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<3 <3 <3 <3

Member since 1/06 19197 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
I'm a SAHM, last summer my older one (4.5 at the time) went to an all day, day camp. Bus picked her up at 8:20, dropped her off at 4:45. My DS who was almost 3 went to a different camp 9-1, M-F.
This year they are both going to the same full day, day camp.
There is only so much *I* personally can do to keep them entertained/occupied, etc.... They have been home from school for the Passover break since 4/11 and don't go back until this Wednesday. I can honestly say, that by LAST Wednesday, I was totally over all this togetherness! Not only that, even with playdates, outings, etc.... my kids have had enough of their togetherness with each other... which makes for a very cranky mommy!
Posted 4/21/14 6:50 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Stop and smell the flowers

Member since 7/06 1538 total posts
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
I'm a teacher. For me my son will go to camp a couple days a week just to keep a routine going. It's really hard when they are little to go from being home all summer to going to full time daycare. Well let's face it, that's hard for anyone! But he's going on 4yo and routine is really important for him. I'd like to save the money and keep him home for a few weeks but it's not worth it when he has trouble getting back to a routine.
Posted 4/21/14 8:16 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/06 560 total posts
Name: ME
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
I am a teacher and I send my kids to camp. Why? Because I am not an entertainer and they enjoy going to camp and being with other kids and trying new things. There's only so many times you can do the same activities with them. And I hemorrhage money the summers they are home. I'd rather put them in camp. Trust me, we still spend plenty of time together. Then there's the whole answer of what works for some might not work for others. They also only go for 5 hours a day. And I have no qualms about ditching camp if something fun comes up. I like options
Posted 4/21/14 9:33 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/06 560 total posts
Name: ME
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
Posted by MrsRbk
I'm a SAHM, last summer my older one (4.5 at the time) went to an all day, day camp. Bus picked her up at 8:20, dropped her off at 4:45. My DS who was almost 3 went to a different camp 9-1, M-F.
This year they are both going to the same full day, day camp.
There is only so much *I* personally can do to keep them entertained/occupied, etc.... They have been home from school for the Passover break since 4/11 and don't go back until this Wednesday. I can honestly say, that by LAST Wednesday, I was totally over all this togetherness! Not only that, even with playdates, outings, etc.... my kids have had enough of their togetherness with each other... which makes for a very cranky mommy!
This is exactly it. I am not the type to entertain my kids all day. And they are the type that expect to be entertained.
Posted 4/21/14 9:34 PM |
So close....

Member since 7/07 2900 total posts
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
I'm a SAHM and I'm all about sending dd to camp!
I never went as a kid, but I am sure it would have been awesome!
It really depends on where you live and the type of neighborhood you're in. When I grew up, evvvvvveryone had kids my age. We played in the neighborhood all summer long. It was also an 'enclosed' (?) neighborhood where it was safe to ride bikes around etc.
Where we live now, it isn't a side walked neighborhood where DD could just ride her bike down the street to a friend's house. So I think camp will be good for her to interact with kids.
Posted 4/21/14 9:44 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 11767 total posts
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
<-- kids do A few different types ofcamps.
1. Some camps they want to go to...sports, art, computer,etc
2. Some I want them to learn something...swimming
3. It gets them off the computer.
4. I have a lo with me...but I need a little relaxing too.
Posted 4/21/14 9:51 PM |
<3 <3 <3 <3

Member since 1/06 19197 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
Also, just to add...
Camp totally changed my DD last summer. By the end of camp, she had way more self confidence, came out of her shell, and swims like a fish (she was TERRIFIED of the pool to start!).
What they do with the kids was simply amazing and to see her blossom in that way was truly a blessing.
Posted 4/22/14 8:43 AM |
Brotherly love

Member since 12/07 1816 total posts
Name: Anne
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
All day camp can be quite expensive. Part of the reason that I am home with my kids is the benefit of not having to pay for that.
My sons are 6 and 4. The older one will do two weeks of soccer camp, mornings only. He loves soccer, and his friends go as well. We will also do tennis and swimming lessons.
The 4 year old will do swimming lessons, that's it.
Luckily, there is plenty to do with my kids here in VA that we can keep our days full. We belong to a pool/athletic club, so we go there a lot. There are several parks, a nice little zoo, dollar matinee kids movies in the summer. We also have two week long trips planned.
Yes, some days are easier/longer than others. My 41 year old body is often exhausted at the end of the day. But that is part of the deal when you stay home with kids, IMO.
When my boys are older, they will probably want to go to all day camp because they will want to socialize with their friends more, and not want to hang out with me as much. however, I plan to be working again at that point, at least part time. So, that will wrk out better.
Posted 4/22/14 9:21 AM |
Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06 27915 total posts
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
I think camp is more to just keep your kids busy all summer. I remember as a kid we'd get bored at times and drove my mom nuts. My mom was a SAHM but we actually went to camp 5 days a week, about 8-5, all summer long and then we'd come home and have dinner as a family and play in the yard, go swimming, etc.
I had SO much fun at camp!! I made so many friends, created so many great memories, and got to try many different things. It was a great way to spend my summer.
I don't think camp has ANYTHING to do with whether or not a parent works. Just because you're a SAHM doesn't mean you need your kids with you 24/7 to have quality time together. I'm a SAHM and I might consider day camp for my kids down the road if I have the money. I had a fun experience when my parents sent me and I'm sure my kids would too.
BTW...........I sign my DD (now 5) up for all kinds of things in the summer to keep her busy and entertained. She won't be going to a day camp this year but she will be taking a week long art class, a week of "camp" at Benners Farm, a week of dance camp, and two weeks in the summer enrichment program through our district. She LOVED having things to look forward to last summer which is why I signed her up again for these things.
Posted 4/22/14 9:27 AM |
Two Under Two Mommy

Member since 3/08 10420 total posts
Name: Momx100
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
Camps are not just childcare. They can be fun and educational. I don't think it matters if you are a SAHM or WOHM, most kids go to camp.
Posted 4/22/14 11:44 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/13 6040 total posts
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
Before having a kid, I probably totally would judge a mom who sent her kids to camp while she's off.
Now I'm a mom.
And I totally get it.
Sometimes it's a break that's needed for the mom. Or for the kid. Or both. Plus, if it benefits the kid in any way, whether it is socialization or learning new skills, what's the harm?
Posted 4/22/14 11:48 AM |
Life is about choices.

Member since 5/05 6532 total posts
Name: Dani
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
i dont have kids and not sure what ill do, but another thought may be because for some people it's scary to just send your kids out to play.
when i was a kid, it was light out, we were all over playing on the block, at the park, and sometimes at a friends house. but now people are more cautious, as they should be.
so maybe sending them to camp is a way of having them do all those things but with more peace of mind?
personally, i would love to have my kids just go out and play and come home for lunch/dinner. i guess ill see how i feel when it's my turn
Posted 4/22/14 11:49 AM |

Member since 10/06 15979 total posts
Name: BahBahBlackJeep
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
Posted by busymomonli
I am not meaning to offend anyone. I've seen quite a few people on facebook mention camps lately, and all of them are teachers who are off for the summer, or stay at home moms. As a working mom, I'm not sure I get that. While i do understand wanting to keep your kids busy during summer, it just seems like the perfect opportunity to spend time and be busy as a family and not send them off somewhere else. I would kill to be able to spend the summer with my kids.
In certain instances I could understand. New baby in the house and you can't get out much, or maybe a week at a camp to make new friends. But I see people who are booking up every last week of summer for their kids to go "somewhere" (two weeks scout camp, two weeks baseball camp, two weeks town camp, etc)
Is there a side of this I'm not seeing? Again, I'm open to understanding it. I'm not criticizing.
My sister is a school teacher and she and my BIL send my nephew and niece to camp because it's what all their friends are doing. The kids want to go because they want to hang out with their friends. They don't go to sleep away camp or anything and usually it only runs like half the day so when they get home she's with them the rest of the day and they go to the pool or beach afterwards.
My point is it's really sort of dictated they go to camp by the kids because it's what all the other kids are doing. It's more social for them than anything else. Believe me, I'm sure my sis and BIL would be more than happy to save the thousands of dollars they spend each summer on camp otherwise
Posted 4/22/14 11:53 AM |
The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06 24849 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
Posted by Straightarrow
My mom was a teacher and would send us to camp. Usually half days, not the full summer or all week, but we went to camp.
It is good to keep kids busy. And I used to go to performing arts camps, etc.
I work ft and I would send my DS to camp if I was off the entire summer if I could afford it.
both my parents were teachers and all 3 of us went to camp FULL TIME
We loved it- we cried at the end of the summer
I can't imagine my mom finding things to make 3 kids happy all summer all 3 years apart with out us killing each other
we all had different interests and went to different spots camps etc
I even did a summer of teen travel!
my parents played golf and tennis- we all loved summer
Message edited 4/22/2014 1:41:13 PM.
Posted 4/22/14 1:38 PM |
The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06 24849 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
Posted by MarisaK
I don't care what other people do w/ their kids honestly - No one is a 'better' mother for spending every waking minute w/ her kids, or thinking abou her kids, or talking about her kids -
IMO, mothers are still people in their own right. They are professionals, and friends, and sisters and wives and daughters and cousins - they are not JUST mothers. Mom may be your most important role, but it's not the ONLY thing that defines a woman. So no, I have zero issue with ANY mother, working, SAH, PTW, whatever, who feels she needs a break from her kids have some time for herself.
and honestly, no one's kids want to spend EVERY single waking minute w/ them either !!
this is from my Mother- she would have said the same thing! I have no kids but I agree (and loved camp)
Posted 4/22/14 1:43 PM |
i run for bacon

Member since 5/05 20584 total posts
Name: julz
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
Wow, I am shocked at how many people do this! (not judging, just unexpected with such little kids) I'm with you, I can't wait for my kindergartener to be off so I can spend more time with him. They grow up so fast and we make the most of our summers! He will be going to camp part time (I work part time) while I'm at work though.
Posted 4/22/14 1:55 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 3/09 1247 total posts
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
It's funny, I'm actually shocked by how many people don't send their kids to camp but that's prob bc where I grew up everyone went to camp and now all my friends send their kids to camp. My one regret is that I didn't go to sleepaway, my sister did and she LOVED it. Camp is fun, so if you can afford its a great opportunity. Some of these camps are crazy with their activities: ropes courses, trapeze, horse back riding, atv tracks, etc. I wish I could go!
Posted 4/22/14 7:58 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/08 22665 total posts
Name: Erica
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
Sounds like some people think of it as a way to just send the kids away so they don't have to entertain their LO's. I don't think that's the case at all. I plan on doing lots with my kids during the summer. Beach days, parks, zoo, swim club, friend outside play dates, etc. Camp is a fun and structured way of teaching the kids things you may not get to. It's everyday of playing sport activities with friends (learning new games and getting lots of exercise), teaching your child to swim, do fun arts and crafts, build rockets and watch them go up, color war, eating lunch outside everyday, and making new friends. Just things I know I couldn't give my kids. I also think it gives them confidence. I loved camp when I was younger. I hope my boys have as much fun as I did. If you don't send your child to camp either that's great. I just don't have the energy, creative ideas, and time to keep them entertained all day. Plus, it gets them away from the computer and tv and outdoors.
Message edited 4/22/2014 8:55:15 PM.
Posted 4/22/14 8:55 PM |

Member since 5/05 10311 total posts
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
I think taking my kids to camp is work. The last thing I feel like doing during my summer is getting everybody up and out the door so my kid(s) can be somewhere by 9am. I've tried to avoid it in the past despite my girlfriends bugging the crap out of me to sign my kids up.
This summer my DD1 is doing two basketball camps because 1. I want her to get some physical activity besides our backyard, 2. she's doing awesome in the sport because she enjoys it so I think she would benefit from learning skills and working with other players/coaches and 3. she thinks it's fun.
I'll probably sign my DS1 up for tennis camp and possibly my DD1 as well, being that they enjoyed it last year.
I feel like my friends get nutty about camp though. They start waiting for the camp lists to come out in January and February and once those lists are released, they're asking each other who's signing who up for what. I always joke around with my friends and tell them I'm sending my kids to "Camp Jen" (which is in my backyard and admittance requires a little imagination. )
Message edited 4/22/2014 10:16:03 PM.
Posted 4/22/14 10:15 PM |
Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
I drove a school bus for free last summer, 5 days a week so my son can go to Ivy League day camp for free. Camp is not in our budget. This camp in particular cost 6k for the summer. My son (4) had the time of his life. Me, not so much. But I am a SAHM and I knew he would love camp so I found a way to afford such a luxury. I will most likely do the same this summer.
Camp is a great social place, a great memory maker, a great experience in general. I wish I had been able to go as a kid.
I don't see it so much as a mom getting rid of her kids, more so a mom giving their child a lifelong memory.
Message edited 4/23/2014 2:54:11 PM.
Posted 4/22/14 10:42 PM |
Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
I do it to get extra long walks with my dog and dump his poop into novel trash cans.
Posted 4/23/14 2:38 PM |
Big Brothers to Be !

Member since 2/10 3868 total posts
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
I am a SAHM of 3 kids. My daughter is only a year and will not be going anywhere THIS YEAR. But i am counting down the days till camp starts for my twin boys (2.5). I have PLENTY of QT time with all my kids. We all need a break from one another actually.
They need to be entertained 24/7 and BY ME. They don't play together well. It's exhausting. Yes its $$$ but you can't put a price tag on my sanity!!
Posted 4/23/14 11:08 PM |
2 girls 4 me!

Member since 8/08 7878 total posts
Name: Mama mama mama....
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
My 3 year-old is going 2x a week, 4 hours a day. It will give her something fun to do with other kids her age and give me a little one-on-one time with my younger daughter. Not going to lie, I'm also looking forward to some time off when the little one naps. This schedule gives us plenty of family time together, too.
eta: DH and I are both teachers. He is actually working at the camp DD1 will attend.
Message edited 4/24/2014 8:47:39 AM.
Posted 4/24/14 8:46 AM |
Member since 5/08 8351 total posts
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
i mean this really in a non snotty way but what does everyone do all day all summer without kids if you don't work? I am being serious cause I would be bored out of my mind. Don't get me wrong a couple of weeks having no kids and no work is nice i would probably get everything I needed done in 2 weeks but all summer I would be going crazy from boredom.
This is probably why I don't mind going to work and even if I had an option of staying home I wouldn't.
Posted 4/24/14 9:00 AM |

Member since 5/05 4230 total posts
Name: .
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
Posted by InShock
Camp is awesome. That's why!
When I was a kid my best friend went to camp and I wanted to to go to so bad.
I used to beg my mom but she said no. wah wahhhhh
So here I was, an 80s kid and used to watch the movie wilderer cummer, that was my camp. *sigh*
Oh well.
Posted 4/24/14 9:15 AM |
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