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Biden and “co-Ed” sports

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Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Biden and “co-Ed” sports

Posted by JennP

I agree with the thought that there is some gray here but I also fall on the side of thinking that it's not really an issue.

First of all, this population is very small. It's not like millions of people and dozens of sports teams are being affected left and right. Young men born male are not going to join the female team to excel or because they couldn't make the other team. They will not want to do that for a host of reasons. It just doesn't work that way.

Second of all, anyone born male who ids as female is probably also taking hormones that might reduce her masculine features and negate that "advantage."

Thirdly, anyone who really is transgender at a young age is probably struggling so much that I would be curious how many of them are even going to play sports. This sort of circles back to number one - we are talking about very few people here.

I'm going beyond this issue for a moment here to say that I would really like to see the Republican party - as in the party and its tenets, not individual voters - "check itself" and have a reckoning over its homophobic and transphobic policies in general so maybe both sides of the aisle don't have to get so easily heated over this. It's 2021. Enough already.

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Excellent points.

Posted 1/21/21 11:16 PM


Member since 5/05

7557 total posts


Re: Biden and “co-Ed” sports

It already happened in Connecticut in 2018.

Posted 1/22/21 12:12 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Biden and “co-Ed” sports

Link doesn't work.

Posted 1/22/21 12:36 PM

10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06

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Re: Biden and “co-Ed” sports

Posted by Hofstra26

Link doesn't work.

Fixed it:

Posted 1/22/21 12:42 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Biden and “co-Ed” sports

Thx Chat Icon

Posted 1/22/21 12:49 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/14

7274 total posts


Biden and “co-Ed” sports

I don’t care about a transgender athlete playing on the gender specific team in which they identify. I do care that men who “aren’t good enough” to make them men’s team are allowed to try out for the women’s team, as if women’s sports are easier.

I can’t imagine telling my DD boys who aren’t good enough for the boys team can join the girls team because the girl’s team is isnt as good as the boy’s team. That’s bs.

Posted 1/22/21 1:59 AM

God Bless America

Member since 5/05

3572 total posts


Re: Biden and “co-Ed” sports

We cannot deny biology. I thought everyone was pro-science? Regardless of gender, there are biological differences that apply to everyone. I dont care if you are transgender, good for you, but biologically you are male, period. Any person may be too short or tall or disabled or have a disease or whatever else that prevents you from playing a sport and as unfortunate as it is, not everyone can do everything and that is the reality of life. I find it interesting that all week people celebrated Harris “breaking the glass ceiling” and saying “women can do anything” and then in the next breath are fine with a biological male inhibiting a biological female’s prospects for sports teams, awards and scholarships.

Posted 1/22/21 2:04 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/09

3073 total posts


Re: Biden and “co-Ed” sports

Posted by ChilisWife

We cannot deny biology. I thought everyone was pro-science? Regardless of gender, there are biological differences that apply to everyone. I dont care if you are transgender, good for you, but biologically you are male, period. Any person may be too short or tall or disabled or have a disease or whatever else that prevents you from playing a sport and as unfortunate as it is, not everyone can do everything and that is the reality of life. I find it interesting that all week people celebrated Harris “breaking the glass ceiling” and saying “women can do anything” and then in the next breath are fine with a biological male inhibiting a biological female’s prospects for sports teams, awards and scholarships.

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Posted 1/22/21 2:09 AM


Member since 2/09

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Me speaks pirate!

Re: Biden and “co-Ed” sports

Posted by ChilisWife

I find it interesting that all week people celebrated Harris “breaking the glass ceiling” and saying “women can do anything” and then in the next breath are fine with a biological male inhibiting a biological female’s prospects for sports teams, awards and scholarships.

I think most people said the opposite Chat Icon

Posted 1/22/21 2:11 AM

God Bless America

Member since 5/05

3572 total posts


Re: Biden and “co-Ed” sports

Posted by MC09

Posted by ChilisWife

I find it interesting that all week people celebrated Harris “breaking the glass ceiling” and saying “women can do anything” and then in the next breath are fine with a biological male inhibiting a biological female’s prospects for sports teams, awards and scholarships.

I think most people said the opposite Chat Icon

yes maybe on this thread...but many people support Biden’s new order.

Posted 1/22/21 2:14 AM


Member since 2/09

5674 total posts

Me speaks pirate!

Re: Biden and “co-Ed” sports

Posted by ChilisWife

Posted by MC09

Posted by ChilisWife

I find it interesting that all week people celebrated Harris “breaking the glass ceiling” and saying “women can do anything” and then in the next breath are fine with a biological male inhibiting a biological female’s prospects for sports teams, awards and scholarships.

I think most people said the opposite Chat Icon

yes maybe on this thread...but many people support Biden’s new order.


Posted 1/22/21 2:44 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 4/14

441 total posts


Biden and “co-Ed” sports

Ok so open the doors for me to be on women’s teams and women to be on men’s teams. Then there will be just teams. If that happens will there be less opportunities for athletes that are born female?

Posted 1/22/21 3:34 PM


Member since 2/09

5674 total posts

Me speaks pirate!

Re: Biden and “co-Ed” sports

Posted by Anotherplease

Ok so open the doors for me to be on women’s teams and women to be on men’s teams. Then there will be just teams. If that happens will there be less opportunities for athletes that are born female?

So you're male now?

Posted 1/22/21 3:57 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 4/14

441 total posts


Biden and “co-Ed” sports

Sorry meant men, it was a typo

Posted 1/22/21 4:31 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Biden and “co-Ed” sports

Posted by MC09

Posted by Anotherplease

Ok so open the doors for me to be on women’s teams and women to be on men’s teams. Then there will be just teams. If that happens will there be less opportunities for athletes that are born female?

So you're male now?

It is hard work keeping all of those multiple personalities straight. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/22/21 4:53 PM


Member since 2/09

5674 total posts

Me speaks pirate!

Re: Biden and “co-Ed” sports

Posted by Anotherplease

Sorry meant men, it was a typo

Gotcha. That's a pretty significant typo. It completely changes your identity Chat Icon

Posted 1/22/21 5:02 PM


Member since 6/05

3273 total posts


Re: Biden and “co-Ed” sports

Posted by JennP

I agree with the thought that there is some gray here but I also fall on the side of thinking that it's not really an issue.

First of all, this population is very small. It's not like millions of people and dozens of sports teams are being affected left and right. Young men born male are not going to join the female team to excel or because they couldn't make the other team. They will not want to do that for a host of reasons. It just doesn't work that way.

Second of all, anyone born male who ids as female is probably also taking hormones that might reduce her masculine features and negate that "advantage."

Thirdly, anyone who really is transgender at a young age is probably struggling so much that I would be curious how many of them are even going to play sports. This sort of circles back to number one - we are talking about very few people here.

I'm going beyond this issue for a moment here to say that I would really like to see the Republican party - as in the party and its tenets, not individual voters - "check itself" and have a reckoning over its homophobic and transphobic policies in general so maybe both sides of the aisle don't have to get so easily heated over this. It's 2021. Enough already.

My daughter is 11 and plays several sports. We have already ready encountered boys (multiple ones) on soccer and basketball teams that she plays. Right now it isn’t an issue as the kids are about the same size (sometimes the boys being smaller).

The size difference alone becomes an issue as they get older. While girls sports may not be easier as some have said the height, weight and muscle mass that comes with being a man makes a difference. I am curious if it opens the door for girls to play on a boys team. Today, girls can tryout for a boys team only if that sport isn’t offered for girls only (football is a good example). The chance a girl makes a football team is slim. Few positions would accommodate a females build. And then there is the safety aspect. If my son who is 6’3” and 200lbs doesn’t make the men’s soccer team in college can then tryout for the girls team. He would more than likely take a spot from a girl and would overpower players on the field. It would be dangerous.

Posted 1/22/21 5:33 PM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

22140 total posts


Re: Biden and “co-Ed” sports

Posted by Hofstra26

I agree with his EO to protect the rights of the LGBTQ community from discrimination but I think when it comes to sports specifically, this is unchartered territory that we're going to have to wade through until we figure out the right path to take.

I see both sides of the coin with this because you don't want to deny a person their right to participate simply because they were born a gender they don't identify with. But on the flip side, there is the reality of physical differences between men and women. I don't know what the answer is here but it will be interesting to see where the dust will settle with this issue.

I agree

While a man might identify mentally as a woman, physically he’s still a man and has a different level of strength

Posted 1/22/21 5:57 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

9511 total posts


Re: Biden and “co-Ed” sports

There is a reason that there is a differentiation between men's and women's sports team. If men didn't, in general, have a physical advantage over women there wouldn't be a need for separate teams. It's true that some women can probably play successfully on a team of men, but most can't. The playing field is not level. And because this has to do with biology and not identity it shouldn't matter how you identify, just what the biological make up of your body is. You should have to play for the team that is biologically fit for you and not the one that you identify with. Strict rules should be in place to enforce the lack of discrimination against people who now identify as the opposite sex but that's where the line should be drawn.

Posted 1/22/21 7:23 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

3986 total posts


Re: Biden and “co-Ed” sports

Posted by ChilisWife

We cannot deny biology. I thought everyone was pro-science? Regardless of gender, there are biological differences that apply to everyone. I dont care if you are transgender, good for you, but biologically you are male, period. Any person may be too short or tall or disabled or have a disease or whatever else that prevents you from playing a sport and as unfortunate as it is, not everyone can do everything and that is the reality of life. I find it interesting that all week people celebrated Harris “breaking the glass ceiling” and saying “women can do anything” and then in the next breath are fine with a biological male inhibiting a biological female’s prospects for sports teams, awards and scholarships.

Science and sports are for more complicated than "if you have a penis and extra testosterone, you are a better athlete."

Respectfully, I do not care about anyone's anecdotes. I could tell you about the female students in my school who could kick anyone's ass. It doesn't matter. I see no evidence that the number of people affected by this is anything but miniscule. I think it's fear mongering.

Posted 1/22/21 7:25 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

9511 total posts


Re: Biden and “co-Ed” sports

Posted by JennP

Posted by ChilisWife

We cannot deny biology. I thought everyone was pro-science? Regardless of gender, there are biological differences that apply to everyone. I dont care if you are transgender, good for you, but biologically you are male, period. Any person may be too short or tall or disabled or have a disease or whatever else that prevents you from playing a sport and as unfortunate as it is, not everyone can do everything and that is the reality of life. I find it interesting that all week people celebrated Harris “breaking the glass ceiling” and saying “women can do anything” and then in the next breath are fine with a biological male inhibiting a biological female’s prospects for sports teams, awards and scholarships.

Science and sports are for more complicated than "if you have a penis and extra testosterone, you are a better athlete."

Respectfully, I do not care about anyone's anecdotes. I could tell you about the female students in my school who could kick anyone's ass. It doesn't matter. I see no evidence that the number of people affected by this is anything but miniscule. I think it's fear mongering.

I'm just wondering, genuinely not being snarky, if you are an athlete that as competed in anything beyond high school level sports? I think that you shouldn't be so dismissive of someone else's genuine concerns. Not too long ago people said things about transgender people being such a small % of the population, did it really matter if they were allowed to use the bathroom they identify with?

Everyone who has a concern has a legitimate right to express that concern without it being considered fear mongering. No one hear is disrespecting transgender people. Howver, as shown in the article above it is already starting to affect high school sports. Now that it is so much more acceptable to be transgender I am sure you will see many more people who, rightfully so, will start publicly showing that they identify with a different gender than they were born. How we address this in the world of athletics, which has traditionally been separated by gender, is an important topic to a lot of people.

Message edited 1/22/2021 8:17:54 PM.

Posted 1/22/21 8:17 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/09

3073 total posts


Re: Biden and “co-Ed” sports

Posted by JennP

Posted by ChilisWife

We cannot deny biology. I thought everyone was pro-science? Regardless of gender, there are biological differences that apply to everyone. I dont care if you are transgender, good for you, but biologically you are male, period. Any person may be too short or tall or disabled or have a disease or whatever else that prevents you from playing a sport and as unfortunate as it is, not everyone can do everything and that is the reality of life. I find it interesting that all week people celebrated Harris “breaking the glass ceiling” and saying “women can do anything” and then in the next breath are fine with a biological male inhibiting a biological female’s prospects for sports teams, awards and scholarships.

Science and sports are for more complicated than "if you have a penis and extra testosterone, you are a better athlete."

Respectfully, I do not care about anyone's anecdotes. I could tell you about the female students in my school who could kick anyone's ass. It doesn't matter. I see no evidence that the number of people affected by this is anything but miniscule. I think it's fear mongering.

Respectfully, I would advise you to look into why Title IX is such a big deal and why it was even needed.

Posted 1/22/21 10:56 PM


Member since 2/09

18986 total posts


Biden and “co-Ed” sports

Not sure what people are afraid of but hey, this is the place to ***** and moan these days...

Posted 1/23/21 12:17 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/10

268 total posts


Re: Biden and “co-Ed” sports

People are afraid that biological girls that have worked hard to get to the top of their sport can not complete for scholarships and top ranks against biological males that are bigger, stronger and have different hormone levels that give them an unfair advantage in sports. I’m all for inclusion and for co-Ed sports at a young age, but this is ridiculous.
I hope every transgender person gets to live as the gender they identify, but as with all things in life, we can’t have it all. And I’m 100% fine with saying “you can identify as female but unfortunately you can’t play competitive sports as a female”. Society doesn’t have to bend in every possible way at the expense of the majority.

Posted 1/23/21 12:26 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/21

355 total posts


Re: Biden and “co-Ed” sports

Posted by Mrs213

Not sure what people are afraid of but hey, this is the place to ***** and moan these days...


Posted 1/23/21 12:37 PM
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