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My Box Is Broken

Member since 6/11 9145 total posts
Name: Phyllis
Re: If I can get it, nobody is safe
Posted by olive98
Posted by jlm2008
Posted by BargainMama
Posted by Deeluvsvinny
Ugh. This is my biggest fear. My bubble is TINY. I only go out to grocery shop. I work from home. I also try to keep 2 weeks in between anyone I see in my bubble (my family and just my BFF) just in case. What we're seeing now is this is exactly how it's being contracted now- from your bubble. Scary! I'm suffering with horrible allergies lately and constantly taking my temp and being paranoid. I really hope you have a mild case and that you recover quickly!
These so called bubbles are a false sense of security. You go grocery shopping, as do the other people you see I'm sure. All it takes is one of you let your guard down and touch the cart then touch your eyes etc. Unless all of you are staying confined in your homes, no bubble is safe, despite how small it is.
This . Going to all these appointments and family and holidays is not a small bubble by any means I go to work, food shop and have seen two family members since March, none of us got together for any holiday, and I feel like I have a very big bubble because of all the people I am in contact with shopping and at work.
I agree this is not a small bubble. You work outside the home with the public. Are in contact with quite a few family members. Honestly just because you are cleaning and sanitizing doesn't really mean anything because its proven that its not spread often from surfaces. Getting together with anyone outside your home puts you at risk. The fact is right now the only way to really stay safe is to not go out. Unfortunately that is impossible for many. Sounds like you have a mild case. Take it easy and hope you feel better soon
I hear what you and some others are saying and truth is the only way to be 100% safe is to never leave your house. Ever. What I meant by small bubble is there is literally a handful of people (immediate family) who are just as diligent as I am with their daily lives (minus the kids because they are kids but even with that, the schools have not been a breeding ground) Yea I go to work and am around the public. In a mask, distanced - I thought that was the “Covid rule for safety”? I go to the grocery store 1x per week and am in and out in 30 minutes. Again, wearing a mask and staying as far away as I can. What I also meant by my s all bubble is compared to the everyday person, I’m practically a monk. My Facebook is full of flying to go on vacation, huge family gatherings for Xmas and New Years. It was immediate family for us. The same group it’s been since April. Not the additional cousins and uncles and aunts like normal. So yea, any.thing short of never leaving ever for any reason at all is not the safest you can be, but shit - I’m safer than anyone I’ve seen around. And I got it.
So those still having play dates, planning bday parties and “oh, it’s only a couple kids from down the block” I’m warning them. If someone with a small bubble who is immaculately clean can get this thing, anyone can.
And thank you. I’m hoping this stays mild and I get through it quickly
Message edited 1/5/2021 11:17:55 PM.
Posted 1/5/21 11:15 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11 7624 total posts
Name: Momma <3
If I can get it, nobody is safe
Hoping you have a speedy recovery!
I have a small bubble (we see no one outside of our household without a mask) but I am nervous every day since I work outside the house and my son attends school. More and more of my students are switching to 100% virtual so at this point I am only teaching 2-4 students in person per class. Most parents are keeping them home since the infection rate is getting out of control by me. I am neurotic about keeping the windows and door opened to maintain air circulation. I am constantly washing my hands. I only take my mask off to eat.
Message edited 1/5/2021 11:44:43 PM.
Posted 1/5/21 11:42 PM |
Bunny kisses are so cute!
Member since 5/05 19461 total posts
Name: L
Re: If I can get it, nobody is safe
Feel better soon.
Posted 1/6/21 12:10 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 11/11 9141 total posts
If I can get it, nobody is safe
Hope you feel better soon!
Posted 1/6/21 12:30 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/06 3986 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: If I can get it, nobody is safe
Ugh - I hope you feel better soon!
Posted 1/6/21 2:47 AM |
My lil cowboy

Member since 10/10 7790 total posts
Re: If I can get it, nobody is safe
I hope you feel better soon! Its scary that no matter how careful you are, all it takes is one little blip to contract this thing. Please keep us updated!
Posted 1/6/21 3:21 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 7/14 7274 total posts
If I can get it, nobody is safe
I’m so sorry. I hope you have a mild case and speedy recovery. You did everything right and just got unlucky. Thanks for sharing your symptoms.
Posted 1/6/21 3:46 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 4/11 2644 total posts
Re: If I can get it, nobody is safe
Posted by PhyllisNJoe
Posted by olive98
Posted by jlm2008
Posted by BargainMama
Posted by Deeluvsvinny
Ugh. This is my biggest fear. My bubble is TINY. I only go out to grocery shop. I work from home. I also try to keep 2 weeks in between anyone I see in my bubble (my family and just my BFF) just in case. What we're seeing now is this is exactly how it's being contracted now- from your bubble. Scary! I'm suffering with horrible allergies lately and constantly taking my temp and being paranoid. I really hope you have a mild case and that you recover quickly!
These so called bubbles are a false sense of security. You go grocery shopping, as do the other people you see I'm sure. All it takes is one of you let your guard down and touch the cart then touch your eyes etc. Unless all of you are staying confined in your homes, no bubble is safe, despite how small it is.
This . Going to all these appointments and family and holidays is not a small bubble by any means I go to work, food shop and have seen two family members since March, none of us got together for any holiday, and I feel like I have a very big bubble because of all the people I am in contact with shopping and at work.
I agree this is not a small bubble. You work outside the home with the public. Are in contact with quite a few family members. Honestly just because you are cleaning and sanitizing doesn't really mean anything because its proven that its not spread often from surfaces. Getting together with anyone outside your home puts you at risk. The fact is right now the only way to really stay safe is to not go out. Unfortunately that is impossible for many. Sounds like you have a mild case. Take it easy and hope you feel better soon
I hear what you and some others are saying and truth is the only way to be 100% safe is to never leave your house. Ever. What I meant by small bubble is there is literally a handful of people (immediate family) who are just as diligent as I am with their daily lives (minus the kids because they are kids but even with that, the schools have not been a breeding ground) Yea I go to work and am around the public. In a mask, distanced - I thought that was the “Covid rule for safety”? I go to the grocery store 1x per week and am in and out in 30 minutes. Again, wearing a mask and staying as far away as I can. What I also meant by my s all bubble is compared to the everyday person, I’m practically a monk. My Facebook is full of flying to go on vacation, huge family gatherings for Xmas and New Years. It was immediate family for us. The same group it’s been since April. Not the additional cousins and uncles and aunts like normal. So yea, any.thing short of never leaving ever for any reason at all is not the safest you can be, but shit - I’m safer than anyone I’ve seen around. And I got it.
So those still having play dates, planning bday parties and “oh, it’s only a couple kids from down the block” I’m warning them. If someone with a small bubble who is immaculately clean can get this thing, anyone can.
And thank you. I’m hoping this stays mild and I get through it quickly
Our family was very careful for all intents and purposes . No holidays or gatherings indoors with anyone, no parties , no activities or play dates for my kids unless they were outdoors and masked . Not even with our parents , brothers, sisters etx. We haven’t stepped foot in a store etc . We followed all covid rules except we let our babysitter into our “ bubble” who unbeknownst to us had gathered with her “bubble “ indoors and without masks over thanksgiving and as a result she transmitted covid to my entire family. That is behavior I didnt at all think was “ careful” but she felt it was because it was her “bubble” that she was spending rime with since April . So being “ careful “ is a relative term and as careful as I was I was only as safe as who I let into my bubble .
Ironically she thought she was safe to be with her bubble since she had hung out with them since the beggining of the pandemic. Complete false sense of comfort
I hope your case continues to be mild and you and your husband feel better soon !!! Our family all came down with it last month just in time for my daughters bday and holidays. We had a relatively mild case but I lost my taste and smell for a week which was pretty depressing. Thankfully I got it back but my husband still struggles with breathing etx. . I am thankful we were relatively unscathed though.
Message edited 1/6/2021 4:28:16 AM.
Posted 1/6/21 3:50 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 7/20 1189 total posts
If I can get it, nobody is safe
I hope you recover quickly. I wonder if you caught the new strain that’s more contagious, since it seems you have really tried your best to stay safe.
Posted 1/6/21 5:21 AM |

Member since 2/09 5674 total posts
Name: Me speaks pirate!
Re: If I can get it, nobody is safe
I hope you and your DH feel better soon!
Posted 1/6/21 6:06 AM |
My Box Is Broken

Member since 6/11 9145 total posts
Name: Phyllis
Re: If I can get it, nobody is safe
Posted by BFNY516
I hope you recover quickly. I wonder if you caught the new strain that’s more contagious, since it seems you have really tried your best to stay safe.
This was part of my thinking as well. Maybe these masks aren’t as good with protecting from the newer, easier to catch strain?
Rest of the family getting testing tomorrow (hard to get appts) covid and antibodies o see if it was anyone of us who started it. Or if it truly was the dentist appt or the new strain or a mix of both.
Either way - woke at 3am freezing. Temp started to go up. Took Tylenol (was due at 2:45 so right on track) and now can’t sleep. It’s gonna be a long 10 days (hopefully only that or less)
Posted 1/6/21 7:47 AM |
Member since 8/10 6011 total posts
If I can get it, nobody is safe
Hope you feel better soon!
Posted 1/6/21 11:39 AM |
Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11 7624 total posts
Name: Momma <3
Re: If I can get it, nobody is safe
Posted by Budjeg11
Our family was very careful for all intents and purposes . No holidays or gatherings indoors with anyone, no parties , no activities or play dates for my kids unless they were outdoors and masked . Not even with our parents , brothers, sisters etx. We haven’t stepped foot in a store etc . We followed all covid rules except we let our babysitter into our “ bubble” who unbeknownst to us had gathered with her “bubble “ indoors and without masks over thanksgiving and as a result she transmitted covid to my entire family. That is behavior I didnt at all think was “ careful” but she felt it was because it was her “bubble” that she was spending rime with since April . So being “ careful “ is a relative term and as careful as I was I was only as safe as who I let into my bubble .
This happened to my friend. She used an in-home daycare provider since she and her DH needed to go back to work. The daycare provider went to a "small" wedding and contracted the virus. Her kids got it and then she and her husband got it. It caused her to miss 6 weeks of work since she didn't actually contract it until 3+ weeks after her children. It went DC week 1. DH week 2. Friend week 3.
Posted 1/6/21 11:42 AM |
Re: If I can get it, nobody is safe
I hope you are feeling better soon!!!
Posted 1/6/21 4:05 PM |
Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06 27915 total posts
Re: If I can get it, nobody is safe
Feel better!!!
Posted 1/6/21 5:26 PM |
LIF Toddler
Member since 5/19 436 total posts
Re: If I can get it, nobody is safe
Feel better.
I find it very hard to find a place to get tested, especially rapid tests. It's frustrating.
Posted 1/6/21 10:35 PM |

Member since 2/09 18986 total posts
If I can get it, nobody is safe
How are you feeling any update?
Posted 1/8/21 3:18 AM |
My Box Is Broken

Member since 6/11 9145 total posts
Name: Phyllis
Re: If I can get it, nobody is safe
Posted by Mrs213
How are you feeling any update?
I’ve been trying to update in OP
I’m feeling a lot of the same. The fevers are a b$tch. Had some Gastro issues yesterday as well. DH has been fever free for 24 hrs so far (thank god I hope he stays that way) he also had gastro issues last night. Smell and taste we’re gone all day yesterday and then last night I could swear my nose felt like it could smell (sound weird lol) so I opened meatloaf from Monday and could smell that. So hopefully it’s returning.
Here I am up at 4am bc I woke with 101.2 fever at 3. Tylenol was due at 1am but I slept through and the fever had other plans! So now I’m awake for an hour sweating my ass off. Hoping it’s breaking yet again to give me a small break.
Yesterday for about 2 hours it was pretty rough. The fever made me feel like a total zombie. I couldn’t even speak when DH asked me a question. I just needed to be silent and get through it.
Posted 1/8/21 8:00 AM |

Member since 7/06 11488 total posts
Name: Völlig losgelöst
Re: If I can get it, nobody is safe
It sounds like your body is fighting off the infection well, despite the fever (well that’s the point of a fever, but you know what I mean). Keep fighting and thanks for the updates.
Posted 1/8/21 9:22 AM |

Member since 2/09 18986 total posts
Re: If I can get it, nobody is safe
Posted by PhyllisNJoe
Posted by Mrs213
How are you feeling any update?
I’ve been trying to update in OP
I’m feeling a lot of the same. The fevers are a b$tch. Had some Gastro issues yesterday as well. DH has been fever free for 24 hrs so far (thank god I hope he stays that way) he also had gastro issues last night. Smell and taste we’re gone all day yesterday and then last night I could swear my nose felt like it could smell (sound weird lol) so I opened meatloaf from Monday and could smell that. So hopefully it’s returning.
Here I am up at 4am bc I woke with 101.2 fever at 3. Tylenol was due at 1am but I slept through and the fever had other plans! So now I’m awake for an hour sweating my ass off. Hoping it’s breaking yet again to give me a small break.
Yesterday for about 2 hours it was pretty rough. The fever made me feel like a total zombie. I couldn’t even speak when DH asked me a question. I just needed to be silent and get through it.
So sorry. I hope you have a fast recovery
Posted 1/8/21 9:39 AM |

Member since 1/14 7997 total posts
If I can get it, nobody is safe
oh Pyllis, feel better soon!
Posted 1/8/21 12:48 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 4/19 54 total posts
If I can get it, nobody is safe
Feel better!
Posted 1/8/21 12:58 PM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: If I can get it, nobody is safe
I once had a virus that made me spike 103 fevers. What helped was piggybacking motrin and Tylenol. Also a cool wet washcloth on my neck, chest, forehead etc. Hope you feel better soon!
Posted 1/8/21 1:01 PM |
My Box Is Broken

Member since 6/11 9145 total posts
Name: Phyllis
Re: If I can get it, nobody is safe
Posted by NervousNell
I once had a virus that made me spike 103 fevers. What helped was piggybacking motrin and Tylenol. Also a cool wet washcloth on my neck, chest, forehead etc. Hope you feel better soon!
Thank you. I can’t take Advil , I’m allergic to ibuprofen. Plus they still aren’t sure if it’s ok to use with covid. The wash cloth is next. Yesterday I was in just a T-shirt allowing my body to cool. I said I was channeling my inner Eve (my mom) who used to never allow us to bundle up when we had a fever to help the heat escape. She also used to dip socks in alcohol and water and put them on your feet and rub your whole body down with it. I have PTSD of shivering from fever and her rubbing that all Over me lol I can’t believe that was a thing !
Posted 1/8/21 1:27 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 6/08 3101 total posts
Re: If I can get it, nobody is safe
Hoping that you are feeling better now and will get well soon.
Posted 1/8/21 1:39 PM |
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