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Blessed with 2blue/2pink

Member since 12/05 13341 total posts
Name: J
Daycare moms of non-walkers
What do they keep your DC in? I went to visit our daycare yesterday and noticed there were 3 babies in the room - one in exersaucer (just kind of sitting there, not playing with it), other in Jumperoo and the other was being held. Do they just rotate them between jumperoo and exersaucer? I didn't see any normal chairs (like newborn to toddler rocker).
Posted 8/30/08 10:02 AM |
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Member since 1/07 2495 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Daycare moms of non-walkers
They keep my DH in the exersaucer, the bouncer and when he was younger (3-5 months) the swing. They also took them for lots of walks and he was in the stroller. Otherwise, he would be sleeping the pacnplay or being held. Now he can sit up, so he will sit on playmats.
Posted 8/30/08 10:08 AM |
Member since 12/06 16001 total posts
Name: *
Re: Daycare moms of non-walkers
The babies should be playing on the floor, getting tummy time, etc. I would be leary of a place that just keeps them "cooped" up.
Posted 8/30/08 10:26 AM |
My 3 Blessings

Member since 3/06 6551 total posts
Name: L
Re: Daycare moms of non-walkers
my day care has a gated off area for the infants. DS crawls now, but he had just what he had at home at my day care. He has the rubber playmats to play and explore, lots of toys. He also has the exersaucer etc... but he has plenty of room to play.
Posted 8/30/08 10:31 AM |
The cutest!

Member since 1/07 2495 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Daycare moms of non-walkers
Posted by Summerrluvv
The babies should be playing on the floor, getting tummy time, etc. I would be leary of a place that just keeps them "cooped" up.
Yes - I should add, that they did put my DS on the floor alot for tummy time. WHen I reread my post it sounded like they were shuffling him from seat to seat!
Posted 8/30/08 10:31 AM |
Blessed with 2blue/2pink

Member since 12/05 13341 total posts
Name: J
Re: Daycare moms of non-walkers
Posted by Summerrluvv
The babies should be playing on the floor, getting tummy time, etc. I would be leary of a place that just keeps them "cooped" up.
I know they take them outside a lot - and I was just there for 15 minutes and was told they were all just getting up from their naps, so I'm sure they were just placed in something so they could pull stuff together to go out. I picked this particular daycare b/c I know they spend a lot of time outdoors, but having recently read there should be time limits on time spent in exersaucer/jumperoo, I wondered what other places do.
Posted 8/30/08 10:31 AM |

Member since 3/06 22093 total posts
Name: *********
Re: Daycare moms of non-walkers
Mine has exercausers, swings and bouncy seats. Before DD was mobile, they rotating her in those, held her, gave her tummy time etc...
Posted 8/30/08 10:32 AM |
Mom of 2 Princesses

Member since 9/07 2540 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: Daycare moms of non-walkers
Posted by Tine73
Mine has exercausers, swings and bouncy seats. Before DD was mobile, they rotating her in those, held her, gave her tummy time etc...
Megan goes to the same one as Tine73 and they rotate the toys for the older babies with the ones for younger - so they will leave Megan in her crib while the crawlers are playing and then put the crawlers in their cribs to give Megan some time on the mat with age appropriate toys for her.
They keep the toys in a closet or out of the way and rotate them in and out. Maybe thats what your daycare does too.
Posted 8/30/08 11:09 AM |
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Member since 6/05 1980 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Daycare moms of non-walkers
also, bouncy seat, swing, and laying on the floor (back and chest), sometimes with the boppy pillow. My daycare also has special tables with the seats built-in for the babies who can sit with head control- maybe from 3 months up.
Posted 8/30/08 9:08 PM |