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Anyone feel guilty for not working?

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Member since 12/07

16353 total posts


Anyone feel guilty for not working?

I know it's not forever, but it just feels so weird to me to not be working. I will have another paycheck and then my vacation/personal days paid out coming to me, but after that, just disability, then nothing for a few weeks until I go back to work (probably around 3/1). I started working around high-school age so this just seems really strange to me.

Posted 12/16/08 12:50 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Anyone feel guilty for not working?

I haven't reached that point yet. I am working up until delivery, but I have worked constatnly since I was 12, so sometimes I really wonder if i am going to feel odd not having any of my own income. I know DH and I are a family and we support each other, everything is joint anyway, but I have never not had a job.

It'll be interesting to see how I react.

Posted 12/16/08 1:15 PM

Baby number 2 is on its way!

Member since 9/06

2020 total posts


Re: Anyone feel guilty for not working?

I lost my job last month and I feel terrible, I feel like Im not contributing DH doesnt mind at all. I have always had a strong work ethic, and actually enjoy working hard that sitting on the couch is so boring and i feel useless.

Posted 12/16/08 1:22 PM

I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

20105 total posts


Re: Anyone feel guilty for not working?

Yes. I have not been working for 5 weeks now. I don't know if I feel guilty, but its definitely strange to wake up every day and do absolutely nothing.
I think once the babies are here it will be a lot different.

Posted 12/16/08 1:29 PM

Candy Girl
Candy girl- you are so sweet!

Member since 11/07

6349 total posts


Re: Anyone feel guilty for not working?

i am home today and I feel guilty! Seriously, I have taken off 7 days this semester and while I feel badly about them, I know that they have all helped me get through this rough third trimester...

Posted 12/16/08 1:30 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 2/07

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Re: Anyone feel guilty for not working?

I can totally relate. I have had a full time job forever and not working (although raising a baby is definitely work) may take a bit of an adjustment.

I hope to keep my hand in my field of work and do most of it from home. Otherwise, go back part-time so at least I feel like I'm contributing to the family.

Staying home all day and night may drive me nuts!!!

Posted 12/16/08 2:10 PM


Member since 7/06

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Mama :)

Re: Anyone feel guilty for not working?

yes, I feel guilty. This is my last week at work, starting next week, I'll be working from home, probably for 2-3 weeks (depending how I feel), then I am taking STD fully paid.
I am lucky to work for a company with great maternity leave plans.
After 8 yrs of working post college, I don't know what I am going to do with myself for the next month before DD gets here Chat Icon

Posted 12/16/08 3:13 PM

wow time is going fast.

Member since 9/07

16106 total posts


Re: Anyone feel guilty for not working?

Im working PT and only really feel guilty about it when the bills pile up. B/c im used to working FT and when i was younger I had 2 or 3 jobs at one time. But other than the bills.. I love the time with DD.. on the days Im at work I feel guilty about being at work and not home with her.. so guilt either way.

Posted 12/16/08 4:34 PM

They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05

13848 total posts


Re: Anyone feel guilty for not working?

It was very strange for me the last time and I expect it will be this time too. Although you will be working harder than you ever have in your life, trust me!

But I did feel some pangs driving past high schools and seeing all the students. There were days I really missed my job.

I also saved for both pregnancies so I could still contribute finanicially. This helped me a lot.

Posted 12/16/08 4:36 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/07

999 total posts


Re: Anyone feel guilty for not working?

I lost my job of 12 years last month and I don't feel guilty because the decision to lay me off was out of my hands. DH has been somewhat supportive. Sometimes he can say really boneheaded things like call me ***** annoying when I want to go out with him and do something, especially since I don't drive and its been difficult for me to walk around. When I had my complete meltdown over this, he's been much better. I just miss interacting with my co-workers and my routines.

Posted 12/16/08 5:03 PM

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