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The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06 24849 total posts
Name: Beth
Channel 2 news just called!
I have to call them back- they want to help me!!!!!
Posted 10/20/06 11:37 AM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Big sister to be!

Member since 11/05 2174 total posts
Re: Channel 2 news just called!
OMG - that's awesome! Is it Shame on You?
Posted 10/20/06 11:38 AM |
My new 71 Super Beetle

Member since 5/05 13476 total posts
Name: Scott
Re: Channel 2 news just called!
Cool - Good Luck beth
Posted 10/20/06 11:38 AM |
Nike. Just do it.
Member since 5/05 3303 total posts
Name: Brianna
Re: Channel 2 news just called!
Posted by Beth1210
I have to call them back- they want to help me!!!!!
this willl helP U
Posted 10/20/06 11:38 AM |
But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05 15379 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: Channel 2 news just called!
Thats awesome!
Posted 10/20/06 11:40 AM |
Partners in crime

Member since 10/05 14656 total posts
Name: Mama
Re: Channel 2 news just called!
That is great!
Posted 10/20/06 11:40 AM |

Member since 1/06 6887 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: Channel 2 news just called!
Posted 10/20/06 11:40 AM |
Where it all began....
Member since 5/05 24065 total posts
Re: Channel 2 news just called!
Posted 10/20/06 11:40 AM |
Where does time go?
Member since 12/05 9747 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: Channel 2 news just called!
just checking in and I saw this...
Here's a tip...make sure you have DRAMATIC story, that is what they want--say you still have moving boxes unpacked from moving in, blah, blah, blah (I believe that you are good there ) also, have LOTS of paper documentation ready to go--makes good TV...these guys like a story that they can report back that they "won" for you...
The tapes would ADD more obviously, I don't know where you are at with that...GOOD LUCK...and let me know what producer works with you if you can...
Posted 10/20/06 11:42 AM |
The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06 24849 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: Channel 2 news just called!
Posted by mommy2bellabean
just checking in and I saw this...
Here's a tip...make sure you have DRAMATIC story, that is what they want--say you still have moving boxes unpacked from moving in, blah, blah, blah (I believe that you are good there ) also, have LOTS of paper documentation ready to go--makes good TV...these guys like a story that they can report back that they "won" for you...
The tapes would ADD more obviously, I don't know where you are at with that...GOOD LUCK...and let me know what producer works with you if you can...
thanks! I will!
Posted 10/20/06 11:42 AM |
Member since 5/05 2771 total posts
Name: lisa
Re: Channel 2 news just called!

I hope they can do something for you.
Posted 10/20/06 11:43 AM |
My baby :-)

Member since 8/06 1548 total posts
Name: Christina
Re: Channel 2 news just called!
That's great news!! I hope it all works out for you!
Posted 10/20/06 11:43 AM |
R.I.P. Sweet Mia ♥

Member since 5/06 28918 total posts
Name: The Mystical Azzhorse! ™
Re: Channel 2 news just called!
Posted 10/20/06 11:44 AM |
Love my sailor

Member since 6/05 5793 total posts
Name: Christian
Re: Channel 2 news just called!
right on!! way to take charge!
Posted 10/20/06 11:45 AM |
Merry Christmas !!!

Member since 10/06 3308 total posts
Name: Kristen
Re: Channel 2 news just called!
Not to be a negative Nancy, but I think getting the media involved is not such a good idea. But, most on here seem to agree with you, so good luck.
Posted 10/20/06 11:47 AM |
J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06 32345 total posts
Re: Channel 2 news just called!
go get em!
Posted 10/20/06 11:49 AM |
Member since 5/05 10278 total posts
Re: Channel 2 news just called!
Posted by HollaGirl
Not to be a negative Nancy, but I think getting the media involved is not such a good idea. But, most on here seem to agree with you, so good luck.
Curious- how come?
Posted 10/20/06 11:50 AM |
boy mamma

Member since 5/05 2975 total posts
Name: Antoinette
Re: Channel 2 news just called!
that is awesome! I think you have a story for sure! I know shows such as fox 5 problem solvers and others really help people.
Message edited 10/20/2006 11:51:58 AM.
Posted 10/20/06 11:51 AM |
Merry Christmas !!!

Member since 10/06 3308 total posts
Name: Kristen
Re: Channel 2 news just called!
Posted by baghag
Posted by HollaGirl
Not to be a negative Nancy, but I think getting the media involved is not such a good idea. But, most on here seem to agree with you, so good luck.
Curious- how come?
It would be a different story is this was all over and done with, but it isnt. There still needs to be a solution from the garage, the co-op, tapes need to be viewed, etc. I think the gun has been jumped a bit. You cannot go on television and say "Someone stole our car, took it for a joy ride, and we are pretty sure it's the garage workers, but not sure". It is all speculation right now.
Just my opinion though.
Posted 10/20/06 11:52 AM |
Waste not, want not

Member since 6/06 7219 total posts
Name: Lois Mom Mommy Mama Ma
Re: Channel 2 news just called!
Wow. I'm suprised they called so quickly! Hopefully you can get those tapes ASAP now.
Posted 10/20/06 11:52 AM |

Member since 5/05 10767 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Channel 2 news just called!
Posted by HollaGirl
Posted by baghag
Posted by HollaGirl
Not to be a negative Nancy, but I think getting the media involved is not such a good idea. But, most on here seem to agree with you, so good luck.
Curious- how come?
It would be a different story is this was all over and done with, but it isnt. There still needs to be a solution from the garage, the co-op, tapes need to be viewed, etc. I think the gun has been jumped a bit. You cannot go on television and say "Someone stole our car, took it for a joy ride, and we are pretty sure it's the garage workers, but not sure". It is all speculation right now.
Just my opinion though.
I agree. This happened only a few days ago and while the way they are going about doing this may be frustrating and stressful ... it's not uncommon nor illegal. They run a business and need to protect their business first. They need to review the tapes, and THEN take the neccessary action and that takes time to sort through. What you may get from "channel 2" is added pressure to the management to get those tapes turned over, etc ... but I'm not sure it's a 'real story' yet to them. I know that is not what you want to hear. The situation s*cks and I would be just as ****** as you, but ... as an outsider, I don't think the garage/co-op/apartment building whatever is out of bounds quite yet. Maybe it will come to light that they will be, but remember, it is only a few days and they have to do their own personal investigation before they are going to "give anything or anyone up." If I owned the business I don't think I would just 'take the word' of anyone, let alone someone who moved in like a minute ago without investigating myself first. And that takes time. Sorry you are going through this!
Posted 10/20/06 11:59 AM |
Where does time go?
Member since 12/05 9747 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: Channel 2 news just called!
Posted by HollaGirl
Posted by baghag
Posted by HollaGirl
Not to be a negative Nancy, but I think getting the media involved is not such a good idea. But, most on here seem to agree with you, so good luck.
Curious- how come?
It would be a different story is this was all over and done with, but it isnt. There still needs to be a solution from the garage, the co-op, tapes need to be viewed, etc. I think the gun has been jumped a bit. You cannot go on television and say "Someone stole our car, took it for a joy ride, and we are pretty sure it's the garage workers, but not sure". It is all speculation right now.
Just my opinion though.
in TV, someone reaching out to her with interest in a story doesn't mean that it will be on the 5 o'clock news next will take weeks. They will investigate it just as much as Beth. Segments like that are primed as a "feel good" sock it to the bad man...if they don't feel like they have a strong case or that it won't be a dramatic "win" they won't air it...
sometimes people just have to hear the press is involved and they fold...
ETA: if that lady who slammed the door in that other woman's face acts anything like that, GOOD! And maybe that woman who got her car keyed does an "anonymous" interview about her prior experience (think dark shadow interview)
Message edited 10/20/2006 12:01:37 PM.
Posted 10/20/06 11:59 AM |
Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05 32475 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: Channel 2 news just called!
I think it will be just what you need. Good or bad you will have resolution and that's exactly what you want.
Posted 10/20/06 12:00 PM |
My two miracles!

Member since 5/06 17826 total posts
Name: Kristen
Re: Channel 2 news just called!
great news!!!! Keep us updated
Posted 10/20/06 12:03 PM |
The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06 24849 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: Channel 2 news just called!
they are taking a different appoarch- they aren't trying to get the tapes- they are doing something else
which is even better
I will post it once it's all worked out
Posted 10/20/06 12:06 PM |
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