Do you consider Audio Books "reading"?
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10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06 26792 total posts
Name: Shawn
Do you consider Audio Books "reading"?
I don't have time to sit with a book anymore, and the radio has nothing but garbage on, so I decided to kill two birds with one stone, and start listening to Audio books during my commute. In the last few months, I've "read" several Stephen King books (my favorite author). I'm currently on book 7 of 7 of the Dark Tower series.
Posted 4/7/09 8:37 AM |
True love

Member since 6/05 12653 total posts
Re: Do you consider Audio Books "reading"?
When I had a long commuted, I listened to a few books and always refer to it as having "listened" to the book.
Posted 4/7/09 10:22 AM |
my 2 boys
Member since 10/08 4240 total posts
Re: Do you consider Audio Books "reading"?
dh sometimes listens to them. His drive into work is an hr. he finds it relaxing.
Me on the other hand enjoy reading, but obviously he cant read during his commute while driving
Posted 4/11/09 8:14 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 1/06 1018 total posts
Name: Jill
Re: Do you consider Audio Books "reading"?
Posted by GoldenRod
I don't have time to sit with a book anymore, and the radio has nothing but garbage on, so I decided to kill two birds with one stone, and start listening to Audio books during my commute. In the last few months, I've "read" several Stephen King books (my favorite author). I'm currently on book 7 of 7 of the Dark Tower series.
I just started doing this myself. Right now I am "reading/listening" to: To Kill a Mocking Bird. I love it! My daughter (2) falls right asleep during long drives. It is very peaceful and relaxing, so much less annoying than the radio!
Posted 4/13/09 1:04 PM |
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