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Anyone here a 1 car family?

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I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

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Anyone here a 1 car family?

DH was in an accident the other day (he's okay...Chat Icon ) but the car is totaled. We were thinking about just using the 1 car between us. He'd drop me off at work, I'd get a ride home, etc. I only see the summer starting to be a problem when I have my summer job.

What are the pros and cons and how do you make it work?

Posted 12/1/07 7:45 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3353 total posts


Re: Anyone here a 1 car family?

I am glad to hear your Dh is okay. Same with us, I was in an accident earlier this month and my car was totaled too. Since the rental has gone back we have only had one car and it is terrible. For us we work different schedules, I go to school at night, errrands etc I thought about it but it just does not work.

Posted 12/1/07 8:22 AM

Leah's here!

Member since 9/07

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Re: Anyone here a 1 car family?

Glad DH is ok! We are a one car only because DH takes the subway to and from work..will change when we move, but already talking about me possibly dropping him and picking him up at the LIRR...don't know how I feel about that, so we will most likely look for an inexpensive train car...

Posted 12/1/07 10:16 AM

Here's to new beginnings

Member since 10/07

7260 total posts


Re: Anyone here a 1 car family?

We have two cars, but my parents only have one car & they were that way for years before I got married. I remember it being a PITA at times, but overall, it was never that bad.

Posted 12/1/07 10:26 AM


Member since 7/06

9149 total posts


Re: Anyone here a 1 car family?

We are a 1 car family. We walk to work though, and tend to do all our errands together. So it is not too bad. If you have a lot of places that you go alone, then it might be a pain. But if you just schedule ahead of time it shouldn't be too bad. Glad your DH is okay! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/1/07 10:30 AM

Laugh-Live-Love LIFE!

Member since 10/06

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Re: Anyone here a 1 car family?

right now we are a 1 car family....but I am not working. Luckily my DH works very close to home and has great hours, so if I want the car I drop him at work and piclk him up.

I Am not sure we will be able to continue that once the baby comes, but for now it works and saves us money too.

Posted 12/1/07 10:44 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 6/07

400 total posts


Re: Anyone here a 1 car family?

we have 1 car
we manage

Posted 12/1/07 11:02 AM

only love...

Member since 5/05

2034 total posts


Re: Anyone here a 1 car family?

Glad your DH is fine. We're a one-car couple.

We both take the train to work and walk to the station. We do almost all of our errands together and are together for most of the weekends.

Today, DH is out with his friends and he has the car. I'm still in my jammies Chat Icon , but I may go shopping later, which means that I'd take the train into the city instead of driving somewhere.

We both have zipcar memberships and could always rent a car for a day, if needed. We figure that a second car would cost us at least $3,000/year for insurance and gas, plus the cost of buying the car. That's equal to about 20 days of a rental car, so we figure that if we use a zipcar or a rental car less than that often, then having only one car is right for us.

I wish there were zipcars at every LIRR station!

Posted 12/1/07 1:04 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

1265 total posts


Re: Anyone here a 1 car family?

S/O and I are a one car couple also and have been for about the last 6 years. We make it work.....there have been times when one of us waits around for a while, but it works for us.

Posted 12/1/07 2:05 PM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: Anyone here a 1 car family?

We were when I was home with DS for five months after he was born (technically, we have two, but DH's car is a race car).

But once I went back to work we bought a beater for DH to drive back and forth to Brooklyn for work.

Posted 12/1/07 2:08 PM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

18208 total posts


Re: Anyone here a 1 car family?

Chat Icon
Glad your DH is okay!

Posted 12/1/07 2:51 PM

Candy Girl
Candy girl- you are so sweet!

Member since 11/07

6349 total posts


Re: Anyone here a 1 car family?

Thank goodness your DH is ok. We currently have two cars, but since moving to Park Slope, DH takes the subway everywhere and just leaves his car parked until the next alternate side days. My job is a little out of the way, plus I go to grad school at night, so I rely heavily on my car. We're thinking of selling his and trading mine up to something more luxurious. (I currently have a bare bones civic, so pretty much anything will be more luxurious...)

Posted 12/1/07 3:01 PM

only love...

Member since 5/05

2034 total posts


Re: Anyone here a 1 car family?, I jinxed myself with my earlier post.

The "check engine" light went on while DH had the car. No second car means a) I can't go get him b) I have to get a zipcar for things I need to do tomorrow and c) I have to bring our car to the station on Monday.

And, I stayed in my PJ's all day Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/1/07 8:25 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

2479 total posts


Re: Anyone here a 1 car family?

Glad to hear he's ok...
We only have 1 car and we work it out.
Since we are both in the city all day, the car barely is used M-F.

Posted 12/1/07 8:28 PM


Member since 7/06

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Völlig losgelöst

Re: Anyone here a 1 car family?

We have one car, but we take the train or walk everywhere usually. We use the car once or twice a week.

Posted 12/1/07 8:39 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Anyone here a 1 car family?

We are both a 1-car family and a 1-driver family. My husband has some serious depth perception problems, and so he has never, EVER driven in his life.

In the summer (I'm a teacher too) I drive him to work, and pick him up. DUring the school year FIL drives him to work, and I pick him up.

It's really not a problem at all. Some days I wish I didn't have to drive him or pick him up, but I just deal with it.

What really ***** is when it's super cold out or late at night and we need something from the store and I'm the only one who can go out and get it.

Posted 12/1/07 10:22 PM


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: Anyone here a 1 car family?

We are a one car family.... Both of us work in downtown Chicago, so we drive in together. We one kid to ILs and the other to daycare and then DH drops me off at the office.

It only gets tricky when DH has a case or court appearance in the suburbs in the late afternoon bc we have to pick DS up from daycare by 6pm. For the most part we make it work, but I think mid-next year we will look for a 2nd car.

Posted 12/2/07 3:08 AM

Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07

9764 total posts


Re: Anyone here a 1 car family?

we have one car. We have for years. Actually we just inherited my grandpa's car but it is not on the road yetChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon But my DH took the train to work so I just had to drive him to the train and pick him up. It can be a PITA sometimes but it worked for us. We have no kids so that makes it easier.

Posted 12/2/07 8:33 AM


Member since 9/06

11483 total posts


Re: Anyone here a 1 car family?

We've only ever had one car. When I met DH, he didn't even have a license so it was all me. Which was annoying at times.

When we moved in together, DH worked in the city so he would either walk to the station or I'd drop him off and pick him up.

Then we both got different jobs within 4 miles of each other so we would carpool daily. That was a PITA because I got out of work a full hour before he did. So I would sit in the parking lot of his job and read a book.

Now, we moved to a new neighborhood and are very close to the train so he walks to and from. I am only 20 minutes from my job. So I'm finally getting the payoff of all the annoyances of picking him up and dropping him off.

The biggest issue we had over the years was when one of us would want to go out with co workers after work. Other than that, it wasn't all that bad and saved us a HECK of a lot of money.

Posted 12/2/07 1:22 PM

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