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LIF Adult

Member since 1/08 2379 total posts
Anyone else have an anterior placenta?
I am almost 21 weeks. At my Level II, the technician told me I have an anterior placenta, which is why I am not feeling any movement yet.
Is this any reason to be concerned, down the line? I've researched online (probably a mistake) and it seems that the placenta will move at some point for most women...but I am really hoping to avoid a C section.
Posted 10/22/08 2:36 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/08 3242 total posts
Name: Lupe
Re: Anyone else have an anterior placenta?
i have it. i'm not sure if i still have it, i didn't feel the baby kicks til...wait for it....26 weeks! i thought it was an ETERNITY but my dr reassured me that everything was FINE with so that's what kept me sane! although i can't say i was patiently waiting, i was totally envious of those that were due on my EDD and they felt movements months before me!
i doubt you'll go that long far i'm the only person i know that has had to wait that long for a kick! this was cozy up in there!
you'll be fine!
Posted 10/22/08 2:54 PM |
you rang?

Member since 6/08 5573 total posts
Re: Anyone else have an anterior placenta?
I have it!
You'll wait a bit longer to feel kicks but it doesn't pose any other issues and my dr is not concerned. Neither am I. I feel him plenty now...more rolling around than actual kicks, but I do feel him being active in there.
Don't worry!
Posted 10/22/08 2:58 PM |
Love my little man

Member since 8/05 16290 total posts
Name: Randi
Re: Anyone else have an anterior placenta?
I have one-- I don't think it really affects anything-- at least to my knowledge.
Posted 10/22/08 2:59 PM |
Team Pink!

Member since 12/06 5349 total posts
Name: Katie
Re: Anyone else have an anterior placenta?
I do...and it took a long time to feel movement as well, and it was tough initially for my doc to find the HB with the doppler when I was in the first tri.
It does not pose any risk...the only time the placenta really becomes an issue is when it falls below the baby blocking the cervix (partial/complete previa). In that case, a c-section may be necessary.
Posted 10/22/08 3:00 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 1/08 2379 total posts
Re: Anyone else have an anterior placenta?
Thank you, I feel much better!
Posted 10/22/08 6:00 PM |
Barb-Never removing this pic!

Member since 11/05 3932 total posts
Re: Anyone else have an anterior placenta?
I had it and had a very easy vaginal delivery! The only down side is that I didn't feel the baby that much!
I would have loved to feel him more!
Posted 10/22/08 6:05 PM |
I love Gary too..on a plate!
Member since 5/06 32461 total posts
Name: me
Re: Anyone else have an anterior placenta?
Yes at the beginning of my pregnancy with DS.
It moved back to where it "should be" during the pregnancy.
The OB said it had no concequences for the pregnancy.
Message edited 10/22/2008 6:06:33 PM.
Posted 10/22/08 6:05 PM |
My Everything

Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Re: Anyone else have an anterior placenta?
I had it with my DD and this pregnancy as well. I had no complications and once I hit 22 weeks had no problems feeling movements. Why would you need a c section?
Posted 10/22/08 6:30 PM |