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1 month old- constipation and gas but no reflux/vomiting....

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My 3 wishes

Member since 12/07

13625 total posts


1 month old- constipation and gas but no reflux/vomiting....

Good enough reason to try another formula ??? DD is constipated daily
( every other day we are using the thermometer, which isnt good) and she seems to be having a really hard time with gas.....She doesnt spit up, and loves to eat ( every 2.5 hours most feedings !)....Before I open the next monstrous container of Simlilac Advance, do you think she may do better with another type of formula ???

And if so, is there one you reccomend trying for these issues ?

She doesnt go back to the ped until next month, do I need to wait to speak to them or should I change on my own ??....Thanks !Chat Icon

Posted 2/3/09 7:45 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Mrs Dee

Re: 1 month old- constipation and gas but no reflux/vomiting....

try changing the formula. Are you using similac advance or similac advance "early shield"? The early shield gave us problems, too, but the advance is fine.

Posted 2/3/09 7:48 PM

mom of 3 boys

Member since 4/06

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Re: 1 month old- constipation and gas but no reflux/vomiting....

I would change. We did. Similac Advanced gave ds major constipation and nothing worked.

After trying a few different kinds, Similac Alimentum has done the trick for him and he's been on it for 6 months now.

Posted 2/3/09 7:52 PM

My 3 wishes

Member since 12/07

13625 total posts


Re: 1 month old- constipation and gas but no reflux/vomiting....

Regular Similac Advance ( and they sell it at Costco, which was a bonus Chat Icon )

Posted 2/3/09 7:52 PM

my two loves

Member since 10/06

5133 total posts


Re: 1 month old- constipation and gas but no reflux/vomiting....

DS did not do well on the Similac Advance and after we tried a few others we ended up on Nestle Good Start which has been great for him. Put a call into your ped, maybe they will have some suggestions. But the gas & constipation are definately reasons enough to switch (for me anyway!!)

Posted 2/3/09 7:55 PM

How did she turn 2 so quickly?

Member since 10/07

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Blessed Mama of Kristina Elena

Re: 1 month old- constipation and gas but no reflux/vomiting....

Posted by mcl916

Put a call into your ped, maybe they will have some suggestions. But the gas & constipation are definately reasons enough to switch (for me anyway!!)

ITA with this.... If you put a call into your ped, they may even give you formula samples before you go out and buy something that may/may not work!

Posted 2/3/09 8:02 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/06

856 total posts


Re: 1 month old- constipation and gas but no reflux/vomiting....

Speak to the ped about how often you are using the thermometer. DD had serious constipation problems on Neocate, but nonetheless had to be on it b/c of her milk allergy. I will tell you that by using the thermometer that often a baby can become dependant on it, and then not go any other way....obviously making things worse. Until DD started solids and was old enough to drink water (which I believe was 6 months?) we had to give her 1/2 oz-1oz prune juice everyday.

Anyway, what I'm saying is that you need to speak to your ped about figuring out another option....whether it be changing formula or something else, b/c you don't want to keep using the thermometer in the long term.

Posted 2/3/09 8:10 PM

My 3 wishes

Member since 12/07

13625 total posts


Re: 1 month old- constipation and gas but no reflux/vomiting....

Thanks everyone Chat Icon ....I'm going to put a call into the ped tomorrow and hopefully they can advise me over the phone to avoid a visit if possible

Posted 2/3/09 9:07 PM

Love my boys!!!

Member since 8/07

5148 total posts


Re: 1 month old- constipation and gas but no reflux/vomiting....

i was just going to post the same thing! my DS is 5 weeks and has the same issues

Posted 2/3/09 9:09 PM

My 3 wishes

Member since 12/07

13625 total posts


Re: 1 month old- constipation and gas but no reflux/vomiting....

Posted by snowflake08

i was just going to post the same thing! my DS is 5 weeks and has the same issues

I feel so bad for my little bug Chat Icon !!

Posted 2/3/09 9:36 PM

Love my boys!!!

Member since 8/07

5148 total posts


Re: 1 month old- constipation and gas but no reflux/vomiting....

Posted by Bops

Posted by snowflake08

i was just going to post the same thing! my DS is 5 weeks and has the same issues

I feel so bad for my little bug Chat Icon !!

me too

i put warm water in the nasal aspirator and put it up his butt

it worked for the constipation

Posted 2/3/09 9:40 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: 1 month old- constipation and gas but no reflux/vomiting....

have you tried 1/2 water 1/2 pear juice? It's the iron in the formula which all formulas have that is constipating her.

Posted 2/3/09 9:50 PM

My 3 wishes

Member since 12/07

13625 total posts


Re: 1 month old- constipation and gas but no reflux/vomiting....

Posted by btrflygrl

have you tried 1/2 water 1/2 pear juice? It's the iron in the formula which all formulas have that is constipating her.

Haven't tried that yet....We have been making some of her bottles with a little more water ( don't know if thats right or not Chat Icon ) hoping that would help...thanks Chat Icon !

Posted 2/3/09 9:53 PM

My 3 wishes

Member since 12/07

13625 total posts


Re: 1 month old- constipation and gas but no reflux/vomiting....

Out of curiosity, whats the story w/ soy formulas ?? Is that only for babies w/ milk allergies normally ?

Posted 2/3/09 9:54 PM

love my boys!

Member since 2/08

3181 total posts


Re: 1 month old- constipation and gas but no reflux/vomiting....

My son was also very gassy the first month on the Similac with Early Shield but never constipated. Now at 3 months he is doing so much better on the same formula...Did you speak to your ped about it? I've heard good things about the Similac Sensitive..

Posted 2/3/09 10:07 PM

My 3 wishes

Member since 12/07

13625 total posts


Re: 1 month old- constipation and gas but no reflux/vomiting....

Posted by junebride06

My son was also very gassy the first month on the Similac with Early Shield but never constipated. Now at 3 months he is doing so much better on the same formula...Did you speak to your ped about it? I've heard good things about the Similac Sensitive..

Haven;t spoken to the ped yet, she was there at 2 weeks old ( she 4 weeks now) and at the time I mentioned that she was only pooping 1x a day and they said that it was fine....But now, even 1x is a struggle, and shes much more gassy ( shes also eating much more) ....Shes not due to go back till next month, so I guess i'll have to call

Posted 2/3/09 10:14 PM


Member since 5/07

27557 total posts


Re: 1 month old- constipation and gas but no reflux/vomiting....

Posted by junebride06

My son was also very gassy the first month on the Similac with Early Shield but never constipated. Now at 3 months he is doing so much better on the same formula...Did you speak to your ped about it? I've heard good things about the Similac Sensitive..

My DD never was constipated on Early Shield but it didn't agree with we just switched to Similac Sensitive and so far its a godsend from all angles.

Posted 2/3/09 10:56 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/07

833 total posts


Re: 1 month old- constipation and gas but no reflux/vomiting....

Hi there, try the Similac DD has been on 5 formulas, ugh..we are putting her on Neocate now bc of milk allergies..but, i noticed the Advance was pretty hard on her tummy..that is what we started with..
Are her stools hard? I used to think DD was constipated but it turns out she just had a hard time learning how to move her, i used to call the Ped freaking out as she hadnt moved her bowels in like 2 days! Now she is a machine, haha..she just had to get used to it, i would bike her legs etc..and to make matters worse, she puts on a serious 20 minute show still when she moves her bowels, grunting, making louds noises and her face turns a shade of red!!!!
Good Luck, i know what a pain this can be

Posted 2/4/09 7:41 AM


Member since 2/07

15928 total posts


Re: 1 month old- constipation and gas but no reflux/vomiting....

Caden had issues with "regular" formula in the beginning...

He would poop first thing in the morning and then he'd be fine. But as the day went on he couldnt poop so he would get more and more irritable....

We switched to Gentlease which helped but b/c it's a lighter formula he was always hugry....

I would maybe try a more gentlier formula and see how that works...

Posted 2/4/09 8:34 AM

My 3 wishes

Member since 12/07

13625 total posts


Re: 1 month old- constipation and gas but no reflux/vomiting....

Posted by kelsept

Hi there, try the Similac DD has been on 5 formulas, ugh..we are putting her on Neocate now bc of milk allergies..but, i noticed the Advance was pretty hard on her tummy..that is what we started with..
Are her stools hard? I used to think DD was constipated but it turns out she just had a hard time learning how to move her, i used to call the Ped freaking out as she hadnt moved her bowels in like 2 days! Now she is a machine, haha..she just had to get used to it, i would bike her legs etc..and to make matters worse, she puts on a serious 20 minute show still when she moves her bowels, grunting, making louds noises and her face turns a shade of red!!!!
Good Luck, i know what a pain this can be

Occasionaly she will have a small hard stool come out first followed by softer stools ( sorry TMI- LOL)

Posted 2/4/09 8:40 AM

I'm finally able to write here

Member since 1/06

2044 total posts


Re: 1 month old- constipation and gas but no reflux/vomiting....

Same problem with my we switched to Similac Sensitive........I was so happy and so was she!

Posted 2/4/09 8:42 AM

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