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At what age did DC stop taking naps??? Can you feel my "fear" in this question???

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I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

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At what age did DC stop taking naps??? Can you feel my "fear" in this question???

DS took a 30 minutes naps in the car today only to wake when we transfered him to his stroller.

Then did not fall asleep until 7:30pm.

He did the same on Thursday without ANY nap but crashed at 6:30pm.

Usually he was doing 2 hour naps. But that's starting to be all over the place on what time he does fall asleep. Sometimes 12:30pm but latelly it's later and later. I can't let him sleep at 3pm and later. He would never go back to sleep at night.

I am SO NOT ready for this. He will be 22 months next week. I was hoping to stretch it a bit.

Posted 4/18/09 8:05 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: At what age did DC stop taking naps??? Can you feel my "fear" in this question???

My younger DD is 23 mos. and she sleeps 3 hours each afternoon: 2:30p to 5:30p. I wake her up, so I can't say how long she'd actually sleep! However, if we are out and about for the day she does not need to nap and she is pretty much fine. (I always prioritize naps where possible though.)

My older DD is 3.5 and she'll nap maybe three times a week. I put her down at the same time each afternoon and hope for the best! Can you tell I'm a SAHM in need of some me-time? Chat Icon I would say between 3 and 3.5 she lost the necessity for naps.

Posted 4/18/09 8:18 PM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

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Re: At what age did DC stop taking naps??? Can you feel my "fear" in this question???

My nephew still naps and he just turned 4. I will make sure I have naps for a VERY long time....Jack is crazy without them. Yesterday he missed his nap and literally at 5 o'clock was beside himself...he went to bed by 6:30 (when normally it's between 7:30/8)

Keep him in as much of a routine as you can! Chat Icon

ETA: Normally Jack sleeps from 1:30-3:30/4 -- and still is in the crib by 7:30

Message edited 4/18/2009 8:33:27 PM.

Posted 4/18/09 8:32 PM

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