DS #1 is 20 mos, DS #2 is 10 weeks.

DS #1 has always been high maintenance. But ever since DS #2, I just can't handle him anymore.

Every time I nurse the baby, DS #1 has to be touching me. Usually he is playing w/ my hair or pressing up against my side. All of the "touching" between nursing and DS #1 is driving me nuts. I can't explain it, but I want to jump out of my skin. It is making me want to stop nursing because even though the baby is doing great, I cannot handle the way I feel.

I have never been a touchy feely person... my parents weren't big huggers when we were little, so maybe that has something to do with how I feel? Chat Icon

Has anyone gone through this? I don't know what to do anymore and I feel bad that I keep yelling at DS #1 to get off of me, lay down, go see daddy, etc. Chat Icon