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car seat for 1 year old

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LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

2697 total posts


car seat for 1 year old

Emma will be one. Do we get a new car seat or just turn the snug ride forward? Can anyone recommend their car seats they use with their one year olds?

Posted 3/2/08 10:36 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 12/06

16001 total posts


Re: car seat for 1 year old

A Snug Ride cannot be used forward facing. I have a Graco Comfortsport which has great ratings, cute patterns and is less than $100!

Posted 3/2/08 11:18 AM

Me and my Monkey

Member since 7/06

2437 total posts


Re: car seat for 1 year old

I use a Britax Roundabout for my 10 month old (he grew out of his snug ride at 6 month due to his length) and also formy 2 year old. I have a Britax Marathnon for my 4 1/2 yr old. They are expensive but they are the only company that tests for side crash impact and the fact that my straps NEVER twist like the other sats I had before I bought these. To me it was totally woth the extra money. I even bought the Fisher Price car seat that is made by Britax for them (cheaper) and I was not happy at all. I returned it and got my Roundabout.

Posted 3/2/08 11:21 AM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: car seat for 1 year old

If she still fits in her car seat and is comfortable there is no reason to switch her -- leave her rear facing in the infant seat. The next step is a "convertible" seat (Britax being a popular option) which should also be left in rearfacing for as long as possible. One year and 20 pounds is the absolute minimum for turning around the carseat, but its safer to stay rearfacing.

Our next step was the Britax Boulevard and we've been very happy with it. FYI - Today is the last day of the Britax sale on multiple web sites, so you can save like $60...

Posted 3/2/08 2:30 PM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: car seat for 1 year old

We switched have this one for my car

External Image

And this one for DH's car. It is the comfortsport that Summer mentioned, but the "boy" clothes are kinda fug.Chat Icon
External Image

Posted 3/2/08 2:40 PM

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