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December Babies- School cut off date

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LIF Adult

Member since 4/11

2644 total posts


December Babies- School cut off date

My EDD is Dec 16th and although I know ths is way far off, I am trying to figure out what the bday cut off date is for public schools in Nassau County. Does LO have to be born before Dec 1 to make it in to that years class?

Anyone have any idea?

Posted 7/7/11 1:41 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 10/09

1651 total posts


Re: December Babies- School cut off date

In Long Island the cut off is November 30th. My birthday is December 12th, I started school in Staten Island and NYC education system has a cut off date of December 31st.

Posted 7/7/11 1:43 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/11

2644 total posts


Re: December Babies- School cut off date

Posted by jamiemarie12

In Long Island the cut off is November 30th. My birthday is December 12th, I started school in Staten Island and NYC education system has a cut off date of December 31st.

Thank you!!! Is that the same for all districts in Long ISland? Do you know if its a hard and fast deadline or if it is up to the child's parents to decide if their child is ready?

Thanks so much again!!

Posted 7/7/11 1:51 PM

My boys :-)

Member since 3/09

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Re: December Babies- School cut off date

Dec 16th is a fabulous EDD Chat Icon (that's my birthday). Not sure what it is but it may depend on school district on LI. Just call the school district you're in. I'm a Queens girls so I went into kindergarten at 4 yrs old. I do hear it's earlier on LI.

Posted 7/7/11 1:58 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/11

2644 total posts


Re: December Babies- School cut off date

Posted by bluekat16

Dec 16th is a fabulous EDD Chat Icon (that's my birthday). Not sure what it is but it may depend on school district on LI. Just call the school district you're in. I'm a Queens girls so I went into kindergarten at 4 yrs old. I do hear it's earlier on LI.

Well thanks, I think so too!!! Chat Icon
Im a queens girl myself, but born in May- I remember Dec 31 being the date though for NYC public schools.

Did it ever bother or effect you that you were one of the younger kids in teh classroom?

Im in Manhasset, I just called the school- it is in fact Dec 1. Its so far off that could change and you never jknow what happens anyway, but people started putting thoughts in my head and already asking if I would hold LO back or have them being one of the younger kids in class- it just got me thinking and the curiosity was getting to me!!

Thanks ladies!

Message edited 7/7/2011 2:12:01 PM.

Posted 7/7/11 2:10 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

11767 total posts


Re: December Babies- School cut off date

Most are Dec 1st...but some are 12/ northport.

There are ways around it can enroll in private kindergarten and start 1st grade early.

I'm 12/28 and I think there were more benefits for me starting later and being older.

Posted 7/7/11 2:10 PM

GAW my baby boy <3

Member since 8/10

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Re: December Babies- School cut off date DH's b-day is 12/17. We grew up in Suffolk County & we were in the same grade. (He is 6 months older than me) so if he were born in Nov, he would of graduated a year b/f me.

Posted 7/7/11 2:11 PM

loving my babies!

Member since 4/08

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Re: December Babies- School cut off date

My sisters birthday is Dec right on the cut off. My mom had to have her evaluated by the school in order to determine if she should start kindergarten when she was 4 or not. She ended up being ready, academically and socially but I know ALOT of parents nowadays end up keeping their kids back until they are 5, and that is totally normal and accepted. There are benefits to both. As for my sister being one of the youngest in her grade, she did fine...always had tons of friends and involved in stuff and in honors classes. so it worked out for her. I cant believe people are asking you about this before your baby is even born though!!!

Posted 7/7/11 2:20 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/09

1651 total posts


Re: December Babies- School cut off date

Posted by Budjeg11

Posted by bluekat16

Dec 16th is a fabulous EDD Chat Icon (that's my birthday). Not sure what it is but it may depend on school district on LI. Just call the school district you're in. I'm a Queens girls so I went into kindergarten at 4 yrs old. I do hear it's earlier on LI.

Well thanks, I think so too!!! Chat Icon
Im a queens girl myself, but born in May- I remember Dec 31 being the date though for NYC public schools.

Did it ever bother or effect you that you were one of the younger kids in teh classroom?

Im in Manhasset, I just called the school- it is in fact Dec 1. Its so far off that could change and you never jknow what happens anyway, but people started putting thoughts in my head and already asking if I would hold LO back or have them being one of the younger kids in class- it just got me thinking and the curiosity was getting to me!!

Thanks ladies!

If they will allow your LO to start I would start him or her. I moved from Staten Island to Long Island and I was the youngest in my grade. I never felt different or out of place. My birthday was just last. I was the last to get a permit and turn 16 and so on. But now I am also the last that will turn 30 out of all my friends lol. Academically I was right on target being younger did not have an effect at all.

Posted 7/7/11 2:23 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/11

2644 total posts


Re: December Babies- School cut off date

I have to admit that the thought did cross my mind when I first realized we would, be Gods willing, having a dec baby.

BUt after we announced to family, it was brought up on numerous occasions by one of my close family members-- that wouldnt let it go- LOLOL.

Posted 7/7/11 2:23 PM

2 little ladies

Member since 1/11

2918 total posts


Re: December Babies- School cut off date

The cut off date is usually 11/30. As a teacher I can usually tell if a student is a fall baby or not, especially boys. There are always exceptions where students adjust and progress perfectly.

I am a Dec baby and always saw the advantages of being the oldest. My due date for the twins is 11/15 and I know keeping them back a year is already a consideration. Most of the teachers in my building that had fall babies have kept their children home until they were 5.

Posted 7/7/11 2:34 PM

My boys :-)

Member since 3/09

6659 total posts


Re: December Babies- School cut off date

Posted by Budjeg11

Posted by bluekat16

Dec 16th is a fabulous EDD Chat Icon (that's my birthday). Not sure what it is but it may depend on school district on LI. Just call the school district you're in. I'm a Queens girls so I went into kindergarten at 4 yrs old. I do hear it's earlier on LI.

Well thanks, I think so too!!! Chat Icon
Im a queens girl myself, but born in May- I remember Dec 31 being the date though for NYC public schools.

Did it ever bother or effect you that you were one of the younger kids in teh classroom?

Thanks ladies!

I really didn't feel the effects of being one of the youngest...never thought about it actually.

My niece was born 12/18/01 and she went in at 4 yrs old (she's in Queens) and is doing great and has been consistently on the honor rolll.

Posted 7/7/11 2:49 PM

5,000 Posts!

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Re: December Babies- School cut off date

Posted by jamiemarie12

In Long Island the cut off is November 30th. My birthday is December 12th, I started school in Staten Island and NYC education system has a cut off date of December 31st.

This isn't true--my SD (Nassau County) growing up had a 12/31 cutoff. I don't really understand why most schools don't use the regular calendar???? What difference does that one month make?

FWIW, my HS valedictorian was born 12/21 and I graduated 9th in my class and am a December baby too!!

Posted 7/7/11 3:03 PM

Love my little girls!!! <3

Member since 6/10

10818 total posts


Re: December Babies- School cut off date

Posted by Katareen

Posted by jamiemarie12

In Long Island the cut off is November 30th. My birthday is December 12th, I started school in Staten Island and NYC education system has a cut off date of December 31st.

This isn't true--my SD (Nassau County) growing up had a 12/31 cutoff. I don't really understand why most schools don't use the regular calendar???? What difference does that one month make?

FWIW, my HS valedictorian was born 12/21 and I graduated 9th in my class and am a December baby too!!

yeah, my nassau SD was also 12/31.

Posted 7/7/11 3:11 PM

Mommy of 2 girls!

Member since 5/10

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Re: December Babies- School cut off date

Ive been thinking about this as well. I am due Nov 17th. So would think she would start K in 2016 when she is almost 5??? This confuses me since my bday is Feb. I was always the oldest.

Posted 7/7/11 4:18 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/10

752 total posts


Re: December Babies- School cut off date

I am due Nov 25th and am thinking about holding back. I am a School Psychologist and definitely see the benefits to holding a child back - not necessarily academically, but in terms of social-emotional functioning. Anyone know how hard it is to hold a child back? Are LI school districts as strict as NYC when it comes to birthday cutoffs?

Posted 7/7/11 6:55 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/10

752 total posts


Re: December Babies- School cut off date

Posted by MrsG72907

Ive been thinking about this as well. I am due Nov 17th. So would think she would start K in 2016 when she is almost 5??? This confuses me since my bday is Feb. I was always the oldest.

It actually means your little one will be turning 5 in November of Kindergarten. When she starts school she will be 4 years, 10 months

Posted 7/7/11 6:57 PM

I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

20105 total posts


Re: December Babies- School cut off date

It depends on the district. My twins bday is Dec 30, and the cutoff for our DS is Dec.1
So they will be 5 turning 6 when they start kindergarten. I will not push for them to start early, I'd rather they were the oldest than the youngest.
My bday is Jan 5 and I was always the oldest - I think it worked very well for me.

Posted 7/7/11 8:22 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/09

189 total posts


Re: December Babies- School cut off date

I am a teacher and I think it varies from child to child. Once your child is ready for school, you will be able to tell if they are social and emotionally prepared to start school. I have a fall birthday and my mom let me start kindergarten when I was 5 and I did totally fine throughout school. My youngest brother is also a fall baby but my mom waited with him. So I don't tihnk that there is a hard and fast rule - I think the decision should be made based on each individual child.

Also, as a teacher I find that girls tend to be a little more mature than boys. The fall/December girls seem to do much better than the boys do. As someone else earlier said, you can almost always tell the boys with the late b-days!!!!

Posted 7/7/11 8:40 PM

My Girls

Member since 11/06

9543 total posts


Re: December Babies- School cut off date

Most Long Island Schools are 12/1. My district is one of a few that are 12/31. We are in Comsewogue SD(Port Jefferson Station). My 10yr old missed our cutoff by 11days. It was such a benefit to her to be the oldest. I think it was a blessing!

Posted 7/7/11 9:53 PM

Baby girl has a baby brother!

Member since 11/09

7155 total posts


Re: December Babies- School cut off date

So funny reading all of this. I live OOS now in North Carolina and the cut-off date is the first day of school, which is usually the last week in August. So basically, if you're 5 by the first day of school, you start kindergarden.

It makes so much more sense to me.

My nephew's bday is 10/4 and they don't want to let him into kindergarden next year but my SIL is going to push to try to get him in.

It's funny because my brother was a January baby and was always the oldest in his class (on LI). DH is a January baby as well, but being from NC, he was always right in the middle of his class.

Posted 7/7/11 10:22 PM

You are my I love you

Member since 7/09

18802 total posts


Re: December Babies- School cut off date

Posted by Budjeg11

Posted by bluekat16

Dec 16th is a fabulous EDD Chat Icon (that's my birthday). Not sure what it is but it may depend on school district on LI. Just call the school district you're in. I'm a Queens girls so I went into kindergarten at 4 yrs old. I do hear it's earlier on LI.

Well thanks, I think so too!!! Chat Icon
Im a queens girl myself, but born in May- I remember Dec 31 being the date though for NYC public schools.

Did it ever bother or effect you that you were one of the younger kids in teh classroom?

Thanks ladies!

Queens girl here too Chat Icon I am a Dec baby and started Kindergarten at 4 and it was totally fine. Never bothered me at all!

Posted 7/7/11 11:20 PM


Member since 6/07

2024 total posts


Re: December Babies- School cut off date

My DD is due in September, but as a teacher I have thought about this being a possibility because the trend that I have been seeing is to hold back so that the child is the oldest in the class versus the youngest. I have seen both the pros and cons.

If for some reason I do not feel she is ready to begin K and would benefit more from another year of pre-school I have no problems holding her back when she really won't know better. This is not a decision that can be made now, I think it is a child by child decision that should be made once the child is in preschool. Some children would benefit from being the youngest in the grade because it would give them that push. Other children may benefit more from being the oldest.

Posted 7/8/11 8:38 AM

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