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Ohh... baby

Member since 5/06 2527 total posts
Name: D
Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform
Posted by annoyedTTCer
The thought of the government more involved in my life makes me nervous
Thats my position!! Get out of my backyard!!
Posted 7/28/09 2:39 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult
Member since 6/08 3101 total posts
Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform
No one I've spoken to isn't panicked about this. Can they do this? Against the objections of almost everiyone who voted this administration in? Can they just do this?
Posted 7/28/09 2:48 PM |
Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05 32475 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform
Has anyone written a letter or sent an email or called their elected officials?
If you did, did you get a response?
Message edited 7/28/2009 2:49:44 PM.
Posted 7/28/09 2:49 PM |
A new love!

Member since 1/08 5946 total posts
Name: Liz
Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform
Posted by Ophelia
now, it is being said that what? the FEHBP is also going to be eradicated? this makes no sense.
wait, where did you hear that FEHBP was going to be eliminated???
Posted 7/28/09 3:03 PM |
BOOOO for fall!

Member since 7/06 10082 total posts
Name: Meaning a NON ttcer!
Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform
Posted by cjik
Yes, I was also under the impression that the push was to develop an affordable plan for people who do not have insurance through their employers, are self-employed, or unemployed. Doesn't sound like it anymore.
Everyone seemed to be under that impression- I feel like it was a huge bait and switch. All of a sudden we have no more choice... no more FREEDOM? Isn't this country based on choice and freedom? Are they saying because we made the mistake of voting someone into office that is it now? Choice is out the window? This is extremely frightening....and I'm no alarmist!
Posted 7/28/09 3:07 PM |
she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06 23378 total posts
Name: remember, when Gulliver traveled....
Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform
Posted by Cpt2007
Posted by Ophelia
now, it is being said that what? the FEHBP is also going to be eradicated? this makes no sense.
wait, where did you hear that FEHBP was going to be eliminated???
I am making an ASSumption, that if private insurance is eliminated, that the FEHBP will cease to exist....
Posted 7/28/09 3:14 PM |
A new love!

Member since 1/08 5946 total posts
Name: Liz
Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform
Posted by Ophelia
Posted by Cpt2007
Posted by Ophelia
now, it is being said that what? the FEHBP is also going to be eradicated? this makes no sense.
wait, where did you hear that FEHBP was going to be eliminated???
I am making an ASSumption, that if private insurance is eliminated, that the FEHBP will cease to exist....
PHEW. I was going through the bill texts looking and just
Posted 7/28/09 3:15 PM |
she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06 23378 total posts
Name: remember, when Gulliver traveled....
Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform
Posted by Cpt2007
Posted by Ophelia
Posted by Cpt2007
Posted by Ophelia
now, it is being said that what? the FEHBP is also going to be eradicated? this makes no sense.
wait, where did you hear that FEHBP was going to be eliminated???
I am making an ASSumption, that if private insurance is eliminated, that the FEHBP will cease to exist....
PHEW. I was going through the bill texts looking and just
when you have a sec, would you mind letting me know your take on it and how it reads to you.
for some reason, none of the sites I am finding will load on this computer state of the art over here
Posted 7/28/09 3:31 PM |
A new love!

Member since 1/08 5946 total posts
Name: Liz
Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform
Posted by Ophelia
when you have a sec, would you mind letting me know your take on it and how it reads to you.
for some reason, none of the sites I am finding will load on this computer state of the art over here
sure. which bill have you been looking at?
the house bill isn't going to survive as is, that much is for sure. it's too short sighted and doesn't think about the long term consequences. it also destroys medicare, and i'm shocked that wasn't more of a thing during the aarp call today, though they were probably pre-screening the calls.
i haven't been able to get through the senate HELP bill in full yet. a lot of jargin that I don't understand. still waiting to see what Baucus and Co produce out of Finance.
Posted 7/28/09 3:54 PM |
You're My Home <3
Member since 11/06 14815 total posts
Name: Danielle
Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform
Posted by Blu-ize
Has anyone written a letter or sent an email or called their elected officials?
If you did, did you get a response?
My husband writes letters all the time - nothing helps. I think it is a little too late for us to have any say in this Also, one of the main reasons he is trying to push this through so quickly (by August) is so that he can get his agenda approved before his approval ratings drop like nobody's business -- once the American people start to really show how they disapprove of him and this a lot of the people in the Senate who are backing him will remove their support. Without their support he can't get this through. That is why, I think, he is trying to get this through so fast.
Because once this is through - it will take an ARMY to get it undone. It is very difficult to come back from this and un-do all of this.
Posted 7/28/09 3:57 PM |
she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06 23378 total posts
Name: remember, when Gulliver traveled....
Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform
Posted by Cpt2007
Posted by Ophelia
when you have a sec, would you mind letting me know your take on it and how it reads to you.
for some reason, none of the sites I am finding will load on this computer state of the art over here
sure. which bill have you been looking at?
the house bill isn't going to survive as is, that much is for sure. it's too short sighted and doesn't think about the long term consequences. it also destroys medicare, and i'm shocked that wasn't more of a thing during the aarp call today, though they were probably pre-screening the calls.
i haven't been able to get through the senate HELP bill in full yet. a lot of jargin that I don't understand. still waiting to see what Baucus and Co produce out of Finance.
the house bill is the one that I've been reading/hearing the most about (and is quite scary. I really don't like our entire House right now to be honest)
I don't understand WHAT they are doing to Medicare. makes ZERO sense to me. I also don't understand the need for a lot of the restrictions.
the only thing I can think of is that the Ins companies are looking for some kind of long term reassurance themselves...and locking people into their plan for life seems like the best way to go about it? again, I don't feel my info is 100% accurate not sure how I feel.
ultimately I think the issue comes down to treating Health as a commodity and a business rather than as a fact of human life and an occupation to aid in that fact.
Posted 7/28/09 4:05 PM |
A new love!

Member since 1/08 5946 total posts
Name: Liz
Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform
Posted by DaniRella
Posted by Blu-ize
Has anyone written a letter or sent an email or called their elected officials?
If you did, did you get a response?
My husband writes letters all the time - nothing helps. I think it is a little too late for us to have any say in this Also, one of the main reasons he is trying to push this through so quickly (by August) is so that he can get his agenda approved before his approval ratings drop like nobody's business -- once the American people start to really show how they disapprove of him and this a lot of the people in the Senate who are backing him will remove their support. Without their support he can't get this through. That is why, I think, he is trying to get this through so fast.
Because once this is through - it will take an ARMY to get it undone. It is very difficult to come back from this and un-do all of this.
Having worked in a Congressional office, I can tell you that letters and phone calls and emails are read, are passed along and do work. It's the volume that counts here, and really going after the members that are in key positions on the committees that are controlling the process.
Also, even though the House is trying to get their bill voted on before the August Recess, the Senate has yet to produce the second half of it's package. That will not happen before the Senate recesses in two weeks.
So what this means is this-- members will go home to their states and districts in August, and it is incumbent upon everyone that cares about this to go to their events (if they have them; have heard a lot of them are cancelling for fear of running into "Birthers") and ask them about the bill. Ask them about medicare being totally dismantled. Ask them about the public option. Ask them why tort reform isn't part of this.
So again, just b/c the House is going to *maybe* finish their bill by August, doesn't mean that it's a done deal. At best, the Senate will have some kind of companion by the end of September, then the House and Senate have to have a Conference Committee where they work out the details b/w the two bills. Then once they agree to a "Conference Report," the Report (which is really a revised bill), has to go back to each body, and both the House and Senate have to separately vote on the Conference Report. IF the conference report survives without amendments in both bodies of Congress, then it goes to the President to be signed into law.
Realistically, it will be a miracle if something gets to the President's desk by the end of the calendar year.
But, if you have serious concerns with the bills that are out there, speak up! And don't think that your voice isn't being heard. It is, there just need to be more people to speak up.
Posted 7/28/09 4:30 PM |
Such a Big Boy!

Member since 1/06 1602 total posts
Name: C
Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform
Posted by Cpt2007
Having worked in a Congressional office, I can tell you that letters and phone calls and emails are read, are passed along and do work. It's the volume that counts here, and really going after the members that are in key positions on the committees that are controlling the process.
Also, even though the House is trying to get their bill voted on before the August Recess, the Senate has yet to produce the second half of it's package. That will not happen before the Senate recesses in two weeks.
So what this means is this-- members will go home to their states and districts in August, and it is incumbent upon everyone that cares about this to go to their events (if they have them; have heard a lot of them are cancelling for fear of running into "Birthers") and ask them about the bill. Ask them about medicare being totally dismantled. Ask them about the public option. Ask them why tort reform isn't part of this.
So again, just b/c the House is going to *maybe* finish their bill by August, doesn't mean that it's a done deal. At best, the Senate will have some kind of companion by the end of September, then the House and Senate have to have a Conference Committee where they work out the details b/w the two bills. Then once they agree to a "Conference Report," the Report (which is really a revised bill), has to go back to each body, and both the House and Senate have to separately vote on the Conference Report. IF the conference report survives without amendments in both bodies of Congress, then it goes to the President to be signed into law.
Realistically, it will be a miracle if something gets to the President's desk by the end of the calendar year.
But, if you have serious concerns with the bills that are out there, speak up! And don't think that your voice isn't being heard. It is, there just need to be more people to speak up.
Off topic, I just wanted to say that when posts like these come up, I always look for your response. You are thoughtful, articulate, and make things very clear and consise. Thank you!
Posted 7/28/09 4:36 PM |
Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05 32475 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform
Posted by MissingLI
Posted by Cpt2007
Having worked in a Congressional office, I can tell you that letters and phone calls and emails are read, are passed along and do work. It's the volume that counts here, and really going after the members that are in key positions on the committees that are controlling the process.
Also, even though the House is trying to get their bill voted on before the August Recess, the Senate has yet to produce the second half of it's package. That will not happen before the Senate recesses in two weeks.
So what this means is this-- members will go home to their states and districts in August, and it is incumbent upon everyone that cares about this to go to their events (if they have them; have heard a lot of them are cancelling for fear of running into "Birthers") and ask them about the bill. Ask them about medicare being totally dismantled. Ask them about the public option. Ask them why tort reform isn't part of this.
So again, just b/c the House is going to *maybe* finish their bill by August, doesn't mean that it's a done deal. At best, the Senate will have some kind of companion by the end of September, then the House and Senate have to have a Conference Committee where they work out the details b/w the two bills. Then once they agree to a "Conference Report," the Report (which is really a revised bill), has to go back to each body, and both the House and Senate have to separately vote on the Conference Report. IF the conference report survives without amendments in both bodies of Congress, then it goes to the President to be signed into law.
Realistically, it will be a miracle if something gets to the President's desk by the end of the calendar year.
But, if you have serious concerns with the bills that are out there, speak up! And don't think that your voice isn't being heard. It is, there just need to be more people to speak up.
Off topic, I just wanted to say that when posts like these come up, I always look for your response. You are thoughtful, articulate, and make things very clear and consise. Thank you!
Me too.
Also, I agree about contacting your senators and congressmen. I write letters all the time. I believe in the volume as well. Also, putting specific issues out there helps not just saying I don't like this, please change it.
Give it some thought and get your voice heard.
Separately, I think there will be some sort of reform but I don't think it will be this giant sweeping change. This is something that will morph and change because there will be some natural evolution as things come up and as time goes on.
Posted 7/28/09 4:43 PM |
A new love!

Member since 1/08 5946 total posts
Name: Liz
Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform
Posted by MissingLI
Off topic, I just wanted to say that when posts like these come up, I always look for your response. You are thoughtful, articulate, and make things very clear and consise. Thank you!
Posted 7/28/09 4:43 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 4/09 3272 total posts
Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform
I see two reasons for pushing in through asap
1. trying to get it passed before Ted Kennedy dies since this has been a pet project of his for years
2. they don't want this talked about in 2010 when the ads start running for mid-term elections.
I'm glad some blue-dog dems have stepped up to say not so fast my friend
Posted 7/28/09 4:48 PM |
My little lamb

Member since 8/05 12633 total posts
Name: aka momma2b
Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform
thank you thank you thank you for starting this thread.
what healthcare is like in the UK and other places w/ socialized medicine
Posted 7/28/09 5:02 PM |

Member since 8/06 13803 total posts
Name: Jeannie
Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform
I am nervous about the government being a competitor in any way shape or form relevant to healthcare.
They might SAY that it's a government OPTION rather than a plan.. but we all know that the government doesn't play fair. How can private insurance possibly begin to compete with a government plan?
I just feel that with the government's hands mucking it up it will only be a matter of time before the government 'option' becomes the ONLY option.
That makes me uncomfortable.
Posted 7/28/09 5:23 PM |
she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06 23378 total posts
Name: remember, when Gulliver traveled....
Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform
Posted by rojerono
I am nervous about the government being a competitor in any way shape or form relevant to healthcare.
They might SAY that it's a government OPTION rather than a plan.. but we all know that the government doesn't play fair. How can private insurance possibly begin to compete with a government plan?
I just feel that with the government's hands mucking it up it will only be a matter of time before the government 'option' becomes the ONLY option.
That makes me uncomfortable.
my big question is this...will the govt actually be creating it's own plan?
currently, the only govt' plan is Medicare.
people enrolled in the FEHBP are all enrolled in private insurance companies that have open GROUPS/contracts.
I am FEHBP, but I can opt to go from GHI to HIP to Blue Cross etc....I have choices within the govt plan.
I am unclear as to how this will change and how it will change it.
but at the end of the day, at the heart of the matter, I really don't feel that health care should be competitive monetarily. I think the competition should be coming from where it once was...the desire to find and eradicate illness. not get the best pill we can charge the most for. I think it's sad as a nation, the HEALTH field is driven by money rather than the Hippocratic Oath.
I am not sure there is anything to be done to change's just how I feel.
i also don't agree with selling food as commodities either, but that is a whole other post for another day.
Posted 7/28/09 5:31 PM |
My Boys!!!!
Member since 6/06 14437 total posts
Name: C
Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform
Thank you for posting this!!!!
I hope people will open their eyes to what a cluster f*ck of a mess this guys is creating. IMO he is an egotistical socialist who is messing up the country even more than it was.
Yeh, we have the option of keeping our current plan...what if our employers decide to change our plans to the gov't plans b/c it's cheaper to them? HELLOOOOO you see what he is trying to do?
Posted 7/28/09 5:45 PM |
J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06 32345 total posts
Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform
time for another round of emails to Schumer & Gillibrand
Posted 7/28/09 6:21 PM |
J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06 32345 total posts
Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform
Posted by anonttcer
I feel like this is being forced upon us too..,. how is this democracy? (that is what scares me most- the govt telling us what to do like this.)
Will we have any choice? I have a job- my husband has a job- we get top notch health care and we are WILLING AND ABLE to pay for it.
Why should sub par healthcare be forced on us????? THANK YOU!!!
all we hear about is the 46 million who are not insured
what about the 250 million that ARE??? MANY of us are VERY happy with what we have right now and DO NOT WANT A CHANGE!!!!!
Message edited 7/28/2009 6:26:35 PM.
Posted 7/28/09 6:26 PM |
J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06 32345 total posts
Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform
Posted by Blu-ize
Has anyone written a letter or sent an email or called their elected officials?
If you did, did you get a response? I did, and all I got was an automated response from Schumer, and zip from Gillibrand
Posted 7/28/09 6:35 PM |
A new love!

Member since 1/08 5946 total posts
Name: Liz
Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform
Posted by SweetestOfPeas
Posted by Blu-ize
Has anyone written a letter or sent an email or called their elected officials?
If you did, did you get a response? I did, and all I got was an automated response from Schumer, and zip from Gillibrand
Did you try your house member yet? calls go farther than emails too. it's immediate whereas an email may sit and letters take weeks to get to them b/c of the mail screening process (irradiation process set up after Anthrax).
Posted 7/28/09 6:45 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/06 1908 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform
Posted by jellybean1420
Thank you for posting this!!!!
I hope people will open their eyes to what a cluster f*ck of a mess this guys is creating. IMO he is an egotistical socialist who is messing up the country even more than it was.
Yeh, we have the option of keeping our current plan...what if our employers decide to change our plans to the gov't plans b/c it's cheaper to them? HELLOOOOO you see what he is trying to do?
That sums it up - he scares the cr@p out of me with his agenda. Look how well medicare and the prescription plan have worked, with the donut hole that leaves so many seniors in the lurch. Write to your representatives, join a local group (ie: local tea party - they are active on LI regarding more than just taxes) - it's time we took back our freedoms!
Posted 7/28/09 6:58 PM |
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