the case. You didn't sugar coat everything like the ppl in my life do right now, and I really appreciate that.

As for ppl that have taken offense to this thread, that was not the intention. It was how I was feeling and not meant to be taken personally, I was speaking of myself and the ppl in my life not anyone here.

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Posted 3/17/09 9:21 AM

. . . . .

Member since 3/09

8268 total posts


Re: For Those

I joined because I want to be in a place where I can be childless and not be attacked for being childless.

I am me.
I am a wife.
I am a daughter.
I am an auntie.
I am not a mother and never will be.

Let me explain further. I always wanted children, but the moon and the stars did not line up properly and it was not meant to be.
My husband and I were both older when we married, and I knew coming into this marriage that he did not want children. I can't force him to change his mind, I would be over the moon if he did, but I'm already 42 years old, quite old to go into a first time pregnancy. He's 47. We have the responsibility of looking after our dads, our mom's both passed away after long illnesses.

We have made a choice not to have children. It is our choice and all that we ask is that others respect that decision.

Posted 3/17/09 9:51 AM


Member since 5/07

9579 total posts


Re: For Those

Posted by SusiBee

I joined because I want to be in a place where I can be childless and not be attacked for being childless.

I am me.
I am a wife.
I am a daughter.
I am an auntie.
I am not a mother and never will be.

Let me explain further. I always wanted children, but the moon and the stars did not line up properly and it was not meant to be.
My husband and I were both older when we married, and I knew coming into this marriage that he did not want children. I can't force him to change his mind, I would be over the moon if he did, but I'm already 42 years old, quite old to go into a first time pregnancy. He's 47. We have the responsibility of looking after our dads, our mom's both passed away after long illnesses.

We have made a choice not to have children. It is our choice and all that we ask is that others respect that decision.

THIS is why this board was created.......To everyone talking about how great children and pg are I again say....I do not go on Diet and Fitness and post a 10,000,000 calorie chocolate cake recipe.

Posted 3/17/09 9:56 AM

. . . . .

Member since 3/09

8268 total posts


Re: For Those

May I also add that I am selfish.
I want to be shielded from baby dust, talk of TTC, pics of sonograms, because it is just another stab in my heart.
Outward I will congratulate you on news of your pregnancy and wish you the best, but inward I cry and have myself my own private pity party.

So, to all the mothers, please respect us and our childless status.

Posted 3/17/09 10:17 AM

Insert Witty Comment Here

Member since 5/07

8274 total posts


Re: For Those

Posted by SusiBee

May I also add that I am selfish.
I want to be shielded from baby dust, talk of TTC, pics of sonograms, because it is just another stab in my heart.
Outward I will congratulate you on news of your pregnancy and wish you the best, but inward I cry and have myself my own private pity party.

So, to all the mothers, please respect us and our childless status.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/17/09 10:18 AM

I'll be there soon!

Member since 1/08

6549 total posts


Re: For Those

Posted by SusiBee

May I also add that I am selfish.
I want to be shielded from baby dust, talk of TTC, pics of sonograms, because it is just another stab in my heart.
Outward I will congratulate you on news of your pregnancy and wish you the best, but inward I cry and have myself my own private pity party.

So, to all the mothers, please respect us and our childless status.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

After 3 miscarriages, counless failed IUI's and 2 failed IVF cycles, I am very close to being done TTC, I feel the same way you do.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/17/09 10:27 AM

last month on leave!

Member since 6/08

4551 total posts


Re: For Those

Posted by IrishLass

Posted by SusiBee

May I also add that I am selfish.
I want to be shielded from baby dust, talk of TTC, pics of sonograms, because it is just another stab in my heart.
Outward I will congratulate you on news of your pregnancy and wish you the best, but inward I cry and have myself my own private pity party.

So, to all the mothers, please respect us and our childless status.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

After 3 miscarriages, counless failed IUI's and 2 failed IVF cycles, I am very close to being done TTC, I feel the same way you do.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/17/09 10:52 AM

Baby #5 on the way!

Member since 9/05

7919 total posts


Re: For Those

I am a mom who was pregnant before my 1 year Anniversary and always knew I wanted to have a large family. But I dont understand how anyone could be hurt by Ophelia's post. Those are her fears, and they are valid.

I do think some mothers may lose their identity, as they LET their children run their lives. I go out, take my kids where most people wouldnt, and my children go with the flow. I ENJOY my NEW identity because it doesnt hold me back, just gives me more to be proud of. But that wont be the same for everybody. I know people who have had kids and sit home every day and night and complain all the time about it. So it is a very real concern for those that dont have kids yet.

And come on, I bet there are very few of us moms that didnt worry about stretch marks, getting fat, and what our husbands would think of our new bodies. I still worry, two years later, about loose skin!

I hope you all enjoy your new board! I think its a great idea!

Posted 3/18/09 9:12 AM

MBA at your service!

Member since 7/06

12020 total posts


Re: For Those

Posted by cds58019

I honestly dont see how having a child makes you lose your identity? Someone said they dont want to be known only as so-and-so's mom. But what about getting married? Why weren't they scared they'd only be known as so-and-so's wife? And Im really asking this because I cant see it happening and maybe someone can explain their point of view to me more thoroughly.

Just wanted to say that on the first page-- I was one of the people who said they have a fear of being known only as "so-and-so's mommy" instead of who I am.

The difference to me in getting married and forming a partnership with my husband, is that its just that...a partnership. We are two halves of a whole that is our relationship....but no matter what....we are our own individuals as well. So I don't see getting married as just being known as my husband's wife or vice versa.

I know many family members and friends who have had children and their children become their everything. And I don't mean in the "well of course the kid is important" kind of way -- I mean in just putting their entire being into their child(ren). Conversations can not be had unless its about the kids, they seem to almost ignore their DH/DWs and focus all attention on the kids, friends are forgotten, and just individuality seems to disappear.

This does not mean that I am saying ALL turn out that way, but one of MY personal fears is becoming a mom like that. Because really, no one ever wants to start out that way, they just gravitate towards it without realizing anything. My sister is that kind of parent - and I've watched her marriage crumble thru the years as she is very child centric with their 2 kids. Now the kids are getting older -- and I can honestly say that I don't think her and my BIL even like each other anymore.

There is a reason why the divorce rate of couples after 15-20 years of marriage has been rising. Many times, when the kids are grown, you turn around, look at your spouse and say "I don't even know you anymore"....and that is a giant fear of mine. It doesn't mean I think all couples will be that way, but IMO I have a fear of losing my identity by putting all attention on my a child, and forgetting everyone around me. But again, that is just ME.

Message edited 3/18/2009 1:39:53 PM.

Posted 3/18/09 1:37 PM

I love my kids

Member since 5/05

2885 total posts


Re: For Those

As a mom of two I would just like to say that everyone has a right to be afraid of getting pregnant. For physical and emotional reasons it is scary. I never thought I was the mommy type. I was scared of how I was going to handle having kids. I was afraid of what my husband would think of me as I gained weight. I was nervous about what it would do to my relationship with my husband. I realized that my life as I knew it was never going to be the same. I would no longer be able to just go out after work with my friends to get drinks without figuring out baby sitting. I knew that I would lose myself in a way until I figured out how to redefine my identity. I knew it was going to be hard for me and my husband to find ourselves again. Our life was no longer going to just be about us. Every decision that we now make involves our kids.

The first year after having my daughter was difficult because we were learning how to handle sooooo many things. There was taking care of this little baby. There was dealing with the emotions of now having a child in our life. We had to learn how to make time to be together. It was a struggle but we did it. Now with 2 kids we have found a balance in life. Yes I have lost the identity that I had before I had kids. But I now have a new identity. I have learned how to make time for myself. I have learned how to keep romance in my relationship with my husband. I have learned how to accept all of the physical changes that my body went through for having 2 kids. I have learned to combine my old life with my new life so that I can be happy.

My point is all of your fears are valid and you all have every right to feel them. And you know what some marriages do fail after having children. And we could debate until we're blue in the face if those marriages would have failed eventually anyway. But at the end of the day every couple has to do what's right for them. And for some people not having children is what's right for them. I have learned that having children was one of the best things that DH and I could have done for our relationship because we both love being parents and we both love seeing each other as a parent. But I do feel that having kids is not for everyone and I don't think anyone should be judged for it or looked down upon. I also think that this board is a great idea and I hope you all enjoy it.

Posted 3/19/09 11:09 PM


Member since 1/08

8363 total posts


Re: For Those

Posted by anonttcer

Posted by Ophelia

I think pregnancy is truly heinous.

I am not meant for it.

but I really truly ADORE kids.

so I will suck it up.

but if I could just spring one forth from my head, I would do it in a heartbeat.

there is NOTHING appealing to me about pregnancy...and I feel like I will go to hell for it.

and I feel like I am cursing my unborn child by saying it (though truly, I do not mean to)

I think it's especially awful b/c we have these duling roles for women now.

be hot, sexy, flawless, gorgeous...but then

get fat, get stretch marks, get pregnancy acnes, barf all day, feel like shyte, lose your will to live

so you can become a mother.

and so your husband will never look at you the same.

it sucks.Chat Icon

OMG you said it 100% right!
I am honestly not even as afraid of raising a child and the changes and sacrafices it will bring- as I am of the process of pregnancy and child birth.
I dream of having a surrogate carry my child, adopting, all these terrible selfish things.
I can't seem to get past it though...

Message edited 3/20/2009 6:41:53 AM.

Posted 3/19/09 11:20 PM

My Girl

Member since 7/06

3395 total posts


Re: For Those

Posted by SusiBee

May I also add that I am selfish.
I want to be shielded from baby dust, talk of TTC, pics of sonograms, because it is just another stab in my heart.
Outward I will congratulate you on news of your pregnancy and wish you the best, but inward I cry and have myself my own private pity party.

So, to all the mothers, please respect us and our childless status.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/19/09 11:48 PM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Re: For Those

Posted by JessInCA

This thread is doing just fine without my POV, but I feel compelled to add it anyway.

Maybe it's because I don't have children that I didn't get offended by Ophelia's post, but I thought it was pretty clear that she was addressing her own feelings/thoughts/fears, and not making a blanket statement about the facts of what will happen to all women everywhere.

I don't think anyone should have taken it personally, particularly those for whom this board AND this post were not intended.

And I think the turn this all has taken illustrates exactly why there is a need for this board in the first place.

I do have children and I was not offended. Actually as I read what she wrote I thought: nopem not true, not me etc. I am 25 lbs thinner than pre pregnancy, I've waited for this for a long time, my husband and I have a deep connection made stronger by having our boys

Posted 3/21/09 1:55 AM
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