bad day vent and advice needed
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Member since 9/08 1493 total posts
Name: Dawn
bad day vent and advice needed
So DH and I took dd to dr for follow up with her ears and just like I suspected
The infection is gone for now but still a lot fluid in there. (going on since Thanksgiving) The fact that she was doing great for the two weeks she was on benadryl and the past week off and she's starting to get congested again confirm in my mind that she is allergic to the dogs...the dr believes so and suggested going to an allergist before the ENT
My gut is telling me its allergies...I went last week to be tested to confirm my own allergies. I don't want to put my baby through the tests she's only 19 months. I know if we go to the ENT he's going to say tubes and I don't want do that to her either if it can be avoided.
So she's now on 2x a day with a nebulizer and benadryl
I guess in the end I'm going to have to get her tested because I know my husband will not be able get rid of the dogs with out "proof" I don't want to get rid of my dogs either but in the end I will do what ever I have to do for my child. Plus the fact that I am reminded every night of what allergies can do to dd as I spray stuff up my nose to breath and take a pill so I don't choke on the crap draining down the back of my throat...
Then the kicker we get home from her dr and my dr calls. My shoulder has been hurting so bad lately I actually went to the dr....he sent me to to an orthopedic who of course gave me a cortisone shot...but the pain was so bad I couldn't brush my hair! One week later it's still hurting...any dr calls me to inform me that there was something on the blood work he Anti-nuclear Antibodies (ANA) was elevated so he is sending me to a rheumatologist for further testing....ANYONE? WTH?
Of course I've been researching and now I'm terrified!
Message edited 2/14/2011 9:54:57 PM.
Posted 2/14/11 9:53 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 6/06 14437 total posts
Name: C
Re: bad day vent and advice needed
Unfortunately we are in a similar situation.
Both my boys have chronic sinus and ear infections. DS1 (who will be 4 in April) got his tonsils and adenoids out when he turned 3. We hoped this would solve his problem. Unfortunatley this past winter his problems returned.
DS1 (who is 17 mo) had ear infections from the time he was 2 mo - 9 mo. So much fluid he failed his hearing test. He had tubes put in at 9 mo. He did ok for a few months and the fluid and infections returned.
My ENT and ped said to take them for allergy testing. They dont do anything that hurts them. I definetely think you should take your DD. They put samples of various allergens on their skin and see what flare ups.
DS1 show some sensitivity to cats, dust, pollen, etc. nothing concrete DS2 NOTHING The allergist and ENT dont buy their results. The allergist said sometimes kids can have allergies or sensitivity to allergens that dont present until later on allergy tests.
The allergist said DS1 was developing asthma and DS2 is on his way as well. We have 2 dogs and a cat which he told me should go. I have 2 yorkies which are supposed to be hypoallergenic but the allergist said that is a myth...they still have pet dander, and still carry dust, pollen, mold, etc. in from the outside. We have had other issues with our dogs since we had kids but I still can't bring myself to rehome them
IMO you should bring your DD to an ENT and get her checked out. There is no reason to let her suffer for a simple tube procedure if the ENT feels it will help. The allergist also told us that even if we got rid of our animals, their allergens will remain in our house for up to 6 mo. so it's not the quick fix you are expecting.
Message edited 2/14/2011 10:21:48 PM.
Posted 2/14/11 10:20 PM |

Member since 9/08 1493 total posts
Name: Dawn
Re: bad day vent and advice needed
Thanks for replying it all just stinks! It's killing me...I'm sitting here listening to her cough in her sleep We are probably going to end up taking her for the allergy tests...I just don't want to do it...I had the test 2 weeks ago and my arms were on fire and so freaking itchy and I wasn't suppose to move them...I can't imagine doing it to do you explain to a 19 month old whats happening.. Just hope its not as bad as it was for me and may be I am making it out to be worse then it is...IDK
As far as the tubes...its not the procedure that scares me its the anesthesia
Posted 2/15/11 9:05 PM |
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