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Weekend Warrior

Member since 3/08 2530 total posts
Name: Dulcinea
BTDT Moms, would you recommend the hospital tour?
DH does not think hospital tours are necessary and doesn't want to go. He is also the type who does not want to take classes or watch newborn/birthing videos... :P
Would you recommend it and how important is it to take a tour of the birthin center/maternity ward?
Posted 10/13/08 11:29 AM |
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family is all that matters

Member since 6/06 6513 total posts
Name: browneyes
Re: BTDT Moms, would you recommend the hospital tour?
it's not necessary by any means. but it was nice to see where to go and where things would be happening. i definitely felt more comfortable when i had the baby since i knew what everything looked like. i'm glad i did it
Posted 10/13/08 11:30 AM |

Member since 3/06 22093 total posts
Name: *********
Re: BTDT Moms, would you recommend the hospital tour?
No - Total waste of time, IMO.
Posted 10/13/08 11:32 AM |
Beyond Compare

Member since 5/05 17988 total posts
Re: BTDT Moms, would you recommend the hospital tour?
Personally I would recommend it especially if you are not familiar with L&D at the hospital you are going to.
For example...I thought you had to go to the emergency room but learned that I had to go straight up to L&D...where L&D was...what room to go to first...what the rooms looked like on the ward...what the procedures were...all of it was helpful in my opinion.
Of that I know where to go and what to do I wouldn't take the tour again but for the first time it was helpful to know in advance.
Posted 10/13/08 11:32 AM |
How did she turn 2 so quickly?

Member since 10/07 8257 total posts
Name: Blessed Mama of Kristina Elena
Re: BTDT Moms, would you recommend the hospital tour?
Posted by Ang-Rich
Personally I would recommend it especially if you are not familiar with L&D at the hospital you are going to.
For example...I thought you had to go to the emergency room but learned that I had to go straight up to L&D...where L&D was...what room to go to first...what the rooms looked like on the ward...what the procedures were...all of it was helpful in my opinion.
Of that I know where to go and what to do I wouldn't take the tour again but for the first time it was helpful to know in advance.
With EVERYTHING that Ang said I 100% agree!
Posted 10/13/08 11:33 AM |

Member since 5/05 20997 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: BTDT Moms, would you recommend the hospital tour?
Didnt do and dont need to do it. You find your way reall quickly when needed.
Posted 10/13/08 11:34 AM |
Blessed with 2blue/2pink

Member since 12/05 13341 total posts
Name: J
Re: BTDT Moms, would you recommend the hospital tour?
I skipped it and don't regret it - but if you're going to skip it, I would at least find out where you need to go (entrance to hospital)
Posted 10/13/08 11:34 AM |
Member since 5/05 3415 total posts
Re: BTDT Moms, would you recommend the hospital tour?
I didn't find the actual tour too informative but the information they give you about the hospital was helpful (ex. if we enter the hospital before 6am we need to go through the ER).
Although, it wasn't necessary, it was nice to get an idea of where everything was going to happen.
Posted 10/13/08 11:36 AM |
I am Batman!

Member since 5/05 4093 total posts
Name: I'm Batman, I tell you!
Re: BTDT Moms, would you recommend the hospital tour?
I don't think it's necessary. I didn't do it, but I happened to be admitted to L&D twice during my pregnancy, so I knew the drill anyway.
But I do think, as Ang said, the most important thing to know is to go to admitting first, not the ER, and be pre-registered cause you'll get through there in 3min, as opposed to the 20min it took me the first time I went.
Posted 10/13/08 11:36 AM |
Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05 12165 total posts
Re: BTDT Moms, would you recommend the hospital tour?
Posted by Smileyd17
Didnt do and dont need to do it. You find your way reall quickly when needed.
Same. Plus, my ultrascreen and Level II were both in the hospital--so I was familiar with the area.
Posted 10/13/08 11:37 AM |
I am Batman!

Member since 5/05 4093 total posts
Name: I'm Batman, I tell you!
Re: BTDT Moms, would you recommend the hospital tour?
Posted by krashnburn
I don't think it's necessary. I didn't do it, but I happened to be admitted to L&D twice during my pregnancy, so I knew the drill anyway.
But I do think, as Ang said, the most important thing to know is to go to admitting first, not the ER, and be pre-registered cause you'll get through there in 3min, as opposed to the 20min it took me the first time I went.
ETA After rereading the above, it seems to all depend on the hospital. If you call to ask where to go, that's probably all you really need to know.
Posted 10/13/08 11:38 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 4/06 1305 total posts
Name: Ali
Re: BTDT Moms, would you recommend the hospital tour?
I'm glad I had my tour. DH came and it's very imformative and calms you once you are in actual labor. You know what to expect for the most part, the rooms, equipment. Definately go.
Posted 10/13/08 12:03 PM |
Re: BTDT Moms, would you recommend the hospital tour?
It is not necessary. If you want to go bring a friend. I brought my friend. We were due around the same time and our DH were working.
Posted 10/13/08 12:14 PM |
LIF Toddler

Member since 2/08 402 total posts
Name: Maria
Re: BTDT Moms, would you recommend the hospital tour?
I was a BTDT mom, but I had not delivered at SNCH. We were so glad we did the tour! It was nice to become familiar with the environment, as I had anxiety about delivery. I definitely recommend it.
Posted 10/13/08 12:42 PM |
Hello Summer!

Member since 5/08 5916 total posts
Name: Hill
Re: BTDT Moms, would you recommend the hospital tour?
We did it just because it was included with the lamaze class. I thought it was pretty neat, I had no idea what it was going to be like and ofcourse seeing the nursery was amazing too!
Posted 10/13/08 1:01 PM |
Member since 8/05 4987 total posts
Re: BTDT Moms, would you recommend the hospital tour?
not necessary
Posted 10/13/08 1:10 PM |
Mommy's little YouTube Star!

Member since 8/05 14470 total posts
Name: Veronica
Re: BTDT Moms, would you recommend the hospital tour?
i didnt do any of these.. tour or classes of any type
I missed nothing. The hospital wheeled me everywhere i needed to go and nurses were extremely helpful. I know i probably wouldn't have remembered any of it anyway since i got there at 2am!!!
All i really need to know was the entrance to the ER. Even as a scheduled C/S all i wanted to know was where I had to go to check in, after that, they take care of everything else!
Posted 10/13/08 1:14 PM |
I love Gary too..on a plate!
Member since 5/06 32461 total posts
Name: me
Re: BTDT Moms, would you recommend the hospital tour?
I delivered at Winthrop
They have an orientation AND a tour. They are different.
I found the orientation to be great and informative. Where to park, where the L&D is located, what to bring, not to bring, etc....They had a ped to answer questions too.
I booked the actually tour on the only time they do it. At 1pm (that could have changed) on Mondays.
It was a waste of my time. They did not show us the triage area. They only showed us 1 labor room. We saw the "hallway" to the OR for the c-sections and the "hallway" to the nursery. So... except that I got a bag for my time, it was totally useless.
That being said, some people who took a childbirth class got to see a "better" tour.
But I was not about to pay for a class I did not care about just to have a better tour of the L&D.
Posted 10/13/08 1:17 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 12/06 1050 total posts
Re: BTDT Moms, would you recommend the hospital tour?
I say its important for your first child. This way when you DO go into labor you will know what to expect about where youll be and what your room will be like!! A tour is usually included in your childbirth class.
Message edited 10/13/2008 1:35:41 PM.
Posted 10/13/08 1:34 PM |
Turning a new page

Member since 5/05 9731 total posts
Name: Dina
Re: BTDT Moms, would you recommend the hospital tour?
I thought it was good just because they showed you the way to get into maternity ward.... on the day off when you are nervous, it's good to know where everything is.
Posted 10/13/08 2:04 PM |
Oh Happy Day!!

Member since 11/06 5689 total posts
Re: BTDT Moms, would you recommend the hospital tour?
Posted by Ang-Rich
Personally I would recommend it especially if you are not familiar with L&D at the hospital you are going to.
For example...I thought you had to go to the emergency room but learned that I had to go straight up to L&D...where L&D was...what room to go to first...what the rooms looked like on the ward...what the procedures were...all of it was helpful in my opinion.
Of that I know where to go and what to do I wouldn't take the tour again but for the first time it was helpful to know in advance.
I agree. I am a "planner" and I like to be familiar with my surroundings. Having taken the Lamaze class that included the tour was one of the best decisions we could've made. Being knowledgable about the delivery process, the pain management possibilities, what the dad's responsbilities would be, etc was very helpful for DH and I.
DH is also the kind of person that does not want the videos but he made it through the lamaze class with flying colors. He actually surprised me and was SO into it (don't tell him I told you so ). I recommend the tour and the class.
Posted 10/13/08 2:18 PM |
Re: BTDT Moms, would you recommend the hospital tour?
helpful but not crucial. my husband is still raving about how helpful the infant care classes were. he was just telling me that he hopes there will be a class to take when we are ready for potty training. he was not the "class type" before this.
Posted 10/13/08 2:27 PM |
Weekend Warrior

Member since 3/08 2530 total posts
Name: Dulcinea
Re: BTDT Moms, would you recommend the hospital tour?
thanks for everyone answers, i think i may just skip it since it's not convenient driving there just for the tour.
Posted 10/13/08 10:20 PM |
My Girls

Member since 11/06 9543 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: BTDT Moms, would you recommend the hospital tour?
Posted by Tine73
No - Total waste of time, IMO.
Posted 10/13/08 11:25 PM |
Baby # 3 is here!!!

Member since 7/05 21138 total posts
Name: Genna
Re: BTDT Moms, would you recommend the hospital tour?
DH and I went for the hospital tour. It was good to see where we would have to go when I went into labor. We didnt take any of the classes that the hospital offered...we just took the tour.
Posted 10/14/08 5:35 AM |
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