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Another allergy question-Speech Delay and Food Allergy

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Blessed x 3

Member since 6/05

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Another allergy question-Speech Delay and Food Allergy

Those with children with speech delay-

Was their diet changed?

Kristopher will be 11 months on the 15th.

I am concerned because at this point , Juliette said Mama, dada, poppy, baba, and duck.

Kristopher barely says dada anymore. Mama only when he is crying.

At what age did you start to worry?

Posted 7/6/08 9:10 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Another allergy question-Speech Delay and Food Allergy

I'm confused, are you asking if those that have children that have a speech delay also have allergies? Chat Icon

At 11 months, it's normal for a baby to have no words, just babble.

Posted 7/6/08 9:14 PM

Blessed x 3

Member since 6/05

2460 total posts


Re: Another allergy question-Speech Delay and Food Allergy

Sorry, just reread my post...-

At 6 months my DR asked me if he was saying mama and dada yet. Now at almost 11, he barely says it anymore. He was saying it and now hardly. Juliette was saying alot more by 7-8 monrhs than he is now at this age...

I was wondering if anyone else who has speech delay has gluten/casein allergies and what age did you notice it...

Posted 7/6/08 9:21 PM

Train Ride

Member since 5/05

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Re: Another allergy question-Speech Delay and Food Allergy

I also don't think you should compare a girl and a boy as far as speech goes....

Posted 7/6/08 9:26 PM

Train Ride

Member since 5/05

3127 total posts


Re: Another allergy question-Speech Delay and Food Allergy

My son is speech delayed with zero food allergies. His therapist told me boys are much slower with talking than girls.

First noticed a possible speech delay around 14 months but that was still to young to confirm!

Message edited 7/6/2008 9:29:32 PM.

Posted 7/6/08 9:28 PM


Member since 5/05

5025 total posts


Re: Another allergy question-Speech Delay and Food Allergy

Posted by aliasPook

Sorry, just reread my post...-

At 6 months my DR asked me if he was saying mama and dada yet. Now at almost 11, he barely says it anymore. He was saying it and now hardly. Juliette was saying alot more by 7-8 monrhs than he is now at this age...

I was wondering if anyone else who has speech delay has gluten/casein allergies and what age did you notice it...

Is he constantly congested because of his allergies?

Both of my DD's have food allergies. Both have or had speech delays because they were always so congested and just couldn't hear. Tubes did the trick. DD1 had her 1st set at 1 year - Her speech caught up in no time. At 2 1/2 her vocabulary is thru the roof. DD2 is 14 months and just had her tubes put in. Her ENT said to see how she does with hearing and speech and if at 18 months she doesn't have more than mama, dada, baba that we will give speech therapy.

Chat Icon 's - I understand your worries.

Posted 7/6/08 9:29 PM


Member since 12/06

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Re: Another allergy question-Speech Delay and Food Allergy

My son has a speech delay and has no food allergies.

Posted 7/6/08 9:30 PM

Blessed x 3

Member since 6/05

2460 total posts


Re: Another allergy question-Speech Delay and Food Allergy

Actually it is Juliette who is allergic to the milk and soy, but has an amazing vocabulary. Her hearing is not 100%, there is pressure in there and she hears as if she were in a plane. She is always congested. She speaks very clearly and started very early. SHe was only diagnosed with the milk allergy in December after her 100th ear infection.

She is getting tubes, adnoids and tonsils out next month.

Kristopher has the Gluten and soy, and lately he has stopped most of the mama and dada...

Posted 7/6/08 9:33 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Another allergy question-Speech Delay and Food Allergy

My 2yo son has a severe dairy allergy and a slight speech delay - it's only now starting to really come together for him. He also had suck/swallow issues, last summer I did a lot of feeding therapy with him and now he no longer gags and chokes on his food.

My SIL is a speech pathologist and she feels that DS is one standard deviation from the norm, so we wouldn't qualify for EI, but she's been working with him at our house. She said that we need to bear in mind that he's a boy, and they tend to speak later than girls. Also, our 3yo dd tends to speak for him, so many times he doesn't need to say anything in response to our questions. It really helps to get her out of the room and talk to him and then he communicates a lot more.

Posted 7/6/08 10:21 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/06

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Re: Another allergy question-Speech Delay and Food Allergy

i'm a speech therapist... i think that the others are right- your son has 2 strikes going against him Chat Icon hes a boy ( they tend to be slower at talking anyway) AND hes a second child. a lot of times the younger child ends up being a later talked because the oldest one will talk for them, or do so much talking that the younger one can't get a word in.
does he still do some babbling?? as long as he hasnt completely stopped babbling i would say to give him a few months to develop a litle bit more. but, EI is always a good option just to ease your mind... good luck!!

Posted 7/6/08 11:02 PM

Blessed x 3

Member since 6/05

2460 total posts


Re: Another allergy question-Speech Delay and Food Allergy

So when should I REALLY stress over this? He is babbling but not as much. He is more in to observing and destroying. He is in to everything, excellent motor skills and coordination.

Posted 7/6/08 11:05 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/06

5435 total posts


Re: Another allergy question-Speech Delay and Food Allergy

Posted by aliasPook

So when should I REALLY stress over this? He is babbling but not as much. He is more in to observing and destroying. He is in to everything, excellent motor skills and coordination.

first words usually come between 12 and 18 months... at 18 months or so. usually between 18 months and 2 years is the "explosion" where they really start repeating everything and using a lot of new words, and start to put 2 words together. now for boys, this could all be pushed back...
i would just keep labeling everything hes doing, everything you hand him, everything he picks up. this will help him learn the words for things.
try and get him to imitate sounds- start with "environmental" sounds like "beep beep" if hes playing with trucks, "wee" if you're pushing him on a swing, any of the animal sounds. being able to imitate these sounds is the beginning of him imitating and using words...
also, create oppurtunities for him to talk. when you give him a snack, only give him like 1 or 2 bites. when he starts to reach for more, say "more" ( keep he language simple) instead of just handing more to him- try and get him to imitate it. or, same thing if you're pushing him on a swing or something- just stop, and when he fusses for you to push him again, say "more"... try to get him to imitate it. this type of stuff creats oppurtunities for him to use words and shows him how he can use words to get what he wants.

Posted 7/6/08 11:19 PM

Blessed x 3

Member since 6/05

2460 total posts


Re: Another allergy question-Speech Delay and Food Allergy

I was so much easier with Juliette, by 18 months, she was saying full sentences. No matter how hard I try not to, I keep looking at my Juliette list to see what she was doing at this age.

Thank you for the info-I think my real concern is that he is not saying and babbling as much as he was before.

Posted 7/7/08 8:24 AM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

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Re: Another allergy question-Speech Delay and Food Allergy

Posted by ThreeCats

I also don't think you should compare a girl and a boy as far as speech goes....

I cant compare the 2

Posted 7/7/08 10:49 AM

My Loves

Member since 5/05

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Re: Another allergy question-Speech Delay and Food Allergy

You're spoiled by Juliette. I agree with what everyone else is saying - he's a boy and he's the second child - they're generally just not as quick. And Juliette was/is WAAAAAY advanced. So far it sounds like Kristopher is normal (the horror! Chat Icon )

Don't worry yet!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/7/08 10:58 AM

My Children

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Re: Another allergy question-Speech Delay and Food Allergy

My nephew is laxtose intolerant and has a speech delay. At 2 years old, he is speaking for an 18 month old. The specialist found out that he has water behind his ear drum and a lot of wax. Once they removed the wax he is able to hear more so he speaks a little more but once they remove the water he will probably be able to hear and speak more.

Posted 7/7/08 11:07 AM

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