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5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform

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Member since 7/06

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Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform

I haven't read the link fully, but I can say I enjoyed walking into my doctor's the other day and not having to pay at all. Chat Icon

I had to be referred to another doctor and the big debate was if they are bulk billing (no payment at visit) or non bulk billing (you pay up front and get the $$$ back).

Message edited 7/30/2009 7:40:56 AM.

Posted 7/30/09 7:39 AM
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J'taime Paris!

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Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform

Posted by SweetTooth

Posted by MrsMcCannEst42409

Posted by SweetestOfPeas

what about the 250 million that ARE??? MANY of us are VERY happy with what we have right now and DO NOT WANT A CHANGE!!!!!

Ah but don't you understand? This man is so concerned with the people he represented in "South Side Chicago" and not representing the 250 + MILLIONS of hard working Americans.

This is such an ignorant and prejudiced statement, I don't even know how to respond.


I know Obama is trying to make everyone happy, and I would like to see something be done to reform what is out there now. but I fear that he is going to end up screwing the majority in this country who DO have insurance (and are happy with it!) by downgrading our benefits.

Posted 7/30/09 7:50 AM

The Perfect Pair

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Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform

Posted by MrsMcCannEst42409

Ah but don't you understand? This man is so concerned with the people he represented in "South Side Chicago" and not representing the 250 + MILLIONS of hard working Americans.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon This is such an ignorant statement.

Posted 7/30/09 7:58 AM


Member since 6/08

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Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform

Posted by annoyedTTCer

The thought of the government more involved in my life makes me nervous


Government does not belong in the doctors office with me. I am happy with my health coverage AS IS.

Posted 7/30/09 9:41 AM

she's baaccckkkk ;)

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Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform

Posted by GaryElla

Posted by MrsMcCannEst42409

Ah but don't you understand? This man is so concerned with the people he represented in "South Side Chicago" and not representing the 250 + MILLIONS of hard working Americans.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon This is such an ignorant statement.

don't worry about it. nothing in her entire statement holds any water. it is drivel, sadly.

some dire misconceptions need to cleared up.

the idea that you don't want govt' in the room with you is silly...b/c right now, a boardroom full of suits with stock in a HIC is sitting in there with you, determining if you NEED that MRI, right now, or if it can wait until a further battery of tests can be done...or if you NEED that medicine, or can a cheaper one be substituted...etc.

it is a BUSINESS. and if you think these companies don't look at YOU and YOUR health (and especially ill health) and dollars and cents...good or bad "investment" you are kidding yourselves.

secondly, all govt employees, including the senators and the president, pick from the same pool of insurances depending on what is available in their state.

so mr. obama doesn't have 'better" or more "elite" insurance, unless it's available to him through the FEHBP. and if the private insurances are eradicated, as so many of you fear, THERE'S WILL BE GONE TOO.

we are thinking about this the wrong way. we are forgetting that whether we make the change or not, YOUR CUSHY PRIVATE company could change your policy at will, if they are losing money.

so you stand to lose your beloved "awesome" benefits anyway.

of course people think "me first" when it comes to their health. it's self preservation and I don't fault anyone for it.

what I AM saying, is that you are not self preserving by being so afraid of change that we keep the status quo. there is a slow leak in private coverage, and eventually that ship will go down.

and then you will all be on Medicare anyway Chat Icon

and before people wig out about how "terrible" a govt socialized plan is, look into Medicare and what the benefits and costs are. you may be pleasantly surprised.

Posted 7/30/09 9:52 AM

You're My Home <3

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Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform

I *KNEW* someone would come out with this! I love it Chat Icon Toby himself laughs at this -- just because you are a registered democrat does not mean you agree with the shift the party has taken in the last few years.

He himself has stated, MANY times, that since the last election he has changed to being an Independent. That he was only a democrat because he grew up that way - his father was an FDR "old school' dem and he did the same thing. In recent years, and especially since 9/11, he has said openly that he feels the party has turned it's back on a lot of regular middle-america Dems like him and his fam was.

He felt bad doing this as he was very close with his father who was killed in a car accident years ago -- but he always states that his father would not agree with anything the current dems stand for. It went from being in the middle to way left REAL fast - his feelings.

He said, openly, that he voted repub in the last three elections... Bush twice and then McCain.

He loves the way the media tries to use that against him though and spin it into him being liberal - gets a kick out of it.

And, now I have officially shown that I am TRULY obsessed w/ the man. Chat Icon

Thank you for making me have to do that. Chat Icon

Posted 7/30/09 10:38 AM

A new love!

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Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform

Posted by DaniRella

I *KNEW* someone would come out with this! I love it Chat Icon Toby himself laughs at this -- just because you are a registered democrat does not mean you agree with the shift the party has taken in the last few years.

He himself has stated, MANY times, that since the last election he has changed to being an Independent. That he was only a democrat because he grew up that way - his father was an FDR "old school' dem and he did the same thing. In recent years, and especially since 9/11, he has said openly that he feels the party has turned it's back on a lot of regular middle-america Dems like him and his fam was.

He felt bad doing this as he was very close with his father who was killed in a car accident years ago -- but he always states that his father would not agree with anything the current dems stand for. It went from being in the middle to way left REAL fast - his feelings.

He said, openly, that he voted repub in the last three elections... Bush twice and then McCain.

He loves the way the media tries to use that against him though and spin it into him being liberal - gets a kick out of it.

And, now I have officially shown that I am TRULY obsessed w/ the man. Chat Icon

Thank you for making me have to do that. Chat Icon

i honestly did not know all that. everytime i've seen him on tv, he has talked abt being a dem. ty for posting!

Posted 7/30/09 10:57 AM

My Loves

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Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform

Does anyone want to take a trip over to parenting and/or pregnancy where many, many moms-to-be are under additional and unnecessary stress because Empire Blue Shield decided not to be affiliated with a local hospital where many LIF babies are born?

My company switched my insurance 2 weeks before I gave birth - 2 EFFING WEEKS and ALLLLLL of my stuff got messed up... LUCKILY my OB also took my new insurance. I was inundated with paperwork and had to make phone call after phone call to get my medical bills paid. That was fun, juggling a newborn and the idiots who run insurance companies.

And I have a good job with the best benefits I've ever had in my life.

Anything can happen to "excellent" insurance at any moment under the current system. Something has to be done. How can we be the greatest country in the world when we don't even give a sh*t about our own people? How does that make us better than anyone else in this world??

Posted 7/30/09 11:02 AM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

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Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform

Amen Rebecca.

on the phone the last 2 days trying to find a drs office that doesn't need to be pre-paid for the delivery of my baby.

And on pregnancy just read a question re: nuchal sonogram, which I opt'ed out of since I don't need a 350.00 bill coming to me for something I will find out eventually for free.

TKFU-Chicks Rule. Chat Icon

Posted 7/30/09 11:20 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform

I haven't read this entire thread - so I don't know if this has been addressed - sorry if it has -

Posted by glinda-goodwitch

So what happens if you have to go to another medical center for care? Like when kids go to St. Jude but don't actually live in the state? Is that not allowed anymore? Or was that always paid out of pocket?

A good friend of mine's son was diagnosed with Leukemia. the INSURANCE company told them that he would not make it and therefore not pay for ANYTHING. How do you tell parents of a 4 year old that?

They raised 250K on their own (fundraising, etc) and sent him to St Jude's and he is currently cancer-free for 4 years. F the insurance companies.

on a similiar note...I moved back to NY while 26 weeks pregnant. I called at least a dozen OBs to change over - only ONE (my wonderfully OB) was willing to take me as a patient (and actually no questions asked). The others: they said that I was too far along and they wouldn't receive that much money from the Insurance company. One office said "I wasn't worth it"

The system is broken...maybe Obama's plan is not perfect, maybe you hate it...but democracy is about telling our elected officials what you hate about it. call...write...protest if you are passionate!

Posted 7/30/09 11:41 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/08

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Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform

Posted by Erica

I haven't read this entire thread - so I don't know if this has been addressed - sorry if it has -

Posted by glinda-goodwitch

So what happens if you have to go to another medical center for care? Like when kids go to St. Jude but don't actually live in the state? Is that not allowed anymore? Or was that always paid out of pocket?

A good friend of mine's son was diagnosed with Leukemia. the INSURANCE company told them that he would not make it and therefore not pay for ANYTHING. How do you tell parents of a 4 year old that?

They raised 250K on their own (fundraising, etc) and sent him to St Jude's and he is currently cancer-free for 4 years. F the insurance companies.

on a similiar note...I moved back to NY while 26 weeks pregnant. I called at least a dozen OBs to change over - only ONE (my wonderfully OB) was willing to take me as a patient (and actually no questions asked). The others: they said that I was too far along and they wouldn't receive that much money from the Insurance company. One office said "I wasn't worth it"

The system is broken...maybe Obama's plan is not perfect, maybe you hate it...but democracy is about telling our elected officials what you hate about it. call...write...protest if you are passionate!

That is so weird. I switched OB's and hospitals at 31 weeks pregnant with no problem at all.

Posted 7/30/09 12:12 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

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Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform

i haven't read this entire thread so forgive if this is a topic that has already been ht on -- but what bugs me most about the health care plan is the RUSH to get it through b/c they all know that they will not get anything done next year during the mid-term election year. That is probably a true political reality -- it iwould be nearly impossible to get something through on a major issue like this iin a mid-term year; however, it makes me nuts that the person who wanted to "change" things is succumbing to that type of political pressure and timetable. I'd rather they take the extra year to study the issue and really figure out hte best course of action rather than put something in place that we have to spend years down the line fixing....

i can only hope that whateveri s passed will be structured in some sort of incremental fashipn so that changes can be made more easily as needed.

Posted 7/30/09 2:45 PM

So close....

Member since 7/07

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Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform

Liz -

Thank you. I sincerely appreciate your deciphering skills. Chat Icon

I was hoping that the baseline was going to bring those underpar private insurances UP to standard rather than bringing decent private insurance plans DOWN to the govt. level.

That makes me feel better.

I read the previous section, but wasn't really sure what I was reading. Thank you.

Posted 7/30/09 6:57 PM

I am an amazing bakist

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Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform

Posted by MrsMcCannEst42409

Posted by SweetestOfPeas

what about the 250 million that ARE??? MANY of us are VERY happy with what we have right now and DO NOT WANT A CHANGE!!!!!

Ah but don't you understand? This man is so concerned with the people he represented in "South Side Chicago" and not representing the 250 + MILLIONS of hard working Americans.

I may get flamed for this but all he's concerned with is giving illegals and welfare recipients a free ride.

We work, we pay BIG taxes. Now, all that hard work for our OWN benefits are going to go down the drain.

The man's an assss. I said it from DAY one. I knew he was NO good. Glad I didn't vote for him. Honestly, it really does no good b*tching about him because he's in. There is really nothing we can do about it.

One thing I must add is why do they want to F up our healthcare? They don't care. ("They" meaning the politicians.) They won't be affected by this! While we lose our great benefits, Obama and his kids and all the others jackasses that came up with this plan are raking in the best of benefits as possible. So tell me, do they really give a $hit about us?

It's really a shame that you had to write that...this was an educational thread where people are speaking politely about their views, discussing things in a civil manner. Without nasty language, without putting people down.
And you have to spew your racist hatred. Really disgusting.
Do me a favor...if you're going to spread your hate, at least do us all the favor of knowing what you're talking about!

Posted 7/30/09 8:37 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

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Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform

Posted by MrsGmomof3

Posted by annoyedTTCer

The thought of the government more involved in my life makes me nervous


Government does not belong in the doctors office with me. I am happy with my health coverage AS IS.

same here. I have GREAT insurance and DONT want that to change.

Posted 7/30/09 8:40 PM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

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Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform

Are people SO naive?

Do people think they get WHATEVER they want right now?

I need a referal for a specialist. I need a pre-authorization for an MRI or CScan.

Insurances are tighting the belt. They are declining procedures, delaying authorization.

You CAN wait 3+ months to see a specialists RIGHT NOW. Sometimes almost 6 months for a specialist in demand. You can wait 4+ hours in an ER RIGHT NOW.

Where the heck have some people been all this time?

Posted 7/30/09 8:51 PM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

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Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform

Posted by smdl

Are people SO naive?

Do people think they get WHATEVER they want right now?

I need a referal for a specialist. I need a pre-authorization for an MRI or CScan.

Insurances are tighting the belt. They are declining procedures, delaying authorization.

You CAN wait 3+ months to see a specialists RIGHT NOW. Sometimes almost 6 months for a specialist in demand. You can wait 4+ hours in an ER RIGHT NOW.

Where the heck have some people been all this time?

I don't need a referral to a specialist of any kind. and DH and I have not had any long waits to see a specialist. my DH was seen within 15 minutes in the ER at Good Sam when he had a kidney stone.

I waited for 2 months to see a new Doctor I was referred to by a friend, but that is b/c this particular Doctor is in high demand. So I was willing to wait.

It greatly varies and can be dependant on what kind of coverage you have, and where you live.

Posted 7/30/09 9:10 PM

The Perfect Pair

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Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform

Posted by Palebride

Posted by MrsMcCannEst42409

Posted by SweetestOfPeas

what about the 250 million that ARE??? MANY of us are VERY happy with what we have right now and DO NOT WANT A CHANGE!!!!!

Ah but don't you understand? This man is so concerned with the people he represented in "South Side Chicago" and not representing the 250 + MILLIONS of hard working Americans.

I may get flamed for this but all he's concerned with is giving illegals and welfare recipients a free ride.

We work, we pay BIG taxes. Now, all that hard work for our OWN benefits are going to go down the drain.

The man's an assss. I said it from DAY one. I knew he was NO good. Glad I didn't vote for him. Honestly, it really does no good b*tching about him because he's in. There is really nothing we can do about it.

One thing I must add is why do they want to F up our healthcare? They don't care. ("They" meaning the politicians.) They won't be affected by this! While we lose our great benefits, Obama and his kids and all the others jackasses that came up with this plan are raking in the best of benefits as possible. So tell me, do they really give a $hit about us?

It's really a shame that you had to write that...this was an educational thread where people are speaking politely about their views, discussing things in a civil manner. Without nasty language, without putting people down.
And you have to spew your racist hatred. Really disgusting.
Do me a favor...if you're going to spread your hate, at least do us all the favor of knowing what you're talking about!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/30/09 9:16 PM

Plan B is Now Plan A

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Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform

I don't need a referral either however many do.

DH waited 3 hours in the ER to be seen. It took them almost 7 hours to finally diagnose him, treat him and discharge him.

My fabulous insurance costs me about $10K out of pocket a year including my premiums.

My yearly colonoscopy has to be pre-certified because I'm not 50 and it's subject to my co-insurance because it's not considered preventative. I have a chronic illness.

My medicines cost me $150 a month. They cost about $2000 a month retail.

My great insurance is not so great. Many people like me who work for world class companies have a lot to say about our "great" insurance. My UHC rep tells me mine is one of the better.

I think we can do better. People are going into bankruptcy and doing without their food or medicine and having to decide on which one. We can do better than that.

Posted 7/30/09 9:17 PM

Chase is one!

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Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform

Posted by smdl

Are people SO naive?

Do people think they get WHATEVER they want right now?

I need a referal for a specialist. I need a pre-authorization for an MRI or CScan.

Insurances are tighting the belt. They are declining procedures, delaying authorization.

You CAN wait 3+ months to see a specialists RIGHT NOW. Sometimes almost 6 months for a specialist in demand. You can wait 4+ hours in an ER RIGHT NOW.

Where the heck have some people been all this time?

FINALLY, someone who is seeing things as they are. THANK YOU. It's interesting to me the rose colored glasses some people are putting on. I mean, if you've needed a specialist anytime in the last few months or even last couple of years, you'd know that we're really not doing all that great under this system, either. And I have amazing insurance, like top notch. So, while I'm scared about change, I'm also open to the possibility that there's a better way than we're doing it now.

Posted 7/30/09 10:23 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 2/09

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Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform

Sorry if I came across as prejudiced.

There are some people who know me personally on here and I am FAR from prejudiced. How can I be prejudiced when I am half hispanic?

I am just saying that South Side Chicago is generally a poor area and yes, maybe I was a little out of line by that comment which can be looked at as a little prejudiced (I re-read it and it DOES look that way- my apoligies again.) Just not my intent to mean it in a negative way.

I just meant that we, as hardworking people (250+ million people) now have to pay MORE taxes and have our benefits CHANGED in some cicumstances. It's just not fair.

Message edited 7/30/2009 10:37:13 PM.

Posted 7/30/09 10:28 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 2/09

436 total posts


Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform

Posted by Ophelia
and before people wig out about how "terrible" a govt socialized plan is, look into Medicare and what the benefits and costs are. you may be pleasantly surprised.

If the socialized plan is so fricken fantastic, why do you have people from Canada on waiting lists to be treated?

If the socialized plan is SO great, why do you have my relatives in Cuba without medicine or proper care???????

My Mom is the FIRST reason why I am NOT feeling this plan at all. Just by what she has told me about what she went through in Cuba. Waiting for medicine to come through customs to find that it was taken away by officials. My Sister was sick. There was nothing they could do about it. They just had to sit and suffer.

Ah socialized healthcare. Excellent, isn't it?

BEST part is, that if you Google healthcare in Cuba, they tell you that it's FANTASTIC. Propaganda BS...

It's terrible. It will F up people lives royally. Just wait and see, people. Just wait and seee....

Message edited 7/30/2009 10:50:24 PM.

Posted 7/30/09 10:33 PM

I am an amazing bakist

Member since 5/05

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Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform

Posted by MrsMcCannEst42409

I just meant that we, as hardworking people (250+ million people) now have to pay MORE taxes and have our benefits CHANGED in some cicumstances. It's just not fair.

But it's also not fair to those hardworking people who lost their insurance because their companies could no longer afford it! It's not fair to those people who worked hard all of their lives and lost their jobs, and then their insurance.

I have insurance and I am very happy with it. But I am wiling to sacrifice for the good of the whole.

I honestly don't know about the plan that's being proposed....but I am thrilled that someone is finally willing to do something to help out ALL Americans! I am thrilled with the dialogue that has come out of all of this...positive AND negative!

And I appreciate your apology...Chat Icon

Posted 7/30/09 11:16 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 2/09

436 total posts


Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform

Posted by Palebride
And I appreciate your apology...Chat Icon

My pleasure! I do not intend to hurt or offend anyone by any means.

Posted 7/31/09 2:20 AM

3 babies for me :)

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Re: 5 Freedoms You'd Lose in Health Care Reform

Posted by SweetestOfPeas

Posted by smdl

Are people SO naive?

Do people think they get WHATEVER they want right now?

I need a referal for a specialist. I need a pre-authorization for an MRI or CScan.

Insurances are tighting the belt. They are declining procedures, delaying authorization.

You CAN wait 3+ months to see a specialists RIGHT NOW. Sometimes almost 6 months for a specialist in demand. You can wait 4+ hours in an ER RIGHT NOW.

Where the heck have some people been all this time?

I don't need a referral to a specialist of any kind. and DH and I have not had any long waits to see a specialist. my DH was seen within 15 minutes in the ER at Good Sam when he had a kidney stone.

I waited for 2 months to see a new Doctor I was referred to by a friend, but that is b/c this particular Doctor is in high demand. So I was willing to wait.

It greatly varies and can be dependant on what kind of coverage you have, and where you live.

I agree. I don't have to get any referrals. Had my MRIs 2 days after the DR recommended them and met with a nuerologist within a week of having my MRIs. If people think their insurance companies are PITAs then wait until the government is running it for you. And if you think adding 50 million people into the current program isn't going to cause major waits for Drs and cost us billions of dollars think again. Just look at Massachusetts. Their healthcare plan has put them into billions of dollars in debt, has increased wait times in emergency rooms and Drs. offices and this is just one state.

Yes something needs to be done. Reform, begininng with Tort reform it absurd the amount of friviolous lawsuits in this country. Insurance companies need to be able to sell insurance across state lines in order to make it more competitive. We need tax deductions and more pre-tax medical accounts. I do not believe we need to have a government run program as they government has demonstrated time and time again they run everything into the ground and costs are tenfold what they estimate them to be. Prime examples...Social Securtiy, Medicare/Medicaid.

Posted 7/31/09 7:02 AM
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