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2nd verse same as the 1st

Member since 5/05 15287 total posts
Re: Did you ever think of adopting?
Posted by hdrd0411
I don't understand why this is a bad question? I mean if you can't have children, but you want children, why wouldn't this be an honest question
Does anyone really think that a couple who struggled with infertility never thought of adoption?
Posted 1/20/12 4:54 PM |
Time for me to FLY!

Member since 5/05 13199 total posts
Name: Did I ever tell you that I hate people?
Re: Did you ever think of adopting?
Posted by Christine
Posted by hdrd0411
I don't understand why this is a bad question? I mean if you can't have children, but you want children, why wouldn't this be an honest question
Does anyone really think that a couple who struggled with infertility never thought of adoption?
ding ding ding!!!
Posted 1/20/12 7:24 PM |
I'm a PANK!!!

Member since 5/05 22334 total posts
Name: Professional Aunts No Kids
Re: Did you ever think of adopting?
Posted by hdrd0411
I don't understand why this is a bad question? I mean if you can't have children, but you want children, why wouldn't this be an honest question
because its RUDE!!!
Plain and simple...end of story!
Posted 1/20/12 8:22 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 2/11 200 total posts
Re: Did you ever think of adopting?
Posted by Lisa
Posted by hdrd0411
I don't understand why this is a bad question? I mean if you can't have children, but you want children, why wouldn't this be an honest question
because its RUDE!!!
Plain and simple...end of story!
ITA! To me, it is WAY beyond rude!
Posted 1/21/12 8:22 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/07 858 total posts
Name: alias
Re: Did you ever think of adopting?
Posted by hdrd0411
I don't understand why this is a bad question? I mean if you can't have children, but you want children, why wouldn't this be an honest question
It's nosy, it's rude, it's personal, it's none of your business, it's really personal...
Posted 1/21/12 9:08 PM |
My compass when I'm lost

Member since 5/11 2210 total posts
Name: My anchor when I get tossed
Re: Did you ever think of adopting?
Posted 1/27/12 8:25 AM |
My angel has a baby brother!

Member since 7/10 1050 total posts
Re: Did you ever think of adopting?
Oh yes the wonderful "you can still adopt" line
Posted 2/3/12 1:57 PM |
Insert Witty Comment Here

Member since 5/07 8274 total posts
Name: BunnyWife
Re: Did you ever think of adopting?
People are morons
Posted 2/3/12 4:13 PM |
Member since 5/05 1573 total posts
Re: Did you ever think of adopting?
Posted by LisaW
Posted by Christine
Posted by hdrd0411
I don't understand why this is a bad question? I mean if you can't have children, but you want children, why wouldn't this be an honest question
Does anyone really think that a couple who struggled with infertility never thought of adoption?
ding ding ding!!!
Exactly!! I also feel that it's nosy and rude. It's such an intensly personal decision and is not appropriate for public consumption.
Posted 2/15/12 11:31 AM |
<3 <3 <3 <3

Member since 1/06 19197 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: Did you ever think of adopting?
Posted by hdrd0411
I don't understand why this is a bad question? I mean if you can't have children, but you want children, why wouldn't this be an honest question
It's rude and nobody's business. Especially if you know that the couple were not able to have one of their own. If my IF treatments didn't work, we were not going to adopt. That was nobody's business why but our own.
Posted 2/15/12 6:51 PM |
Thank you, St. Gerard!

Member since 2/11 5043 total posts
Name: Antonella
Re: Did you ever think of adopting?
i think its incredibly ruse for people to even ask. Its a very personal matter and if we wanted to discuss it with you, we would. My SIL just announced she is preggers with her second child. She has been married 4 years. DH and I have been married for 9 months and we have been trying just as long. Our IF journey has not been easy so far with my issues...and i don't discuss those issues with anyone except DH and he and I both agreed we would not say anything to anyone. But everyone is already asking us, when will you have kids. I'm sorry, I didn't know that I had to announce to the world that we are "trying"
If and when I want to let you know what is going on in my private, personal life, i will. until then, stay out of it and keep your opinions to yourself.
Posted 2/24/12 10:29 AM |
The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05 18163 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Did you ever think of adopting?
Posted by MrsRbk
Posted by hdrd0411
I don't understand why this is a bad question? I mean if you can't have children, but you want children, why wouldn't this be an honest question
It's rude and nobody's business. Especially if you know that the couple were not able to have one of their own. If my IF treatments didn't work, we were not going to adopt. That was nobody's business why but our own.
I took the original situation as one where the person's IF issues were already part of the conversation. If not, I never advocate poking into someone's personal life. I HATE it when people ask me or other married couples when they are going to have children. I never ask (well we did discuss it with our best friends, but other than that) because you never know what someone is going through.
BUT I feel like if someone is telling you they're having trouble with IF, bringing up adoption is a natural response, even though I can see why people would find it rude. I just don't think it's intended in that manner.
Posted 3/15/12 6:14 PM |
Member since 1/06 9758 total posts
Message edited 3/8/2013 9:51:46 PM.
Posted 3/28/12 2:26 PM |
3 Girls for Me!
Member since 8/07 12475 total posts
Name: Keri
Re: Did you ever think of adopting?
Posted 3/30/12 4:47 PM |
And so it goes....

Member since 9/05 2217 total posts
Re: Did you ever think of adopting?
BTDT and Guilty - I have brought the subject up, more like added to the conversation with someone who is having a difficult time conciveing. We adopted our son. I share our experience if I think it may bring insight or in some way be helpfull.
I would not blurt out why dont you adopt any more than I would blut out when are you having a child. - that I think is rude.
Posted 5/8/12 12:11 PM |
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