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14 Week Pregnant: Cramping?

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LIF Infant

Member since 5/14

180 total posts


14 Week Pregnant: Cramping?

Hi All - I am 14 weeks pregnant and I havebeen noticing the stretching feeling inside of me....and today I feel a little crampy. No blood or spotting, just crampy.

Is this normal? I went online and a lot of sites say it is just your uterus stretching.

I have a DR appointment tonight for my monthly check up anyway, but of course I am sitting here at work in a panic.

Thank you in advnace for any insight!

Posted 7/29/14 9:22 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 1/12

2637 total posts


Re: 14 Week Pregnant: Cramping?

I had cramping throughout the first and second trimester - never had any spotting. Doctor told me it's things moving around and stretching down there.

Posted 7/29/14 9:33 AM

Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13

7238 total posts


14 Week Pregnant: Cramping?

I had the same, I had that cramping and stretching feeling - and at 11 weeks - 15 weeks I had spotting here and there (likely from my placenta being very low at the time). Hope that helps! Definitely mention it at your doctor's appointment tonight though, for your own piece of mind.

Posted 7/29/14 9:42 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/12

3656 total posts


14 Week Pregnant: Cramping?

I have little cramps every day. Usually they happen for me in the morning. Sometimes after I eat they feel like stabbing. My OB said its normal. I wouldn't worry about it.

Posted 7/29/14 1:03 PM

Grateful for my babies!

Member since 2/12

4571 total posts


Re: 14 Week Pregnant: Cramping?

I just hit 15 weeks and have been experiencing the weird pressure/stretching/cramping thing since last week. Comes and goes and yesterday was little stretches by my hip bones. As long as there is no spotting, my Dr said it is normal. Heavy pressure and cramping with spotting is an indicator that something is not right and then you should see your Dr.

Posted 7/29/14 1:08 PM

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