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Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

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big brother <3

Member since 5/05

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Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

A friend forwarded me this message re: Palin's youngest baby....Thoughts?

"by all accounts, the baby was born to her 16 year old daughter. There are no photographs of Palin visibly pregnant (and she told no one until she was nearly 8 months along). She also got on a eight-hour plane ride right after her water broke? The daughter, on the other hand, was out of school during that time because she had "mono". Even the daughter's school friends are passing this little tidbit along."

Posted 8/30/08 8:32 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

sounds like Bri on Desparate housewives

I could go either way on it

Posted 8/30/08 8:37 PM

A Healing for Gregory

Member since 1/07

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Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

Well, all it tells me is that she's normal ... she's got a normal family ... normal kids that screw up. This is assuming the story has some validity to it.

I have more important things to be concerned with. I'm more interested in what her ticket will do if they win.

Message edited 8/30/2008 8:38:56 PM.

Posted 8/30/08 8:38 PM


Member since 10/06

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Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

Eh, IMO it's hearsay unless they can conclusively prove otherwise.

Personally, I'm not sure what to make of it...

Posted 8/30/08 8:42 PM

Sister love

Member since 2/06

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Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

I'd say that it is probably her baby. He has down syndrome, and older mothers (like Palin who is 44) are more likely to have children with Down Syndrome.

Posted 8/30/08 8:42 PM

big brother <3

Member since 5/05

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Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

Posted by greeneyes361708

I'd say that it is probably her baby. He has down syndrome, and older mothers (like Palin who is 44) are more likely to have children with Down Syndrome.

I just found an article that argued all the points, and it said this:

-Mothers at 44 (as Sarah Palin is), have an extremely high rate of Downs Syndrome in their children. However, this does not exclude Bristol Palin, as very young mothers also have an increased risk of Downs Syndrome in their children.

Posted 8/30/08 8:45 PM

big brother <3

Member since 5/05

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Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

An article about it:

Along with all the stories making their way through the news cycle is one regarding Trig Palin, her youngest child. Apparently, there has been suspicion, some reported through Alaskan media outlets even before the Vice Presidential buzz, that the child actually belongs to her daughter, Bristol Palin. Normally this would be a personal issue, but this becomes a public matter because of Sarah Palin's stance against abortion and birth control, promoting 'abstinence only' beliefs.
The story seems ludicrious, and surely the GOP workers that vetted her would have stopped McCain from choosing her if anything like this were true. Only, now it has come out that Governor Sarah Palin was not vetted properly. The McCain camp states that they didn't feel it was necessary.
Even if it is entirely false and ludicrous, people are talking about it, and are quite interested in it. It has cropped up on a number of liberal and conservative blogs and sites. One Republican blog pre-empted the rumors, urging people to support Governor Palin "no matter what happens." It is absurd to believe Barack Obama is a Muslim, but that hasn't stopped 10% to 15% of America believing it is true. It remains to be seen if this story will sprout legs. So far, no media outlet has outright disproved the rumor (which should be very easy to do), though the Anchorage Daily News has reported the rumor.
The believers have a few scattered points:

1. Bristol Palin left school for an extended period of time, due to mononucleosis according to her family for the last 4-5 months of Trig's pregnancy. Some classmates claimed later that they had seen Bristol Palin pregnant.

2. Sarah Palin did not reveal to anyone outside her family that she was pregnant until 8 months into her pregnancy. Even then, she showed no signs of pregnancy. Alaskan news outlets commented on this, but did not go further. There are pictures of her at Super Tuesday (just a month before the baby was born).

She is notably a very trim woman, so it would likely be difficult to hide a pregnancy.

3. There are supposed photos showing Bristol Palin having gained weight, possibly significantly so in the abdomen. I haven't been able to verify these.

4. Sarah Palin went into labor in Dallas just before she was due to deliver a keynote address at the Republican Governors' Energy Conference, and flew to Seattle, then Alaska while still in labor.

Supposedly, she was in labor during the 8 hour flight, and the crew and attendants did not know.

(Quote from the Article Above):

""Governor Palin was extremely pleasant to flight attendants and her
stage of pregnancy was not apparent by observation as she didn't show
any signs of distress," Boren said."

This is extremely risky behavior, and you are advised by doctors, traditionally, not to fly once you are past 7 months pregnant. If airlines are made aware, sometimes they will prevent you from flying. Sarah Palin did not inform the flight.

5. Sarah has had four children before, and a prolonged labor that lasted a flight from Dallas to Alaska is extremely unlikely, as labor times usually decrease with the number of births.

6. There is also some rumor of an interview with a co-worker of Todd Palin at the oil fields in Prudhoe Bay (North Slope, where Todd Palin worked for BP), though I haven't been able to verify this. The co-worker claims Todd told him of the situation, supposedly.

7. Likewise, there were at the time a few classmates of Bristol's that claimed they had seen her pregnant.

8. Sarah Palin appeared 4 months before the baby's birth in Vogue magazine, and was "trim and lithe." (Searching for photos.)
Now, the counterpoints are that:

-Of course, this is all very far-fetched. Republicans would have vetted her and this would have never slipped past them

-She may not have been showing the pregnancy, despite her trim and slim frame, because of the low birthweight of infants with Downs Syndrome.

-Mothers at 44 (as Sarah Palin is), have an extremely high rate of Downs Syndrome in their children. However, this does not exclude Bristol Palin, as very young mothers also have an increased risk of Downs Syndrome in their children.

The attached photo is Sarah Palin at Super Tuesday (2-05-08), credit to Brian Wallace of the Juneau Empire.

Posted 8/30/08 8:46 PM

St. Gerard, pray for us.

Member since 7/07

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Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

i highly doubt this. I am sure the baby is hers. why would she lie about something like that trying to run for the VP? the media jumped on clinton for smoking some pot... i am sure if this baby was really her daughter's it would be out in the open by now and i would think she would be up front about. lying at this stage in the game would make things very problematic for her and Mccain. i don't see why she would risk it.

Posted 8/30/08 8:49 PM

big brother <3

Member since 5/05

14672 total posts


Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

this site has pics of both her and her daughter during the pregnancy. there is a pic of her when she was 7 mos.

Posted 8/30/08 8:50 PM

Let's Go Rangers!

Member since 1/07

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Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

It seems pretty out there. SOMEONE ( a nurse, doctor, orderly, candy striper etc ) would DEFINITELY come out once she got the VP nomination. . .

everyone wants their 15 minutes of fame. . . I can't imagine anyone who has PROOF of this keeping quiet out of the kindness of their heart. Maybe if she was just some politician from Alaska but once she was brought onto the national scene? I doubt it.

Posted 8/30/08 8:51 PM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

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Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

that's on par with calling Obama a Muslim terrorist


Posted 8/30/08 8:53 PM

The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06

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Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

Posted by nov04libride

this site has pics of both her and her daughter during the pregnancy. there is a pic of her when she was 7 mos.


also something i find interesting- I watched the E! Channel today about political sex scandals

and they pointed out and this is so true- it's always the person screaming the loudest about something- that is guilty of it

example- our own former govener

that senator from FL - Mark Foley with the pages- and the texts and emails

he was very out spoken about pediphiles

she had ALOT to lose with a prego teen daughter- and desperate people do desperate things!

Message edited 8/30/2008 8:55:27 PM.

Posted 8/30/08 8:54 PM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

32345 total posts


Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

Posted by nov04libride

this site has pics of both her and her daughter during the pregnancy. there is a pic of her when she was 7 mos.

they also have this rumor as a headline:


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sorry - this website is not a source I would ever trust

Posted 8/30/08 9:00 PM

I am an amazing bakist

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Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

interesting theory.....

Posted 8/30/08 9:01 PM


Member since 12/05

10281 total posts


Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

either way, I commend her for having the baby.

Message edited 8/30/2008 9:05:56 PM.

Posted 8/30/08 9:05 PM

big brother <3

Member since 5/05

14672 total posts


Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

Posted by SweetestOfPeas

Posted by nov04libride

this site has pics of both her and her daughter during the pregnancy. there is a pic of her when she was 7 mos.

they also have this rumor as a headline:


Chat Icon

sorry - this website is not a source I would ever trust

Chat Icon Do a google search--there are over 37,000 sites about Palin pregnancy scandal. That was just the first pic I could find. Apparently the official Alaska pics from the months of her pregnancy and family throughout her pregnancy were taken down.

I don't know what to believe, but it does seem a little odd that her daughter was out of school at the same time, and that classmates claim to have seen her PG.

Posted 8/30/08 9:06 PM

Let's Go Rangers!

Member since 1/07

14818 total posts


Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...


Message edited 8/30/2008 9:09:22 PM.

Posted 8/30/08 9:07 PM


Member since 12/05

10281 total posts


Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

Posted by Tilde

Posted by Deedlebug126

either way, I commend her for having the baby.

nice saveChat Icon

LOL thanks, Im so not in the mood to go there...

Posted 8/30/08 9:08 PM

Let's Go Rangers!

Member since 1/07

14818 total posts


Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

Posted by Deedlebug126

Posted by Tilde

Posted by Deedlebug126

either way, I commend her for having the baby.

nice saveChat Icon

LOL thanks, Im so not in the mood to go there...

you and me both Chat Icon

Posted 8/30/08 9:08 PM

One day at a time

Member since 11/07

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Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

If it is true, IMO it's not a big deal. Let's say it is true... Her teenage daughter had a baby. Unfortunately, it's pretty common nowadays. I'm sure plenty of mothers raise their grandchildren as their own, especially when the grandchild is born to a teenager. It's a much better option than an abortion IMO. I don't see the harm. Maybe she would have done it whether she were a politician or not...who knows. I don't think it says anything about how she will affect this country. I'm sure her kids don't think about her beliefs before acting on something...they're kids. She shouldn't be punished for having a normal family with "problems."

Posted 8/30/08 9:10 PM

The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06

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Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

I read on the parenting board she was back at work 3 days after

totally unrelated to her daughter having the baby- but when you start to put things together

plane trip + back to work so soon really makes you question things

Posted 8/30/08 9:11 PM

St. Gerard, pray for us.

Member since 7/07

7650 total posts


Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

Posted by Tilde

Posted by Deedlebug126

Posted by Tilde

Posted by Deedlebug126

either way, I commend her for having the baby.

nice saveChat Icon

LOL thanks, Im so not in the mood to go there...

you and me both Chat Icon

and you know it unfrotunately just be the three of us arguing that issue! Chat Icon

Posted 8/30/08 9:11 PM

Let's Go Rangers!

Member since 1/07

14818 total posts


Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

Posted by donegal419

Posted by Tilde

Posted by Deedlebug126

Posted by Tilde

Posted by Deedlebug126

either way, I commend her for having the baby.

nice saveChat Icon

LOL thanks, Im so not in the mood to go there...

you and me both Chat Icon

and you know it unfrotunately just be the three of us arguing that issue! Chat Icon


Message edited 8/30/2008 9:13:47 PM.

Posted 8/30/08 9:12 PM

Roll Tide!

Member since 8/08

3169 total posts


Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

Posted by nov04libride

this site has pics of both her and her daughter during the pregnancy. there is a pic of her when she was 7 mos.

Let's pretend I was going to cover my teen-age daughter's pregnancy in this way...If I were going to take a family publicity photo with my daughter secretly 7 mos pregnant, I probably would've hid her behind the other kids in the photo, don'cha think? Not left her belly out for all to see

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Posted 8/30/08 9:12 PM


Member since 12/05

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Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

if you are a SAHM of multiple children, you are back to work 1.5 days after you give birth.

Posted 8/30/08 9:12 PM
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