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2nd/3rd grade bridge class questions, ideas you name it!

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Easy Peasy!

Member since 11/07

1428 total posts


2nd/3rd grade bridge class questions, ideas you name it!

Ok so I was hired to teach a 2nd/3rd grade gen ed bridge class. I kinda have a free reign on how i want to teach, private school, and well i need your ideas and I have a few questions.

Does anyone have experience in a bridge class? If so please tell me your experiences.

What kinda first day of school activities can I do?

Does anybody have any good resources to share?

I'm going to have many questions as things start to get settled but I want to get the first few days out of the way Thx!

Feel free to FM me

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Posted 8/26/08 7:15 PM

Sugar & Spice

Member since 7/08

1351 total posts


Re: 2nd/3rd grade bridge class questions, ideas you name it!

I taught a combo 4/5 class one year. Do you have a TA? How many students do you have?

Posted 8/26/08 7:38 PM

Easy Peasy!

Member since 11/07

1428 total posts


Re: 2nd/3rd grade bridge class questions, ideas you name it!

I have a TA yes :)

Any info you have to share please do!

Posted 8/26/08 8:28 PM

Sugar & Spice

Member since 7/08

1351 total posts


Re: 2nd/3rd grade bridge class questions, ideas you name it!

Oksy- so I had a 4/5 class so I am not sure if my advice is applicable.....but I would structure the class doing a lot of small group and individual work (let the kids go at their pace.) I found that in reading and writing, there is a lot of overlap in terms of levels the kids are on, so I spent a lot of time working with small groups made up of students from both grades made up by need in a particular area.

I don't know how your principal is making up the class, but generally if you have rather high level 2nd graders mixed with on level 3rd graders, that would be helpful. They would end up being of similar ability levels. Also, they should make sure to give you kids who are able to work independently and not prone to behavior issues, as you will have a full plate hitting two curriculums.

For me, science and SS were a challenge to mesh, but at your level, I don't see why you couldn't do centers to help with this, and just have half the class doing one topic while the other is working on something different. This is where it will really help to have a TA. Also, I sent one level out for recess with the TA while I did math with the other, then switched.

Hope this helps!

Posted 8/26/08 9:42 PM

Easy Peasy!

Member since 11/07

1428 total posts


Re: 2nd/3rd grade bridge class questions, ideas you name it!

its helps thxChat Icon

Posted 8/27/08 8:32 PM

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