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Member since 10/06 3917 total posts
Collection Agency Question
Hi All,
I was contacted a few months back by a collection agency for a debt from a credit card that I am not sure was even mine. The debt is for $1900.00. They have not provided any proof that the debt is mine, although they say it dates back to when I was in college.
In any event, I have asked them REPEATEDLY not to call me at work and they continue to do so. So last week, I was so tired of dealing with this low life that kept calling me so I asked to speak to his manager. Well, as if I thought there couldn't be any lower of the low! This guy is out of control. He is threatening to call my boss to verify employment and then he uttered the words "garnish my wages". I dont think this is even my account!
So I was just doing to reading on their company and I just read that the attorney general of Illinois just filed a suit against them in January 2007 for violation of the law (basically doing everything I just stated).
I am sending a cease and desist letter today. I guess my question is this: Is that all I have to do to get them to stop contacting me?
Once they stop contacting me, I will look into the debt further and if it is mine, I will take care of it. But these guys have been harassing me over something they haven't been able to prove.
Message edited 2/27/2007 8:54:55 AM.
Posted 2/27/07 8:54 AM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Re: Collection Agency Question
I would get in touch with your lawyer.
Posted 2/27/07 8:59 AM |
Cake from Outer Space!
Member since 5/05 14021 total posts
Re: Collection Agency Question
Get your credit reports and see if this debt is listed on the reports. If it is, contact the agencies and tell them it's an error and they will look into it.
As far as the collection agency, what they are doing is illegal. Do you have a record button on your phone? If you do, record the conversation and then tell them you are calling and pressing charges.
Posted 2/27/07 8:59 AM |
Very Happy!
Member since 10/06 3917 total posts
Re: Collection Agency Question
Posted by shamrock124
Get your credit reports and see if this debt is listed on the reports. If it is, contact the agencies and tell them it's an error and they will look into it.
As far as the collection agency, what they are doing is illegal. Do you have a record button on your phone? If you do, record the conversation and then tell them you are calling and pressing charges.
It is on my credit report- I ran it last week. So I need to look into it further. It dates back to 1997! In any event - I think what they are doing IS illegal! Soyou think I should start with a cease and desist letter?? That should at least get them off my back, right?
Posted 2/27/07 9:01 AM |
Very Happy!
Member since 10/06 3917 total posts
Re: Collection Agency Question
and most of the time when they call it's at work so I can't record them. I did have like 20 messages on my home answering machine but I erased them.
Posted 2/27/07 9:02 AM |
Rocking the party

Member since 5/05 4937 total posts
Name: Vicki
Re: Collection Agency Question
Yes - by law they have to stop bothering you if you tell them over the phone - which you did. You can contact a lawyer and have them write a letter to these people.
I would suggest pulling your credit report and see if you have a $1900 debt on there. If you don't then just ignore them. Compaies like this like to buy extremely old debt that is just about to fall off your credit report and threaten people to pay it off. Once they do, it goes right back on your report for another 7 years.
We had this experience with an old MCI account that my DH had in college. He tried every which way to pay it off and could never get a straight answer or address from MCI. It's off his credit report now, but a company recently did to us what they are doing to you now. When he called they answered the phone "Hello?" So ummm, yeah, I'm not giving you my money.
Posted 2/27/07 9:03 AM |
<3 <3 <3 <3

Member since 1/06 19197 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: Collection Agency Question
what is this company's name? (you can FM me if you want). I had a similar experience (I think I posted about it last year). I looked them up on the internet and there were lots of complaints about them trying to collect $$ that people didn't even owe. I disputed the charges with the credit agencies (it was also on my credit report) AND threatened to go to the police for and charge them with fraud. Notl 4 weeks later did I get a letter saying I won the dispute and this item would come off my credit report.
Posted 2/27/07 9:15 AM |

Member since 5/05 28602 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Collection Agency Question
Posted by LaPetiteSirène
I would get in touch with your lawyer. Ditto. Get your credit reports & see if this agency shows up or if the original debt shows up. When you send the cease and desist letter, send it certified mail & also alert them that a copy has been sent to your attorney. Finally, in the cease & desist letter detail the days & times (or at least the frequency during a given period) of the phonce calls during which you informed them not to call you at work. Also re-count that you have informed them that is it NOT ok to call & verify your employment until it is proven that you are the owner of the debt.
Sorry you are going through this
Posted 2/27/07 9:19 AM |
The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05 18163 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Collection Agency Question
Checl to m,ke sure it's yours. You have a certian period of time to formally dispute the debt, after which you become liable for it
Posted 2/27/07 9:19 AM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 10/05 798 total posts
Name: Joanne
Re: Collection Agency Question
Posted by Lauren
Posted by shamrock124
Get your credit reports and see if this debt is listed on the reports. If it is, contact the agencies and tell them it's an error and they will look into it.
As far as the collection agency, what they are doing is illegal. Do you have a record button on your phone? If you do, record the conversation and then tell them you are calling and pressing charges.
It is on my credit report- I ran it last week. So I need to look into it further. It dates back to 1997! In any event - I think what they are doing IS illegal! Soyou think I should start with a cease and desist letter?? That should at least get them off my back, right?
If it is from 1997, do not pay anything. I saw on the news a while back that the new thing is for these collection agencys to buy old past debt and then they harass people for the money. It should not be on your report after 7 years and I think the show said that if you pay even a little bit it will be back on your report for the next seven years. It is so shady and i think it even sounds illegal, but somehow they are getting away with this.
Posted 2/27/07 9:37 AM |
Member since 8/06 13103 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Collection Agency Question
Don't talk to them on the phone. Send them a cease and desist letter certified mail return receipt. Also if the debt is from 97 it is out of the statue of limitations so they can not legally collect on it or sue you. Never ever give them any information....if they say the debt is yours they have to prove it not you.
Posted 2/27/07 9:48 AM |

Member since 5/05 16438 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: Collection Agency Question
Posted by jnico
Posted by Lauren
Posted by shamrock124
Get your credit reports and see if this debt is listed on the reports. If it is, contact the agencies and tell them it's an error and they will look into it.
As far as the collection agency, what they are doing is illegal. Do you have a record button on your phone? If you do, record the conversation and then tell them you are calling and pressing charges.
It is on my credit report- I ran it last week. So I need to look into it further. It dates back to 1997! In any event - I think what they are doing IS illegal! Soyou think I should start with a cease and desist letter?? That should at least get them off my back, right?
If it is from 1997, do not pay anything. I saw on the news a while back that the new thing is for these collection agencys to buy old past debt and then they harass people for the money. It should not be on your report after 7 years and I think the show said that if you pay even a little bit it will be back on your report for the next seven years. It is so shady and i think it even sounds illegal, but somehow they are getting away with this.
Yup, it's true. I had a client who had this problem last year. The company went so far as to sue in Municipal Court. I went with my client to defend, and when I demanded actual DOCUMENTATIOn with my client's signature proving the loan was his, they couldn't produce anything. All they produced was documentation showing they had purchased the loan from another collection agency, which proves nothing. The judge went on a tirade for about 30 minutes making the lawyer look like a total jack*** and threw the case out. The attorney hightailed it out of there and we never heard another word from him since... I was quite proud of myself - it was my first case, and my first win (patting on back)
Posted 2/27/07 9:54 AM |
Member since 2/06 1827 total posts
Re: Collection Agency Question
I had a similar experience with a debt collection agency although the debt was my FIL. My DH and FIL have the same name so the repeatedly called my home. I told them time after time that he does not leave at this address and that I have no info. They continued to call. I filed a complaint with the FTC and have not heard from them since.
Good Luck FTC Complaint Form
Posted 2/27/07 10:04 AM |
Daylight savings :)

Member since 5/05 13973 total posts
Name: D
Re: Collection Agency Question
I would do more research with the credit report company. I had something listed on my report that was brought to my attention when I was applying for a new credit card. It was for a credit card that was my mom's that was never paid off after she died. I have no idea why it ended up on my report, but the reporting company told me the account number, bank that issued the card and the date it was opened. I was able to figure out that it was a cc opened when I was 16, so there was no way it could have been mine.
Good luck!
Posted 2/27/07 10:14 AM |
Two in Blue

Member since 5/05 20223 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Collection Agency Question
To repeat what a few other posters said this is illegal 1. It is out of the staute of limitations 2. They do have to show you YOUR original signature to collect whjich is moot because it is ouit of the statute of limitations.
3. Check out They have sample letters. Copy one add your info (no SS #!!!) and send them this letter combined with a cease and desist order and send it certified return receipt requested. FM me if you need help.
Posted 2/27/07 3:37 PM |
Happy Mommy
Member since 9/06 4074 total posts
Re: Collection Agency Question
Yes a C&D should do the trick. What they are doing is illegal. First, a collector can not talk to or threaten to talk to your employer or anyone other then the debtor for that matter. It's harrassment and you can talk to a lawyer. Basically, if an individual who owes a debt requests that no contact be made via business phone # then the company is supposed to stop calling the business #. The idiot you spoke with should have connected you to a supervisor when you asked for one, but started threatening you instead...harrassment. I would not pay anything until you get verification in writing that this debt exists and you compare that with your records. You may also contact the credit reporting agencies and have them look into the debt to see if it's valid. You just started getting calls out of the blue about this? How much time elapsed?
They are no where near garnishing your wages at this time...there isn't even a judgement against you. That is also harrassment. If there is a home office, I would call them and request an internal investigation as to why you were threatened and harrassed.
I used to work for collection (auto loans) and we could not even say we were repo-ing a car unless they were literally about to get repo'd. If someone said that too early they would be investigated.
Good luck!
Posted 2/27/07 4:02 PM |
Family of 4! :o)

Member since 8/06 6655 total posts
Name: Theresa
Re: Collection Agency Question
Everything they are doing is illegal and in violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act which was enacted by the government to protect consumers. They can't call you at work and, if you tell them not to call you at home, they can't do that either. They have to send you a validation of debt letter within 30 days of you requesting it. If you send a cease and desist letter, make sure you send it certified return receipt. This way, you have proof they received it. How long ago was the debt? If you live in NY and it is 6 years older or more, it's most likely past the statute of limitations on collections. Either way, consult with an attorney and report this agency to the Attorney General's office. If they persist, you can call the Sheriff's office and ask them for assistance as well.
I went through something similar for a debt that wasn't even mine but the collection agency didn't believe me.
Hope that helps. FM me if you need more info.
Posted 2/27/07 4:03 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 11/05 6870 total posts
Name: Maureen
Re: Collection Agency Question
Like melijane said, creditboards is a great website. It will help you with letters to send.
If the debt was charged off in 1997, technically it should have been off your credit report in 2004 BUT if it were opened in 1997 and charged off a few years later then it could still remain for a little bit.
Definitely do not pay the collection agency. They are breaking about a thousand laws doing that to you...the SOL (statute of limitations) is definitely past, they have no right to collect now.
Good luck. Definitely make copies of everything you send and always send certified return receipt. They HAVE to remove the neg. info from your report if they can't answer your dispute within 30 days.
I know all this b/c I unfortunately went through hell when i made credit mistakes in college when i was 18...NEVER again would i do it, but i learned my lesson the hard way.
Posted 2/27/07 4:05 PM |
Kasey & Me! Lurves it!

Member since 7/06 8703 total posts
Re: Collection Agency Question
I would file the cease and desist AND contact the NY Attorney General in Albany. I would also contact a lawyer!
Posted 2/27/07 4:13 PM |
Sister love

Member since 2/06 5971 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Collection Agency Question
Whats the name of the company? They contacted DH last year. Merchant Credit something. Big scammers. Do the cease and desist letter, contact their attorney general and ours.
Posted 2/27/07 4:16 PM |
Very Happy!
Member since 10/06 3917 total posts
Re: Collection Agency Question
The name of the company is Leading Edge and I read this morning they had this lawsuit filed against them for the same thing they are doign to me.
Leading Edge
Posted 2/27/07 4:22 PM |
Family of 4! :o)

Member since 8/06 6655 total posts
Name: Theresa
Re: Collection Agency Question
Posted by Lauren
The name of the company is Leading Edge and I read this morning they had this lawsuit filed against them for the same thing they are doign to me.
Leading Edge
Definitely report them to the NYS Attorney General's office. It will help strenghten their case against them and hopefully shut them down.
Posted 2/27/07 4:28 PM |