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So my question is when you get home from work, do you put on:

Forum Opinion Poll
sweats, leggings, athleisure 51 86.44%
jeans 3 5.08%
leave on work clothes 5 8.47%

After Work Question

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Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11

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Momma <3

After Work Question

I remember when I was growing up, my parents were always in jeans after work. As an adult, I find this SO odd. The minute I get home, I take off my work clothes and get into comfortable clothes - assuming I have nowhere to go.

So, what do you do?

Do you think this is a generational thing? My DH said his parents also got changed into jeans and my SIL said her parents did the same. So, I am interested in hearing other people's stories.

Posted 4/26/21 1:29 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 2/12

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Re: After Work Question

I leave on my work clothes, but I usually shower within 2 hours of getting home, and then it's into my sweats.

I don't remember my dad putting on jeans when he came home from work, but I am not 100% sure.

I find jeans to be somewhat uncomfortable...I don't lounge around in them if I don't have to!

Posted 4/26/21 2:03 AM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

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Re: After Work Question

I find jeans tortuous. I only wear them for as long as I need to then I rip them off.
But I think back in our parents time, athlesiure clothes weren't really a thing. So like leggings, yoga pants etc weren't really worn. You had your pajamas but you wore those to bed only.
I feel like back then, casual wear was jeans.
You wore your fancy work clothes and came home and changed into your casual clothes....which were jeans

Posted 4/26/21 2:14 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

3986 total posts


Re: After Work Question

My dad passed when I was in high school. I can't remember exactly anymore, but I do think he stayed in jeans.

My mom, who went back to work when I was older, would be ripping the pants and pantyhose off at the first possible moment.

IDK - maybe a male generational thing?

I am with the OP. Sweatpants ASAP.

Posted 4/26/21 2:15 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

3986 total posts


Re: After Work Question

On a different note this post has me thinking about those Progressive commercials with the old white guy who is teaching classes about how people can avoid turning into their parents. Which, BTW, are hilarious.

I feel like this is fodder for him.

"Work clothes are for work. Now you're home."

Posted 4/26/21 2:19 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/10

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After Work Question

Me - immediately into sweats, PJs, anything other than jeans.

Is it weird that I have no recollection whatsoever of what my parents wore after work? I don’t think jean... but I can’t really remember them in sweats or anything like that either lol.

Posted 4/26/21 2:30 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

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Re: After Work Question

Dad put on jeans, yes. Mom only worked a few years while I lived at home so I am not fully sure what she did.
Depending on what I wear to work as it is pretty casual, leggings, jeans and what I have planned and the time of the year lol, will determine what I do.
Summer usually I throw on shorts and in the winter as it gets dark so soon I might even throw on pajamas.

Posted 4/26/21 2:30 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/14

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After Work Question

Pre-covid I usually just stayed in whatever I wore to work. By the time I got home it didn’t really make sense to change into something new. Now I work from home so I’ll usually wear jeans and then a nice top/blazer for zooms.

I don’t own any “athleisure.” I have a few pairs of old school leggings from Loft and Gap that I wear very occasionally. My athletic type leggings are strictly for working out. So, I really never wear those....

I have no idea what my parents did. I think my dad wore jeans to work. I don’t think my mom owned jeans, she was always in leggings or some sort of stretch pant.

Posted 4/26/21 3:23 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/16

2346 total posts


After Work Question

Oh hell no I get home from work and it’s pajamas/ leggings. I don’t wear jeans on a good day. Haven’t worn jeans in over a year. Likely do not fit in them with all the snacking I’ve done this year

Posted 4/26/21 4:26 AM


Member since 6/07

8274 total posts


Re: After Work Question

For me... leggings, joggers, maybe pajama pants... def not jeans for hanging around the house
DH... sweatpants or shorts. Never jeans

FIL wears jeans around the house all the time. MIL also I think.
I can’t remember what my dad wore after work. I feel like he was always wearing nice pants & button down shirts even around the house.
My mother I have no idea but not jeans. I know she wore pants with an elastic waist lol bc she doesn’t like buttons but not leggings either.
A few of my older neighbors wear jeans at home a lot.
I agree that it’s probably a generational thing.

Posted 4/26/21 4:49 AM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

54921 total posts

..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: After Work Question

My DH wears jeans every single day around the house. When he goes to the gym he wears sweats and will hang out in them until he showers, but then jeans go right on after his shower, even if we staying home.
I told him he's a psychopath.

Posted 4/26/21 4:54 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/15

1068 total posts


After Work Question

I don't own leggings. I'm just too fat to wear them, IMO. I wear jeans around the house in the winter and then shorts in the summer. I only wear sweats/stretchy pants when I'm cleaning the house. And, when I used to go to the gym (pre-marriage and motherhood), of course I wore sweats there. But otherwise, I'm in jeans.

Posted 4/26/21 12:51 PM

Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11

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Momma <3

After Work Question

To add, I usually workout right after work so I put on shorts/leggings immediately. Then I play with my son outside. I usually wear dresses and skirts to work so I don’t stay in my work clothes even if I am not working out.

My mom and dad still both wear jeans from the time they wake up to the time they go to bed. I guess they both wear more of a relaxed fit where I am wearing skinny jeans or jeggings. Yesterday I had on a looser fit white jeans and found them more comfortable but still put on comfy clothes shortly after getting home.

Posted 4/26/21 12:53 PM

It's a girl!!!

Member since 6/10

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After Work Question

I change into my "jammies" as soon as I get home.

Posted 4/26/21 1:13 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/10

1801 total posts


Re: After Work Question

My dad always wears jeans as his "relaxed" clothes. He doesn't own sweatpants or anything like that (other than pj bottoms). I would think it would be odd to see him in anything else. My mom wears leggings now, but growing up she followed the trends.

I always wear jeans too. I never wear leggings unless I'm working out. I've been working remote and I still wear jeans everyday. Only on the really cold winter days... I had joggers on, but that was far and few in between. Leggings just aren't my thing.

Posted 4/26/21 1:23 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/13

1770 total posts


Re: After Work Question

Posted by StaceyWill

I change into my "jammies" as soon as I get home.

I do the exact same thing... but if someone rings the doorbell, I quickly rip off the jammies and throw on jeans. I just can't answer the door in jammies Chat Icon

Posted 4/26/21 1:25 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/15

3992 total posts


After Work Question

I can wear jeans to work so typically I'll just stay in what I'm wearing until I take a shower. Some nights depending on how I feel I may just shower right when I get home.

Posted 4/26/21 1:29 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: After Work Question

When I worked, right into pj's after work. Same for DH.

Posted 4/26/21 1:33 PM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

12165 total posts


Re: After Work Question

Posted by NervousNell

My DH wears jeans every single day around the house. When he goes to the gym he wears sweats and will hang out in them until he showers, but then jeans go right on after his shower, even if we staying home.
I told him he's a psychopath.

This is my DH too, exactly Chat Icon

As for me, after work, I would change into joggers or something. If I’m wearing a dress, I may keep that on though bc I think dresses are comfortable. Never jeans!

My parents were born in the 1940s and my ILs were born in the 1930s; with the exception of my MIL when she was sick with cancer, I don’t think I’d ever seen any of them wearing sweats even for a second, lol

Posted 4/26/21 1:36 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/14

1656 total posts


Re: After Work Question

I put on sweats immediately. Even if I am going out shortly after getting home from work, I wear sweats in the interim.

My mom was a SAHM, but I believe my dad would change into jeans. I think he still does now when he gets home from work, but I couldn't say for sure.

Posted 4/26/21 1:36 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

22665 total posts


Re: After Work Question

I work from home so always in leggings. LOL
My father worked in the city growing up. When he came home he'd go right upstairs to change into jeans and a shirt and when he came down that's when we'd have dinner.
My mom always liked to dress nice to work and never changed when she got home. Went right from work to errands, make dinner, have a glass or two of wine with my dad... probably pajamas last thing at night. I don't think I've ever seen my mom look sloppy. Me, on the other hand... my poor kids don't see me dressed up too often. LOL

Posted 4/26/21 2:13 PM

My Box Is Broken

Member since 6/11

9145 total posts


Re: After Work Question

My parents stayed in their work clothes until bedtime. My sister also gets fully dressed even if she has no plans on leaving the house.

I am in my PJs the second I get Inside my house (sweats & tshirt)
Mind you I wear leggings/yoga pants and work tshirt all day but my Pjs are my “more comfortable” joggers and T lol

Like I legit walk in, take shoes off, let dogs out, run upstairs removing my shirt as I go up, take off my bra, wash my face and strip the rest of the way to throw on whatever I slept in the night before. It’s like heaven

Message edited 4/26/2021 3:07:39 PM.

Posted 4/26/21 3:06 PM


Member since 2/07

17374 total posts


Re: After Work Question

my dad worked in a factory.
when he got home, he'd shower and put on his pajamas.

i do the same thing. i might work in an office, but right outside my door is a warehouse dock. i don't always go home as clean as i got here.
within the first hour of being home, i shower and put on pajamas (usually boxer shorts and a tank top).

DS works much dirtier than me... he's out on the dock or in the yard. he, too, showers within the first hour of getting home. he'll put on sweats or lounge pant type pajamas.

Posted 4/26/21 3:48 PM

10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06

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Re: After Work Question

Before Covid, when I went into the office, I wore jeans. I would wear them when I got home until usually after dinner.

Now that I work from home all the time, I wear sweats "at work", and I stay in my "work clothes" when I "get home" Chat Icon

I find jeans comfortable, but nowhere near as comfortable as sweatpants, so if I'm relaxing, I won't change into jeans, but I'll keep them on if I'm just hanging out after work.

Posted 4/26/21 3:58 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/10

5092 total posts


After Work Question

Skinny jeans , to me jeans are the most comfortable clothing there are, plus I only wear leggings working out or to sleep, never on public and I don't own sweat pants.

Growing up, my mom ripped off everything as soon as she was in the door and into pjs. My dad, really don't remember , but I'm pretty sure jeans, he wore them wjen it was 100 degrees in dead of summer.

Posted 4/26/21 6:36 PM
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