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Member since 1/07 9164 total posts
Name: Amanda
Boy and girl sharing a room...
So we have a 2 year old DS and an 8 week old DD.
We have a 3 bedroom house, but 2 bedrooms are upstairs and 1 is downstairs.
Right now DS has his own room and DD is in a crib in our room right next door. We are thinking that it will stay this way until she starts sleeping through the night.
So I am looking for opinions. When DD starts sleeping through the night, we are going to have DD and DS share a room so that we are all upstairs.
What do you think is a good age that they can share a room until? So how old would be too old for DS to have to share a room with his little sister? We are going to have to figure some things out and I want to know how long we have before we have to start moving things around. Thanks!
Posted 2/5/10 9:20 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 7/06 2742 total posts
Name: S
Re: Boy and girl sharing a room...
I guess my family is a total weird-fest because my brother and I shared a room until we moved out, LOL. We had our fair share of fights but we are super tight and he is like my best buddy now. All my friends couldn't believe how I dealt sharing a room with a boy but it was easy since they tend to be a bit more laid back.
Posted 2/5/10 9:24 AM |
Life is good.

Member since 1/07 9164 total posts
Name: Amanda
Re: Boy and girl sharing a room...
Posted by XcalystaX
I guess my family is a total weird-fest because my brother and I shared a room until we moved out, LOL. We had our fair share of fights but we are super tight and he is like my best buddy now. All my friends couldn't believe how I dealt sharing a room with a boy but it was easy since they tend to be a bit more laid back.
See, this is great. I love to hear all of the opinions and experiences. Your story makes me feel like we don't have to rush making big changes in our house! Thanks! And that's a great story that you are so close with your brother! Can I ask who is older and how close in age are you?
Posted 2/5/10 9:28 AM |
Skinny jeans are in my future
Member since 6/06 10258 total posts
Name: Baby Momma
Re: Boy and girl sharing a room...
If we have a another child in the near future, they will share a room for a few years no matter what sex...
Posted 2/5/10 9:30 AM |
Sooo Sleep Deprived....

Member since 7/06 2742 total posts
Name: S
Re: Boy and girl sharing a room...
Posted by jerseypanda
Posted by XcalystaX
I guess my family is a total weird-fest because my brother and I shared a room until we moved out, LOL. We had our fair share of fights but we are super tight and he is like my best buddy now. All my friends couldn't believe how I dealt sharing a room with a boy but it was easy since they tend to be a bit more laid back.
See, this is great. I love to hear all of the opinions and experiences. Your story makes me feel like we don't have to rush making big changes in our house! Thanks! And that's a great story that you are so close with your brother! Can I ask who is older and how close in age are you?
Sure! My brother is 3 years younger than I am.
Posted 2/5/10 9:31 AM |
It's a boy!!!

Member since 10/07 6453 total posts
Name: Jeannine
Re: Boy and girl sharing a room...
I think until 10 or 12 years old is reasonable. We tend to be very open in my house, people are constantly walking naked - going from the shower back to your room or looking for underwear in the laundry which hasn't quite made it upstairs yet
I understand the girl/boy thing but I really don't have an issue with siblings sharing a room. If you have the space when they get near adolescence than I would give them more privacy.
Posted 2/5/10 9:34 AM |
Let's Go Rangers!
Member since 1/07 14818 total posts
Re: Boy and girl sharing a room...
My niece and nephew share a room now at 10 and 8. The 10 year old just asked for some "privacy" so they put up a divider in between and it is held up by their dressers.
I think its fine
Posted 2/5/10 9:35 AM |
Life is good.

Member since 1/07 9164 total posts
Name: Amanda
Re: Boy and girl sharing a room...
Thanks everyone!
Posted 2/5/10 10:49 AM |
Is it summer yet?

Member since 8/06 7392 total posts
Name: Holly
Re: Boy and girl sharing a room...
My niece and nephew share a room and they get along great.
They are 5 and 8 and I don't see them getting separate rooms any time soon.
My cousins shared a room till their mid-teens when they started to get uncomfortable with it and put up a divider.
I think you have a long while to go before you have anything to worry about!
Posted 2/5/10 10:54 AM |
s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07 42079 total posts
Name: LB
Re: Boy and girl sharing a room...
I think it's fine to let them share a room for a few years at least. Maybe until your DS is 5? Then he can have the downstairs bedroom, he'll be much more self-sufficient by then.
Posted 2/5/10 11:00 AM |
Peanuts are here!

Member since 1/09 13591 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Boy and girl sharing a room...
my brother and I are 4 years apart. we shared a room until i was 12 and he was 8.
Posted 2/5/10 11:11 AM |
My Loves

Member since 5/05 15697 total posts
Name: Rebecca
Re: Boy and girl sharing a room...
I'm going to be in the same situation (but we only have a 2 bdrm) and my DH wants to move NOW! DS hasn't even been born yet.
He doesn't want to hear about them sharing a room past 3 or 4 years old.
Posted 2/5/10 11:23 AM |

Member since 2/07 2642 total posts
Name: Belladonna219
Re: Boy and girl sharing a room...
We too are in the same situation. Unless we move I have no problems having my DC sharing a room up untill they were around 12. I rather us all sleep on the same floor. Our masterbed room is huge so having DD's crib in there is not an issue either.
Posted 2/5/10 11:34 AM |
Life is good : )

Member since 3/09 1932 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Boy and girl sharing a room...
my niece and nephew are 2 yrs apart, they just got there own bedroom, I think if they are the opposite sex they should separate when puberty starts.
Posted 2/5/10 11:36 AM |
BAM 2009
I am who I am!!!
Member since 5/09 6081 total posts
Re: Boy and girl sharing a room...
My brother is 3 1/2 years older then I am and we shared a room until I was 9. We got along great. I think it all matters on how they get along with each other....
Posted 2/5/10 12:09 PM |
best buds!

Member since 5/09 11524 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Boy and girl sharing a room...
I think until one of them tells you, that they need their own space. The upside, less bickering I would think. My sister and I shared a room as little girls, and then again as teens, and we almost killed each other.
I dont think my brother and I would have fought so much had we shared a room instead.
Posted 2/5/10 12:12 PM |

Member since 12/05 10281 total posts
Name: Kiki
Re: Boy and girl sharing a room...
I only have 3 bedrooms and my step-sons have 1 room and my DD has the other. I was going to put Luke in the room with the boys but the boys are too old to have to share a room with a baby so we are thinking that Nina's room will be both their rooms until we can add on. Nina sleeps with us anyway so he really only plays in her room.
Posted 2/5/10 12:20 PM |
Re: Boy and girl sharing a room...
Posted by XcalystaX
I guess my family is a total weird-fest because my brother and I shared a room until we moved out, LOL. We had our fair share of fights but we are super tight and he is like my best buddy now. All my friends couldn't believe how I dealt sharing a room with a boy but it was easy since they tend to be a bit more laid back. Same here my bro and I are BF's now. Even though when we were kids we hated it I can honestly say that my brother being in the same room as me was great. Just to share a story...when I was sixteen I had fallen in and totally got my heart stomped on. I came home from school the day it happened and laid down. My bro came in and found me sobbing on my bed. He hugged for like an hour and made verbal threats about the guy. He was there whenever I needed to talk and the same went with me. Where as had we not shared a room I would have been crying on that bed by myself for days.
Posted 2/5/10 12:40 PM |
My babies
Member since 6/05 5229 total posts
Name: f
Re: Boy and girl sharing a room...
What type of house do you have? We have a rear dormered cape and we took the bigger room upstairs and put up a wall and 2 new entries and made it two smaller rooms. FM if you'd like to see pics! DH's best friend did it - materials cost $450 for everything! And he did it so quickly.
Mine are 20 months apart. We had DD in her room at first up there and DS in our room like you are doing until I woke up and he was standing up staring at me. That was when he was about 7 months.
They totally could have shared a room with no issues and I think now that they are such good friends they would have loved it. We put the wall up for selfish reasons since DD wakes up early and plays by herself in her room I didn't want her waking up DS and having to get ready for work with both of them awake.
It can definitely work out just fine though!
Posted 2/5/10 12:47 PM |
My children are a blessing!

Member since 5/05 2598 total posts
Name: Leslie
Re: Boy and girl sharing a room...
My kids are 2 1/2 years apart and have shared a room since DD was 8 weeks old.
I sort of split the room in half and had them on opposite ends. When we bought DS his big boy bed last winter, he asked for us to put his bed on the same side as DD. So they sleep about 4 feet from one another.
I think DS is too young (just 5 tomorrow) to go to a downstairs bedroom and DD is too young (2) for us (the parents) to move downstairs.
I think this way will be fine for at least a few more years.
Posted 2/5/10 12:48 PM |
I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05 20105 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: Boy and girl sharing a room...
My twins share a room. I am planning on having them share until they are at least 5.
Posted 2/5/10 12:51 PM |