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LIF Adult

Member since 7/08 22665 total posts
Name: Erica
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
Posted by KarenK122
I am a SAHM and will be sending my DD to camp. She wants to go. 90% of the kids she knows go to camp so she is bored staying home just with me. There is only so many times we can go to the beach or pool before she starts wanting to play with kids her own age. She has a week off after school before camp starts and two weeks at the end of the summer where she will be home before school starts. Plenty of time for "family" time during those weeks. If she didn't have the desire to go to camp then I would have been more than happy to keep her with me. Because she is also special needs, I pay a heck of a lot of money for her to attend camp, pretty close to 9,000 so financially I would love to keep her home but I want to do what is best for her, not for me, so she is going.
I think that's great you do that for her and I also think camp sounds perfect for her. DS1 has delays and has not yet been able to experience camp since he's been going to school for the ESY (extended school year) program. This may be the last summer at ESY since he's been doing well and hoping next year will be his first time going to camp and getting to experience what some of his other friends do. Including myself. It's a great experience. My 2 yr old (will be 3 this summer) will be at his preschool camp program so he gets to play outside more, play in the pool or sprinklers, etc. All stuff I'd get exhausted to do with him after a time anyway and he gets to be with his friends.
Posted 4/17/14 2:30 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/08 8351 total posts
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
Posted by afternoondelight828
Posted by blu6385
Posted by afternoondelight828
Posted by blu6385
I personally cant believe how much people pay for camp I rather just have a nanny/baby sitter and give them money to take the kids to places
I also never been to camp so maybe I don't see the appeal to it.
Not all camps are expensive but they are limited in the things they do (no pool). Last year I paid $1,000 for 8 weeks.
ok well that's not bad at all. I have hear people paying like $7000 for like 6 or 7 weeks (maybe my number is a little high) and to me i think that's insane.
Yes, those camps DO offer more but IME my kids still had fun and went on field trips all summer.
what's the name of the camp you send them too I have time before i would even have to consider it but I am interested to see the differences of them.
Posted 4/17/14 2:31 PM |
Just call me Mommy.

Member since 1/11 5570 total posts
Name: S
Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
I see camp as a privilege. I spent many summers in day camp and begged to go to sleep away camp. My mom was a SAHM but with three children she could not provide us with the enrichment or socialization we got at camp.
Posted 4/17/14 2:32 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/08 22665 total posts
Name: Erica
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
Posted by afternoondelight828
My kids are home for the week now and I am ready for them to go back to school and I am not even home with them all day. lol
LOL! I was just saying the same thing to my girl friend earlier in the week! We were busy with Passover the first two nights and now I am done and ready for them to go to school
Posted 4/17/14 2:32 PM |
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
Posted by blu6385
Posted by afternoondelight828
Posted by blu6385
Posted by afternoondelight828
Posted by blu6385
I personally cant believe how much people pay for camp I rather just have a nanny/baby sitter and give them money to take the kids to places
I also never been to camp so maybe I don't see the appeal to it.
Not all camps are expensive but they are limited in the things they do (no pool). Last year I paid $1,000 for 8 weeks.
ok well that's not bad at all. I have hear people paying like $7000 for like 6 or 7 weeks (maybe my number is a little high) and to me i think that's insane.
Yes, those camps DO offer more but IME my kids still had fun and went on field trips all summer.
what's the name of the camp you send them too I have time before i would even have to consider it but I am interested to see the differences of them.
It is the Town of Islip Expanded Camps. You have to be a resident of Town of Islip.
Posted 4/17/14 2:41 PM |
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
Posted by EricaAlt
Posted by afternoondelight828
My kids are home for the week now and I am ready for them to go back to school and I am not even home with them all day. lol
LOL! I was just saying the same thing to my girl friend earlier in the week! We were busy with Passover the first two nights and now I am done and ready for them to go to school
I miss my morning and lunch routine, being home alone and being able to actually hear the TV lol.
Posted 4/17/14 2:43 PM |
mom of 3 boys

Member since 4/06 11426 total posts
Name: Ali
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
Keep in mind that as they get older, they got bored with hanging out with you and around the house. My son is almost 6 and he gets that way these days. He needs more.
I am a full time working mom with a 2 year old as well. I don't have summers off but would kill for it!!
Even if i did have summers off, things can be limited in the things we do because of the 2 year old. I'd hate for my older son who's 6 to miss out on things or not be as active because of it.
If it were me, i'd send him 2 or 3 days a week for the summer and then spend the other days with him at the beach. But i really love spending time with my kids.
Posted 4/17/14 2:50 PM |

Member since 6/08 10312 total posts
Name: fka LIW Smara
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
Posted by blu6385
Posted by Sash
Posted by blu6385
I personally cant believe how much people pay for camp I rather just have a nanny/baby sitter and give them money to take the kids to places
I also never been to camp so maybe I don't see the appeal to it.
Camp is really expensive, but he will onlybe going for a few weeks. I found some for 195 - 257/week. I could never afford that for the entire 9 weeks.
A nanny can sometimes be just as much or more than camp. Especially if they are taking them places, so now that is an additional cost. Also if I am home, then I am home with the nanny and my DS who will be harassing me still.
Plus Camp allows them to be with other kids, my DS is an only child so its cheaper for camp and better for him.
I meant the whole nanny/babysitter thing for parents that work FTM and not off for the summer and really I mean more a babysitter, cause I think my definition of a nanny is not the correct one I pay for daycare now for two kids (granted only one right now is going full time) I don't know what I am going to do yet when they are in school fulltime but i cant see camp being at the top of my list but hey you never know i might be changing my mind when the time comes
Actually sometimes its easier to have a babysitter when they are school aged. My sister work Full time and uses a babysitter to take them home from school and watch them until either she or my BIL gets home. She is a teacher at their school, so she will be using her in the summer.
Sometimes if you work full time its hard to put them in camp because the times wont allow for you to do the pick up or even drop off.
Some of the prices for camps are crazy, DS karate school camp is over 1000K for like 2 weeks.
Posted 4/17/14 2:57 PM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
Honestly if I was a SAHM, I probably wouldn't be able to WAIT for her to go to camp all summer!
Posted 4/17/14 3:03 PM |

Member since 5/08 9818 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
Regardless of my work situation - I want to send my kids to camp simply for the experience.
I never went to camp and wish I did.
I owuldn't send them to sleep away camp just because I'm paranoid about it. But day camp? Absolutely.
And this post is just asking for trouble.
Posted 4/17/14 3:16 PM |

Member since 6/09 10031 total posts
Name: Colleen
Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
I'm a teacher but will be home for the summer and I'm sending my DS to camp- 2 days a week for a half day (3 hours in the morning).
I'll have a new baby at home and I'm worried he'll be bored sitting at home with me and the baby. I want to get him out and around other kids. I want him to have the experience. I couldn't imagine sending him 5 full days. The 6 hours a week IMO is a perfect balance. It will keep him busy but also give us plenty of time to spend together as a family.
Posted 4/17/14 3:29 PM |
My love muffin!
Member since 1/07 5819 total posts
Name: Liz
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
This summer I will have a newborn. I contemplated sending my 5 year old to full day camp, but at the end of the day, the reason why I don't teach summer school is to be home with my children, so I won't do that. He will be going 5 days a week for 3 hours. However, my son is high maintenance and can't just sit around in the back yard. We are used to getting up and going all the time and having a newborn will be a new experience and adventure for both of us.
Last summer he went two days per week for 3 hours each day to one of those expensive day camps. He loved it (and I loved having me time), but I can't justify the cost.
However, I don't begrudge anyone for sending their kids to camp. For the life of me I never understand why what someone else does with their children or their life bothers someone else!
Posted 4/17/14 3:39 PM |
HELLO Manolo !!

Member since 5/06 14562 total posts
Name: Marisa
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
I don't care what other people do w/ their kids honestly - No one is a 'better' mother for spending every waking minute w/ her kids, or thinking abou her kids, or talking about her kids -
IMO, mothers are still people in their own right. They are professionals, and friends, and sisters and wives and daughters and cousins - they are not JUST mothers. Mom may be your most important role, but it's not the ONLY thing that defines a woman. So no, I have zero issue with ANY mother, working, SAH, PTW, whatever, who feels she needs a break from her kids have some time for herself.
and honestly, no one's kids want to spend EVERY single waking minute w/ them either !!
Posted 4/17/14 4:21 PM |
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
Posted by MarisaK
I don't care what other people do w/ their kids honestly - No one is a 'better' mother for spending every waking minute w/ her kids, or thinking abou her kids, or talking about her kids -
IMO, mothers are still people in their own right. They are professionals, and friends, and sisters and wives and daughters and cousins - they are not JUST mothers. Mom may be your most important role, but it's not the ONLY thing that defines a woman. So no, I have zero issue with ANY mother, working, SAH, PTW, whatever, who feels she needs a break from her kids have some time for herself.
and honestly, no one's kids want to spend EVERY single waking minute w/ them either !!
Posted 4/17/14 4:22 PM |
Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09 18388 total posts
Name: Allison
Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
My kid(s) won't go. It's not something anyone I knew did and I was home with my mother all summers and we didn't get bored so my ds and any future kids can learn to do the same.
In my adult life I know of people who always went to camp and send their kids.
To each their own.
Posted 4/17/14 4:33 PM |
baby boy coming spring '11
Member since 5/05 3133 total posts
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
Posted by Jax430
If I ever change positions to one where I am off for the summer, my kids will still be going to camp, as long as we can afford it. For me and DH, going to camp was just part of our childhoods. Both of our mothers were home during the summer, but camp was viewed as a privilege, as a good thing that you did for your children, to give them the experiences of the outdoors and socialization with other children. I think it stems back from the days when people lived in more urban areas and sent their kids to the country for nature and fresh air (especially sleep away camp). Even my father and his siblings went to sleepaway camp from a young age. I had plenty of family time on the weekends and during the weeks that I did not attend camp. I think I would have been bored at home all day, every day during the summer. I went to day camp from ages 3-11 (6 weeks), and sleep away from ages 12-14 (4 weeks).
Thank you for this!! I'm a teacher and sending my kids to camp for the month of July b/c I feel like I'm providing them with something that I couldn't do by myself. It has nothing I do with givin myself a break (well maybe a little). I think it'll be fun for them and we an still do things after camp and on the weekends. If people judge me for it, eff them. As long as my kids love it. They'll socialize, learn to swim, arts and crafts, etc. not sure why this is viewed as a bad thing. While they're gone, I'll be pain in their rooms and taking online courses. It's not like it'll be fun in the sun for me.
Posted 4/17/14 5:28 PM |
Pookie Love

Member since 5/05 20229 total posts
Name: Michal
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
My son (4) is going to go to camp this summer three days a week, full day (9-4.) I am off in the summer and Yes, I DESERVE a break, we all do!! He went last summer too and I was initially hesitant about him going three full days but DH didn't think two days was worth it. He is in nursery school and do not want him to be completely without structure for nine weeks. At camp, he gets a different type of structure, stimulation and activity than he would have at home, plus peers to play with. And, I get a break! Some of my favorite childhood memories are of camp and as long as we can afford it, he will go!
Posted 4/17/14 5:38 PM |
going along for the ride...
Member since 5/05 16253 total posts
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
Do you mean like sleep away? Or just camp in general.
As a kid I went for a month to sleep away bc everyone I knew was going and I begged my parents to send me.
I don't see camp as shipping a kid off. It is social interaction for them. Structure. My kids need structure and love socialization.
I am a SAHM. My kids will go to 4 weeks of enrichment camp through my district. Yes it is 5 mornings 3 hours a day. Many of their friends are going and they are very excited. I am not looking to dump them. When it ends I pick them up and take them to our village pool for a picnic lunch and swimming. We stay until dinner time. Outside of that month we go to the pool, museums, the zoo, beach etc.
While it sounds nice to say why do you need to do camp have you taken a week or two off? It might be easy to plan 7 or 14 days of activities but hard to 2 months worth. Kids get bored easily and enjoy going to camp with friends.
Posted 4/17/14 5:54 PM |
Member since 5/07 27557 total posts
Name: :)
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
I think if a child enjoys socialization and wants to be very active, then camp is ideal for them whether mom or dad are off. Parents can't meet all the needs of their children, whether they SAHM or work. Unless you live on a block with many kids to interact with, camp is great for kids who enjoy socializing and being active.
Posted 4/17/14 5:55 PM |
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
We work, but my ILs have DS and his 3 cousins all summer long. All of them will be enrolled in some kind of camp activity for several weeks. My ILs need a little break each day. Most likely half days they will attend.
DS will also spend a week or two upstate with my parents and will participate in the week long VBS program at their church.
Which unlike LI, is FREE believe it or not. I almost fell over when I heard this last summer. It's half days and they just ask that the kids donate to their food pantry in exchange for attending.
I give a lot of credit to those who are dying to stay home with their kids. I tell my clients all the time I go to work to get a break. They didn't believe me until they met DS at a work event and he was in rare form.
Message edited 4/17/2014 6:03:12 PM.
Posted 4/17/14 6:00 PM |
Member since 5/05 12578 total posts
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
I LOVED camp as a child and couldn't wait to be able to give my children that experience. When they were old enough for a true day camp I was working part time, so I enrolled them for the 3 days that I worked. Well they cried (and I'm not exaggerating) and begged to go the other 2 days. They seriously loved it. I don't work anymore and I always feel guilty being home and sending them, but they want to go. I usually do 6 weeks (M-F 9 -4) and we take a few weeks off here and there to do family things, but they really get upset - they feel like they are missing something. Why do their friends get to go and not sometimes it's not the parent. I'm happy they are happy. When they don't want to go, they don't have to - but if they love it and I can afford it, why would I deprive them the experience? As a stay at home mom that is very active in the school as a volunteer and very involved with their friends and activities they are with me ALL the time!!! We all deserve to do something we love even if it means spending time apart!
They are already counting the days until camp starts Their camp has 4 pools, a huge lake, boating, golf, ice cream shop, BBQ lunches, every sport you can think of, zip lines, jumping beds, a petting farm, drama, dance, cheer-leading, gymnastics, cooking, ...need I go on? I want to go with them!!! They are UNPLUGGED and outdoors all day! I couldn't do that for them even if I really tried!
Message edited 4/17/2014 6:14:55 PM.
Posted 4/17/14 6:01 PM |
Sour Girl

Member since 3/08 5271 total posts
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
Posted by MorningCuppaCoffee DS will also spend a week or two upstate with my parents and will participate in the week long VBS program at their church.
Which unlike LI, is FREE believe it or not. I almost fell over when I heard this last summer. It's half days and they just ask that the kids donate to their food pantry in exchange for attending.
VBS is free here on LI too- they are run through the churches.
Posted 4/17/14 6:04 PM |
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
Posted by LemonHead
Posted by MorningCuppaCoffee DS will also spend a week or two upstate with my parents and will participate in the week long VBS program at their church.
Which unlike LI, is FREE believe it or not. I almost fell over when I heard this last summer. It's half days and they just ask that the kids donate to their food pantry in exchange for attending.
VBS is free here on LI too- they are run through the churches.
Good to know. We are not part of a church here.
Last summer I sent DS to camp through a church school and it was quite affordable as far as camps go.
Posted 4/17/14 6:10 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 7/13 1280 total posts
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
I can see sending them a few hours a day, but I wouldn't send them all day/ every day. I sah and will just do a 3 day/ 3 hour thing. I'm home so they have the luxury of playing for a bit, then coming home to do what they want. This year Dh and I decided to put the cash away instead of paying for the pricier camps they attended last year. It seemed to be a waste of money after paying for camp plus all the crazy tips. Did they have fun? Yes. Was it worth the 6-7k, no way!
Posted 4/17/14 7:24 PM |
going along for the ride...
Member since 5/05 16253 total posts
Re: Sending your kid to camp when you're off.
Posted by MorningCuppaCoffee
We work, but my ILs have DS and his 3 cousins all summer long. All of them will be enrolled in some kind of camp activity for several weeks. My ILs need a little break each day. Most likely half days they will attend.
DS will also spend a week or two upstate with my parents and will participate in the week long VBS program at their church.
Which unlike LI, is FREE believe it or not. I almost fell over when I heard this last summer. It's half days and they just ask that the kids donate to their food pantry in exchange for attending.
I give a lot of credit to those who are dying to stay home with their kids. I tell my clients all the time I go to work to get a break. They didn't believe me until they met DS at a work event and he was in rare form.
VBS on LI is free too- I can think of at least two that offer one week free 1/2 days VBS no charge. I have no idea about others but the two I know are both free.
Posted 4/17/14 8:59 PM |
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