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do you feel bad for your job because you are pregnant

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mom of two!

Member since 5/05

4368 total posts


Re: do you feel bad for your job because you are pregnant

Nope - not at all - enuff said.

Posted 2/3/09 2:21 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 8/05

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Re: do you feel bad for your job because you are pregnant

I think that this lady needs to be put back in her cage, I pay my taxes just like she does, and I am entitled to my maternity leave...just like she would be entitled to her disability, or her unemployment. We as taxpayers are entitled to get back everything that we put into it....

Posted 2/3/09 2:59 PM

HELLO Manolo !!

Member since 5/06

14562 total posts


Re: do you feel bad for your job because you are pregnant

I don't thnk she's a terrible person for saying that - She's a manager, she has to deal w/ the aftermath of employees going out on leave - it's a PITA to lose an employee mid year have to shuffle responsibilities, give work to someone who may not be as efficient or knowledgeable etc etc. -

Do I evern feel BAD about leaving? - Absolutely not. I have worked extremely hard to get to where I am, it's the company's policy to allow me a certain amount of time away from my job, and I'm not doing anything 'wrong' -

But I DO understand the pressure and stress a leave like that will put on my management team -

Posted 2/3/09 3:51 PM

my 2 boys

Member since 10/08

4240 total posts


Re: do you feel bad for your job because you are pregnant

I worked in an office where the receptionist was pregnant (2 weeks ahead of me). I told my old boss i was expecting as well bc i couldnt do certian procedures (im in the health field) he made a comment at the morning meeting that he should "call up his friend whos an OB/GYN and ask him for patients who are dental hygienists that have had hysterectomys...
As of today there have been several complaints about him to NYS regarding his treatment of pregnant staff from employees.

I also have a letter he sent a patient that states he should look for women who cannot have children...

I can not and will not work for someone who treats employees like this. My new boss is awesome--- knows of my mc knows im ttc again-- and supports me tremendously...

Message edited 2/3/2009 4:02:18 PM.

Posted 2/3/09 3:59 PM


Member since 11/07

15800 total posts


Re: do you feel bad for your job because you are pregnant

Posted by antoinette

I ask this because today my boss and I were talking, Im covering for a maternity leave ( Im not pregnant yet) and she was going on and on how its going to affect the company that this girl is out and how mothers shouldnt get special privelages because they choose to have a child. I was saying how we dont get enough time off to be with our babies( we only get 12 weeks most unpaid) and how other countries get a year and the Us should as well. And she just kept going on and on about how hard it is on productivity when a women has to go out on leave for a choice that she madeChat Icon And it just made me so angry. Mind you she has a child as well :mad I cant belive that she was saying these things. It makes me really nervous when/ I get pregnant in the future.....

I am TTC, but that is really sad that a woman would say that to another woman! I just don't have the words to express how angry that makes me! So we should have to chose whether to work or have a life? Come on! I don't blame you for taking offense!

Posted 2/3/09 4:36 PM
Pages: 1 [2]

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