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Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: After Work Question
Posted by Eireann
Posted by NervousNell
My DH wears jeans every single day around the house. When he goes to the gym he wears sweats and will hang out in them until he showers, but then jeans go right on after his shower, even if we staying home. I told him he's a psychopath. Lol
This is my DH too, exactly
As for me, after work, I would change into joggers or something. If I’m wearing a dress, I may keep that on though bc I think dresses are comfortable. Never jeans!
My parents were born in the 1940s and my ILs were born in the 1930s; with the exception of my MIL when she was sick with cancer, I don’t think I’d ever seen any of them wearing sweats even for a second, lol
Yes about the dresses! In summer I used to wear dresses to work every day and those I could stay in- they are so much more comfy than jeans or pants- I guess because there's nothing binding at the waist!
Posted 4/26/21 7:13 PM |
Bunny kisses are so cute!
Member since 5/05 19461 total posts
Name: L
Re: After Work Question
My dad absolutely wore jeans. My mom would come home so late after teaching that it was just pajamas and a robe.
Posted 4/26/21 8:29 PM |

Member since 6/08 10312 total posts
Name: fka LIW Smara
Re: After Work Question
Posted by NervousNell
I find jeans tortuous. I only wear them for as long as I need to then I rip them off. But I think back in our parents time, athlesiure clothes weren't really a thing. So like leggings, yoga pants etc weren't really worn. You had your pajamas but you wore those to bed only. I feel like back then, casual wear was jeans. You wore your fancy work clothes and came home and changed into your casual clothes....which were jeans
Ha ha I cant with your DH and jeans. But my husband is on the opposite end of the psycho spectrum, he is like Frank from Everybody loves Raymond. Never has pants on when he is home. After 3pm my video is off.
Posted 4/26/21 9:33 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/06 1173 total posts
Re: After Work Question
Posted by JennP
On a different note this post has me thinking about those Progressive commercials with the old white guy who is teaching classes about how people can avoid turning into their parents. Which, BTW, are hilarious.
I feel like this is fodder for him.
"Work clothes are for work. Now you're home."
Those commercials are the BEST. Did I just hashtag?
Posted 4/26/21 9:49 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/06 1173 total posts
Re: After Work Question
Posted by Eireann
Posted by NervousNell
My DH wears jeans every single day around the house. When he goes to the gym he wears sweats and will hang out in them until he showers, but then jeans go right on after his shower, even if we staying home. I told him he's a psychopath. Lol
This is my DH too, exactly
As for me, after work, I would change into joggers or something. If I’m wearing a dress, I may keep that on though bc I think dresses are comfortable. Never jeans!
My parents were born in the 1940s and my ILs were born in the 1930s; with the exception of my MIL when she was sick with cancer, I don’t think I’d ever seen any of them wearing sweats even for a second, lol
Wait... HE wears JEANS?? (I don't even know why I'm surprised by this, but I can't stop laughing now.)
Posted 4/26/21 9:51 PM |
Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09 18388 total posts
Name: Allison
After Work Question
Seeing I’ve been working from home for over a year and will probably stay this was semi permanently I wear sweats/leggings all day. I tend to work out mid day so I’m always in some sort of comfy clothes.
When I went to work it was always casual so I was in pretty comfortable clothes anyway but most of the time I would come home and change cause I would run after work.
My parents worked jobs that were not suits etc.
Posted 4/26/21 10:27 PM |
Member since 5/05 7557 total posts
Name: Kate
Re: After Work Question
Posted by JennP
On a different note this post has me thinking about those Progressive commercials with the old white guy who is teaching classes about how people can avoid turning into their parents. Which, BTW, are hilarious.
I feel like this is fodder for him.
"Work clothes are for work. Now you're home."
Love those commercials! You’re right; this would be a good one.
Posted 4/27/21 12:15 PM |
I need a nap!
Member since 5/05 22140 total posts
After Work Question
I’m NOT creating more laundry LOL so I stay in work clothes. I only change it I’m going to run which lately I haven’t done.
Posted 4/27/21 11:27 AM |
2 Boys

Member since 7/06 17795 total posts
After Work Question
I wouldn't change into jeans after coming home unless I had some place to go. But a lot of times I wear jeans to work anyway.
Posted 4/27/21 2:03 PM |
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