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2 miscarriages and no answers

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LIF Infant

Member since 2/08

217 total posts


2 miscarriages and no answers

So I have had 2 miscarriages and I just got all my test results back and there is nothing wrong with me.

My Dr. did the full work up and NOTHING.

I know you would think that's good but now I have no idea why this is happening.

Anyone have this?

Posted 9/25/08 11:30 AM

Sugar & Spice

Member since 7/08

1351 total posts


Re: 2 miscarriages and no answers

I am so sorry. Looks like I am in the middle of my second right now. My doctor seems totally unconcerned about future prospects, which blows my mind.

She said it's not uncommon at all to have 2, that we may never know why, and that we shouldn't be worried until it's 3 m/c.

Which made me want to hit her, because I can't stand the thought of getting pregnant again and not trying anything different. It seems insane to me.

Posted 9/25/08 11:38 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/08

217 total posts


Re: 2 miscarriages and no answers

Posted by QueSeraSera

I am so sorry. Looks like I am in the middle of my second right now. My doctor seems totally unconcerned about future prospects, which blows my mind.

She said it's not uncommon at all to have 2, that we may never know why, and that we shouldn't be worried until it's 3 m/c.

Which made me want to hit her, because I can't stand the thought of getting pregnant again and not trying anything different. It seems insane to me.

Oh gosh I am so sorry. Hang in there. I know the horrible feelings you are having right now. Chat Icon

Posted 9/25/08 11:52 AM

I'll be there soon!

Member since 1/08

6549 total posts


Re: 2 miscarriages and no answers

did you have your progesterone tested when you first got pregnant?

after this second loss, I would insist, if they have not done it already, to be tested for MTHFR Factor V. The test is done with a simple blood test, which you don't have to be pregnant for. MTHFR can cause blood clots which can cause m/c's.

Sorry for your losses! Chat Icon

Posted 9/25/08 12:58 PM

Thankful for our miracles!

Member since 2/07

7254 total posts


Re: 2 miscarriages and no answers

I agree w/ PP.
I would have my progesterone checked and I would also DEMAND to have a 'frequent miscarriage panel' of tests done. My RE just had me do 'tennessee bloods' which I don't think most dr's offices do- they overnight the blood to TN to a specific Dr (I go to LI-IVF and see Dr. Kenigsberg BTW).
I'm not sure if you're seeing an OB/GYN or an RE but if you aren't seeing an RE- now is the time to make an appointment. Chat Icon I am SO glad that my dr. is being very proactive about this- he recommended that I get a whole workup of blood done, both the tennessee bloods as well as some other tests that I'm going to Quest to have done- before I even got to tell him that I wanted them done. I hope to never have to go through this pain again. Chat Icon Chat Icon It could be something as simple as a clotting issue or a progesterone issue. Do you know what he tested you for?

Message edited 9/25/2008 2:44:30 PM.

Posted 9/25/08 2:43 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/08

838 total posts


Re: 2 miscarriages and no answers

I also had 2 miscarriages and they did all the test and found nothing wrong with me or my dh. I was told that 50% of all pregnancies end in m/c. It may not be you. It may have just been a chromosome abnormality that just happens. Mine was trisomy 16 which is the most known cause for m/c. The baby would never have come to term with this particular abnormality. So the body just rids it. I just coughed it up finally to really bad luck.
Third time was the charm for us. We had a beautiful baby boy.
Now I am pregnant again. And so far so good.
I know its hard because it would be easier if someone said something was wrong so you can just fix it. Just hang in there and your miracle will happen.

Posted 9/25/08 3:49 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/07

533 total posts


Re: 2 miscarriages and no answers

I know it is a lot to take in right now...the pain is horrible.

I see an RE and had many tests done after my 2nd mis. It turns out I do have clotting problems...If i waited for my third miscarriage for the tests, I would have been so disappointed to know I could have prevented it from possibly happening again.

I in no way mean to scare you, many people go on to have many babies!!! Just something for you to maybe discuss with your dr again!

I wish you lots of luck!

Posted 9/25/08 5:37 PM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Re: 2 miscarriages and no answers

Ask your Dr for a copy of results then post or FM me with the tests I can tell you if they missed anythingChat Icon

Posted 9/26/08 12:29 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/05

2638 total posts


Re: 2 miscarriages and no answers

What kind of tests do they run? Just a blood test? I could not go through this again as well. I was thinking of seeing a high risk Dr. or going to an RE. I'm still waiting for my dr. to give me results of the m/c.

Posted 9/26/08 11:12 PM

Thankful for our miracles!

Member since 2/07

7254 total posts


Re: 2 miscarriages and no answers

Posted by Buttafli1277

What kind of tests do they run? Just a blood test? I could not go through this again as well. I was thinking of seeing a high risk Dr. or going to an RE. I'm still waiting for my dr. to give me results of the m/c.

My dr. ran his own version of the 'frequent miscarriage panel' after I had 1 miscarriage. They check for clotting issues- if you have any they'll put you on medication for your PG (I believe injections). HTH! Chat Icon I would def. see an RE- and get bloodwork done. Chat Icon

Posted 9/27/08 8:11 AM

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