She's here :)
Member since 4/07 3238 total posts
Name: Mrs. Yank
My successful VBAC story 11/12/13
When DD was born- everything went wrong. Her heart rate was all over the place, my labor was long and unproductive, my mother bamboozled her way into L&D - I had an emergency c-section after 31 hours of labor- and then- DD ended up in the NICU for a fever. Breastfeeding was a nightmare since she had a bottle first and I was just so exhausted and overwhelmed. Luckily, we all got through it and DD is an amazing, vibrant, healthy little girl. I knew that for the next pregnancy I wanted to try for a VBAC.
My doctors were supportive from the beginning. They said that I was a good candidate since I had gone into labor on my own, labor had progressed (somewhat) and since my DD's position was really the only factor for the c-section they said that I had a good shot.
My pregnancy was good and uneventful. I had some high BP toward the end but nothing high enough to do another c section. The Friday before I had gone into labor one of the OBs stripped my membranes in order to get things going. It worked! I started to lose my plug over the weekend. By Sunday night I started to feel tiny contractions. By Monday they were coming regularly at 15 minutes apart... I also had the "bloody show" so I had a feeling it was go time! I brought DD to daycare and had DH come home right away.
We went to the doctor just to make sure, I was only 1 cm dilated. She said either I was going into labor or she would see me Friday LOL- I was going into labor! DH and I went for lunch and the contractions started coming more regular and more intense. We came home, went for a walk, tried to keep busy. At one point they were getting to be a bit much so I wanted to come home and try distract myself. ..
We watched about 4 episodes of Breaking Bad LOL- all while alternating positions, using the heating pad, ice packs, breathing. DD came home and I was starting to really get agitated- not at her but I just couldn't concentrate on my breathing. I was also getting upset since I knew it was the "end" of just me and her and while I couldn't WAIT to meet the new baby, I was sad that our little chapter was over (if that makes sense?) My mom came and took her to her house and DH and I went back to the distraction methods. Next thing I knew, they were 4 minutes apart. We called the doctor, they said to come in. By the time we were in the car they were 3-4 minutes apart. At this point I was in what I thought was active labor for 6 hours!
We got to hospital and I was devastated to find out I was only 2 cm. They were about to send me home but noticed my temp was starting to rise and the baby's heartrate was up. Nothing too bad but just enough concern to give me an IV. Luckily, things started to progress from there. We were admitted into L&D at 9pm.
I stalled on the epi for as along as I could, using breathing techniques to get me through. DH was amazing. I am not sure if I was having back labor or what but it started to become unbearable. At 2 am I caved and got the epi. It was the best decision I could have made! Luckily for me this time it did not stall my labor. I would slow down at certain points but they were able to give me low doses of pitocin to keep things moving. The night was uneventful and we were able to rest a little bit. Only once did my doc mention "repeat c-section" but next time she came in I was almost ready to push! We did some practice pushes and then she had me lay on my side and push on my own. They said for me to call when I had an overwhelming urge- and in about 10 minutes, I did- I wanted this baby out!!!
Pushing is NO JOKE. They call it labor for a reason! But it was almost a relief to push. The whole thing was very emotional, we couldn't believe it was actually happening! My doctor was amazing. She let me reach down and feel the baby's head which was extremely motivating since I was so close! 45 minutes of pushing and she made her appearance into the world. All I kept saying was "I can't believe I did this!" DH and I were both hysterical with happy tears. They had known there was a little meconium in my water so they had the NICU team there just in case. Thankfully, everything was perfect!
Recovery has been 123923094230482 times better than my c-section (which, at the time, I didn't think was so bad). I was up and walking an hour after I delivered. With the exception of a little soreness, I have to say I really feel fantastic (emotionally and physically). I am so happy that I tried and that it was a success, I feel so fortunate!!
Just a heads up for those delivering at Winthrop they are trying to be the first "Baby Friendly" hospital- they let you keep the baby 24 hours (and don't take them- at all, even if you need to pee or use the shower). They also will not give you a pacifier so bring one if you think you want your LO to have one. The nurses were great but I have a feeling the decision to not take the babies at all is from administration.
Anyway, introducing DD2 Cadhla (pronounced Ky-lah) Mae, born 11-12-13 @ 1:36 pm. We are all in love with her and big sister who has been really wonderful so far.
Photo courtesy of JKD Photography! Image Attachment(s):
Message edited 11/21/2013 3:25:04 PM.
My heart is full
Member since 3/12 1961 total posts
Re: My successful VBAC story 11/12/13
congrats and thanks for posting your story. while i won't be having #2 for a few years, i really want a VBAC so it's great to read about your success. Enjoy your little precious bundle!