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1,000's of Americans still stranded

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LIF Adult

Member since 6/15

3992 total posts


1,000's of Americans still stranded

How did a post about Afghanistan turn into an argument on what is or is not offensive to alcoholics?

Message edited 9/3/2021 8:23:09 PM.

Posted 9/3/21 8:22 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/11

9141 total posts


Re: 1,000's of Americans still stranded

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Anotherplease

Obama tried to warn us.. “do not underestimate Joe’s ability to f$& this up when speaking about Biden running for president. He has also been referred to as an unguided middle during meetings. Listen joe was a terrible choice for president. Trump wasn’t great either. But hey, Biden isn’t trump right? That’s how everyone voted. Almost a year in 3 years to go

She and other Biden voters just won't admit that while Trump is not the best choice, Biden was thrown in there JUST so the democrats could have control. They knew what they were doing.
I am shocked he has lasted this long but I just saw him a day or two ago and he is aging quickly. He can't do this and GOD FORBID if something happens to him we will have someone worse. JUST BECAUSE we HAD to have a woman in office. ANY woman is fine with so many people.

Biden is STILL better than the inept Trump circus.

Tell that to all the families of their 20 year old children that were just killed. They don't believe it. You wouldn't either if it was YOUR child.

I will reiterate...........................

Biden is STILL better than Trump.

As for your comment, tragic as any death is I hope that you understand that those who enlist do so with the CLEAR understanding that serving in the armed forces comes with GREAT risk of injury and/or death. I have many friends and family who have served, this is something that is distinctly understood and accepted by the familes and those that enlist. Sadly, not everyone who serves gets to come home.

I am well aware of that but this was something that could have been avoided and was for 20 years.

I don't think you have a clue at all. You are the epitome of the person who puts up the "Pray for xxx" memes when things happen. You do it, then walk away into your "library", back into your spoiled, entitled world.

Do you know how to have a conversation without making some idiotic, immature comment that is rooted in no actual fact and adds nothing to the topic at hand? You resort to the same tactics over and over again on here, when you have nothing intelligent to say to defend your comments you make childish personal attacks that make you look insecure and envious. I'm actually embarrased for you. You really need to grow up.

As for what is going on in Afghanistan, it's blindingly obvious by your comments that you don't have a clue and you're just talking out of your a$$.

I can ASSURE you NO ONE is envious of you and that just goes to show you how vain you really are.

You are so blinded of your hatred for Trump that you find anything that Biden does ok. It is quite sad and everyone should be embarrassed of whom they put in office.

Oh honey, I know your game. You live and breathe for LIF drama. You literally have nothing else in your day to focus on unless these threads are hopping with the opportunity for you to make some moron comments where you try and exert how much better you are than others and stir up $hit. It's hilarious. And predictable.

Needless to say, it's a GORGEOUS day and I have no desire to give you the drama you crave. No doubt you will continue your tirade of stupidity all throughout the day though. Sad.

Later gator!

Actually I get A LOT accomplished in my day. I'm a good multitasker Chat Icon

I knew you would eventually run away. Have a lovely day.

How many times have you had to tell us what a great multitasker you are. Do you have any clue how pathetic you sound - over and over again. Trust me, no one here cares what the hell you do with your time. What are you trying to prove with that idiotic statement? Because whatever it is, you’re not proving anything

Posted 9/3/21 8:28 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/11

9141 total posts


Re: 1,000's of Americans still stranded

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by jellybean78

The last administration had a president that was able to string together coherent sentences, not lie in front of the press and blatantly throw his administration under the the bus.

You cannot be serious with this comment.
Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Trump was a babbling, incoherent, lying, sack of $hit who threw EVERYONE under the bus and who literally blamed everyone around him for his failures and shortcomings as president.

Clearly you weren't paying attention AT ALL for four years.

You just have issues with strong men.

Of all the complete and utter sh!t you have ever posted on here, this is at the top of the flaming pile of crap. You have an obsessive need to repeatedly prove how clueless you are.

Posted 9/3/21 8:31 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/11

9141 total posts


Re: 1,000's of Americans still stranded

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Anotherplease

Obama tried to warn us.. “do not underestimate Joe’s ability to f$& this up when speaking about Biden running for president. He has also been referred to as an unguided middle during meetings. Listen joe was a terrible choice for president. Trump wasn’t great either. But hey, Biden isn’t trump right? That’s how everyone voted. Almost a year in 3 years to go

She and other Biden voters just won't admit that while Trump is not the best choice, Biden was thrown in there JUST so the democrats could have control. They knew what they were doing.
I am shocked he has lasted this long but I just saw him a day or two ago and he is aging quickly. He can't do this and GOD FORBID if something happens to him we will have someone worse. JUST BECAUSE we HAD to have a woman in office. ANY woman is fine with so many people.

Biden is STILL better than the inept Trump circus.

Tell that to all the families of their 20 year old children that were just killed. They don't believe it. You wouldn't either if it was YOUR child.

I will reiterate...........................

Biden is STILL better than Trump.

As for your comment, tragic as any death is I hope that you understand that those who enlist do so with the CLEAR understanding that serving in the armed forces comes with GREAT risk of injury and/or death. I have many friends and family who have served, this is something that is distinctly understood and accepted by the familes and those that enlist. Sadly, not everyone who serves gets to come home.

I am well aware of that but this was something that could have been avoided and was for 20 years.

I don't think you have a clue at all. You are the epitome of the person who puts up the "Pray for xxx" memes when things happen. You do it, then walk away into your "library", back into your spoiled, entitled world.

The only thing this post does is make you sound like an uninformed, sad, pathetic, jealous b!tch. Stop trying so hard. It really does not achieve anything you are trying to do.

Posted 9/3/21 8:47 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6986 total posts


Re: 1,000's of Americans still stranded

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by jellybean78

Posted by Raging2020

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by jellybean78

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by jellybean78

The last administration had a president that was able to string together coherent sentences, not lie in front of the press and blatantly throw his administration under the the bus.

You cannot be serious with this comment.
Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Trump was a babbling, incoherent, lying, sack of $hit who threw EVERYONE under the bus and who literally blamed everyone around him for his failures and shortcomings as president.

Clearly you weren't paying attention AT ALL for four years.

No I have been paying attention for a long time. Have you? Put your hate for Trump aside, have you recently listened to any press conference or watched our current administration? How can you even defend the foolishness that is spewed. It's a global embarrassment. You have to be dumb and blind not to see it. I'm not trying to pretend Trump was some eloquent savior but compared to Biden, at least Trump was coherent. Biden has taken 0 responsibility for anything that has happened. He doesn't even make sense 99% of the time. He gave his VP the worst job ever and she's MIA, can't even answer legit questions, his statements contradict those of his administration...a total laughing stock.

ETA: Some of ya'll spent the last 4 years bitchiing and complaining about Trump and how he's ruining our country..the outrage. Now you are all silent and just care about baking cookies. lmao..I can't even with the hypocrisy.

Admit i. You all got played and voted for a senile fool who has spent 50 years in politics with 0 accomplishments and still is not taken seriously all because you hated Trump. Own it. This administration is a this rate God help us because we are absolutely a global joke and no one thinks this senile ole fool is in control of anything. His son is an admitted crackhead and he can't even keep his eyes open long enough to hear his name being called. SMDH.

I’m not even going to address the rest of what you said. But may you or someone you love never have to deal with a drug or alcohol disorder. You don't make fun of them and call them a “crackhead.” They don’t needs stigmas and names called at them; they need help.

Why won’t you address the rest of the post? Because you know it is true?
Oh and he IS a crackhead. You are acting like his parents that coddle him.

I don’t owe anyone a response to what I don’t want to respond to. It’s not that I believe it is true or not.

Maybe you should learn that the terms ‘alcoholic’ and ‘crackhead’ are not acceptable and they have been taken out of the DSM. It’s not coddling. It is called giving those with a drug use disorder appropriate treatment.

I mean you wouldn’t like it very much if your child was called a term not used anymore because of, say ADHD, now would you?

I guess you should tell alcoholics anonymous they are wrong when they people in their meetings to say, Hi my name is xxx I am an alcoholic. Chat Icon Chat Icon

You mean retard? You do realize that meant a not smart person. People with ADHD ARE smart and not all are in slow classes.

Sorry but you are making no sense at all.

AA doesn’t work and has a very low success rate. They have proven to be damaging to many people. There are more effective treatments than NA or AA.

I didn’t say a specific word. Pick any term that would not be appropriate.

You are not really making sense, tbh.

Not everything works for everyone there area MANY successful stories that come out of AA.

So they are still wrong because they call themselves alcoholics when clearly they are?

No you did NOT say a specific word but that is one that comes to mind.

You seem to have a problem with words that people who have these conditions and illnesses DO NOT.

People with these conditions do have a problem with these words.

Success for many? Yeah, OK, if you think 5-10% success rate is many…Chat Icon

I take it you did not read the links I posted.

BTW, your link in the original post doesn’t work for me and is behind a paywall.

Are YOU those people? People I know do not and have been successful.

What are you insinuating here? Chat Icon

You called someone a ‘crackhead’.

I posted links, which you probably didn’t read, about how terms like ‘crackhead’ are not acceptable these days. I don’t care whose son it is. He’s still a person. Is it so difficult for you to just use words in a thoughtful way to people with drug disorders, or any disorder for that matter? Nevermind, you have demonstrated that it is too difficult for you.

Oh stop with the politically correctness and the lets coddle everyone and give them all a trophy.
The man IS a crackhead. Did you even read what Jellybean just posted above? He doesn't want help and his parents think he is just fine. No one has dealt with it and he will continue to be a crackhead.

So that’s all that bothered you in the post is that she called him a crackhead? Wow.

I guess you are happy being the laughing stock of the world.

I’m not saying trump didn’t make us look ridiculous at times, but this guy is even more of a joke. And it’s pathetic people defend him.

I’m just disgusted that these were our two choices.

It blows my mind LOL. I mean you smoke crack you're a crackhead, you drink too much alcohol you're an alcoholic. How are these terms offensive?? Are we really going to argue that and gloss over the shiithole our country is in now?

For the last part: I really doubt Biden is going to make it to run in 2024..he'll be toast by then. It seems like people are not too happy with Harris either since she's largely been absent from everything so I don't even know how this will play out.

I guess soon it won’t be allowed for a murderer to be called a murderer. That word will be a trigger for them and they’ll be offended. Chat Icon

Or a drug dealer, or meth addict or sex addict. That guy making a ton of money is crying about calling people names because he probably didn’t like anyone making fun of him. Poor baby Chat Icon

Posted 9/3/21 9:09 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6986 total posts


Re: 1,000's of Americans still stranded

Posted by chilltocam

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Anotherplease

Obama tried to warn us.. “do not underestimate Joe’s ability to f$& this up when speaking about Biden running for president. He has also been referred to as an unguided middle during meetings. Listen joe was a terrible choice for president. Trump wasn’t great either. But hey, Biden isn’t trump right? That’s how everyone voted. Almost a year in 3 years to go

She and other Biden voters just won't admit that while Trump is not the best choice, Biden was thrown in there JUST so the democrats could have control. They knew what they were doing.
I am shocked he has lasted this long but I just saw him a day or two ago and he is aging quickly. He can't do this and GOD FORBID if something happens to him we will have someone worse. JUST BECAUSE we HAD to have a woman in office. ANY woman is fine with so many people.

Biden is STILL better than the inept Trump circus.

Tell that to all the families of their 20 year old children that were just killed. They don't believe it. You wouldn't either if it was YOUR child.

I will reiterate...........................

Biden is STILL better than Trump.

As for your comment, tragic as any death is I hope that you understand that those who enlist do so with the CLEAR understanding that serving in the armed forces comes with GREAT risk of injury and/or death. I have many friends and family who have served, this is something that is distinctly understood and accepted by the familes and those that enlist. Sadly, not everyone who serves gets to come home.

I am well aware of that but this was something that could have been avoided and was for 20 years.

I don't think you have a clue at all. You are the epitome of the person who puts up the "Pray for xxx" memes when things happen. You do it, then walk away into your "library", back into your spoiled, entitled world.

The only thing this post does is make you sound like an uninformed, sad, pathetic, jealous b!tch. Stop trying so hard. It really does not achieve anything you are trying to do.

You done going on your tangents? Don’t you have anything better to do on a Friday night? Maybe go on a date, go out with friends? Most single people are out having a good time on this 3 day weekend.

Posted 9/3/21 9:11 PM


Member since 8/06

13103 total posts


Re: 1,000's of Americans still stranded

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by jellybean78

Posted by Raging2020

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by jellybean78

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by jellybean78

The last administration had a president that was able to string together coherent sentences, not lie in front of the press and blatantly throw his administration under the the bus.

You cannot be serious with this comment.
Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Trump was a babbling, incoherent, lying, sack of $hit who threw EVERYONE under the bus and who literally blamed everyone around him for his failures and shortcomings as president.

Clearly you weren't paying attention AT ALL for four years.

No I have been paying attention for a long time. Have you? Put your hate for Trump aside, have you recently listened to any press conference or watched our current administration? How can you even defend the foolishness that is spewed. It's a global embarrassment. You have to be dumb and blind not to see it. I'm not trying to pretend Trump was some eloquent savior but compared to Biden, at least Trump was coherent. Biden has taken 0 responsibility for anything that has happened. He doesn't even make sense 99% of the time. He gave his VP the worst job ever and she's MIA, can't even answer legit questions, his statements contradict those of his administration...a total laughing stock.

ETA: Some of ya'll spent the last 4 years bitchiing and complaining about Trump and how he's ruining our country..the outrage. Now you are all silent and just care about baking cookies. lmao..I can't even with the hypocrisy.

Admit i. You all got played and voted for a senile fool who has spent 50 years in politics with 0 accomplishments and still is not taken seriously all because you hated Trump. Own it. This administration is a this rate God help us because we are absolutely a global joke and no one thinks this senile ole fool is in control of anything. His son is an admitted crackhead and he can't even keep his eyes open long enough to hear his name being called. SMDH.

I’m not even going to address the rest of what you said. But may you or someone you love never have to deal with a drug or alcohol disorder. You don't make fun of them and call them a “crackhead.” They don’t needs stigmas and names called at them; they need help.

Why won’t you address the rest of the post? Because you know it is true?
Oh and he IS a crackhead. You are acting like his parents that coddle him.

I don’t owe anyone a response to what I don’t want to respond to. It’s not that I believe it is true or not.

Maybe you should learn that the terms ‘alcoholic’ and ‘crackhead’ are not acceptable and they have been taken out of the DSM. It’s not coddling. It is called giving those with a drug use disorder appropriate treatment.

I mean you wouldn’t like it very much if your child was called a term not used anymore because of, say ADHD, now would you?

I guess you should tell alcoholics anonymous they are wrong when they people in their meetings to say, Hi my name is xxx I am an alcoholic. Chat Icon Chat Icon

You mean retard? You do realize that meant a not smart person. People with ADHD ARE smart and not all are in slow classes.

Sorry but you are making no sense at all.

AA doesn’t work and has a very low success rate. They have proven to be damaging to many people. There are more effective treatments than NA or AA.

I didn’t say a specific word. Pick any term that would not be appropriate.

You are not really making sense, tbh.

Not everything works for everyone there area MANY successful stories that come out of AA.

So they are still wrong because they call themselves alcoholics when clearly they are?

No you did NOT say a specific word but that is one that comes to mind.

You seem to have a problem with words that people who have these conditions and illnesses DO NOT.

People with these conditions do have a problem with these words.

Success for many? Yeah, OK, if you think 5-10% success rate is many…Chat Icon

I take it you did not read the links I posted.

BTW, your link in the original post doesn’t work for me and is behind a paywall.

Are YOU those people? People I know do not and have been successful.

What are you insinuating here? Chat Icon

You called someone a ‘crackhead’.

I posted links, which you probably didn’t read, about how terms like ‘crackhead’ are not acceptable these days. I don’t care whose son it is. He’s still a person. Is it so difficult for you to just use words in a thoughtful way to people with drug disorders, or any disorder for that matter? Nevermind, you have demonstrated that it is too difficult for you.

Oh stop with the politically correctness and the lets coddle everyone and give them all a trophy.
The man IS a crackhead. Did you even read what Jellybean just posted above? He doesn't want help and his parents think he is just fine. No one has dealt with it and he will continue to be a crackhead.

So that’s all that bothered you in the post is that she called him a crackhead? Wow.

I guess you are happy being the laughing stock of the world.

I’m not saying trump didn’t make us look ridiculous at times, but this guy is even more of a joke. And it’s pathetic people defend him.

I’m just disgusted that these were our two choices.

It blows my mind LOL. I mean you smoke crack you're a crackhead, you drink too much alcohol you're an alcoholic. How are these terms offensive?? Are we really going to argue that and gloss over the shiithole our country is in now?

For the last part: I really doubt Biden is going to make it to run in 2024..he'll be toast by then. It seems like people are not too happy with Harris either since she's largely been absent from everything so I don't even know how this will play out.

I guess soon it won’t be allowed for a murderer to be called a murderer. That word will be a trigger for them and they’ll be offended. Chat Icon

Or a drug dealer, or meth addict or sex addict. That guy making a ton of money is crying about calling people names because he probably didn’t like anyone making fun of him. Poor baby Chat Icon

Right I mean come on man Chat Icon

Also I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I bet that alcoholics and narcotics users are more concerned with their habit and/or getting clean then they are with being called crackheads/alcoholics.

So some people think that taking their time and energy to write an article/argue over labels is more important than actually trying help the people you are writing about. That seems like a waste of time and counter productive no??

Posted 9/3/21 9:29 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6986 total posts


Re: 1,000's of Americans still stranded

Posted by jellybean78

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by jellybean78

Posted by Raging2020

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by jellybean78

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by jellybean78

The last administration had a president that was able to string together coherent sentences, not lie in front of the press and blatantly throw his administration under the the bus.

You cannot be serious with this comment.
Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Trump was a babbling, incoherent, lying, sack of $hit who threw EVERYONE under the bus and who literally blamed everyone around him for his failures and shortcomings as president.

Clearly you weren't paying attention AT ALL for four years.

No I have been paying attention for a long time. Have you? Put your hate for Trump aside, have you recently listened to any press conference or watched our current administration? How can you even defend the foolishness that is spewed. It's a global embarrassment. You have to be dumb and blind not to see it. I'm not trying to pretend Trump was some eloquent savior but compared to Biden, at least Trump was coherent. Biden has taken 0 responsibility for anything that has happened. He doesn't even make sense 99% of the time. He gave his VP the worst job ever and she's MIA, can't even answer legit questions, his statements contradict those of his administration...a total laughing stock.

ETA: Some of ya'll spent the last 4 years bitchiing and complaining about Trump and how he's ruining our country..the outrage. Now you are all silent and just care about baking cookies. lmao..I can't even with the hypocrisy.

Admit i. You all got played and voted for a senile fool who has spent 50 years in politics with 0 accomplishments and still is not taken seriously all because you hated Trump. Own it. This administration is a this rate God help us because we are absolutely a global joke and no one thinks this senile ole fool is in control of anything. His son is an admitted crackhead and he can't even keep his eyes open long enough to hear his name being called. SMDH.

I’m not even going to address the rest of what you said. But may you or someone you love never have to deal with a drug or alcohol disorder. You don't make fun of them and call them a “crackhead.” They don’t needs stigmas and names called at them; they need help.

Why won’t you address the rest of the post? Because you know it is true?
Oh and he IS a crackhead. You are acting like his parents that coddle him.

I don’t owe anyone a response to what I don’t want to respond to. It’s not that I believe it is true or not.

Maybe you should learn that the terms ‘alcoholic’ and ‘crackhead’ are not acceptable and they have been taken out of the DSM. It’s not coddling. It is called giving those with a drug use disorder appropriate treatment.

I mean you wouldn’t like it very much if your child was called a term not used anymore because of, say ADHD, now would you?

I guess you should tell alcoholics anonymous they are wrong when they people in their meetings to say, Hi my name is xxx I am an alcoholic. Chat Icon Chat Icon

You mean retard? You do realize that meant a not smart person. People with ADHD ARE smart and not all are in slow classes.

Sorry but you are making no sense at all.

AA doesn’t work and has a very low success rate. They have proven to be damaging to many people. There are more effective treatments than NA or AA.

I didn’t say a specific word. Pick any term that would not be appropriate.

You are not really making sense, tbh.

Not everything works for everyone there area MANY successful stories that come out of AA.

So they are still wrong because they call themselves alcoholics when clearly they are?

No you did NOT say a specific word but that is one that comes to mind.

You seem to have a problem with words that people who have these conditions and illnesses DO NOT.

People with these conditions do have a problem with these words.

Success for many? Yeah, OK, if you think 5-10% success rate is many…Chat Icon

I take it you did not read the links I posted.

BTW, your link in the original post doesn’t work for me and is behind a paywall.

Are YOU those people? People I know do not and have been successful.

What are you insinuating here? Chat Icon

You called someone a ‘crackhead’.

I posted links, which you probably didn’t read, about how terms like ‘crackhead’ are not acceptable these days. I don’t care whose son it is. He’s still a person. Is it so difficult for you to just use words in a thoughtful way to people with drug disorders, or any disorder for that matter? Nevermind, you have demonstrated that it is too difficult for you.

Oh stop with the politically correctness and the lets coddle everyone and give them all a trophy.
The man IS a crackhead. Did you even read what Jellybean just posted above? He doesn't want help and his parents think he is just fine. No one has dealt with it and he will continue to be a crackhead.

So that’s all that bothered you in the post is that she called him a crackhead? Wow.

I guess you are happy being the laughing stock of the world.

I’m not saying trump didn’t make us look ridiculous at times, but this guy is even more of a joke. And it’s pathetic people defend him.

I’m just disgusted that these were our two choices.

It blows my mind LOL. I mean you smoke crack you're a crackhead, you drink too much alcohol you're an alcoholic. How are these terms offensive?? Are we really going to argue that and gloss over the shiithole our country is in now?

For the last part: I really doubt Biden is going to make it to run in 2024..he'll be toast by then. It seems like people are not too happy with Harris either since she's largely been absent from everything so I don't even know how this will play out.

I guess soon it won’t be allowed for a murderer to be called a murderer. That word will be a trigger for them and they’ll be offended. Chat Icon

Or a drug dealer, or meth addict or sex addict. That guy making a ton of money is crying about calling people names because he probably didn’t like anyone making fun of him. Poor baby Chat Icon

Right I mean come on man Chat Icon

Also I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I bet that alcoholics and narcotics users are more concerned with their habit and/or getting clean then they are with being called crackheads/alcoholics.

So some people think that taking their time and energy to write an article/argue over labels is more important than actually trying help the people you are writing about. That seems like a waste of time and counter productive no??

That guy caters to the whiny generation who are given trophies for breathing.

Funny as I just passed Mom on TV and they were at their AA meeting. It’s TV but I am sure not far from reality. It seems that KK might have failed and/or someone she knows so she assumes everyone does.

I have a friend who is an alcoholic whom goes out every weekend to clubs and bars and has stayed sober for over 10 years. I am always impressed by his will power. It can be done and it is.

Posted 9/3/21 9:37 PM


Member since 8/06

13103 total posts


Re: 1,000's of Americans still stranded

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by jellybean78

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by jellybean78

Posted by Raging2020

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by jellybean78

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by jellybean78

The last administration had a president that was able to string together coherent sentences, not lie in front of the press and blatantly throw his administration under the the bus.

You cannot be serious with this comment.
Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Trump was a babbling, incoherent, lying, sack of $hit who threw EVERYONE under the bus and who literally blamed everyone around him for his failures and shortcomings as president.

Clearly you weren't paying attention AT ALL for four years.

No I have been paying attention for a long time. Have you? Put your hate for Trump aside, have you recently listened to any press conference or watched our current administration? How can you even defend the foolishness that is spewed. It's a global embarrassment. You have to be dumb and blind not to see it. I'm not trying to pretend Trump was some eloquent savior but compared to Biden, at least Trump was coherent. Biden has taken 0 responsibility for anything that has happened. He doesn't even make sense 99% of the time. He gave his VP the worst job ever and she's MIA, can't even answer legit questions, his statements contradict those of his administration...a total laughing stock.

ETA: Some of ya'll spent the last 4 years bitchiing and complaining about Trump and how he's ruining our country..the outrage. Now you are all silent and just care about baking cookies. lmao..I can't even with the hypocrisy.

Admit i. You all got played and voted for a senile fool who has spent 50 years in politics with 0 accomplishments and still is not taken seriously all because you hated Trump. Own it. This administration is a this rate God help us because we are absolutely a global joke and no one thinks this senile ole fool is in control of anything. His son is an admitted crackhead and he can't even keep his eyes open long enough to hear his name being called. SMDH.

I’m not even going to address the rest of what you said. But may you or someone you love never have to deal with a drug or alcohol disorder. You don't make fun of them and call them a “crackhead.” They don’t needs stigmas and names called at them; they need help.

Why won’t you address the rest of the post? Because you know it is true?
Oh and he IS a crackhead. You are acting like his parents that coddle him.

I don’t owe anyone a response to what I don’t want to respond to. It’s not that I believe it is true or not.

Maybe you should learn that the terms ‘alcoholic’ and ‘crackhead’ are not acceptable and they have been taken out of the DSM. It’s not coddling. It is called giving those with a drug use disorder appropriate treatment.

I mean you wouldn’t like it very much if your child was called a term not used anymore because of, say ADHD, now would you?

I guess you should tell alcoholics anonymous they are wrong when they people in their meetings to say, Hi my name is xxx I am an alcoholic. Chat Icon Chat Icon

You mean retard? You do realize that meant a not smart person. People with ADHD ARE smart and not all are in slow classes.

Sorry but you are making no sense at all.

AA doesn’t work and has a very low success rate. They have proven to be damaging to many people. There are more effective treatments than NA or AA.

I didn’t say a specific word. Pick any term that would not be appropriate.

You are not really making sense, tbh.

Not everything works for everyone there area MANY successful stories that come out of AA.

So they are still wrong because they call themselves alcoholics when clearly they are?

No you did NOT say a specific word but that is one that comes to mind.

You seem to have a problem with words that people who have these conditions and illnesses DO NOT.

People with these conditions do have a problem with these words.

Success for many? Yeah, OK, if you think 5-10% success rate is many…Chat Icon

I take it you did not read the links I posted.

BTW, your link in the original post doesn’t work for me and is behind a paywall.

Are YOU those people? People I know do not and have been successful.

What are you insinuating here? Chat Icon

You called someone a ‘crackhead’.

I posted links, which you probably didn’t read, about how terms like ‘crackhead’ are not acceptable these days. I don’t care whose son it is. He’s still a person. Is it so difficult for you to just use words in a thoughtful way to people with drug disorders, or any disorder for that matter? Nevermind, you have demonstrated that it is too difficult for you.

Oh stop with the politically correctness and the lets coddle everyone and give them all a trophy.
The man IS a crackhead. Did you even read what Jellybean just posted above? He doesn't want help and his parents think he is just fine. No one has dealt with it and he will continue to be a crackhead.

So that’s all that bothered you in the post is that she called him a crackhead? Wow.

I guess you are happy being the laughing stock of the world.

I’m not saying trump didn’t make us look ridiculous at times, but this guy is even more of a joke. And it’s pathetic people defend him.

I’m just disgusted that these were our two choices.

It blows my mind LOL. I mean you smoke crack you're a crackhead, you drink too much alcohol you're an alcoholic. How are these terms offensive?? Are we really going to argue that and gloss over the shiithole our country is in now?

For the last part: I really doubt Biden is going to make it to run in 2024..he'll be toast by then. It seems like people are not too happy with Harris either since she's largely been absent from everything so I don't even know how this will play out.

I guess soon it won’t be allowed for a murderer to be called a murderer. That word will be a trigger for them and they’ll be offended. Chat Icon

Or a drug dealer, or meth addict or sex addict. That guy making a ton of money is crying about calling people names because he probably didn’t like anyone making fun of him. Poor baby Chat Icon

Right I mean come on man Chat Icon

Also I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I bet that alcoholics and narcotics users are more concerned with their habit and/or getting clean then they are with being called crackheads/alcoholics.

So some people think that taking their time and energy to write an article/argue over labels is more important than actually trying help the people you are writing about. That seems like a waste of time and counter productive no??

That guy caters to the whiny generation who are given trophies for breathing.

Funny as I just passed Mom on TV and they were at their AA meeting. It’s TV but I am sure not far from reality. It seems that KK might have failed and/or someone she knows so she assumes everyone does.

I have a friend who is an alcoholic whom goes out every weekend to clubs and bars and has stayed sober for over 10 years. I am always impressed by his will power. It can be done and it is.

Wow kudos to your friend. That is an amazing accomplishment.

My grandfather was an alcoholic for almost half of his life. It wasn't until my mom threatened to not let him walk her down the aisle that he sobered up. He stayed sober until he passed away a few years ago. It was no easy feat especially since he was always around liquor but he did it. It's definitely a hard battle and my heart goes out to those who struggle with addiction. Narcotic and alcohol abuse is a HUGE issue in this country and I think it's gotten worse since COVID. I really wish that we would allocate more resources to helping those who suffer with addictions and trying to combat the root of the problem.

Posted 9/3/21 9:42 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6986 total posts


Re: 1,000's of Americans still stranded

Posted by jellybean78

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by jellybean78

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by jellybean78

Posted by Raging2020

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by jellybean78

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by jellybean78

The last administration had a president that was able to string together coherent sentences, not lie in front of the press and blatantly throw his administration under the the bus.

You cannot be serious with this comment.
Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Trump was a babbling, incoherent, lying, sack of $hit who threw EVERYONE under the bus and who literally blamed everyone around him for his failures and shortcomings as president.

Clearly you weren't paying attention AT ALL for four years.

No I have been paying attention for a long time. Have you? Put your hate for Trump aside, have you recently listened to any press conference or watched our current administration? How can you even defend the foolishness that is spewed. It's a global embarrassment. You have to be dumb and blind not to see it. I'm not trying to pretend Trump was some eloquent savior but compared to Biden, at least Trump was coherent. Biden has taken 0 responsibility for anything that has happened. He doesn't even make sense 99% of the time. He gave his VP the worst job ever and she's MIA, can't even answer legit questions, his statements contradict those of his administration...a total laughing stock.

ETA: Some of ya'll spent the last 4 years bitchiing and complaining about Trump and how he's ruining our country..the outrage. Now you are all silent and just care about baking cookies. lmao..I can't even with the hypocrisy.

Admit i. You all got played and voted for a senile fool who has spent 50 years in politics with 0 accomplishments and still is not taken seriously all because you hated Trump. Own it. This administration is a this rate God help us because we are absolutely a global joke and no one thinks this senile ole fool is in control of anything. His son is an admitted crackhead and he can't even keep his eyes open long enough to hear his name being called. SMDH.

I’m not even going to address the rest of what you said. But may you or someone you love never have to deal with a drug or alcohol disorder. You don't make fun of them and call them a “crackhead.” They don’t needs stigmas and names called at them; they need help.

Why won’t you address the rest of the post? Because you know it is true?
Oh and he IS a crackhead. You are acting like his parents that coddle him.

I don’t owe anyone a response to what I don’t want to respond to. It’s not that I believe it is true or not.

Maybe you should learn that the terms ‘alcoholic’ and ‘crackhead’ are not acceptable and they have been taken out of the DSM. It’s not coddling. It is called giving those with a drug use disorder appropriate treatment.

I mean you wouldn’t like it very much if your child was called a term not used anymore because of, say ADHD, now would you?

I guess you should tell alcoholics anonymous they are wrong when they people in their meetings to say, Hi my name is xxx I am an alcoholic. Chat Icon Chat Icon

You mean retard? You do realize that meant a not smart person. People with ADHD ARE smart and not all are in slow classes.

Sorry but you are making no sense at all.

AA doesn’t work and has a very low success rate. They have proven to be damaging to many people. There are more effective treatments than NA or AA.

I didn’t say a specific word. Pick any term that would not be appropriate.

You are not really making sense, tbh.

Not everything works for everyone there area MANY successful stories that come out of AA.

So they are still wrong because they call themselves alcoholics when clearly they are?

No you did NOT say a specific word but that is one that comes to mind.

You seem to have a problem with words that people who have these conditions and illnesses DO NOT.

People with these conditions do have a problem with these words.

Success for many? Yeah, OK, if you think 5-10% success rate is many…Chat Icon

I take it you did not read the links I posted.

BTW, your link in the original post doesn’t work for me and is behind a paywall.

Are YOU those people? People I know do not and have been successful.

What are you insinuating here? Chat Icon

You called someone a ‘crackhead’.

I posted links, which you probably didn’t read, about how terms like ‘crackhead’ are not acceptable these days. I don’t care whose son it is. He’s still a person. Is it so difficult for you to just use words in a thoughtful way to people with drug disorders, or any disorder for that matter? Nevermind, you have demonstrated that it is too difficult for you.

Oh stop with the politically correctness and the lets coddle everyone and give them all a trophy.
The man IS a crackhead. Did you even read what Jellybean just posted above? He doesn't want help and his parents think he is just fine. No one has dealt with it and he will continue to be a crackhead.

So that’s all that bothered you in the post is that she called him a crackhead? Wow.

I guess you are happy being the laughing stock of the world.

I’m not saying trump didn’t make us look ridiculous at times, but this guy is even more of a joke. And it’s pathetic people defend him.

I’m just disgusted that these were our two choices.

It blows my mind LOL. I mean you smoke crack you're a crackhead, you drink too much alcohol you're an alcoholic. How are these terms offensive?? Are we really going to argue that and gloss over the shiithole our country is in now?

For the last part: I really doubt Biden is going to make it to run in 2024..he'll be toast by then. It seems like people are not too happy with Harris either since she's largely been absent from everything so I don't even know how this will play out.

I guess soon it won’t be allowed for a murderer to be called a murderer. That word will be a trigger for them and they’ll be offended. Chat Icon

Or a drug dealer, or meth addict or sex addict. That guy making a ton of money is crying about calling people names because he probably didn’t like anyone making fun of him. Poor baby Chat Icon

Right I mean come on man Chat Icon

Also I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I bet that alcoholics and narcotics users are more concerned with their habit and/or getting clean then they are with being called crackheads/alcoholics.

So some people think that taking their time and energy to write an article/argue over labels is more important than actually trying help the people you are writing about. That seems like a waste of time and counter productive no??

That guy caters to the whiny generation who are given trophies for breathing.

Funny as I just passed Mom on TV and they were at their AA meeting. It’s TV but I am sure not far from reality. It seems that KK might have failed and/or someone she knows so she assumes everyone does.

I have a friend who is an alcoholic whom goes out every weekend to clubs and bars and has stayed sober for over 10 years. I am always impressed by his will power. It can be done and it is.

Wow kudos to your friend. That is an amazing accomplishment.

My grandfather was an alcoholic for almost half of his life. It wasn't until my mom threatened to not let him walk her down the aisle that he sobered up. He stayed sober until he passed away a few years ago. It was no easy feat especially since he was always around liquor but he did it. It's definitely a hard battle and my heart goes out to those who struggle with addiction. Narcotic and alcohol abuse is a HUGE issue in this country and I think it's gotten worse since COVID. I really wish that we would allocate more resources to helping those who suffer with addictions and trying to combat the root of the problem.

It IS a huge issue. I am amazed how he is around it so much as I don’t know if I could be as strong. Many people do make it. Maybe KK needs to watch Intervention as while many fail, so many go on to have great sober lives.

Posted 9/3/21 9:53 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/11

9141 total posts


Re: 1,000's of Americans still stranded

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by chilltocam

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Anotherplease

Obama tried to warn us.. “do not underestimate Joe’s ability to f$& this up when speaking about Biden running for president. He has also been referred to as an unguided middle during meetings. Listen joe was a terrible choice for president. Trump wasn’t great either. But hey, Biden isn’t trump right? That’s how everyone voted. Almost a year in 3 years to go

She and other Biden voters just won't admit that while Trump is not the best choice, Biden was thrown in there JUST so the democrats could have control. They knew what they were doing.
I am shocked he has lasted this long but I just saw him a day or two ago and he is aging quickly. He can't do this and GOD FORBID if something happens to him we will have someone worse. JUST BECAUSE we HAD to have a woman in office. ANY woman is fine with so many people.

Biden is STILL better than the inept Trump circus.

Tell that to all the families of their 20 year old children that were just killed. They don't believe it. You wouldn't either if it was YOUR child.

I will reiterate...........................

Biden is STILL better than Trump.

As for your comment, tragic as any death is I hope that you understand that those who enlist do so with the CLEAR understanding that serving in the armed forces comes with GREAT risk of injury and/or death. I have many friends and family who have served, this is something that is distinctly understood and accepted by the familes and those that enlist. Sadly, not everyone who serves gets to come home.

I am well aware of that but this was something that could have been avoided and was for 20 years.

I don't think you have a clue at all. You are the epitome of the person who puts up the "Pray for xxx" memes when things happen. You do it, then walk away into your "library", back into your spoiled, entitled world.

The only thing this post does is make you sound like an uninformed, sad, pathetic, jealous b!tch. Stop trying so hard. It really does not achieve anything you are trying to do.

You done going on your tangents? Don’t you have anything better to do on a Friday night? Maybe go on a date, go out with friends? Most single people are out having a good time on this 3 day weekend.

Is that supposed to be some sort of dig? Cause what you think my life is or should be matters exactly why? You are so pathetic. And in case you were worried, honey, my life is way more interesting than you could even begin to imagine - what with your exciting backyard cocktail parties with a few bowls of chips Chat Icon

Posted 9/3/21 10:49 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6986 total posts


Re: 1,000's of Americans still stranded

Posted by chilltocam

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by chilltocam

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Anotherplease

Obama tried to warn us.. “do not underestimate Joe’s ability to f$& this up when speaking about Biden running for president. He has also been referred to as an unguided middle during meetings. Listen joe was a terrible choice for president. Trump wasn’t great either. But hey, Biden isn’t trump right? That’s how everyone voted. Almost a year in 3 years to go

She and other Biden voters just won't admit that while Trump is not the best choice, Biden was thrown in there JUST so the democrats could have control. They knew what they were doing.
I am shocked he has lasted this long but I just saw him a day or two ago and he is aging quickly. He can't do this and GOD FORBID if something happens to him we will have someone worse. JUST BECAUSE we HAD to have a woman in office. ANY woman is fine with so many people.

Biden is STILL better than the inept Trump circus.

Tell that to all the families of their 20 year old children that were just killed. They don't believe it. You wouldn't either if it was YOUR child.

I will reiterate...........................

Biden is STILL better than Trump.

As for your comment, tragic as any death is I hope that you understand that those who enlist do so with the CLEAR understanding that serving in the armed forces comes with GREAT risk of injury and/or death. I have many friends and family who have served, this is something that is distinctly understood and accepted by the familes and those that enlist. Sadly, not everyone who serves gets to come home.

I am well aware of that but this was something that could have been avoided and was for 20 years.

I don't think you have a clue at all. You are the epitome of the person who puts up the "Pray for xxx" memes when things happen. You do it, then walk away into your "library", back into your spoiled, entitled world.

The only thing this post does is make you sound like an uninformed, sad, pathetic, jealous b!tch. Stop trying so hard. It really does not achieve anything you are trying to do.

You done going on your tangents? Don’t you have anything better to do on a Friday night? Maybe go on a date, go out with friends? Most single people are out having a good time on this 3 day weekend.

Is that supposed to be some sort of dig? Cause what you think my life is or should be matters exactly why? You are so pathetic. And in case you were worried, honey, my life is way more interesting than you could even begin to imagine - what with your exciting backyard cocktail parties with a few bowls of chips Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Sometimes we even have sum of them fancy veggie platters too Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/4/21 7:13 AM


Member since 7/06

11488 total posts

Völlig losgelöst

Re: 1,000's of Americans still stranded

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by NervousNell

Wait, why is the word "alcoholic" offensive now?
I can see if you called someone a drunk, sure, but alcoholic? Doesn't it imply an addiction to alcohol?
What's wrong with that?
Seriously, how is that offensive?

Is the word diabetic offensive? Should it be changed to sugar processing disorder as to not offend people with the illness?

I posted this link earlier:

In a nutshell, it stigmatizes and shames people in a situation where many do not get the help they need. The term has been taken out of the DSM.

I don’t know about diabetic. I don’t think you can really compare the two, tbh. If you say the words, to me it sounds like ‘alcoholic’ has more negative connotations with it than a diabetic.

I have family members in both NA and AA. To them terms like that are not offensive. The first step for their recovery is to recognize they have a problem and to own it. Not for anyone else but for themselves and their path to recovery. They actually say so themselves when they share in their meetings...”hi I’m Paul and I’m an alcoholic”. Now, if someone uses that word in a degrading way, then that’s a different story. But we all know that a mean-spirited person that likes to put people down can use -any- word to degrade someone. It’s all on the intention.

Yes, but A LOT of people have been damaged by AA and NA. Its success rate is very low— 5-10%. Naltrexone, SMART recovery etc. have better statistics.

Posted 9/4/21 7:27 AM


Member since 7/06

11488 total posts

Völlig losgelöst

Re: 1,000's of Americans still stranded

Posted by RainyDay

How did a post about Afghanistan turn into an argument on what is or is not offensive to alcoholics?

Because it’s a windy dumpster fire. Can’t even read the link she posted for something to discuss about. It’s behind a paywall for me.

Posted 9/4/21 7:29 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6986 total posts


Re: 1,000's of Americans still stranded

AA Success Rates

By American Addiction Centers Editorial Staff
Edited By Kindra Sclar, M.A.
Reviewed By Brian Wu, MD
Last updated on June 16th, 2021
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is one of the most well-known treatment approaches to recovering from alcohol abuse. AA started in 1935 in Akron, Ohio. Bill Wilson and Bob Smith, both alcoholics themselves, were determined to help others quit drinking. They published what has become known as “The Big Book,” spelling out their (now well-known) 12 steps that would lead drinkers to sobriety.

In AA, members meet to help motivate and keep one another accountable for their alcohol use. The meetings are free and open to anyone who wants to stop drinking. Meetings vary but often include reading from The Big Book along with sharing stories, celebrating sobriety, and intense discussions about themes relating to drinking.

Participants in AA are encouraged to work the steps as outlined by Wilson and Smith. However, the success rate of the program is difficult to ascertain, since the group is, by its very nature, anonymous.1

There are approximately 2 million members around the world. To date, more than 130 programs have been modeled on Wilson and Smith’s original 12 steps. Though scientific evidence might be lacking, nonetheless attending AA meetings may help you on your path to sobriety.

One of the reasons for its success is that AA encourages members to look beyond their drinking problems and address underlying character defects. By adopting a new way of life, the members of AA truly attempt to begin again.

Statistics Based on AA’s Ongoing Study
Statistics are available on the viability and success of the program. The organization has conducted studies every 3 years since 1968 that include findings based on answers from a collective pool of members.

Since there is no standard definition of “success” in this area, AA uses ongoing sobriety percentages among members, according to the years they have been active, as a measure of the success of the program

In the Big Book, AA states its approximate success rate is 50%, plus 25%. This means that 50% of members stay sober, 25% of members relapse but come back, and 25% fail to use AA effectively and do not remain sober.

Overall, AA is something that offers support, direction, and comfort for those striving to remain sober. As with most approaches to sobriety, what works for you might not work for others. That’s why it’s important to define what success will mean for you as you work the 12 steps. Success as defined statistically by AA supports the motto, “Keep coming back.”

Long-Term AA Success Statistics
AA success statistics are often hard to gauge because of different variables, but statistics released in 2007 by AA reported on the success of AA members and the length of sobriety:2

31% of members were sober for less than a year’s time.
24% were sober for between 1 and 5 years.
12% were sober for between 5 and 10 years.
33% were sober for 10 or more years.
These statistics do not show a failure rate, but they indicate how AA members succeed in long-term sobriety. The average sobriety time of members that were surveyed was 8 years.

One of the most common mottos in AA is, “It works if you work it,” meaning that members are encouraged to keep coming to meetings. AA prides itself on fostering a sense of community for alcoholics. If a person is committed to sobriety and follows the AA program, there’s an improved chance they will succeed. Many people find strength and hope with AA and statistics support this sentiment.

About 63% of members continued recovery after initial treatment with AA.
Approximately 85% were members of a home group or a regularly attended group.
The average number of attended meetings per week was 2.5.
About 79% of members have a sponsor or a fellow member who provides individual support.
About 74% of members reported that AA was an important part of their recovery.
Many times, addicts participate in an inpatient addiction recovery program to intensely address their addiction issues, and then augment their recovery with aftercare in the form of AA meetings.

Posted 9/4/21 7:36 AM


Member since 7/06

11488 total posts

Völlig losgelöst

Re: 1,000's of Americans still stranded

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by jellybean78

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by jellybean78

Posted by Raging2020

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by jellybean78

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by jellybean78

The last administration had a president that was able to string together coherent sentences, not lie in front of the press and blatantly throw his administration under the the bus.

You cannot be serious with this comment.
Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Trump was a babbling, incoherent, lying, sack of $hit who threw EVERYONE under the bus and who literally blamed everyone around him for his failures and shortcomings as president.

Clearly you weren't paying attention AT ALL for four years.

No I have been paying attention for a long time. Have you? Put your hate for Trump aside, have you recently listened to any press conference or watched our current administration? How can you even defend the foolishness that is spewed. It's a global embarrassment. You have to be dumb and blind not to see it. I'm not trying to pretend Trump was some eloquent savior but compared to Biden, at least Trump was coherent. Biden has taken 0 responsibility for anything that has happened. He doesn't even make sense 99% of the time. He gave his VP the worst job ever and she's MIA, can't even answer legit questions, his statements contradict those of his administration...a total laughing stock.

ETA: Some of ya'll spent the last 4 years bitchiing and complaining about Trump and how he's ruining our country..the outrage. Now you are all silent and just care about baking cookies. lmao..I can't even with the hypocrisy.

Admit i. You all got played and voted for a senile fool who has spent 50 years in politics with 0 accomplishments and still is not taken seriously all because you hated Trump. Own it. This administration is a this rate God help us because we are absolutely a global joke and no one thinks this senile ole fool is in control of anything. His son is an admitted crackhead and he can't even keep his eyes open long enough to hear his name being called. SMDH.

I’m not even going to address the rest of what you said. But may you or someone you love never have to deal with a drug or alcohol disorder. You don't make fun of them and call them a “crackhead.” They don’t needs stigmas and names called at them; they need help.

Why won’t you address the rest of the post? Because you know it is true?
Oh and he IS a crackhead. You are acting like his parents that coddle him.

I don’t owe anyone a response to what I don’t want to respond to. It’s not that I believe it is true or not.

Maybe you should learn that the terms ‘alcoholic’ and ‘crackhead’ are not acceptable and they have been taken out of the DSM. It’s not coddling. It is called giving those with a drug use disorder appropriate treatment.

I mean you wouldn’t like it very much if your child was called a term not used anymore because of, say ADHD, now would you?

I guess you should tell alcoholics anonymous they are wrong when they people in their meetings to say, Hi my name is xxx I am an alcoholic. Chat Icon Chat Icon

You mean retard? You do realize that meant a not smart person. People with ADHD ARE smart and not all are in slow classes.

Sorry but you are making no sense at all.

AA doesn’t work and has a very low success rate. They have proven to be damaging to many people. There are more effective treatments than NA or AA.

I didn’t say a specific word. Pick any term that would not be appropriate.

You are not really making sense, tbh.

Not everything works for everyone there area MANY successful stories that come out of AA.

So they are still wrong because they call themselves alcoholics when clearly they are?

No you did NOT say a specific word but that is one that comes to mind.

You seem to have a problem with words that people who have these conditions and illnesses DO NOT.

People with these conditions do have a problem with these words.

Success for many? Yeah, OK, if you think 5-10% success rate is many…Chat Icon

I take it you did not read the links I posted.

BTW, your link in the original post doesn’t work for me and is behind a paywall.

Are YOU those people? People I know do not and have been successful.

What are you insinuating here? Chat Icon

You called someone a ‘crackhead’.

I posted links, which you probably didn’t read, about how terms like ‘crackhead’ are not acceptable these days. I don’t care whose son it is. He’s still a person. Is it so difficult for you to just use words in a thoughtful way to people with drug disorders, or any disorder for that matter? Nevermind, you have demonstrated that it is too difficult for you.

Oh stop with the politically correctness and the lets coddle everyone and give them all a trophy.
The man IS a crackhead. Did you even read what Jellybean just posted above? He doesn't want help and his parents think he is just fine. No one has dealt with it and he will continue to be a crackhead.

So that’s all that bothered you in the post is that she called him a crackhead? Wow.

I guess you are happy being the laughing stock of the world.

I’m not saying trump didn’t make us look ridiculous at times, but this guy is even more of a joke. And it’s pathetic people defend him.

I’m just disgusted that these were our two choices.

It blows my mind LOL. I mean you smoke crack you're a crackhead, you drink too much alcohol you're an alcoholic. How are these terms offensive?? Are we really going to argue that and gloss over the shiithole our country is in now?

For the last part: I really doubt Biden is going to make it to run in 2024..he'll be toast by then. It seems like people are not too happy with Harris either since she's largely been absent from everything so I don't even know how this will play out.

I guess soon it won’t be allowed for a murderer to be called a murderer. That word will be a trigger for them and they’ll be offended. Chat Icon

Or a drug dealer, or meth addict or sex addict. That guy making a ton of money is crying about calling people names because he probably didn’t like anyone making fun of him. Poor baby Chat Icon

Right I mean come on man Chat Icon

Also I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I bet that alcoholics and narcotics users are more concerned with their habit and/or getting clean then they are with being called crackheads/alcoholics.

So some people think that taking their time and energy to write an article/argue over labels is more important than actually trying help the people you are writing about. That seems like a waste of time and counter productive no??

That guy caters to the whiny generation who are given trophies for breathing.

Funny as I just passed Mom on TV and they were at their AA meeting. It’s TV but I am sure not far from reality. It seems that KK might have failed and/or someone she knows so she assumes everyone does.

I have a friend who is an alcoholic whom goes out every weekend to clubs and bars and has stayed sober for over 10 years. I am always impressed by his will power. It can be done and it is.

Wow? Are you insinuating that I failed at AA? That I have a problem? I don’t by the way.

Have you read any of the articles I posted about success rates? You haven’t.

I am particularly interested in this topic and do volunteer work for it.

Posted 9/4/21 7:36 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6986 total posts


Re: 1,000's of Americans still stranded

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by jellybean78

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by jellybean78

Posted by Raging2020

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by jellybean78

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by jellybean78

The last administration had a president that was able to string together coherent sentences, not lie in front of the press and blatantly throw his administration under the the bus.

You cannot be serious with this comment.
Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Trump was a babbling, incoherent, lying, sack of $hit who threw EVERYONE under the bus and who literally blamed everyone around him for his failures and shortcomings as president.

Clearly you weren't paying attention AT ALL for four years.

No I have been paying attention for a long time. Have you? Put your hate for Trump aside, have you recently listened to any press conference or watched our current administration? How can you even defend the foolishness that is spewed. It's a global embarrassment. You have to be dumb and blind not to see it. I'm not trying to pretend Trump was some eloquent savior but compared to Biden, at least Trump was coherent. Biden has taken 0 responsibility for anything that has happened. He doesn't even make sense 99% of the time. He gave his VP the worst job ever and she's MIA, can't even answer legit questions, his statements contradict those of his administration...a total laughing stock.

ETA: Some of ya'll spent the last 4 years bitchiing and complaining about Trump and how he's ruining our country..the outrage. Now you are all silent and just care about baking cookies. lmao..I can't even with the hypocrisy.

Admit i. You all got played and voted for a senile fool who has spent 50 years in politics with 0 accomplishments and still is not taken seriously all because you hated Trump. Own it. This administration is a this rate God help us because we are absolutely a global joke and no one thinks this senile ole fool is in control of anything. His son is an admitted crackhead and he can't even keep his eyes open long enough to hear his name being called. SMDH.

I’m not even going to address the rest of what you said. But may you or someone you love never have to deal with a drug or alcohol disorder. You don't make fun of them and call them a “crackhead.” They don’t needs stigmas and names called at them; they need help.

Why won’t you address the rest of the post? Because you know it is true?
Oh and he IS a crackhead. You are acting like his parents that coddle him.

I don’t owe anyone a response to what I don’t want to respond to. It’s not that I believe it is true or not.

Maybe you should learn that the terms ‘alcoholic’ and ‘crackhead’ are not acceptable and they have been taken out of the DSM. It’s not coddling. It is called giving those with a drug use disorder appropriate treatment.

I mean you wouldn’t like it very much if your child was called a term not used anymore because of, say ADHD, now would you?

I guess you should tell alcoholics anonymous they are wrong when they people in their meetings to say, Hi my name is xxx I am an alcoholic. Chat Icon Chat Icon

You mean retard? You do realize that meant a not smart person. People with ADHD ARE smart and not all are in slow classes.

Sorry but you are making no sense at all.

AA doesn’t work and has a very low success rate. They have proven to be damaging to many people. There are more effective treatments than NA or AA.

I didn’t say a specific word. Pick any term that would not be appropriate.

You are not really making sense, tbh.

Not everything works for everyone there area MANY successful stories that come out of AA.

So they are still wrong because they call themselves alcoholics when clearly they are?

No you did NOT say a specific word but that is one that comes to mind.

You seem to have a problem with words that people who have these conditions and illnesses DO NOT.

People with these conditions do have a problem with these words.

Success for many? Yeah, OK, if you think 5-10% success rate is many…Chat Icon

I take it you did not read the links I posted.

BTW, your link in the original post doesn’t work for me and is behind a paywall.

Are YOU those people? People I know do not and have been successful.

What are you insinuating here? Chat Icon

You called someone a ‘crackhead’.

I posted links, which you probably didn’t read, about how terms like ‘crackhead’ are not acceptable these days. I don’t care whose son it is. He’s still a person. Is it so difficult for you to just use words in a thoughtful way to people with drug disorders, or any disorder for that matter? Nevermind, you have demonstrated that it is too difficult for you.

Oh stop with the politically correctness and the lets coddle everyone and give them all a trophy.
The man IS a crackhead. Did you even read what Jellybean just posted above? He doesn't want help and his parents think he is just fine. No one has dealt with it and he will continue to be a crackhead.

So that’s all that bothered you in the post is that she called him a crackhead? Wow.

I guess you are happy being the laughing stock of the world.

I’m not saying trump didn’t make us look ridiculous at times, but this guy is even more of a joke. And it’s pathetic people defend him.

I’m just disgusted that these were our two choices.

It blows my mind LOL. I mean you smoke crack you're a crackhead, you drink too much alcohol you're an alcoholic. How are these terms offensive?? Are we really going to argue that and gloss over the shiithole our country is in now?

For the last part: I really doubt Biden is going to make it to run in 2024..he'll be toast by then. It seems like people are not too happy with Harris either since she's largely been absent from everything so I don't even know how this will play out.

I guess soon it won’t be allowed for a murderer to be called a murderer. That word will be a trigger for them and they’ll be offended. Chat Icon

Or a drug dealer, or meth addict or sex addict. That guy making a ton of money is crying about calling people names because he probably didn’t like anyone making fun of him. Poor baby Chat Icon

Right I mean come on man Chat Icon

Also I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I bet that alcoholics and narcotics users are more concerned with their habit and/or getting clean then they are with being called crackheads/alcoholics.

So some people think that taking their time and energy to write an article/argue over labels is more important than actually trying help the people you are writing about. That seems like a waste of time and counter productive no??

That guy caters to the whiny generation who are given trophies for breathing.

Funny as I just passed Mom on TV and they were at their AA meeting. It’s TV but I am sure not far from reality. It seems that KK might have failed and/or someone she knows so she assumes everyone does.

I have a friend who is an alcoholic whom goes out every weekend to clubs and bars and has stayed sober for over 10 years. I am always impressed by his will power. It can be done and it is.

Wow? Are you insinuating that I failed at AA? That I have a problem? I don’t by the way.

Have you read any of the articles I posted about success rates? You haven’t.

I am particularly interested in this topic and do volunteer work for it.

That is great as it is a big issue now.

Posted 9/4/21 7:39 AM


Member since 7/06

11488 total posts

Völlig losgelöst

Re: 1,000's of Americans still stranded

Posted by windyweather21

Total rubbish. Has no clue about the topic.

You are good at copypasta, eh? You really don’t know what you are talking about.

Posted 9/4/21 7:43 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6986 total posts


Re: 1,000's of Americans still stranded

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by windyweather21

Total rubbish. Has no clue about the topic.

You are good at copypasta, eh? You really don’t know what you are talking about.

Ok I didn’t quote that so it looks like I did.

Your article is from 2014 and I just put up one from 2021.

And what is a copypasta? I might want to try some of that with some meat sauce. Yum. Lol.

You know at my next get together with my chips and cocktails as I am not as elegant and interesting as others on this board Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 9/4/2021 7:48:01 AM.

Posted 9/4/21 7:46 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/11

9141 total posts


Re: 1,000's of Americans still stranded

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by windyweather21

Total rubbish. Has no clue about the topic.

You are good at copypasta, eh? You really don’t know what you are talking about.

Ok I didn’t quote that so it looks like I did.

Your article is from 2014 and I just put up one from 2021.

And what is a copypasta? I might want to try some of that with some meat sauce. Yum. Lol.

You know at my next get together with my chips and cocktails as I am not as elegant and interesting as others on this board Chat Icon Chat Icon

Educate yourself

A copypasta is a block of text which is copied and pasted across the Internet by individuals through online forums and social networking websites. Copypastas are said to be similar to spam.

Posted 9/4/21 8:44 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6986 total posts


Re: 1,000's of Americans still stranded

Posted by chilltocam

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by windyweather21

Total rubbish. Has no clue about the topic.

You are good at copypasta, eh? You really don’t know what you are talking about.

Ok I didn’t quote that so it looks like I did.

Your article is from 2014 and I just put up one from 2021.

And what is a copypasta? I might want to try some of that with some meat sauce. Yum. Lol.

You know at my next get together with my chips and cocktails as I am not as elegant and interesting as others on this board Chat Icon Chat Icon

Educate yourself

A copypasta is a block of text which is copied and pasted across the Internet by individuals through online forums and social networking websites. Copypastas are said to be similar to spam.

Ooo my bad. I two dumb to no this. Maybe because it wasn’t spam but otherwise.....
Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 9/4/2021 8:51:35 AM.

Posted 9/4/21 8:51 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/20

1189 total posts


1,000's of Americans still stranded

Scrolled through the back and forth, but on someone not liking strong men or having an issue with them reminded me of some theories. Historians put forth that certain populations desire authoritarianism and a male leader who come off as tough. They also get into power during times when people feel uncertainty. The issue is that they exploit it, make things seem worse than they are, and lead followers to think he alone can fix things.

There is an interesting interview in Time where they are referred to as Strongmen. “Strongmen are a subset of authoritarian who require total loyalty, bend democracy around [their] own needs, and use different forms of machismo to interact with their people and with other rulers.”

Posted 9/4/21 11:08 AM
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