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LIF Adult
Member since 1/17 2249 total posts
Class holiday gift collection, wwyd?
So this year I am class mom for my DS class. He is in a self contained class of 6 kids (including him). There is 1 teacher and 5 assistants. As the class mom, one of the responsibilities is collecting money from other parents to give at holidays and end of year parties. I was thinking of sending a letter out to put in each kid's backpack before Thanksgiving to their parents letting them know that I will be collecting for a group gift and if they are interested in participating, I am suggesting $60 from each parent, which comes out to be $10 for each staff member in the class per person. I figured I would be able to then give a $100 gift card for the teacher and $50 gc each for the 5 assistants, if everyone participates.... I was planning to put in the letter to send in the money by a certain date if they are participating.
I talked to another parent and she said she would first write the letter asking if there is any interest in doing a group gift, and then go from there, because if not enough people participate it may not be worth doing.
Posted 11/15/18 10:12 AM |
The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05 4431 total posts
Name: Karen
Class holiday gift collection, wwyd?
From what I have seen the last 8 years of being in self contained classes, there is rarely a "class gift". There just isn't enough kids to collect from because it is rare that every single family contributes. We just do our own gifts. We have though collected for the aides and bought them lunch or breakfast for the holidays. Most of the families also gave their own gift as well though.
Posted 11/15/18 11:19 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 6/16 989 total posts
Class holiday gift collection, wwyd?
We have been in self contained for 3 years now. In K and 1 there was never any mention of collecting for a class gift. It's been the same kids in the class since K and I don't see it changing. I don't forsee a class gift coming up this year either. I suppose every parent does their own thing. Personally, I would not be able to contribute $60 for a class gift. Between all his therapists and aide and teachers, I would have about 15 people to buy for, so I personally do not buy Christmas gifts for anyone.
Posted 11/15/18 12:20 PM |
Member since 5/05 2314 total posts
Class holiday gift collection, wwyd?
Due to the # of teachers, # of kids and cost I wouldn't do a group gift. I would send a note home explaining that a group gift doesn't seem feasible but you wanted to collect $5 from each family to get the teachers bagels and a fruit platter one day. However you know the school and parents best so if you think they would be up for the cost then you can give it a try!
Posted 11/15/18 12:30 PM |
Can't plan life...

Member since 8/08 2860 total posts
Class holiday gift collection, wwyd?
I think $60 is way too much to ask parents for. I would lesson it and get a "group gift" like breakfast or lunch for them all or nothing at all.
Posted 11/15/18 1:22 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/09 15659 total posts
Class holiday gift collection, wwyd?
$60 is WAY too much to ask people to contribute. Over the years we have had a hard enough time trying to get $10 - $20!
Posted 11/15/18 1:33 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/17 2249 total posts
Re: Class holiday gift collection, wwyd?
Thanks all. This is my first go round at this and I know the class moms in the past years my son has been in this same size classroom had asked for a similar amount but know that money can be tight for some. I will see if there is any interest at all in doing anything.
Posted 11/15/18 1:37 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/12 4043 total posts
Name: Christina
Re: Class holiday gift collection, wwyd?
I agree $60 is a lot. My dd is in a small private school. There’s 15 students in the class and they are collecting $7 from each student for the teacher and all the specials teachers. We can also each give a small token gift in addition to the class gift (which is a gift card)
Posted 11/15/18 7:56 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 2/16 253 total posts
Class holiday gift collection, wwyd?
First I commend you for volunteering! I sit on our PTA board and we rarely get any volunteers to be the class mom for our special ed classes. I think it’s great that you are trying to include all the children but due to the low number of kids but large number to buy for, I don’t think group monetary is best way to go. Maybe each child could decorate 1 picture frame that you provide ($1 store), to give to the teachers. That way they are all involved. I would let the individual families decide gifts based on what they feel comfortable with. My biggest hit has been a video montage that I made the teacher- the whole class emailed me videos and I put it together. Something to treasure!
Message edited 11/15/2018 9:09:16 PM.
Posted 11/15/18 9:08 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 2/13 330 total posts
Class holiday gift collection, wwyd?
In our class ( special , contained 8 kids) too there is no collection any year. I wish there was a class mom.. I just do my own thing every year
Message edited 11/15/2018 9:52:39 PM.
Posted 11/15/18 9:51 PM |
Re: Class holiday gift collection, wwyd?
$60 is ridiculous, no one is going to participate. I did the collection for my son's 12:1 at the end of the year in 4th and I only had 8 people put in $10. So she got a $75 gc and a card.
She actually posted the card on social media because it was what meant the most to her, so idk that the dollar amount is what matters
Posted 11/16/18 12:45 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/17 2249 total posts
Re: Class holiday gift collection, wwyd?
Maybe this school is out of the norm? Idk. The past few years my son has been there, whoever the class mom was always collected that amount of $ (was suggested to me by PTA president even) and everyone gave... but I could understand not everyone can or would want to give. In years past, I was just happy I didn't have to buy additional gifts for the teachers and aides because it does add up between teacher, aides, therapists, bus drivers... I will reach out to the parents to see if there is any interest, with no obligation. Thanks for the feedback.
Posted 11/16/18 3:44 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/17 2249 total posts
Re: Class holiday gift collection, wwyd?
Posted by Cruisin
First I commend you for volunteering! I sit on our PTA board and we rarely get any volunteers to be the class mom for our special ed classes.
Lol I was sort of roped into it because no one else wanted to do it!
Posted 11/16/18 3:46 PM |
LIF Toddler
Member since 2/14 454 total posts
Re: Class holiday gift collection, wwyd?
Posted by BargainMama
$60 is WAY too much to ask people to contribute. Over the years we have had a hard enough time trying to get $10 - $20!
Exactly ....way too much. There are many families out there struggling to put decent gifts under the tree for their own kids. Now they have to spend tons of money for the teachers?
Posted 11/29/18 7:05 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/17 2249 total posts
Re: Class holiday gift collection, wwyd?
Just wanted to update, this year I am not the class mom, I refused to sign up this year since last year only one other parent gave me $.... there are 2 class moms this year, that asked for $90 for the group gift. I think its a school thing.
Posted 11/14/19 2:34 PM |
The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05 4431 total posts
Name: Karen
Class holiday gift collection, wwyd?
Wow I can't imagine asking $90 for a class gift. I'd be interested to see how many families send that in.
Posted 11/14/19 5:20 PM |
Re: Class holiday gift collection, wwyd?
$90 is crazy. I get it, I did collections for my son's class too when he was in self-contained, but the most I ever got was $80 TOTAL.
Ha. I said the same thing last year
Message edited 11/15/2019 11:46:14 AM.
Posted 11/15/19 11:45 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/09 856 total posts
Re: Class holiday gift collection, wwyd?
$60 is a lot to ask, especially for families that can’t afford that much. $90 is insane! I’m a teacher and I wouldn’t want any family to spend that much on me or my TA’s.
Posted 11/25/19 12:08 AM |

Member since 1/14 7997 total posts
Class holiday gift collection, wwyd?
I agree its too much, kudos to you for taking on the role. What about $10.00 from each and bring in a nice lunch during school or afterschool
Message edited 11/26/2019 11:41:48 PM.
Posted 11/26/19 11:41 PM |