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Valentine’s Book for 4th grade class “party”

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LIF Adult

Member since 1/07

1687 total posts


Valentine’s Book for 4th grade class “party”

I am going into my DC’s 4th grade class on Valentine’s Day and an looking for a short story to read to the class.

I’ve been looking on amazon and Barnes and noble, but a lot of the books that come up are for younger kids.

My plan is to read a book, bring a snack, and do a short craft and/or game. It would be nice if it were a valentine book, but really I think any book about love/friendship/kindness, etc would be good!

I came across a book called Sugar Cookies by Amy Krause Rosenthal and one called Scribble Stones by Diane Alber. Is anyone familiar with either one of these? Or can you suggest any book?


Posted 1/6/20 4:42 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

2326 total posts

Ms. Brat

Re: Valentine’s Book for 4th grade class “party”

Zombie In Love!! My own kids and my students all love that book. Chat Icon

Posted 1/6/20 6:07 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/11

9976 total posts


Re: Valentine’s Book for 4th grade class “party”

Posted by mrandmrs12

I came across a book called Sugar Cookies by Amy Krause Rosenthal


loveeeeee this one!!!! love all her cookie books.

then for the craft they can either decorate real sugar cookies or fake ones out of paper to make like a cookie valentine day card for someone they love at home!

Posted 1/6/20 8:14 PM

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