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Positive Vibrations...

Member since 1/08 8423 total posts
anyone get PG in first cycle off BCP?
so DH decided today that he's finally ready to TTC. i just finished my BCP pack and havent gotten AF yet. i had originally told him i wanted to wait 3 cycles to TTC.
however we are going on vacation from the 15th-21st of may (which i am guessing would be about O-time since I am due for AF tomorrow or next day). so he asked me if i think it could happen while we are away...
so my question is, did anyone get PG in the their first cycle off BCP? if so was the PG normal? i am a bit worried cause ive read many stories about people MC if they have conceived either on BCP (like got PG accidently) or shortly after stopping the pill. not that i want to get my hopes up that it will happen right away, but i want to make sure we arent setting ourselves up for a high percentage bad outcome if it was to happen.
so what are the opinions on how safe it is to TTC during the first cycle off the pill??
im new here - all points of view are welcome!!
Posted 4/30/09 9:52 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 4/09 3923 total posts
Re: anyone get PG in first cycle off BCP?
Message edited 9/1/2011 7:07:37 PM.
Posted 4/30/09 10:23 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/09 807 total posts
Re: anyone get PG in first cycle off BCP?
I also had a friend who got pregnant on her first cycle of BCP. Her pregnancy was perfectly fine, and she has a beautiful daughter now. I think that sometimes when you hear that you should wait a couple of months after stopping BCP, it is only so that you can let your body return to its natural cycle so that it is easier to track what is going on. But you don't have to wait if you don't want to!
Posted 4/30/09 10:51 PM |

Member since 5/05 4898 total posts
Name: Eileen
Re: anyone get PG in first cycle off BCP?
I did this pregnancy - totally fine; DS was 2nd cycle off the pill but only because it didn't work first cycle.
The reason some docs tell you to wait is so you have a better idea if the pill was masking some problem (PCOS, etc) and because it's easier to determine a more accurate due date. The pill doesn't stay in your system (which is why you must take it every day to be effective) so the baby would not be affected if it worked out this month
Message edited 5/1/2009 7:02:58 AM.
Posted 5/1/09 7:02 AM |
Party of 5

Member since 4/08 6489 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: anyone get PG in first cycle off BCP?
With DS I got PG my first month off BCP. We were just seeing what happened. I had the best pregnancy I could ever have asked for and my DS is perfect. Good luck!
Eta: 2 of my girl friends did also and had healthy uneventful pregnancies and babies.
I have had more problems now, not being on BC for the last 3 plus yrs. I say go for it.
FM me if you have questions.
Message edited 5/1/2009 7:32:07 AM.
Posted 5/1/09 7:27 AM |
Mom of 3

Member since 11/05 13118 total posts
Name: B
Re: anyone get PG in first cycle off BCP?
I was on the pill for 8 or 9 years. My OB/GYN said we could start trying right away. The only thing she recommended was taking a multivitamin with at least 400 mcg of folic acid at least 3 months before TTC. I was very lucky and got pregnant the first month after I went off the pilll. I now have a 4.5 month old son. Good luck!
Posted 5/1/09 12:32 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 7/08 296 total posts
Name: deb
Re: anyone get PG in first cycle off BCP?
I got pg ON the pill and had a very healthy dd- no problems at all-
Posted 5/1/09 1:16 PM |
So in Love!

Member since 11/08 1281 total posts
Re: anyone get PG in first cycle off BCP?
sometimes drs say to wait 3 months so you can track your cycle and see when you ovualte. some people it takes them 28 days after to get af other 68 days. have fun bd and if it happens it happens dont be upset if its not on the first shot and just track your period from now on. helped me track my period and after 3months i think it gives you an estimate on when you ovulate. i tracked my period for like 3years and on the second shot we got pregnant, so best of luck and enjoy this time of bd.
Posted 5/1/09 3:24 PM |

Member since 4/07 22952 total posts
Name: J
Re: anyone get PG in first cycle off BCP?
I did, but unfortunately I lost the baby at 20 weeks, but it was not a m/c.
I was told it had nothing to do with the bcp.
Posted 5/1/09 9:43 PM |
Positive Vibrations...

Member since 1/08 8423 total posts
Re: anyone get PG in first cycle off BCP?
omg thanks everyone for the replies.
i def didnt realize so many people got preg right off bcp.
ahh i cant beleive that we are finally ready to TTC
Posted 5/1/09 10:43 PM |