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LIF Adolescent
Member since 6/11 658 total posts
BTDT moms: Birth plan for a VBAC
I'm due in a few weeks and by my next appointment I need to have my birth plan for my attempt at a VBAC. I'm getting really nervous and anxiety is setting in, mostly because I don't even know where to start. I assumed by OB would steer me in the direction in which to start my birth plan but he says he will do whatever I want (and he will comply as long as no risk to baby or me). So BTDT VBAC moms, PLEASE HELP! what was your birth plan? If you didn't have one, 1. What was your experience?
2. Did your water break way before you felt any contractions? (This is what happened to me with my 1st, and they had me go to the hospital right away, 2 hours after my water broke, they pressured me to start Pitocin and 30 hours later only got to 7 cm and then had a C section. WORST recovery, so I really am praying for a VBAC this time.
I've read that if you are trying for a VBAC you should stray away from being induced at all and minimize cervical checks (Which I'm taking as stay at home as long as possible after your water breaks). Any advice is VERY APPRECIATED
Posted 10/1/14 7:48 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/09 5751 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: BTDT moms: Birth plan for a VBAC
I had a successful VBAC last August and had no birth plan. When it came down to it, it was my OB who would ultimately tell me whether I could attempt it or not. I did make it clear each time thought that I wanted to VBAC.
I had plenty of checks bc there was no progress! I went past my due date. On my due date I was fingertip dilated and had been for a week. I was getting checked every 2-3 days. I went 3 days late. I woke up in the morning with contractions. I had an apptmt with my OB anyway but I went in early. I was checked and put on the monitor and after all that pain I was only 2-3 cm dilated. But, they sent me straight to the hospital. We stopped for breakfast a block from the hospital bc I was hungry and knew they wouldn't give me food and my water broke in the car! Got to the hospital and was almost 5 cm. Got the epidural which was the best thing ever. The contractions were too close together for me to deal with the pain (i wanted to avoid an epi) and 2 hours later I gave birth to my son, almost 9lbs and just shy of 23 inches!
Posted 10/1/14 10:47 AM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 6/11 658 total posts
BTDT moms: Birth plan for a VBAC
Thanks for sharing your experience!
Posted 10/2/14 11:30 AM |
LIF Infant

Member since 6/13 226 total posts
Name: shey
BTDT moms: Birth plan for a VBAC
Goodluck. I don't have birth plan either. Just believe in yourself. Your body will tell you what to do. I had a successful vbac December 2013
Posted 10/2/14 6:15 PM |
2 girls 4 me!

Member since 8/08 7878 total posts
Name: Mama mama mama....
Re: BTDT moms: Birth plan for a VBAC
1 - My VBAC (and c-section) story are on the Birth Story board. Overall the birth itself was a good experience and my recovery was great. My baby needed to go to the NICU (unrelated to the VBAC). The fact that I felt fine physically enabled me to take better care of her. BFing and pumping were 1000x easier after a VBAC too.
2 - My water broke in the middle of the night, and contractions started several hours later. (Totally different experience than with my older DD, where contractions started WAY before my water broke). My midwives kept in contact with me, but told me to stay home until I was in a more active phase of labor.
* Different docs are going to say different things about indictions for VBAC. Large doses of Pitocin, Cervadil, etc are not generally recommended. Sometimes low doses of Pit are ok, but even that is very situation-specific.
*Definitely minimize cervical checks once your water breaks; each one ups your risk of introducing bacteria into the vagina.
* I didn't have a plan per say. I knew that the baby was going to make their own damn rules and I was going to have to adjust. I wanted a drug-free birth but wound up opting for the epidural when we realized I went from 0-6 cm in 2.5 hours. OW. Surround yourself with supportive people (and maybe even hire a doula), stay home until you're in active labor, try to go drug-free if possible, and stay positive. You can do this!
Message edited 10/2/2014 9:12:49 PM.
Posted 10/2/14 9:08 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 6/11 658 total posts
Re: BTDT moms: Birth plan for a VBAC
Posted by mami
Goodluck. I don't have birth plan either. Just believe in yourself. Your body will tell you what to do. I had a successful vbac December 2013
Thank you!
Posted 10/3/14 1:48 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 6/11 658 total posts
Re: BTDT moms: Birth plan for a VBAC
Posted by TheDivineMrsM
1 - My VBAC (and c-section) story are on the Birth Story board. Overall the birth itself was a good experience and my recovery was great. My baby needed to go to the NICU (unrelated to the VBAC). The fact that I felt fine physically enabled me to take better care of her. BFing and pumping were 1000x easier after a VBAC too.
2 - My water broke in the middle of the night, and contractions started several hours later. (Totally different experience than with my older DD, where contractions started WAY before my water broke). My midwives kept in contact with me, but told me to stay home until I was in a more active phase of labor.
* Different docs are going to say different things about indictions for VBAC. Large doses of Pitocin, Cervadil, etc are not generally recommended. Sometimes low doses of Pit are ok, but even that is very situation-specific.
*Definitely minimize cervical checks once your water breaks; each one ups your risk of introducing bacteria into the vagina.
* I didn't have a plan per say. I knew that the baby was going to make their own damn rules and I was going to have to adjust. I wanted a drug-free birth but wound up opting for the epidural when we realized I went from 0-6 cm in 2.5 hours. OW. Surround yourself with supportive people (and maybe even hire a doula), stay home until you're in active labor, try to go drug-free if possible, and stay positive. You can do this!
Your response has given me more hope and confidence. Especially #2. Thank you for sharing your experience!
Posted 10/3/14 1:51 PM |
Love my crazy life!

Member since 1/10 9170 total posts
Re: BTDT moms: Birth plan for a VBAC
I had a vbac and no real birth plan My water broke before contractions. I called the dr, showered and changed all the sheets inmy house because I knew my fairy would be staying over to help with my older kids. Went to hospital and waited for contractions to start. Had an epi 20 hours after my water broke. At that time my dr gave me some pitocin to keep things moving. 24 hours after mywater broke I had my ds.
It was amazing and honestly I went in with an open mind and no stressing that a vbac had to happen and I think that helped me.
Posted 10/3/14 11:01 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 6/11 658 total posts
Re: BTDT moms: Birth plan for a VBAC
Posted by allIwant
I had a vbac and no real birth plan My water broke before contractions. I called the dr, showered and changed all the sheets inmy house because I knew my fairy would be staying over to help with my older kids. Went to hospital and waited for contractions to start. Had an epi 20 hours after my water broke. At that time my dr gave me some pitocin to keep things moving. 24 hours after mywater broke I had my ds.
It was amazing and honestly I went in with an open mind and no stressing that a vbac had to happen and I think that helped me.
Thanks for sharing! I hope it goes this way for me as well! (Praying) with my first I was told to go into hospital right away, and that's what I did and within hours they were forcing Pitocin in me and said I had to have the baby within 24 hours because I could get an infection and me and baby could be at risk. I have since switched doctors and I'm going to stay home as long as possible this time around. The only thing is that this baby is huge! Growing so fast and weighs so much already at 35 weeks. Hope size is not a problem with vbac.
Posted 10/5/14 3:59 PM |