Anyone have experience with a diabetic dog?
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Member since 3/09 1579 total posts
Name: Kat - HamptonsBride (LIW)
Anyone have experience with a diabetic dog?
My 9 yr old Cavalier was just diagnosed..we knew something was up...he was drinking tons of water & peeing alot...had 3 accidents in the house...and when i gave him a haircut, saw how gaunt he looked behind his ribs & he's normally a bit of a chub
We now have to give him insulin injections twice a day (which is harder on me than him..haha)...he goes back for follow-ups...just wondering if anyone else has been through this and what to expect. TIA!
Posted 3/19/11 9:16 PM |
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Member since 6/07 5339 total posts
Re: Anyone have experience with a diabetic dog?
My Family dog was a diabetic and was diagnosed around 9 or 10 years old. We had to test his urine twice a day and give him insulin injections twice a day. It was a lot of work and we always had to make sure someone was around to give him a shot. We all worked our schedules around his shots. He did go into diabetic shock every so often. If it happens, don't freak out. Just sit with him and pet him and talk to him until he comes out of it. Let me know if you have any specific questions. Sorry you and your dog are going through this
Posted 3/20/11 10:22 PM |
Hello Kitty

Member since 1/08 7542 total posts
Name: Catt
Re: Anyone have experience with a diabetic dog?
from one cavalier lover to another Im so sorry to hear abt your sick puppy. but at least the disease was detected early. We were not so lucky and lost our collie mix last year. we too were giving shots 2x a day. That was the easy part, you get used to it. Our dog just deteriated so quickly and his qaulity of life was poor (he has cushings disease too so he was in bad shape. I hope your Cavalier does well on treatments and lives a normal life.. lots of love helps too..
Posted 3/22/11 7:43 PM |
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