BTDT Moms -Help- Work related
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My Girl

Member since 7/06 3395 total posts
Name: Tara
BTDT Moms -Help- Work related
Hi, Ava is now 2 1/2, and I am starting to loose it being at home full time. I think it is time to look for something part time- 2/3 days a week and put Ava in pre-school.
I don't really know what I can do that will be worth it - money wise. At most places I checked out- day care/school runs from $50-$65 a day. So I need to find something that will leave me with some take home cash after I pay for day care.
Here is my experience. I have a B.A. in Elementary Ed. After college, I subbed and then taught 5th grade in the city. Didn't love it. I then went on to work at Geico for a few years. Then , I sold advertising- good job/good money. Then, I finally ended up in Pharma sales- good job/good money/free car,gas ins. I did that for 5 years.
Then I had Ava. Love my girl to pieces...But I cannot watch another Barney video or schlepp around in sweats one more minute....I am really losing it!!!!!!
I need to feel like my own person again. I want to dress nicely, be around adults, earn some extra cash...
I feel guilty thinking of putting Ava in daycare - when financially we are ok at the moment and can live with out my income right now...But then I think I really need to do this for my own sanity.
Please help...any job suggestions?????????
Thanks, Tara
Message edited 1/20/2007 11:52:18 PM.
Posted 1/20/07 11:50 PM |
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Member since 5/05 27530 total posts
Name: me
Re: BTDT Moms -Help- Work related
I have no job suggestions, however, I can tell you, as someone who went back to work when my Ava was three months old, I need to work. I'm not even talking about money. I'm talking for my own sanity. We are lucky enough that my husband can stay home all day with her and work at night, so daycare's not an issue for us, but even if it was, I'd still be working. Do not feel guilty for wanting to have some time separate from your daughter. Some of us need that other side to feel complete. I know I sure do. I love my job, and while it's difficult to leave her on Mondays after spending the whole weekend together, she's better off beacuse I'm happy, and in turn, can be a better mommy because of it. So, no job advice, but lots of support!
Posted 1/21/07 7:05 AM |
LIF Infant

Member since 7/06 323 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: BTDT Moms -Help- Work related
Have you thought about either working as a teaching assistant or a sub (again)? Your perspective will be different now that you have your own child, so you may like it more than you did. Also, subbing gives you the flexibility to go in when you want to, and to decline if it's not a good day for you. Also, I know the district where I work, you can say that you will only sub in particular grades. Also, not sure how you'd feel about this since part of the reason you want to work is to get away from "the Barney scene," but what about looking for a job in a nursery school? Ava could probably attend for free or for a reduced rate. I completely understand your feelings about being home. While I know that some people absolutely love it, I loved going back to work after having DC, and I think I'm a better mother because I work. (Speaking just for myself-I have a tremendous amount of respect for people who love being SAHMs!)
Posted 1/21/07 7:36 AM |
Ready for the sun!

Member since 5/05 30339 total posts
Name: Properly perfect™
Re: BTDT Moms -Help- Work related
You could work PT as a receptionist or doing office work in a doctors office, those types of jobs are always in the paper.
Posted 1/21/07 8:05 AM |
Mommy to 3 boys!

Member since 5/05 4114 total posts
Re: BTDT Moms -Help- Work related
Don't feel guilty for wanting to get out of the house and have adult interaction. I think it's normal to feel that way. A happy mommy makes for a happy baby!! Anyway, since you have teaching experience, maybe subbing is the right job? Or if they have part-time teaching assistants?? Good luck!
Posted 1/21/07 8:20 AM |
My Girl

Member since 7/06 3395 total posts
Name: Tara
Re: BTDT Moms -Help- Work related
Thanks for all of the advice and support . I found a part time Bio-tech sales job online- I will keep you all posted...
Posted 1/21/07 12:29 PM |
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