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Sending your kid to camp when you're off.

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Resident Insomniac

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Sending your kid to camp when you're off.

I am not meaning to offend anyone. I've seen quite a few people on facebook mention camps lately, and all of them are teachers who are off for the summer, or stay at home moms. As a working mom, I'm not sure I get that. While i do understand wanting to keep your kids busy during summer, it just seems like the perfect opportunity to spend time and be busy as a family and not send them off somewhere else. I would kill to be able to spend the summer with my kids.

In certain instances I could understand. New baby in the house and you can't get out much, or maybe a week at a camp to make new friends. But I see people who are booking up every last week of summer for their kids to go "somewhere" (two weeks scout camp, two weeks baseball camp, two weeks town camp, etc)

Is there a side of this I'm not seeing? Again, I'm open to understanding it. I'm not criticizing.

Posted 4/17/14 11:57 AM
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LIF Adult

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Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.

It's sort of the reverse. You work outside the home and would kill to be with your kids. SAHMs are with their kids everyday and would kill for a break from them! I have three and the prospect of entertaining them every day is daunting. Camp has lots of benefits, structure, socialization etc. can't speak for the teachers, but as a SAHM I know that kids get bored fast and the responsibility of entertaining them falls squarely on us (at least when they are little).

Posted 4/17/14 12:03 PM


Member since 6/08

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fka LIW Smara

Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.

I work part-time and there are sessions where I only teach evenings. However, my son used to go to daycare 4 days a week before he started school. I believe in the summer i have an evening schedule as well where I can stay with him. However, he will be going to different camps. Here is why I do it:

-Its fun for him and he gets to socialize with other kids. He will be going to basketball camp and right now he is into learning about sports. -Its easier for me to do errands during the day without him.
-I'm not one of those moms who can sit everyday and entertain my kid for 5 days a week for x hours. I like other people doing it for me.Chat Icon

Yea,we will go on vacation (planning on DR & Cruise) and ill take him to the beach. I just don't need to be attached to him by the hip everyday for the summer. He also likes to do this kind of stuff.

This also could be because I am not working full time. I'm sure maybe it will change when I do go back to work.

Posted 4/17/14 12:06 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

22665 total posts


Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.

Personally I LOVED camp when I was younger. Wish I could still go to camp. Great way to spend all day outdoors doing lots of activities... learning to swim, sports, arts and crafts (still love lanyard.. LOL), eating lunch outside, playing on a huge playground, free swim, meeting and playing with new friends. It's awesome!
I work from home, but if I were a teacher and had the summer off I'd still put the boys in camp. It's not all summer. It's about 6 weeks.
As for the sports camps if a child is striving in a particular sport and since the rec sports don't go on during the summer it's a great way for them to keep playing the sport they love.
Even though I went to camp I still did lots of trips with my family too. In August we always took a trip with another family. Usually Lake George, been to Canada, took a cruise, etc. We take day trips too. The weekends are good for that.
I LOVE spending time with my kids, but I couldn't give them all those activities they'd have in a day at camp. I plan on doing day trips once a week or more though. Just could never give them all that outside time camp gives. That's just me.

Message edited 4/17/2014 12:10:30 PM.

Posted 4/17/14 12:08 PM

Mommy's little YouTube Star!

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Sending your kid to camp when you're off.

Yeah.. this is one of 'those' topics. SO many million factors that is never just face value.

My kid, my decision type thing.

You just never know. Facebook isn't really a great representation either. Right now I'm a happy bumble bee on Facebook. Love the family blah blah, but that's not reality at all.

I guess not everyone would 'kill' to spend time with their kids if it meant they were bored. And I would "kill" to send my kid off to a camp where she could grow, learn and experience life! Just can't afford it!

Meh, its subjective.

Posted 4/17/14 12:10 PM

Resident Insomniac

Member since 4/13

2051 total posts


Sending your kid to camp when you're off.

Okay, well thank you for giving me a different perpective on it. I guess it is because I work full time that I crave having that time with them. Yet if I were with them all the time, it would likely be different.

I think it could also be because my kids are older, and more independent, that when we do spend time together, its more fun now. Not that little ones are not fun, just that you have to plan around naps and packing things up, and there are no meltdowns. My kids are of the age where we can "get up and go" for a road trip or whatever.

Posted 4/17/14 12:18 PM


Member since 6/05

6030 total posts


Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.

I work, and although its not camp exactly, but I send DS to day care if I have a few days off. Its the ONLY time I can get anything done around the house. Yard work, cleaning out my closet, cleaning out the basement - these are all on my To Do list and they cant get done with DS around (he's 2), and they are too big to get done during naptime.

We also have Family time where we take small trips too, so he's not always at "school" but also, he really likes it! Between playing with 7 other kids or playing by himself (with us), I think he likes being with friends.

Posted 4/17/14 12:21 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/11

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Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.

Too many factors to decide what's right for another family.

I work full time and would rather work than try to entertain my kids all summer. Unless maybe I had a lot of good adult company and my kids had other kids to play with (which they wouldn't cause all their friends would be in camp/activities).

That's why I cherish my weekends and vacation with them.

Posted 4/17/14 12:23 PM


Member since 6/08

10312 total posts

fka LIW Smara

Sending your kid to camp when you're off.

Another Perspective:

My DS is home today because he started his spring break. Today isnt a day where we can go out and do stuff because I have to get the house ready for this weekend and Im working on my lecture since I work tonight.

He is driving me crazy because he is the only one and is bore d and tired since he has been up since 6:40 Chat Icon I wish Catholic School break fell on regular spring break because he would be in Camp right now. LOL

Posted 4/17/14 12:31 PM

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Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.

As a working mom, I completely get it. If I was off & I could drive my kids to a place where they'd have a good time, learn a skill, enjoy their summer & get away from a screen, I'd be happy to do it.

There are only so many museums, beach trips, aquarium days that you can do. Summer is 9 weeks long. If I was a SAHM or a teacher, I'd book them every other week in different camps so they didn't get bored & have a week off for a break where they can stay out late & sleep in the next day.

Posted 4/17/14 12:37 PM


Member since 5/05

18919 total posts


Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.

If I ever change positions to one where I am off for the summer, my kids will still be going to camp, as long as we can afford it. For me and DH, going to camp was just part of our childhoods. Both of our mothers were home during the summer, but camp was viewed as a privilege, as a good thing that you did for your children, to give them the experiences of the outdoors and socialization with other children. I think it stems back from the days when people lived in more urban areas and sent their kids to the country for nature and fresh air (especially sleep away camp). Even my father and his siblings went to sleepaway camp from a young age. I had plenty of family time on the weekends and during the weeks that I did not attend camp. I think I would have been bored at home all day, every day during the summer. I went to day camp from ages 3-11 (6 weeks), and sleep away from ages 12-14 (4 weeks).

Posted 4/17/14 12:41 PM


Member since 5/05

18919 total posts


Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.

Posted by NASP09

I work, and although its not camp exactly, but I send DS to day care if I have a few days off. Its the ONLY time I can get anything done around the house. Yard work, cleaning out my closet, cleaning out the basement - these are all on my To Do list and they cant get done with DS around (he's 2), and they are too big to get done during naptime.

We also have Family time where we take small trips too, so he's not always at "school" but also, he really likes it! Between playing with 7 other kids or playing by himself (with us), I think he likes being with friends.

Yup, this too, in addition to what I said above. I have DD home with me this week because of Passover, but I send her to daycare on some other days off, with no guilt at all. She has fun, and I get things done!

Posted 4/17/14 12:42 PM

Only God knows His plan for us

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Sending your kid to camp when you're off.

Honestly, there are so many factors. I never got to go to summer camp as a kid, and I would have LOVED to have had that opportunity. For me, it would be more about providing my child with the fun of going to camp... especially sleep-away. DH and so many of my friends have such amazing memories of their camp experiences, that I never got... I want to give my kids that experience.

Posted 4/17/14 12:45 PM


Member since 6/08

10312 total posts

fka LIW Smara

Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.

Posted by Jax430

If I ever change positions to one where I am off for the summer, my kids will still be going to camp, as long as we can afford it. For me and DH, going to camp was just part of our childhoods. Both of our mothers were home during the summer, but camp was viewed as a privilege, as a good thing that you did for your children, to give them the experiences of the outdoors and socialization with other children. I think it stems back from the days when people lived in more urban areas and sent their kids to the country for nature and fresh air (especially sleep away camp). Even my father and his siblings went to sleepaway camp from a young age. I had plenty of family time on the weekends and during the weeks that I did not attend camp. I think I would have been bored at home all day, every day during the summer. I went to day camp from ages 3-11 (6 weeks), and sleep away from ages 12-14 (4 weeks).

This is what I want my son to have because I never had this growing up. I always wanted to go to camp so bad. Im glad this summer we can afford to send him for a few weeks where he can do outdoorsy stuff with other kids.

Posted 4/17/14 12:46 PM

Mommy to 2 amazing little boys

Member since 5/05

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Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.

Posted by Hopefulmama

It's sort of the reverse. You work outside the home and would kill to be with your kids. SAHMs are with their kids everyday and would kill for a break from them! I have three and the prospect of entertaining them every day is daunting. Camp has lots of benefits, structure, socialization etc. can't speak for the teachers, but as a SAHM I know that kids get bored fast and the responsibility of entertaining them falls squarely on us (at least when they are little).


I am a SAHM, I have to entertain my kids through every school break, weekend, snow day, sick day etc. During breaks its hard I wont lie simply because my school aged child doesnt understand that while he is off, my life and responsibilities ( cooking, laundry, cleaning, errands, etc) dont stop. When he is home, its always, what are we doing today, whats next....we need to do something fun, I am bored etc, etc etc. And while he is off for like 8+ weeks over the summer, 99% of it is just me and him and his brother, so its not true family time, DH still has to work for a portion of it.

So for camp we do 2-3 weeks of half day camp 9-12 and 1-2 weeks of full day (9-3) camp. Then we take 1 week and Dh takes off. And the rest of the time which is still approx 4 weeks, I am the camp director of his life.

ETA: he took a one week camp last year that he literally just glows when he talks about. He could be the camps sales person he had so much fun (it was a science camp- he was 5) so the is having such a positive experience with camp that I would feel bad not allowing him some camp time

Message edited 4/17/2014 1:52:51 PM.

Posted 4/17/14 1:50 PM

My family is complete!

Member since 11/08

12970 total posts


Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.

i work full time and i have no problem sending my kid to camp full time. i'm not a SAHM for a reason (well besides money), i do not have the patience to do it. I give you guys credit! i love my son, but i cannot do a full day one on one. we'd both get bored and i'd run out of things to do.

i think camp is better for them to learn, socialize and grow. i'll see him when he gets home.

and btw both my parents are teachers and i went to camp every summer.

Posted 4/17/14 2:01 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/11

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Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.

My mom was a teacher and would send us to camp. Usually half days, not the full summer or all week, but we went to camp.

It is good to keep kids busy. And I used to go to performing arts camps, etc.

I work ft and I would send my DS to camp if I was off the entire summer if I could afford it.

Posted 4/17/14 2:02 PM


Member since 5/08

8351 total posts


Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.

I personally cant believe how much people pay for camp I rather just have a nanny/baby sitter and give them money to take the kids to placesChat Icon

I also never been to camp so maybe I don't see the appeal to it.

Posted 4/17/14 2:06 PM


Member since 6/08

10312 total posts

fka LIW Smara

Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.

Posted by blu6385

I personally cant believe how much people pay for camp I rather just have a nanny/baby sitter and give them money to take the kids to placesChat Icon

I also never been to camp so maybe I don't see the appeal to it.

Camp is really expensive, but he will onlybe going for a few weeks. I found some for 195 - 257/week. I could never afford that for the entire 9 weeks.

A nanny can sometimes be just as much or more than camp. Especially if they are taking them places, so now that is an additional cost. Also if I am home, then I am home with the nanny and my DS who will be harassing me still.Chat Icon

Plus Camp allows them to be with other kids, my DS is an only child so its cheaper for camp and better for him.

Posted 4/17/14 2:17 PM


Member since 5/08

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Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.

Posted by Sash

Posted by blu6385

I personally cant believe how much people pay for camp I rather just have a nanny/baby sitter and give them money to take the kids to placesChat Icon

I also never been to camp so maybe I don't see the appeal to it.

Camp is really expensive, but he will onlybe going for a few weeks. I found some for 195 - 257/week. I could never afford that for the entire 9 weeks.

A nanny can sometimes be just as much or more than camp. Especially if they are taking them places, so now that is an additional cost. Also if I am home, then I am home with the nanny and my DS who will be harassing me still.Chat Icon

Plus Camp allows them to be with other kids, my DS is an only child so its cheaper for camp and better for him.

I meant the whole nanny/babysitter thing for parents that work FTM and not off for the summer and really I mean more a babysitter, cause I think my definition of a nanny is not the correct one Chat Icon
I pay for daycare now for two kids (granted only one right now is going full time) I don't know what I am going to do yet when they are in school fulltime but i cant see camp being at the top of my list but hey you never know i might be changing my mind when the time comes Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 4/17/2014 2:23:35 PM.

Posted 4/17/14 2:23 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/13

3363 total posts


Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.

Posted by blu6385

I personally cant believe how much people pay for camp I rather just have a nanny/baby sitter and give them money to take the kids to placesChat Icon

I also never been to camp so maybe I don't see the appeal to it.

Not all camps are expensive but they are limited in the things they do (no pool). Last year I paid $1,000 for 8 weeks.

Posted 4/17/14 2:23 PM


Member since 5/08

8351 total posts


Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.

Posted by afternoondelight828

Posted by blu6385

I personally cant believe how much people pay for camp I rather just have a nanny/baby sitter and give them money to take the kids to placesChat Icon

I also never been to camp so maybe I don't see the appeal to it.

Not all camps are expensive but they are limited in the things they do (no pool). Last year I paid $1,000 for 8 weeks.

ok well that's not bad at all. I have hear people paying like $7000 for like 6 or 7 weeks (maybe my number is a little high) and to me i think that's insane.

Posted 4/17/14 2:25 PM

The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05

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Sending your kid to camp when you're off.

I am a SAHM and will be sending my DD to camp. She wants to go. 90% of the kids she knows go to camp so she is bored staying home just with me. There is only so many times we can go to the beach or pool before she starts wanting to play with kids her own age. She has a week off after school before camp starts and two weeks at the end of the summer where she will be home before school starts. Plenty of time for "family" time during those weeks. If she didn't have the desire to go to camp then I would have been more than happy to keep her with me. Because she is also special needs, I pay a heck of a lot of money for her to attend camp, pretty close to 9,000 so financially I would love to keep her home but I want to do what is best for her, not for me, so she is going.

Posted 4/17/14 2:25 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/13

3363 total posts


Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.

I agree with everyone that no matter if you work full time or home the entire summer with the kids, kids need other opportunities than just being with their parents all day, all summer.
It gives them time to be with friends and be more independent.
My kids are home for the week now and I am ready for them to go back to school and I am not even home with them all day. lol

Posted 4/17/14 2:27 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/13

3363 total posts


Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.

Posted by blu6385

Posted by afternoondelight828

Posted by blu6385

I personally cant believe how much people pay for camp I rather just have a nanny/baby sitter and give them money to take the kids to placesChat Icon

I also never been to camp so maybe I don't see the appeal to it.

Not all camps are expensive but they are limited in the things they do (no pool). Last year I paid $1,000 for 8 weeks.

ok well that's not bad at all. I have hear people paying like $7000 for like 6 or 7 weeks (maybe my number is a little high) and to me i think that's insane.

Yes, those camps DO offer more but IME my kids still had fun and went on field trips all summer.

Posted 4/17/14 2:28 PM
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