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Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

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Roll Tide!

Member since 8/08

3169 total posts


Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

Posted by Jennifer907

If it is true, IMO it's not a big deal. Let's say it is true... Her teenage daughter had a baby. Unfortunately, it's pretty common nowadays. I'm sure plenty of mothers raise their grandchildren as their own, especially when the grandchild is born to a teenager. It's a much better option than an abortion IMO. I don't see the harm. Maybe she would have done it whether she were a politician or not...who knows. I don't think it says anything about how she will affect this country. I'm sure her kids don't think about her beliefs before acting on something...they're kids. She shouldn't be punished for having a normal family with "problems."


Posted 8/30/08 9:13 PM
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Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

If it's true, then she shouldn't be recieving commendations that she didn't abort a baby with down's, which is what I hear over and over about her. At the same time, by doing what she did (if she did it), then she is giving her daughter a future. THAT is to be commended instead of the first idea. But admitting to that would cause a lot more scandal which she doesn't need right now.

Judging from the picture, which could be photoshopped, her daughter had a little pooch. But teenage girls gain a lot of weight in the stomach as their hormones change. We'll probably never know.

Posted 8/30/08 9:14 PM


Member since 12/05

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Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

Posted by Tilde

Posted by donegal419

Posted by Tilde

Posted by Deedlebug126

Posted by Tilde

Posted by Deedlebug126

either way, I commend her for having the baby.

nice saveChat Icon

LOL thanks, Im so not in the mood to go there...

you and me both Chat Icon

and you know it unfrotunately just be the three of us arguing that issue! Chat Icon


Chat Icon at least we have each other.

Posted 8/30/08 9:16 PM

big brother <3

Member since 5/05

14672 total posts


Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

Posted by mathteach

Posted by Jennifer907

If it is true, IMO it's not a big deal. Let's say it is true... Her teenage daughter had a baby. Unfortunately, it's pretty common nowadays. I'm sure plenty of mothers raise their grandchildren as their own, especially when the grandchild is born to a teenager. It's a much better option than an abortion IMO. I don't see the harm. Maybe she would have done it whether she were a politician or not...who knows. I don't think it says anything about how she will affect this country. I'm sure her kids don't think about her beliefs before acting on something...they're kids. She shouldn't be punished for having a normal family with "problems."


Hey, teens get PG. I don't think it would affect her as a politician since clearly she isn't the one home minding this baby most of the time.

But when I read comments on another site like "I was considering Obama but Sarah Palin has swung my vote. I am ready for a woman and a woman of integrity. I would never have voted for Hillary as she is a chronic liar.", then it seems like if she did lie, it may really affect how people view her, especially given her stance on teen abstinence.

There just seem to be a lot of questions surrounding the whole thing...Why would she take an 8-hour flight after her water broke, not telling the airline and seemingly fine to flight attendants and other passengers? Her water breaks in Texas, and she goes through check in at the airport, etc. to take an Alaskan Airlines flight back to Alaska while in labor? And why bother having an amnio when you would never abort or give up the baby anyway, given the high risk to the fetus from an amnio? Chat Icon

Message edited 8/30/2008 9:24:45 PM.

Posted 8/30/08 9:20 PM

The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06

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Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

Posted by Deedlebug126

if you are a SAHM of multiple children, you are back to work 1.5 days after you give birth.

right- but if she really didn't give birth- then it's not so impressive

and it makes her a liar

I don't really care either way if the baby is hers- but don't be all preachy about teens not having sex- if you can't stop your own kid

I love irony

Posted 8/30/08 9:28 PM

Roll Tide!

Member since 8/08

3169 total posts


Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

Honestly, this is the first I'm hearing this, and given that my fave site, CNN doesn't have this on its home page, I'll wait to investigate.

That being said, I was already McCain anyway, so I'm not a vi-jay-jay for Palin.

As a mother, if this is true (which I don't think - see my post about the photo) good for her. She is anti-abortion and IF her daughter got knocked up, she stood by both her beliefs and her daughter. Instead of having the abortion the baby is obviously being raised in a loving home.

Kids make mistakes, esp teenagers, Sarah Palin found a way for her daughter to keep her dignity, conscience (ask someone who's had an abortion, many of them are consumed by guilt) and her future intact.

Good for Palin

Posted 8/30/08 9:29 PM


Member since 12/05

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Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

Posted by Beth1210

Posted by Deedlebug126

if you are a SAHM of Multiple children, you are back to work 1.5 days after you give birth.

right- but if she really didn't give birth- then it's not so impressive

and it makes her a liar

I don't really care either way if the baby is hers- but don't be all preachy about teens not having sex- if you can't stop your own kid

I love irony

Can anyone really stop their kids from having sex? I will probably not be able to stop my DD one day from having sex, but she will damn well hear my preaching that teens should not be having sex. And if she "lied" to protect her child then I don't blame her one bit. If anything, I can relate to her more, because I would do the same.

Posted 8/30/08 9:32 PM

You're My Home <3

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Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

if we all try reeeeeally reeeeeeally hard we *CAN* find something wrong with her -- we just have to keep TRYING!!! don't give up - anything is possible if you have the determination.

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Posted 8/30/08 9:34 PM

The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06

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Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

Posted by Deedlebug126

Posted by Beth1210

Posted by Deedlebug126

if you are a SAHM of Multiple children, you are back to work 1.5 days after you give birth.

right- but if she really didn't give birth- then it's not so impressive

and it makes her a liar

I don't really care either way if the baby is hers- but don't be all preachy about teens not having sex- if you can't stop your own kid

I love irony

Can anyone really stop their kids from having sex? I will probably not be able to stop my DD one day from having sex, but she will damn well hear my preaching that teens should not be having sex. And if she "lied" to protect her child then I don't blame her one bit. If anything, I can relate to her more, because I would do the same.

I am sure protecting her political career never crossed her mind during this whole thing either

plenty of teen girls have babies- but she had more to lose then the average woman

I don't care if you want to disagree with me- we are not on the same page politcally to begin with- so I don't care

if it was some HRC did - you would be all over it as well

Posted 8/30/08 9:35 PM

big brother <3

Member since 5/05

14672 total posts


Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

Posted by Deedlebug126

Posted by Beth1210

Posted by Deedlebug126

if you are a SAHM of Multiple children, you are back to work 1.5 days after you give birth.

right- but if she really didn't give birth- then it's not so impressive

and it makes her a liar

I don't really care either way if the baby is hers- but don't be all preachy about teens not having sex- if you can't stop your own kid

I love irony

Can anyone really stop their kids from having sex? I will probably not be able to stop my DD one day from having sex, but she will damn well hear my preaching that teens should not be having sex. And if she "lied" to protect her child then I don't blame her one bit. If anything, I can relate to her more, because I would do the same.

I'd imagine many conservative Republicans would judge her for having a daughter who got pregnant at 16.

When you preach as a legislator against single-sex marriage, pre-marital sex, etc., and then cover up for your child, it just seems hypocritical. It seems more unethical to me than having an extramarital affair, since these abortion/abstinence values are so closely tied into her legislation.

Posted 8/30/08 9:36 PM


Member since 12/05

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Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

Actually no, I like HRC, I probably would have voted for her being that I used to vote Dem. and voted for her husband 2x

Message edited 8/30/2008 9:37:38 PM.

Posted 8/30/08 9:36 PM

Now a mommy of 2!!!

Member since 4/06

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Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

Posted by mathteach

Posted by nov04libride

this site has pics of both her and her daughter during the pregnancy. there is a pic of her when she was 7 mos.

Let's pretend I was going to cover my teen-age daughter's pregnancy in this way...If I were going to take a family publicity photo with my daughter secretly 7 mos pregnant, I probably would've hid her behind the other kids in the photo, don'cha think? Not left her belly out for all to see

Chat Icon

That is exactly what I was thinking. If this is you plan wouldn't you hide your daughter's belly for pics. Plus, to be fair that does not look like a 7 month belly either. I guess anything is possible...

Posted 8/30/08 9:38 PM

my two loves

Member since 10/06

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Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

Way too Desperate Housewives for me!!!

Posted 8/30/08 9:38 PM

Roll Tide!

Member since 8/08

3169 total posts


Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

When you preach as a legislator against single-sex marriage, pre-marital sex, etc., and then cover up for your child, it just seems hypocritical. It seems more unethical to me than having an extramarital affair, since these abortion/abstinence values are so closely tied into her legislation.

It makes her seem "human" and honestly, who's going to fight harder for abstinence than a woman who's teen-age daughter got knocked-up. She obviously has experience dealing with the negative repercussions.

Posted 8/30/08 9:40 PM

big brother <3

Member since 5/05

14672 total posts


Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

Posted by stickydust

Posted by mathteach

Posted by nov04libride

this site has pics of both her and her daughter during the pregnancy. there is a pic of her when she was 7 mos.

Let's pretend I was going to cover my teen-age daughter's pregnancy in this way...If I were going to take a family publicity photo with my daughter secretly 7 mos pregnant, I probably would've hid her behind the other kids in the photo, don'cha think? Not left her belly out for all to see

Chat Icon

That is exactly what I was thinking. If this is you plan wouldn't you hide your daughter's belly for pics. Plus, to be fair that does not look like a 7 month belly either. I guess anything is possible...

IF it is true (and who really knows), that pic was apparently taken down from the Alaska State website along with all of the other family pics during her pregnancy, and that particular one was more like month 5 I believe.

Posted 8/30/08 9:42 PM


Member since 12/05

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Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

I actually think its such a pathetic reach to find fault with her. It just goes to show that this is all they have on her and if in fact this "rumor" is not true, which I doubt it is, then the dems have nothing. Unless of course she's been attending a racist church for the pat 20 years, but not many people who are running for presdient/VP would be dumb enough to do that...

Message edited 8/30/2008 9:44:04 PM.

Posted 8/30/08 9:42 PM


Member since 10/06

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Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

Posted by Deedlebug126

I actually think its such a pathetic reach to find fault with her. It just goes to show that this is all they have on her and if in fact this "rumor" is not true, which I doubt it is, then the dems have nothing. Unless of course she's been attending a racist church for the pat 20 years, but not many people who are running for presdient/VP would be dumb enough to do that...

It's no more pathetic than people saying Barak Osama Obama is a muslim terrorist b/c of his name.

Or the huge fuss that was made over the fist punch he and his wife did...

Politics bring out the worst in people... This is no different.

Posted 8/30/08 9:46 PM

Roll Tide!

Member since 8/08

3169 total posts


Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

Posted by Deedlebug126

I actually think its such a pathetic reach to find fault with her. It just goes to show that this is all they have on her and if in fact this "rumor" is not true, which I doubt it is, then the dems have nothing. Unless of course she's been attending a racist church for the pat 20 years, but not many people who are running for presdient/VP would be dumb enough to do that...

Can you say witchhunt?

Also of interest, if you google "sarah palin daughter pregnant" what comes up? CNN? No! MSNBC? No!

Posted 8/30/08 9:46 PM

big brother <3

Member since 5/05

14672 total posts


Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

Posted by Deedlebug126

I actually think its such a pathetic reach to find fault with her. It just goes to show that this is all they have on her and if in fact this "rumor" is not true, which I doubt it is, then the dems have nothing. Unless of course she's been attending a racist church for the pat 20 years, but not many people who are running for presdient/VP would be dumb enough to do that...

It'll be interesting to see if it is true. For what it's worth, many of the online articles are from before she was nominated. Chat Icon AND some of the articles are Republican and speculate that the rumors were started by Republicans to fuel more sympathy and support for the mother of a Down Syndrome baby.

I think her inexperience will speak for itself (and I'm not saying Obama is overly qualified either--I'm not a fan of any of my choices).

Message edited 8/30/2008 9:48:24 PM.

Posted 8/30/08 9:46 PM

Roll Tide!

Member since 8/08

3169 total posts


Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

It's no more pathetic than people saying Barak Osama Obama is a muslim terrorist b/c of his name. Or the huge fuss that was made over the fist punch he and his wife did...

ITA, people are ignorant sometimes.

Posted 8/30/08 9:47 PM


Member since 12/05

10281 total posts


Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

Posted by Jennie0898

Posted by Deedlebug126

I actually think its such a pathetic reach to find fault with her. It just goes to show that this is all they have on her and if in fact this "rumor" is not true, which I doubt it is, then the dems have nothing. Unless of course she's been attending a racist church for the pat 20 years, but not many people who are running for president/VP would be dumb enough to do that...

It's no more pathetic than people saying Barak Osama Obama is a muslim terrorist b/c of his name.

Or the huge fuss that was made over the fist punch he and his wife did...

Politics bring out the worst in people... This is no different.

absolutely, I agree. Unfortunately though, when you take away that stuff, there is a lot more questionable things about Obama

Message edited 8/30/2008 9:50:02 PM.

Posted 8/30/08 9:48 PM


Member since 1/06

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Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

Chat Icon

Posted 8/30/08 9:56 PM

Please St. Therese....

Member since 10/07

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Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

The fact that it's not on any reputable news site is suspicious! I think it's mean spirited rumor mongering. Chat Icon

Posted 8/30/08 9:57 PM


Member since 10/06

15979 total posts


Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

Posted by Deedlebug126

Posted by Jennie0898

Posted by Deedlebug126

I actually think its such a pathetic reach to find fault with her. It just goes to show that this is all they have on her and if in fact this "rumor" is not true, which I doubt it is, then the dems have nothing. Unless of course she's been attending a racist church for the pat 20 years, but not many people who are running for president/VP would be dumb enough to do that...

It's no more pathetic than people saying Barak Osama Obama is a muslim terrorist b/c of his name.

Or the huge fuss that was made over the fist punch he and his wife did...

Politics bring out the worst in people... This is no different.

absolutely, I agree. Unfortunately though, when you take away that stuff, there is a lot more questionable things about Obama

In your opinion of course. An Obama supporter would feel otherwise.

It's really just a big circular debate with no end.

FTR, I'm not sure where I stand I was just playing devil's advocate here.

Posted 8/30/08 9:58 PM

big brother <3

Member since 5/05

14672 total posts


Re: Thoughts?...Palin's baby...

Posted by Jennie0898

Posted by Deedlebug126

Posted by Jennie0898

Posted by Deedlebug126

I actually think its such a pathetic reach to find fault with her. It just goes to show that this is all they have on her and if in fact this "rumor" is not true, which I doubt it is, then the dems have nothing. Unless of course she's been attending a racist church for the pat 20 years, but not many people who are running for president/VP would be dumb enough to do that...

It's no more pathetic than people saying Barak Osama Obama is a muslim terrorist b/c of his name.

Or the huge fuss that was made over the fist punch he and his wife did...

Politics bring out the worst in people... This is no different.

absolutely, I agree. Unfortunately though, when you take away that stuff, there is a lot more questionable things about Obama

In your opinion of course. An Obama supporter would feel otherwise.

It's really just a big circular debate with no end.

FTR, I'm not sure where I stand I was just playing devil's advocate here.

I agree--all opinions either way.

I've never been PG, but it seems to be fact that she got on a plane for an 8-hour flight after her water broke...THAT just seems odd to me. Not that I would hold it against her politically, but it's just something to make you go Chat Icon.

Posted 8/30/08 10:00 PM
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