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Member since 5/05 10311 total posts
Do any of you moms of infants have fake nails?
I'm torn. I really miss my gel nails, but I keep going back and forth on whether I should get them again.
Do they get in the way when you care for your baby? I don't keep my fake nails long at all but I worry that they may interfere somewhat.
On the other hand, my natural nails are thin and easily scratch DD, whereas my fake nails are somewhat thicker.
Message edited 12/29/2006 5:31:49 PM.
Posted 12/29/06 5:30 PM |
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Member since 5/05 22351 total posts
Re: Do any of you moms of infants have fake nails?
i don't have a baby (i always feel the need to preface what i'm saying with that, so that it doesn't seem like i'm speaking from experience or anything )
anyway... from a different perspective... fake nails are actually a breeding ground for bacteria (an obscene amount can grow in there in such a short amount of time). Its just something to take into consideration since your baby comes in contact with your hands so much
Posted 12/29/06 5:35 PM |
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Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: Do any of you moms of infants have fake nails?
Posted by neenie
i don't have a baby (i always feel the need to preface what i'm saying with that, so that it doesn't seem like i'm speaking from experience or anything )
anyway... from a different perspective... fake nails are actually a breeding ground for bacteria (an obscene amount can grow in there in such a short amount of time). Its just something to take into consideration since your baby comes in contact with your hands so much
This is one reason my friend freaked out on her mother-in-law who was constantly feeling for a tooth with fake nails.
I don't but I kept my nails squared & shorter when they were infants.
Posted 12/29/06 6:06 PM |
Life is good...

Member since 9/05 18504 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Do any of you moms of infants have fake nails?
I would not get fake nails, or even let my natural nails grow long for that matter.
I just think of all the times I change his diaper and "dirty" my hands. I wouldn't want that under my nails
Posted 12/29/06 6:13 PM |
Happy Days!

Member since 8/05 18208 total posts
Re: Do any of you moms of infants have fake nails?
I have acrylic nails, they are really short and I love them. They are really strong and I don't have any problems with any cooties or bugs, I wash my hands regularly so I wouldn't worry too much about germs (well I don't worry about germs anyway) I have never scratched Noah with them and he loves to stroke them when we cuddle. I don't see any reason why you shouldn't get your gel nails done if you want them.
On the BIG plus side, every other week on a saturday I go to the nail place, gossip with the ladies, get my nails done and my eyebrows waxed and BANG I am a new woman!!! Baby stays home with daddy....ahhh an hour of quiet!!!
eta...I can't remember a time when I changed Noah's diaper and got poo on me, so I wouldn't worry about it
Message edited 12/29/2006 6:17:06 PM.
Posted 12/29/06 6:13 PM |
My Everything

Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Re: Do any of you moms of infants have fake nails?
Nope but I've never had them. I get my natural nails manicured. I keep them cut short to the fingertip. This was always my preference though pre baby so it's not just for her.
Posted 12/29/06 6:18 PM |
me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05 12013 total posts
Name: Shana
Re: Do any of you moms of infants have fake nails?
I had them for awhile to feel "prettier" and better about myself. once a month...$50 with a pedicure, not too bad.
I got sick of them, the money was better used elsewhere, and when she started moving around more, I'd scratch her by accident and just wait till they start putting your fingers in their mouth....even without them with a nail that may be a little long....if they jam it too hard they get hurt and cry.
Posted 12/29/06 8:14 PM |
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Member since 6/05 1980 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Do any of you moms of infants have fake nails?
no, but I used to wear my natural nails quite long (they were pretty strong) & I round myself scratching DD occassionally and getting crud (diaper cream) stuck under them so now I only wear them short.
Posted 12/29/06 9:14 PM |
Re: Do any of you moms of infants have fake nails?
After I had DS my nails got really strong and long and they were like that for about 5 months. They didnt get in the way at all. I might have scratched him once or twice. One day 2 broke and I decided to cut them to all the same lenght and I am still trying to let them grow (I bite them when they are short). I think about getting them sometimes still but I dont want to spend the extra money on it every 2 weeks. Try them out and if it doesnt work go back and cut them down
Posted 12/30/06 9:03 AM |
Re: Do any of you moms of infants have fake nails?
I have had acrylic nails since Hayley was born. I keep them short and have no problems taking care of her.
Posted 12/30/06 9:11 AM |
Making big changes

Member since 5/05 16541 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: Do any of you moms of infants have fake nails?
I wouldn't get them for sanitary reasons and because I feel like they'd be a huge pain when changing diapers, but that's just me
Posted 12/30/06 9:21 AM |

Member since 11/05 3463 total posts
Name: does it matter
Re: Do any of you moms of infants have fake nails?
I have them as well, but keep them short, however if I am fortunate to get into nursing school off they go!!
Posted 12/30/06 10:06 AM |
My girls

Member since 5/05 7027 total posts
Name: Cheryl
Re: Do any of you moms of infants have fake nails?
i barely have time to get my natural nails manicured let alone keep up with fake ones! I don't think it's a great idea with a baby anyway.
Posted 12/30/06 10:22 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/05 2509 total posts
Name: michelle
Re: Do any of you moms of infants have fake nails?
i have had gel nails for as long as i could remember before kids, but have decided to go au natural now because 1.i dont really have time to maintain 2. i have come to like the look of short neat &natural(even tho they are extremely thin-i dont try to grow them-just keep them short) and 3.i found they got in the way of caring for the babies-ie changing diapers!
Posted 12/30/06 10:41 AM |
Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05 7395 total posts
Name: Catherine
Re: Do any of you moms of infants have fake nails?
I have not had them since Marron was born, not for any reason other than that I just didn't get them done. When I was PG, they were really strong so I didn't need to but in the past 3 months or so, they are so brittle and break all the time. I actually have an appt. to have them put on this afternoon. I always had them when I was caring for my sister's kids and when I worked in the infant room in a daycare and I never had any problems with scratching them or getting "stuff" under them.
As far as bacteria, I think as long as you take care of them, and don't let gaps form between the acrylic and your own nail, and keep them short enough, you will be fine. It is more of an issue for people who work in hosptials who are constantly in contact with "hosptial acquired bugs" which are more resistant to regular means of bacteria removal.
Posted 12/30/06 11:16 AM |
Happy New Year

Member since 5/05 17334 total posts
Re: Do any of you moms of infants have fake nails?
I don't do fake nails but at one point I grew my natural nails out pretty long and yes, they did get in the way especially during diaper changes, nose wiping, baths, nail clipping, etc. I scratched him pretty good once when loading him to the jumperoo - drew blood and everything - I felt so bad. I keep them shorter now.
Posted 12/30/06 12:45 PM |
I'm Getting Teeth!!!

Member since 4/06 1307 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: Do any of you moms of infants have fake nails?
My nails are a nice length not too long and I have acrylic wraps. I dont scratch my newborn nor do I have dirt under them.If you're clean there is not a problem...
Posted 12/30/06 1:16 PM |
Re: Do any of you moms of infants have fake nails?
I have them and love them. As far as the comments for being unsanitary, just wash your hands and you will have no problems.
Posted 12/30/06 3:06 PM |
All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05 20181 total posts
Re: Do any of you moms of infants have fake nails?
Posted by neenie
i don't have a baby (i always feel the need to preface what i'm saying with that, so that it doesn't seem like i'm speaking from experience or anything )
anyway... from a different perspective... fake nails are actually a breeding ground for bacteria (an obscene amount can grow in there in such a short amount of time). Its just something to take into consideration since your baby comes in contact with your hands so much
I can agree with this comment. I took a Microbiology course and we did swabs under our fake nails for our professor The bacteria under there was scary (and we were very clean girls). I can't have them since my hands are in peoples mouths 2 x a week. My real nails are very strong and I keep them at a very active length. I think if they make you happy and the $$ isn't an issue then do it!
Message edited 12/30/2006 3:34:32 PM.
Posted 12/30/06 3:31 PM |

Member since 4/06 2784 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Do any of you moms of infants have fake nails?
Who has the time to sit at the nail salon every week? I am lucky if I get a manicure once in a while!
Posted 12/30/06 3:47 PM |
Re: Do any of you moms of infants have fake nails?
Posted by BabyAvocado
I don't do fake nails but at one point I grew my natural nails out pretty long and yes, they did get in the way especially during diaper changes, nose wiping, baths, nail clipping, etc. I scratched him pretty good once when loading him to the jumperoo - drew blood and everything - I felt so bad. I keep them shorter now.
I agree, mine are a lot shorter now - I was scratching DDs so much!
Posted 12/30/06 4:24 PM |

Member since 5/05 23599 total posts
Name: Stefanie
Re: Do any of you moms of infants have fake nails?
I have fakies and love them. I wash my hands, keep em short and never scratch Jared either.
As for the germs...they can pick up germs in other ways than under my nails. I don't stick my finger in his mouth and/or in his poo, so I'm good...
Posted 12/30/06 4:45 PM |
Turning a new page

Member since 5/05 9731 total posts
Name: Dina
Re: Do any of you moms of infants have fake nails?
i have natural nails that are pretty long- I guess I am lucky since being preg they grew and are really strong & no longer peel... anyway- I just keep my hands v. clean and keep a pump of antibacterial gel on her changing table.
Posted 12/30/06 8:02 PM |
I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05 6905 total posts
Re: Do any of you moms of infants have fake nails?
My cousin is a pediatric cancer nurse and they were told no fake nails that they are a hot bed of bacteria. So I follow suit. Doesn't hurt either that I am allergic to acrylic but no gel nails for me either.
Posted 12/30/06 8:08 PM |

Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: Do any of you moms of infants have fake nails?
Posted by neenie
i don't have a baby (i always feel the need to preface what i'm saying with that, so that it doesn't seem like i'm speaking from experience or anything )
anyway... from a different perspective... fake nails are actually a breeding ground for bacteria (an obscene amount can grow in there in such a short amount of time). Its just something to take into consideration since your baby comes in contact with your hands so much
I agree and saying I wash my hands is not enough. Bacteria gets trapped and you cant see it.
I remember my cousins son was so sick the first 3 months of his life , always with a runny nose etc....and the Dr actually told my cousin as one way of "figuring out" why he was getting sick, to first, take off her acrylic nails b/c of how much bacteria they trap.
to each their own, but I wouldnt have them with a newborn for that reason....
Posted 12/30/06 8:09 PM |
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