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3rd grade boys AND class valentines

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3rd grade boys AND class valentines

Do boys still do class valentines in third? Can I be done , lol?

Posted 1/15/20 5:39 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

22665 total posts


Re: 3rd grade boys AND class valentines

You mean handing out Valentine's for everyone in the class? Yes. It's a friendly thing all the kids participate in and fun.
In my kid's school they do it through all elementary school, which is 5th grade. Buy some VDay cards and have them sign their name and then they put it in the other kid's mailboxes.
I think it's cute!
I have 2 boys in 5th and 3rd grades and they still like doing it. My 5th grader wants to do sports Vday cards and my 3rd grader will probably pick out Avengers or Star Wars cards to hand out.

Not just a girl's thing to do.

Posted 1/15/20 8:10 AM

Just another chapter in life..

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Re: 3rd grade boys AND class valentines

Last year when DD was in 3rd everyone still handed them out to the class yes

Posted 1/15/20 8:42 AM

Bunny kisses are so cute!

Member since 5/05

19461 total posts


Re: 3rd grade boys AND class valentines

It is done through fifth grade and given to all kids in the class.

Posted 1/15/20 9:55 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/16

989 total posts


3rd grade boys AND class valentines

In our school, not only do they give out the little valentine cards but gift bags with like $5 worth of crap in them. And the parents do this every holiday. Hallowee, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentines, Easter. And all the birthdays. I am the defective parent that has her kid scribbling names on post it notes the morning of.

Posted 1/15/20 11:33 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/06

5435 total posts


3rd grade boys AND class valentines

i'm actually gonna take my 3rd grade boy after school tomorrow and pick his out. I haven't heard anything from the teacher yet, but i'm assuming they'll all give them out to everybody in the class. its seems to be a "thing" in his school, which goes up to 5th grade. where the teacher asks them to bring enough to give out to every kid in the class as just a friendly thing to do. figure i'll buy them now and if his teacher doesn't do the exchange this year, I'll just donate them for somebody else to use next year.

Posted 1/16/20 10:06 PM

2 Boys

Member since 7/06

17795 total posts


3rd grade boys AND class valentines

Our school district exchanges in K-4. Once they move to middle school it’s done.

I have two boys and ordered foam finger valentines from Oriental Trading when they had free shipping.

Posted 1/16/20 10:31 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

3393 total posts


Re: 3rd grade boys AND class valentines

Our school doesn’t allow any sort of present type things. No goodie bags no edible things nothing. We can give out valentines cards but that’s it.

I have a kindergartner and fourth grader. They will both write out little cards for their classmates

Message edited 1/17/2020 3:23:14 PM.

Posted 1/17/20 3:22 PM

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