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A Few Dilemnas - seeking advice about daycare and other things (LONG)

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06ers Rock!!

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A Few Dilemnas - seeking advice about daycare and other things (LONG)

First the other thing b/c I can explain quickly.

DD has started climbing out of her crib. She has mastered her technique and doesn't fall. She then falls asleep on the floor. DH & I are disagreeing about whether to convert her crib to toddler/daybed, or move straight to the full bed. WWYD? Let me say that she naps 2-3 hours on our bed and has never rolled off while sleeping.

The daycare dilemna:

My daycare options are geographically limited. For a variety of reasons DH & I decided on a daycare center, not in-home care, which further limits our options. We've essentially narrowed our choices down to two "chain" centers. On paper, based on the descriptions of their respective curriculms, we prefer one over the other. Unfortunately, that one is not yet open, and there is no definitive date by which it will be open. The building is supposed to be inspected for the granting of the certificate of occupancy on September 1. If (and that's a big if), it happens on time, the owners then have to wait for the state office of children and family services to come in and inspect and give them the green light to admit children. That could happen as early as Sept 15, or as late as October 15. There is just no way to tell.

I haven't yet met the director or the owners of the unopened center - but will be doing so next week.

At the open center I met some staff, but was not really impressed, but I wasn't left with a completely negative vibe either. It was also a long time ago when DD would have been placed in the infant room, not the toddler room, so I need to revisit it.

But my question is, how bad would it be to enroll DD in the other center and then move her once the one we prefer is open?

Posted 8/18/09 1:59 PM
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Re: A Few Dilemnas - seeking advice about daycare and other things (LONG)

Posted by DancinBarefoot

But my question is, how bad would it be to enroll DD in the other center and then move her once the one we prefer is open?

For me personally, I wouldn't put my DD somewhere that I don't have a 100% good feeling about, and that's the sense I get from your post. I understand your options are limited.

I don't think it's bad if you want to start off somewhere else and then move her, especially if it's for such a short period of time. I'm kind of in the same boat except that I keep getting pushed on the wait list of the center I need to move DD to and the longer she's in this daycare, I fear the harder it will be to transition to the new place.

Do you know for sure you are going to put your DD in the other center, even without having met with the director?

Posted 8/18/09 2:32 PM

A new beginning

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Re: A Few Dilemnas - seeking advice about daycare and other things (LONG)

For the climbing out of the crib, I would convert to a todler bed.

For the daycare, as long as you don't mind losing your registration fee and paying out the two weeks ( or what ever is in the contract) to terminate then i would say go for it. This might cost you upwards of a thousand dollars depending on what your contract reads.

Posted 8/18/09 2:34 PM

My Loves

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Re: A Few Dilemnas - seeking advice about daycare and other things (LONG)

I would also switch to a toddler bed. You can always get a guard rail just in case, even though she's never fallen off of your bed.

WRT the day care, for me it's fairly simple... go with the one that is available. You may decide you love them and not switch.

My day care expanded and it took months and months for them to move into the newer location (just upstairs from the older) because the city LOST their paperwork and they had to start all over again. You never know how long it may take for that new place to open if things like this go wrong.

But I also see nothing wrong with switching. Just be aware of the termination policy with the first day care. Mine says I have to give 2 weeks notice and that's it... it wouldn't cost me anything extra.

Posted 8/18/09 2:53 PM

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Re: A Few Dilemnas - seeking advice about daycare and other things (LONG)

I would continue your search for that "perfect" center. The one you think is "perfect" right now may not be what you want either bc you have yet to meet that staff. I think you are going on to many unknowns by placing her in a place you are not comfortable then pulling her into a place that right now you have no idea who is there.

As far as the bed, I would just get the full or twin bc in the end you will have to do it all again anyhow. Get a regular mattress and put up side rails.

Posted 8/18/09 2:53 PM

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Re: A Few Dilemnas - seeking advice about daycare and other things (LONG)

as a state worker that participates in openings of facilities and c of o issues...when they say Sept 15th...add six months....sorry but this is a can never tell what the town will find....then what the state will find that will hold up the processs. We have been waiting for a new facility that had a deadline of July 1st for their move in date has been established yet...

Posted 8/18/09 2:56 PM

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Re: A Few Dilemnas - seeking advice about daycare and other things (LONG)

About the bed, I can't say, since we aren't there yet.

For daycare, I also think there is no way you can know for sure when the new center will open. Also, I have to say that when I went to look at a site, I was looking at more than the physical space and the directors/managers. I wanted to see teachers interacting with the children and what the classrooms looked like - how clean they were, what types of toys and activities they had, etc. I would want to wait until the place was opened so I could see it before enrolling my child.

If you don't have a good feeling about the one that is currently open, keep looking.

Posted 8/18/09 3:11 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: A Few Dilemnas - seeking advice about daycare and other things (LONG)

If I wasn't comfortable, I would leave my child. But apparently, its been some time since you were there and your options are limited.
Maybe you can call the unopened center and see if they will waive the regi fee if they open after X date since you will have to put DC in the other place for a bit.
As far as moving DC from daycare to daycare - children are resilient (even if I can't spell it).

My in-house daycare closed so I had to move DS very quickly. It was a non-chain center. DS was only 14 mos when we switched so he would have been in the infant room. I looked there - the toys were too young for him so I asked for him to be put in the toddler room which started at 18 mos. I also felt that by time he got settled in the infant room, it would be time to move him to the toddler room and I didn't want to put him thru that.
Turns out, he got settled in the toddler room in about 1 week. He's 18 mos and very happy. When I pull into the parking lot he says his teachers name.

So my point, DC may like the 2nd choice and the new place might not be what she likes or what you think it will be or need it to be.
I'd revisit the school and see how you feel. Then, bring DC to see it if you are okay and go with it.

Message edited 8/18/2009 3:23:56 PM.

Posted 8/18/09 3:22 PM


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Re: A Few Dilemnas - seeking advice about daycare and other things (LONG)

Message edited 11/29/2011 5:02:47 PM.

Posted 8/18/09 3:55 PM

06ers Rock!!

Member since 1/07

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The One My Mother Gave Me ;-)

Re: A Few Dilemnas - seeking advice about daycare and other things (LONG)

Posted by PrincessP

I would continue your search for that "perfect" center. The one you think is "perfect" right now may not be what you want either bc you have yet to meet that staff. I think you are going on to many unknowns by placing her in a place you are not comfortable then pulling her into a place that right now you have no idea who is there.

The problem is that I have visited every single daycare center that is geographically feasible and a handful that are not. There is no perfect center. There is only a center that I don't have strong negative feelings about, and an unopened center. But the unopened center offers ASL, and spanish (both very important to DH & I) AND will have internet access for video monitoring of DD during the day.

Posted 8/18/09 5:58 PM

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Re: A Few Dilemnas - seeking advice about daycare and other things (LONG)

Crib dilemna: I would get a crib tent if you are not comfortable with neither the toddler/daybed/full bed solution.

If my crib was either toddler bed or full, I would probably go to toddler first then to full. If you have to get a new bed, get a twin.

Daycare issue: I would not put my child in a my place I am not too comfortable with from the get go. Too much stress, questions in your head whether it's right or not.

Do you HAVE to get this daycare by a certain time? Why not wait for the other one once they open? Is that an option?

Posted 8/18/09 6:04 PM

06ers Rock!!

Member since 1/07

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The One My Mother Gave Me ;-)

Re: A Few Dilemnas - seeking advice about daycare and other things (LONG)

Posted by smdl

Crib dilemna: I would get a crib tent if you are not comfortable with neither the toddler/daybed/full bed solution.

If my crib was either toddler bed or full, I would probably go to toddler first then to full. If you have to get a new bed, get a twin.

Daycare issue: I would not put my child in a my place I am not too comfortable with from the get go. Too much stress, questions in your head whether it's right or not.

Do you HAVE to get this daycare by a certain time? Why not wait for the other one once they open? Is that an option?

The crib options are just disagreement between me & DH as to which way to go right now.

As for the daycare, I do HAVE to get it by a certain time. If I didn't I would just wait for the new place to open. But, even IF I could make arrangments to extend DD's current situation, the uncertainty of the opening date of the new facility create an untenable situation. I cannot in good conscience (and will not at all) have a discussion about extending DD's current situation without a drop dead date that the new facility would be available for enrollment. And after reading some of the responses on this thread (thank you everyone) I really think I should 86 the idea of the unopened facility altogether, and send DD somewhere else.

Posted 8/18/09 9:42 PM

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Re: A Few Dilemnas - seeking advice about daycare and other things (LONG)

Posted by DancinBarefoot

But my question is, how bad would it be to enroll DD in the other center and then move her once the one we prefer is open?

not bad at all. I had my son enrolled at Tutor Time until a spot became open at the daycare where I worked. He was there for about 4 months.

Posted 8/18/09 9:54 PM

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Re: A Few Dilemnas - seeking advice about daycare and other things (LONG)

Crib Situation - I would go the toddler bed route first.

Daycare - Given the situation you're in with the other unopened daycare, I wouldn't consider it a viable option right now because there's too much uncertainty. I don't know if there is such a thing as a perfect daycare but there are certainly one's that meet all of the important criteria better than most. If the second center meets those expectations on all key points, perhaps give them a try. If you are unhappy after a certain amount of time, you can certainly always change centers.

I hope things work out for you.

Posted 8/18/09 10:04 PM

06ers Rock!!

Member since 1/07

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The One My Mother Gave Me ;-)

Re: A Few Dilemnas - seeking advice about daycare and other things (LONG)

Posted by Reese1106

Crib Situation - I would go the toddler bed route first.

Daycare - Given the situation you're in with the other unopened daycare, I wouldn't consider it a viable option right now because there's too much uncertainty. I don't know if there is such a thing as a perfect daycare but there are certainly one's that meet all of the important criteria better than most. If the second center meets those expectations on all key points, perhaps give them a try. If you are unhappy after a certain amount of time, you can certainly always change centers.

I hope things work out for you.

Thanks T! If the center where you send your boys wasn't so out of the way I would send her there. Unfortunately I just can't justify driving 20 minutes west from work to get her, and then driving that 20 minutes back east + the time it takes to get home.

Posted 8/18/09 10:09 PM

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