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My Box Is Broken

Member since 6/11 9145 total posts
Name: Phyllis
If I can get it, nobody is safe
Just tested positive for Covid. Symptoms started last night. Went to dr this morning and it’s positive (sent out a pcr to be 100% as well) quarantining in the guest room for 10 days. DH has zero symptoms and will get tested next.
I contacted the dentist I went to on 12/28 and my the place I got laser done on 1/4. Also let my family know who I saw over the holidays and just saw my inlaws on Monday night. My bubble is tight. People who work from home and don’t go anywhere. My biggest risk is going to work but I wear a mask religiously. I am also the person who does all the cleaning throughout the day to try and keep Everyone safe. I still wipe my groceries every day. I wash my hands constantly and use sanitizer when not near a sink. I am extremely clean in general - so with this I’ve been BEYOND clean. And still, here I am. Dr said it could have been from Christmas on. So the little ones could have been asymptomatic. Or even maybe could have picked it up at the dentist. There is no way of knowing for sure.
Be careful. Even the closest of bubbles can get infiltrated. The cleanest of the clean and safest of the safe can get it. I’m proof.
I’ll be around to report as the days go by. Let’s hope for a mild case.
Symptoms: Tickle in throat & cough because of it Body aches Fever 99.9-101 - Tylenol keeping it down so far. ETA: urgent care was impossible to get into and I would up just calling my primary who saw me in a few hours and did the test in my car in the parking lot. I didn’t even think of going there and automatically was panicked I couldn’t get in to any urgent care by me. So remember to contact your primary first - it was extremely easy.
FIRST UPDATE: DH just spiked a fever. His test is tmrw but kinda useless
SECOND UPDATE: DH just woke and can’t smell anything - bad headache /achy/fever ... he tested +
THIRD UPDATE: Still feel the same. This morning I had. Burst of energy, which was nice but short lived. Taste and smell on its way out. Very diminished Little nausea - gonna stop the zinc and see if that helps
FOURTH UPDATE: Same symptoms. taste and smell almost gone at this point. Little to no appetite. Stayed away from the zinc and no nausea so far. Woke up in a pool of sweat at 2am. Felt a little better at 7am so I took a shower while I had the energy. That was nice. Now back to the usual. Walking around the house for 10-15 min at a time every couple of hours to keep the blood flowing.
FIFTH UPDATE: i hate having a fever :( and Add the poops to the mix now.
SIXTH UPDATE: Today is day 5 since symptoms started. This is the worst so far. The fevers are hardly controlled by Tylenol. Deep breaths are difficult. A lot of coughing. Pulse ox still 99 so I’m staying on top of that. DH is doing better than I am thank god. He keeps going back and forth. Good then crappy, etc. I’m really hoping I turn the corner for the best tomorrow because this is really tough.
SEVENTH UPDATE: Today is day 6 since symptoms started. Fever is better today (so far) staying on the low side. Deep breaths causing coughing fits. I called my dr this morning and asked him if an inhaler or steroids would help with this cough - he said yes and sent over script for both. Just waiting on CVS to deliver them in a couple hours. This virus is a total f!ck job. The only way to describe it. Still no taste or smell though I can “feel” the bitterness of my coffee and the banana I just had. DH having a bad morning with fever and slept very late
Mini update: not about symptoms so I’m not numbering it (they are the same btw) I feel for those of you who get really sick and have small children to tend to. We have an almost 15 year old min pin who pinched a nerve in his neck the other day and I walking like a hunch back crying. And an almost 7 month old Jack russell mix puppy who is a Fuck1ng lunatic. A 20 lbs puppy jumping on and off of you when you are burning up in pain is torture. We keep creating him to get breaks but that just makes him more nuts. I keep saying omg what if we were able to have kids and we had a couple of them running around needing stuff. I couldn’t even imagine
EIGHTH UPDATE: today is day 7 since symptoms started, 6 since + test. The steroids might be starting to help some. Still difficult deep breaths - they cause coughing fits. The inhaler makes it 10x worse. Gonna give the oral steroid a little more time before starting inhaler again. Fever not as high but still coming back at hour 5-6 of Tylenol. Pulse ox still at 99. Sometimes 98 but a few deep breaths and back to 99. I’m a little obsessed with it but it’s the only thing that helps me when i feel panic set in. Got the smallest amount of taste and smell back. I have to concentrate really hard on what I’m eating (my neighbor made us some garlicky pasta w sausage and broccoli rabe yesterday and I could taste it a little today) DH had a bad day yesterday. Tylenol wasn’t touching the fever at all. He went to bed early and suffered all night. Today, fever for him is staying on the lower side but like me, still needs the Tylenol every 5-6 hrs. Morning felt good for both of us but as the day progresses. Like with any sickness, we start to feel it more.
NINTH UPDATE: day 8 since symptoms started. 7 since + test
Today is better. I can’t believe I’m even typing this. And I know it doesn’t mean it’s over because this virus is a magician. The cough has been calmed by robitussin DM (even though my stomach is wrecked from it) the steroid seems to be finally helping as well. Fever is still here but lower and going a little longer between tylenol doses. I can taste more than I can smell but it’s coming back.
TENTH UPDATE: day 9 since symptoms started. 8 since + test.
Today was not so good. The breathing feels difficult all day. Causing extreme anxiety (I am prone to panic attacks) I read online I couldn’t take Xanax with robitussin so I was afraid to take one. Then the steroid , pump and robitussin is causing me to be so jittery - making the anxiety worse. I finally called my dr and he agreed to send me for an X-ray though told me almost all covid patients do have pneumonia. I wanted to be sure it wasn’t really bad. Went. X-ray shows mild left sided pneumonia due to covid 19. Dr said meds wouldn’t really do anything bc it’s viral but I asked for a zpack anyway for my mental well being. So he gave me one. Just started that. He also said to take the Xanax, so I did. After about the 8th full blown panic attack I’ve had today. Hoping it kicks in soon
ELEVENTH UPDATE: 11 days since symptoms started 10 days since + test
I’m feeling ok. No worse , so that’s promising. I actually have an appetite today! I lost 7 lbs through this whole thing bc I couldn’t eat a thing. I am immediately pooping out everything I eat today. But at least I’m eating. Cough is still ****** and deep breaths hurt but I am coughing stuff up, so hopefully clearing out my lungs with these coughs. Pulse ox still 99-98. So I’m concentrating on that. Having an appetite is a big change for the better so I’m enjoying that moment. Fevers still happening. I missed my Tylenol dose at 10pm because I fell asleep and woke to a 100.8 at 2:45 am. Then all day it stays in the mid / high 99s. Trying to space Tylenol out just a bit to give my poor liver a break.
Hoping to finally be on the mend
DH is fever free for 2 days and back at it. Thank god.
TWELFTH UPDATE: 12 days since symptoms started 11 days since + test
That’s how I’m feeling today. I am so unbelievably frustrated to Still be mother f&cking sick. I don’t know how much more of this I can stand. Honestly, I’m losing the ability to think clearly and feel overwhelmingly sad. I’m super weak but still get up and walk around every hour or 2 to keep the blood flowing. Also helps me cough a lot when I move. I know it could be worse and I keep reminding myself that it’s not over and I don’t know where this can take me (sick for longer, long term issues from the disease itself) I just want to feel like a human being again. At this point I’m wondering if it’s even covid still or the pneumonia making it’s way through now. Uh.
THIRTEENTH UPDATE: 4 million day with covid
I wish I had a better update but I don’t. Things are still the same. Not much change. Still difficult to take a deep breath. The stairs are a *****. One piece of the smallest good news is I haven’t had substantial fever where I needed Tylenol since 2 nights ago. Small victories? I don’t celebrate any of them because you never know with this thing. I’ve been waking with a bad headache every morning which just means ox is dropping pretty low while I sleep. That’s a Normal thing in general but when you have a breathing issue, they drop lower than they should. So that’s fun in itself. Makes me not want to sleep anymore.
Well, after a full 2 weeks I am finally feeling so much better! No fever for 3 days now. So I rejoined society today and man did it feel good! I am still coughing but nothing compared to what it was (supposedly that’s going to take a while to go away) I worked a little more than a 1/2 a day and took breaks when I was tired. It felt good to function as a human again.
Thank you all for the well wishes through this whole ordeal. Though it is mild for a lot of people, and I got lucky to be able to recover at home, this is absolutely no joke. Be as careful as you can be out there. You never know how you or a loved one will do with this. It was definitely scary and I’ll probably have PTSD for a while. As someone who was on the fence about the vaccine in the beginning, I cannot wait until it’s available to me. There is no way I can handle that or worse again.
Be well guys.
Message edited 1/18/2021 11:00:16 PM.
Posted 1/5/21 7:09 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/09 15659 total posts
If I can get it, nobody is safe
Feel better. Have you been taking vitamins? I would immediately load up on Vitamin D, C and Zinc. And this is why we haven't been to the dentist even though we are overdue. I just don't trust their hands and tools in my mouth right now to be honest!
Message edited 1/5/2021 7:15:43 PM.
Posted 1/5/21 7:14 PM |
Member since 10/08 4952 total posts
Name: Whatever
If I can get it, nobody is safe
Ugh. This is my biggest fear. My bubble is TINY. I only go out to grocery shop. I work from home. I also try to keep 2 weeks in between anyone I see in my bubble (my family and just my BFF) just in case. What we're seeing now is this is exactly how it's being contracted now- from your bubble. Scary! I'm suffering with horrible allergies lately and constantly taking my temp and being paranoid. I really hope you have a mild case and that you recover quickly!
Posted 1/5/21 7:36 PM |
Member since 5/05 10425 total posts
Re: If I can get it, nobody is safe
oh no! Feel better!
Posted 1/5/21 7:45 PM |
2 Boys

Member since 7/06 17795 total posts
If I can get it, nobody is safe
It's hard - I have had cold/allergy symptoms since right before Christmas and tested negative.
DH had some cases in his firehouse so I was convinced I had it but I didn't.
One of our good friends just tested positive, we are not required to quarantine but basically are (well, DH has to work but the kids and I are home and I've only left to go to the supermarket quickly)
Posted 1/5/21 7:49 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/09 15659 total posts
Re: If I can get it, nobody is safe
Posted by Deeluvsvinny
Ugh. This is my biggest fear. My bubble is TINY. I only go out to grocery shop. I work from home. I also try to keep 2 weeks in between anyone I see in my bubble (my family and just my BFF) just in case. What we're seeing now is this is exactly how it's being contracted now- from your bubble. Scary! I'm suffering with horrible allergies lately and constantly taking my temp and being paranoid. I really hope you have a mild case and that you recover quickly!
These so called bubbles are a false sense of security. You go grocery shopping, as do the other people you see I'm sure. All it takes is one of you let your guard down and touch the cart then touch your eyes etc. Unless all of you are staying confined in your homes, no bubble is safe, despite how small it is.
Posted 1/5/21 7:49 PM |
My Box Is Broken

Member since 6/11 9145 total posts
Name: Phyllis
Re: If I can get it, nobody is safe
Posted by BargainMama
Feel better. Have you been taking vitamins? I would immediately load up on Vitamin D, C and Zinc. And this is why we haven't been to the dentist even though we are overdue. I just don't trust their hands and tools in my mouth right now to be honest!
Yes. I’ve been taking D3, c, a multi, Flonase and Zyrtec/Claritin religiously since March. Zinc makes me ill. So my brother (who just had Covid last week) send me zicam zinc melt always. Took one this morning and I feel ok. So I’ll take that 2-3x a day.
With the dentist... it was the second time I’ve gone since covid started. I was weary about it to but needed to go. Theyve always been very sterile in there so I felt ok. I don’t know where it can from. Sucks
Posted 1/5/21 7:51 PM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: If I can get it, nobody is safe
Posted by PhyllisNJoe
Posted by BargainMama
Feel better. Have you been taking vitamins? I would immediately load up on Vitamin D, C and Zinc. And this is why we haven't been to the dentist even though we are overdue. I just don't trust their hands and tools in my mouth right now to be honest!
Yes. I’ve been taking D3, c, a multi, Flonase and Zyrtec/Claritin religiously since March. Zinc makes me ill. So my brother (who just had Covid last week) send me zicam zinc melt always. Took one this morning and I feel ok. So I’ll take that 2-3x a day.
With the dentist... it was the second time I’ve gone since covid started. I was weary about it to but needed to go. Theyve always been very sterile in there so I felt ok. I don’t know where it can from. Sucks
One piece of advice on the zinc.... I learned this the hard way- never on an empty stomach. ALWAYS with a good sized meal. I once sucked on a zinc lozenge like it was a cough drop on my way to work and almost had to pull over to vomit. Zinc irritates the heck out of your stomach so always with food.
Hope you feel better fast!
Posted 1/5/21 7:58 PM |
My Box Is Broken

Member since 6/11 9145 total posts
Name: Phyllis
Re: If I can get it, nobody is safe
Posted by NervousNell
Posted by PhyllisNJoe
Posted by BargainMama
Feel better. Have you been taking vitamins? I would immediately load up on Vitamin D, C and Zinc. And this is why we haven't been to the dentist even though we are overdue. I just don't trust their hands and tools in my mouth right now to be honest!
Yes. I’ve been taking D3, c, a multi, Flonase and Zyrtec/Claritin religiously since March. Zinc makes me ill. So my brother (who just had Covid last week) send me zicam zinc melt always. Took one this morning and I feel ok. So I’ll take that 2-3x a day.
With the dentist... it was the second time I’ve gone since covid started. I was weary about it to but needed to go. Theyve always been very sterile in there so I felt ok. I don’t know where it can from. Sucks
One piece of advice on the zinc.... I learned this the hard way- never on an empty stomach. ALWAYS with a good sized meal. I once sucked on a zinc lozenge like it was a cough drop on my way to work and almost had to pull over to vomit. Zinc irritates the heck out of your stomach so always with food.
Hope you feel better fast!
Thank you. Yes. I made sure to eat beforehand. Last time I took the pill form, even with a meal, it was nausea city. This seemed tolerable. So hopefully it stays that way.
Posted 1/5/21 8:00 PM |

Member since 7/06 11488 total posts
Name: Völlig losgelöst
Re: If I can get it, nobody is safe
Feel better soon. This makes me nervous because I have to go to the dentist next week. Ugh.
Keep us posted on your symptoms. Your fever isn’t that high really. What made you go and get tested?
ETA: 99.9 wouldn’t make me worry, but 101 would.
Message edited 1/5/2021 8:06:56 PM.
Posted 1/5/21 8:06 PM |
Member since 10/08 4952 total posts
Name: Whatever
Re: If I can get it, nobody is safe
Posted by BargainMama
Posted by Deeluvsvinny
Ugh. This is my biggest fear. My bubble is TINY. I only go out to grocery shop. I work from home. I also try to keep 2 weeks in between anyone I see in my bubble (my family and just my BFF) just in case. What we're seeing now is this is exactly how it's being contracted now- from your bubble. Scary! I'm suffering with horrible allergies lately and constantly taking my temp and being paranoid. I really hope you have a mild case and that you recover quickly!
These so called bubbles are a false sense of security. You go grocery shopping, as do the other people you see I'm sure. All it takes is one of you let your guard down and touch the cart then touch your eyes etc. Unless all of you are staying confined in your homes, no bubble is safe, despite how small it is.
Oh, I know that. We made the decision over the summer to let my parents/sister into our bubble and our best friends (they are a couple). I think everyone (or most people) have a bubble or saw family over the holidays (I have a friend who tested positive after seeing her in laws for Christmas)- I get it, it's out there and any time we leave the house, we are at risk. But, we did make the decision to see these people and we are okay with that (for now)
Posted 1/5/21 8:26 PM |
My Box Is Broken

Member since 6/11 9145 total posts
Name: Phyllis
Re: If I can get it, nobody is safe
Posted by klingklang77
Feel better soon. This makes me nervous because I have to go to the dentist next week. Ugh.
Keep us posted on your symptoms. Your fever isn’t that high really. What made you go and get tested?
ETA: 99.9 wouldn’t make me worry, but 101 would.
I normally wouldn’t if it wasn’t for Covid and having to work with the public. I know my body. I know when I’m in a fibromyalgia flare and it started to feel that way. Until the cough was prevalent. Once the temperature kept going up a little at a time I knew something was wrong.
I’ll definitely update my symptoms as I go along. I actually made a quick video to for my own Covid journal so to speak. If it gets bad, I have notes to see when and how it turns. Or if it’s gets better (hopefully) seeing the progression may help people in the future.
I’m trying to stay positive. I look forward to recovering and trying to donate plasma of I can.
Posted 1/5/21 8:31 PM |
It's a girl!!!

Member since 6/10 21539 total posts
Name: Stacey
If I can get it, nobody is safe
I hope you get better really soon!!
Posted 1/5/21 8:37 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 1/10 5092 total posts
Re: If I can get it, nobody is safe
Posted by BargainMama
Posted by Deeluvsvinny
Ugh. This is my biggest fear. My bubble is TINY. I only go out to grocery shop. I work from home. I also try to keep 2 weeks in between anyone I see in my bubble (my family and just my BFF) just in case. What we're seeing now is this is exactly how it's being contracted now- from your bubble. Scary! I'm suffering with horrible allergies lately and constantly taking my temp and being paranoid. I really hope you have a mild case and that you recover quickly!
These so called bubbles are a false sense of security. You go grocery shopping, as do the other people you see I'm sure. All it takes is one of you let your guard down and touch the cart then touch your eyes etc. Unless all of you are staying confined in your homes, no bubble is safe, despite how small it is.
This . Going to all these appointments and family and holidays is not a small bubble by any means I go to work, food shop and have seen two family members since March, none of us got together for any holiday, and I feel like I have a very big bubble because of all the people I am in contact with shopping and at work.
Message edited 1/5/2021 8:45:29 PM.
Posted 1/5/21 8:43 PM |
Cake from Outer Space!
Member since 5/05 14021 total posts
Re: If I can get it, nobody is safe
Feel better soon!
Posted 1/5/21 8:46 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/09 15659 total posts
Re: If I can get it, nobody is safe
Posted by PhyllisNJoe
Posted by NervousNell
Posted by PhyllisNJoe
Posted by BargainMama
Feel better. Have you been taking vitamins? I would immediately load up on Vitamin D, C and Zinc. And this is why we haven't been to the dentist even though we are overdue. I just don't trust their hands and tools in my mouth right now to be honest!
Yes. I’ve been taking D3, c, a multi, Flonase and Zyrtec/Claritin religiously since March. Zinc makes me ill. So my brother (who just had Covid last week) send me zicam zinc melt always. Took one this morning and I feel ok. So I’ll take that 2-3x a day.
With the dentist... it was the second time I’ve gone since covid started. I was weary about it to but needed to go. Theyve always been very sterile in there so I felt ok. I don’t know where it can from. Sucks
One piece of advice on the zinc.... I learned this the hard way- never on an empty stomach. ALWAYS with a good sized meal. I once sucked on a zinc lozenge like it was a cough drop on my way to work and almost had to pull over to vomit. Zinc irritates the heck out of your stomach so always with food.
Hope you feel better fast!
Thank you. Yes. I made sure to eat beforehand. Last time I took the pill form, even with a meal, it was nausea city. This seemed tolerable. So hopefully it stays that way.
Yes, definitely with food! I take the rapid melts also, and they aren't bad. Keep us updated!! Also tell your hubby to take them also!
Posted 1/5/21 8:47 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 1/09 943 total posts
Name: Liz
If I can get it, nobody is safe
Hang in there! I hope your symptoms are mild. Sending virtual hugs. It is true, anyone can get it even if you’re diligent.
Posted 1/5/21 8:48 PM |
Re: If I can get it, nobody is safe
I haven't had a teeth cleaning in almost 2 years because of covid. I go yearly. I was due the week of the lockdown back in march when it was cancelled. I never rescheduled my appt because they said it is an unnecessary risk unless of a dental emergency. I also don't bubble with anyone but the people inside of my house. You can't guarantee people are doing what they say. Mishandling of PPE is a big one. I've seen so many people constantly touching the front of their masks and reusing disposable masks, etc. It is so easy to catch germs if you are still going to grocery stores etc and are not careful. And yes, little kids can be carrying it and spreading it without knowing. Which is why I believe schools should be testing a percentage of the kids every so often to see who might be asymptomatic with it. I think so many of us actually had covid in Nov/Dec 2019 and Jan-March 2020 without realizing it was Covid at the time. I think those who felt like they weren't getting sick earlier have lost their immunity to it and plus with the new strains, are getting reinfected for the second wave. Also little interactions your bubble might provide. Heck, I walk my DD to the school bus stop and it's usually empty and socially distant so I don't wear my mask. a grandma got so close to me the other day and told me how she just came from a flight in a non bordering state a few hours before. She was traveling and from another state, and she wasn't quarantining at all. She could have been exposed at the airport, on the plane, or before. and now she's shouting in my face. If she had something and didn't come down with it yet... she could have exposed me, who in general is very very safe and strict. There are no guarantees.
Posted 1/5/21 9:11 PM |
My everything <3

Member since 4/15 3635 total posts
Re: If I can get it, nobody is safe
I agree with PPs about zinc, always make sure to take it with a big meal, I learned the hard way too. I’ve noticed (at least for me) liquid is better, mix it with with water, or juice. How much zinc are u taking? Between 40 and 50mg daily is recommended. I see u’re taking D3 which is great! A minimum of 10,000 IU is recommended and always with some type of animal fat to increase absorption. Also see if u can find it with K2 (it also helps with absorption. Another thing...look into getting on a high dose of Vit C (absorbic acid is good) protocol during this time. Dosis are pretty specific especially during sick times. There are charts u can follow. Let me know if u need help with this. Don’t worry about the fever, fever is actually a good mechanism that the body triggers to fight the virus so I’d avoid Tylenol. Believe it or not ur positive attitude will def help (no room for cortisol!), lots of rest, easy to digest foods like broths, and lots of water. Feel better!
Posted 1/5/21 9:32 PM |

Member since 12/12 6656 total posts
Re: If I can get it, nobody is safe
I'm so sorry you're sick. that it's mild and your DH is safe.
Posted 1/5/21 9:51 PM |
My Box Is Broken

Member since 6/11 9145 total posts
Name: Phyllis
Re: If I can get it, nobody is safe
Posted by soontobemommyof2
I agree with PPs about zinc, always make sure to take it with a big meal, I learned the hard way too. I’ve noticed (at least for me) liquid is better, mix it with with water, or juice. How much zinc are u taking? Between 40 and 50mg daily is recommended. I see u’re taking D3 which is great! A minimum of 10,000 IU is recommended and always with some type of animal fat to increase absorption. Also see if u can find it with K2 (it also helps with absorption. Another thing...look into getting on a high dose of Vit C (absorbic acid is good) protocol during this time. Dosis are pretty specific especially during sick times. There are charts u can follow. Let me know if u need help with this. Don’t worry about the fever, fever is actually a good mechanism that the body triggers to fight the virus so I’d avoid Tylenol. Believe it or not ur positive attitude will def help (no room for cortisol!), lots of rest, easy to digest foods like broths, and lots of water. Feel better!
Thank you!! I have my friend on text who’s an RN in a covid unit sending me info. Got the gallon of water by the bed I take 5,000iu of Vit D , I’ll look at upping that to 10k I take 1,000 of VitC daily The zinc is the zicam melt away. Says to take 2-3 a day. I’ve been using the Incentive spirometer from my husbands surgery last year (I knew I saved it for something!) Also have my pulse ox working overtime lol
I’m trying to be as proactive as I can to help my body fight this thing. Hoping to be one of the lucky ones.
Posted 1/5/21 10:15 PM |
LIF Toddler
Member since 2/15 486 total posts
Re: If I can get it, nobody is safe
I'm sorry to hear this. I hope you recover quickly and without escalation of symptoms.
Thank you also for the warning. It is an important reminder. I live my life like you and recently had to have dental work done. I told family members I may be the risky one because of the dentist, but after waiting so long, I had to go. (Seriously, I wonder how they keep safe!) Good luck and thank you for the honest updates.
Posted 1/5/21 10:30 PM |
Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05 30683 total posts
Name: D
Re: If I can get it, nobody is safe
Posted by NervousNell
Posted by PhyllisNJoe
Posted by BargainMama
Feel better. Have you been taking vitamins? I would immediately load up on Vitamin D, C and Zinc. And this is why we haven't been to the dentist even though we are overdue. I just don't trust their hands and tools in my mouth right now to be honest!
Yes. I’ve been taking D3, c, a multi, Flonase and Zyrtec/Claritin religiously since March. Zinc makes me ill. So my brother (who just had Covid last week) send me zicam zinc melt always. Took one this morning and I feel ok. So I’ll take that 2-3x a day.
With the dentist... it was the second time I’ve gone since covid started. I was weary about it to but needed to go. Theyve always been very sterile in there so I felt ok. I don’t know where it can from. Sucks
One piece of advice on the zinc.... I learned this the hard way- never on an empty stomach. ALWAYS with a good sized meal. I once sucked on a zinc lozenge like it was a cough drop on my way to work and almost had to pull over to vomit. Zinc irritates the heck out of your stomach so always with food.
Hope you feel better fast!
Totally agree on this one about the Zinc. Feel better!!!
Posted 1/5/21 10:32 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 6/08 3101 total posts
Re: If I can get it, nobody is safe
Feel better soon!
Posted 1/5/21 10:48 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 11/12 791 total posts
Re: If I can get it, nobody is safe
Posted by jlm2008
Posted by BargainMama
Posted by Deeluvsvinny
Ugh. This is my biggest fear. My bubble is TINY. I only go out to grocery shop. I work from home. I also try to keep 2 weeks in between anyone I see in my bubble (my family and just my BFF) just in case. What we're seeing now is this is exactly how it's being contracted now- from your bubble. Scary! I'm suffering with horrible allergies lately and constantly taking my temp and being paranoid. I really hope you have a mild case and that you recover quickly!
These so called bubbles are a false sense of security. You go grocery shopping, as do the other people you see I'm sure. All it takes is one of you let your guard down and touch the cart then touch your eyes etc. Unless all of you are staying confined in your homes, no bubble is safe, despite how small it is.
This . Going to all these appointments and family and holidays is not a small bubble by any means I go to work, food shop and have seen two family members since March, none of us got together for any holiday, and I feel like I have a very big bubble because of all the people I am in contact with shopping and at work.
I agree this is not a small bubble. You work outside the home with the public. Are in contact with quite a few family members. Honestly just because you are cleaning and sanitizing doesn't really mean anything because its proven that its not spread often from surfaces. Getting together with anyone outside your home puts you at risk. The fact is right now the only way to really stay safe is to not go out. Unfortunately that is impossible for many. Sounds like you have a mild case. Take it easy and hope you feel better soon
Posted 1/5/21 10:51 PM |
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