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LIF Adult

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Message edited 1/8/2008 1:41:28 PM.

Posted 11/6/07 2:15 PM
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Re: How do I tell my Nanny we would prefer she not wear perfume???

Tell her you believe that one of you are allergic to it. That you notice at night, after holding the baby for a while, you notice that you guys are having a reaction to it

Posted 11/6/07 2:16 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: How do I tell my Nanny we would prefer she not wear perfume???

Why are you so mad about this? Is the baby showing any reaction to the perfume?

Message edited 11/6/2007 2:18:17 PM.

Posted 11/6/07 2:17 PM


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Re: How do I tell my Nanny we would prefer she not wear perfume???

Posted by 5ofClubs

Why are you so mad about this? Is the baby showing any reaction to the perfume?

It would bother me too, I try to avoid as many chemicals around my kids as possible.

Posted 11/6/07 2:18 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/07

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Message edited 1/8/2008 1:41:41 PM.

Posted 11/6/07 2:19 PM

Our family is complete, maybe

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Re: How do I tell my Nanny we would prefer she not wear perfume???

I personally would not care nor say anything.

But she is your nanny...I wear perfume and my dd smells like mine sometimes, I do not see the harm, but that is just me.

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Posted 11/6/07 2:21 PM


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Re: How do I tell my Nanny we would prefer she not wear perfume???

Posted by Sunrise813

Posted by 5ofClubs

Why are you so mad about this?

Don't get me wrong we are not mad about it, its just that the baby smells like he was dipped into a perfume bottle, we both don't think this is not right. I have also read that its not good for an infant's skin to absorb anytype of dyes, perfumes and such, which is why we wash his clothes with Dreft.

I'm sorry I didn't mean to come off rude but I always wear perfume so maybe that is why it would never bother me. I would just tell her that the baby has sensitive skin and you think the perfume is irritating it.

Posted 11/6/07 2:22 PM

C ♥'s F

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Re: How do I tell my Nanny we would prefer she not wear perfume???

IMO a baby should smell like a baby not like a perfume bottle.

I totally am with you in this one!

Just flat out ask her not to wear it. she can spray herself with it after she leaves.
The end.

Posted 11/6/07 2:25 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/07

927 total posts



Message edited 1/8/2008 1:41:55 PM.

Posted 11/6/07 2:31 PM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

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Re: How do I tell my Nanny we would prefer she not wear perfume???

I would leave well enough alone. You don't want to ruffle any feathers, I would be insulted if you said that to me. JMO

It would be one thing if your baby was smelling like cigarette or something.

Message edited 11/6/2007 2:49:07 PM.

Posted 11/6/07 2:48 PM

life is good

Member since 10/06

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Re: How do I tell my Nanny we would prefer she not wear perfume???

This would bother me, too. Not sure how to go about it, though, since I, too, would feel very awkward.

Posted 11/6/07 2:51 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

917 total posts


Re: How do I tell my Nanny we would prefer she not wear perfume???

Then tell her that you prefer nothing with fragrance come near contact with the baby, since you already take care that you wash with Dreft, and use baby formulated baby soap (I'm assuming you do since you don't want him to come in contact with fragrances) and that you prefer she not wear it on days that she comes over to watch your son.

I used to be a nanny for 1 yr and the lady I worked for had to tell me but it was b/c she was pregnant and the smell made her sick (normally she loved it as a matter of fact she had a bottle and I liked it so much she bought it for me for Christmas the year before). But that's different circumstances of course.

Either way I think it should be OK for you to ask her not to.

Posted 11/6/07 3:00 PM

Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

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Re: How do I tell my Nanny we would prefer she not wear perfume???

Posted by racheeeee

I would leave well enough alone. You don't want to ruffle any feathers, I would be insulted if you said that to me. JMO

It would be one thing if your baby was smelling like cigarette or something.

I agree.....

Posted 11/6/07 3:00 PM

My Everything

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Re: How do I tell my Nanny we would prefer she not wear perfume???

I always use the allergy route and I always say "The doctor said..."

Posted 11/6/07 3:01 PM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

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Re: How do I tell my Nanny we would prefer she not wear perfume???

I would go with the allergic excuse too!

My DS smells like my mom when I pick him up from her house. She doesn't even wear perfume. He smells like my sister after she holds him. he smells like me after I hold him. I've never thought anything of it.

Posted 11/6/07 3:02 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

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Re: How do I tell my Nanny we would prefer she not wear perfume???

as a nanny, it would not bother me at all if I were asked to not wear the perfume.

I would think of it as a work "dress code"

When Leo leaves for work and hugs Josh, my baby boy smells like he is going out clubbing for the nightChat Icon

Posted 11/6/07 3:07 PM

Just chillin'!!

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Re: How do I tell my Nanny we would prefer she not wear perfume???

Posted by stephanief

Posted by racheeeee

I would leave well enough alone. You don't want to ruffle any feathers, I would be insulted if you said that to me. JMO

It would be one thing if your baby was smelling like cigarette or something.

I agree.....

I also agree. Every time my MIL visits the baby always smells like her perfume. IMO, it's not worth causing problems over.

Posted 11/6/07 3:08 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/07

927 total posts



Message edited 1/8/2008 1:42:09 PM.

Posted 11/6/07 3:10 PM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

18504 total posts


Re: How do I tell my Nanny we would prefer she not wear perfume???

Posted by Sunrise813

Posted by pmpkn087

I would go with the allergic excuse too!

My DS smells like my mom when I pick him up from her house. She doesn't even wear perfume. He smells like my sister after she holds him. he smells like me after I hold him. I've never thought anything of it.

I don't mind my son smelling like somoenone that has been holding him, its the strong perfume smell that bothers us and the chemicals associated with them.

Its not everyday either, its weird on some days it seems the nanny barely uses perfumes and other days,holy moly does she pile it on.
The same thing happens with FIL he really likes to wear alot of colognge, on the rare occasion that DS let FIL hold him, he ends up smelling like cologne.

Yes, I understand. I really think you should go with the allergy excuse. Chat Icon

Posted 11/6/07 3:14 PM

Barb-Never removing this pic!

Member since 11/05

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Re: How do I tell my Nanny we would prefer she not wear perfume???

Posted by Janice

as a nanny, it would not bother me at all if I were asked to not wear the perfume.

I would think of it as a work "dress code"

When Leo leaves for work and hugs Josh, my baby boy smells like he is going out clubbing for the nightChat Icon

My DH piles it on too! I hate it!

Posted 11/6/07 3:15 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: How do I tell my Nanny we would prefer she not wear perfume???

I can not stand when MIL holds my DD and then my baby smells like her perfume! I want to give her a bath right away. I dont say anything as to not start problems, however if I was paying someone to watch my child I would definitley mention it, just go with an allergy issue

Posted 11/6/07 3:23 PM

Love my Family!

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Re: How do I tell my Nanny we would prefer she not wear perfume???

I hate smelling other peoples perfume on my child, so if I'm PAYING this woman to come and take care of my child, I wouldn't have any problem in telling her not to wear perfume if it was bothering me and my DH, if she got insulted by what I said, well then she shouldn't be taking care of my kid, end of story!

Posted 11/6/07 3:54 PM

Fitness Junkie!

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Re: How do I tell my Nanny we would prefer she not wear perfume???

Posted by MelToddJulia

I hate smelling other peoples perfume on my child, so if I'm PAYING this woman to come and take care of my child, I wouldn't have any problem in telling her not to wear perfume if it was bothering me and my DH, if she got insulted by what I said, well then she shouldn't be taking care of my kid, end of story!

i agree!! she can put perfume on when she leaves for the day!!! but honestly, i wouldnt know how to approach her nicely Chat Icon

Posted 11/6/07 4:02 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

6870 total posts


Re: How do I tell my Nanny we would prefer she not wear perfume???

I feel there isn't really a way to say it without possibly causing offense...I guess the allergy excuse could work, but i would be hesitant. I hate hurting peoples feelings, especially if this is someone who is so good with your child.

Posted 11/6/07 4:05 PM

life is a carousel

Member since 7/07

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Re: How do I tell my Nanny we would prefer she not wear perfume???

if her wearing perfume is the worst thing that she does, then I would just suck it up. Good help (especially one that involves taking care of the most precious thing to us) is very hard to find.

Posted 11/6/07 4:13 PM
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